   * Initializes default class loader. It inherits from classloader, which was used to load this
   * task, therefore build-in classes and resources are loaded automatically.
   * <p>Notice: task's classpath has priority over default classpath, therefore we are able to
   * easily override resources (templates)
  protected void initClassloader() {
    // NOTICE: we should use the same classloader, which was used to load this task
    // otherwise we won't be able to cast instances
    // (that were loaded via different class loaders)

    // we are introducting workaround,
    // that tries to add classpath for current task to original class loader
    // and stores original classpath
    // after the task is executed, classpath is restored

    ClassLoader classLoader = getClass().getClassLoader();
    if (classLoader instanceof AntClassLoader) {
      // add defined classpath
      AntClassLoader antClassLoader = (AntClassLoader) classLoader;
      savedClasspath = antClassLoader.getClasspath();

      Path cp = getClasspath();
      // add defined classpath to original path
      cp.add(new Path(getProject(), savedClasspath));
    } else {
      // create new class loader
      classLoader =
          new AntClassLoader(getClass().getClassLoader(), getProject(), getClasspath(), false);

    // set this class loader as new class loader for whole thread
    // ContextClassLoader is used in StringTemplate's PathGroupLoader and other classes
  public Runnable createTargetInstance(Target target, Properties localProperties, Logger logger) {
    //        System.out.println("DefaultProjectModel.createTargetInstance");
    AntClassLoader loader = null;
    DefaultResources resources;

    try {
      org.apache.tools.ant.types.Path classPath = toAntPath(resolvePathGroup(target, "classpath"));

      // Allow additional classes to added to the plugin classpath. This is primarily designed to
      // allow the additional of instrumented testing classes and libraries for code coverage of
      // integration
      // tests with Cobertura
      String key = "quokka.classpath." + target.getPlugin().getArtifact().getId().getGroup();

      if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
        log.debug("Searching for additional classpath with key: " + key);

      String additionalPath = System.getProperty(key);

      if ((additionalPath != null) && !additionalPath.trim().equals("")) {
        org.apache.tools.ant.types.Path existing = classPath;
        classPath = new org.apache.tools.ant.types.Path(antProject, additionalPath);
        log.verbose("Prefixing classpath with: " + classPath);
        classPath.append(existing); // Make sure additions override existing

      if ("true".equals(antProject.getProperty("quokka.project.debugclassloaders"))) {
        loader =
            new QuokkaLoader(target, antProject.getClass().getClassLoader(), antProject, classPath);
      } else {
        loader = antProject.createClassLoader(classPath);


      // Initialise this plugin
      Plugin plugin = target.getPlugin();

      Class pluginClass = Class.forName(plugin.getClassName(), true, loader);
      ws.quokka.core.plugin_spi.Plugin actualPlugin =
          (ws.quokka.core.plugin_spi.Plugin) pluginClass.newInstance();

      if (actualPlugin instanceof MetadataAware) {
        ((MetadataAware) actualPlugin).setMetadata(getMetadata());

      if (actualPlugin instanceof ResourcesAware) {
        resources = new DefaultResources(this, target, antProject, logger);
        ((ResourcesAware) actualPlugin).setResources(resources);

      if (actualPlugin instanceof RepositoryAware) {
        ((RepositoryAware) actualPlugin).setRepository(getRepository());

      if (actualPlugin instanceof RepositoryFactoryAware) {
        ((RepositoryFactoryAware) actualPlugin)
                (RepositoryFactory) antProject.getReference(ProjectHelper.REPOSITORY_FACTORY));

      if (actualPlugin instanceof ResolverAware) {
        ((ResolverAware) actualPlugin).setResolver(pathResolver);

      if (actualPlugin instanceof ModelFactoryAware) {
        ((ModelFactoryAware) actualPlugin).setModelFactory(getModelFactory());


      return actualPlugin.getTarget(
          (target.getTemplateName() != null) ? target.getTemplateName() : target.getName());
    } catch (Exception e) {
      throw new BuildException(e);
    } finally {
      if (loader != null) {