private List<Tuple> getAllTableStats(Schema outSchema) { List<TableStatsProto> statList = masterContext.getCatalog().getAllTableStats(); List<Tuple> tuples = new ArrayList<Tuple>(statList.size()); List<Column> columns = outSchema.getRootColumns(); Tuple aTuple; for (TableStatsProto stat : statList) { aTuple = new VTuple(outSchema.size()); for (int fieldId = 0; fieldId < columns.size(); fieldId++) { Column column = columns.get(fieldId); if ("tid".equalsIgnoreCase(column.getSimpleName())) { aTuple.put(fieldId, DatumFactory.createInt4(stat.getTid())); } else if ("num_rows".equalsIgnoreCase(column.getSimpleName())) { aTuple.put(fieldId, DatumFactory.createInt8(stat.getNumRows())); } else if ("num_bytes".equalsIgnoreCase(column.getSimpleName())) { aTuple.put(fieldId, DatumFactory.createInt8(stat.getNumBytes())); } } tuples.add(aTuple); } return tuples; }
@Override public Tuple next() throws IOException { Tuple aTuple; Tuple outTuple = new VTuple(outColumnNum); if (isClosed) { return null; } if (cachedData.size() == 0) { rescan(); } if (!scanNode.hasQual()) { if (currentRow < cachedData.size()) { aTuple = cachedData.get(currentRow++); projector.eval(aTuple, outTuple); outTuple.setOffset(aTuple.getOffset()); return outTuple; } return null; } else { while (currentRow < cachedData.size()) { aTuple = cachedData.get(currentRow++); if (qual.eval(aTuple).isTrue()) { projector.eval(aTuple, outTuple); return outTuple; } } return null; } }
private List<Tuple> getDatabases(Schema outSchema) { List<DatabaseProto> databases = masterContext.getCatalog().getAllDatabases(); List<Tuple> tuples = new ArrayList<Tuple>(databases.size()); List<Column> columns = outSchema.getRootColumns(); Tuple aTuple; for (DatabaseProto database : databases) { aTuple = new VTuple(outSchema.size()); for (int fieldId = 0; fieldId < columns.size(); fieldId++) { Column column = columns.get(fieldId); if ("db_id".equalsIgnoreCase(column.getSimpleName())) { aTuple.put(fieldId, DatumFactory.createInt4(database.getId())); } else if ("db_name".equalsIgnoreCase(column.getSimpleName())) { aTuple.put(fieldId, DatumFactory.createText(database.getName())); } else if ("space_id".equalsIgnoreCase(column.getSimpleName())) { if (database.hasSpaceId()) { aTuple.put(fieldId, DatumFactory.createInt4(database.getSpaceId())); } else { aTuple.put(fieldId, DatumFactory.createNullDatum()); } } } tuples.add(aTuple); } return tuples; }
private List<Tuple> getAllTableOptions(Schema outSchema) { List<TableOptionProto> optionList = masterContext.getCatalog().getAllTableOptions(); List<Tuple> tuples = new ArrayList<Tuple>(optionList.size()); List<Column> columns = outSchema.getRootColumns(); Tuple aTuple; for (TableOptionProto option : optionList) { aTuple = new VTuple(outSchema.size()); for (int fieldId = 0; fieldId < columns.size(); fieldId++) { Column column = columns.get(fieldId); if ("tid".equalsIgnoreCase(column.getSimpleName())) { aTuple.put(fieldId, DatumFactory.createInt4(option.getTid())); } else if ("key_".equalsIgnoreCase(column.getSimpleName())) { aTuple.put(fieldId, DatumFactory.createText(option.getKeyval().getKey())); } else if ("value_".equalsIgnoreCase(column.getSimpleName())) { aTuple.put(fieldId, DatumFactory.createText(option.getKeyval().getValue())); } } tuples.add(aTuple); } return tuples; }
@Override public Datum eval(Tuple params) { if (params.isBlankOrNull(0)) { return NullDatum.get(); } return DatumFactory.createFloat8(Math.asin(params.getFloat8(0))); }
@Override public Datum eval(Tuple params) { if (params.isBlankOrNull(0)) { return NullDatum.get(); } String ipstr = params.getText(0); return new Int4Datum(IPconvertUtil.ipstr2int(ipstr)); }
@Override public Datum eval(Tuple params) { if (params.isBlankOrNull(0) || params.isBlankOrNull(1)) { return NullDatum.get(); } String value = params.getText(0); String pattern = params.getText(1); TimeMeta tm = DateTimeFormat.parseDateTime(value, pattern); return new DateDatum(tm); }
@Override public Datum eval(Tuple params) { if (params.isBlankOrNull(0)) { return NullDatum.get(); } int value = params.getInt4(0); if (value <= 0 || value > 65525) { return NullDatum.get(); } else { return DatumFactory.createText(String.valueOf((char) value)); } }
private List<Tuple> getTables(Schema outSchema) { List<TableDescriptorProto> tables = masterContext.getCatalog().getAllTables(); List<Tuple> tuples = new ArrayList<Tuple>(tables.size()); List<Column> columns = outSchema.getRootColumns(); Tuple aTuple; for (TableDescriptorProto table : tables) { aTuple = new VTuple(outSchema.size()); for (int fieldId = 0; fieldId < columns.size(); fieldId++) { Column column = columns.get(fieldId); if ("tid".equalsIgnoreCase(column.getSimpleName())) { aTuple.put(fieldId, DatumFactory.createInt4(table.getTid())); } else if ("db_id".equalsIgnoreCase(column.getSimpleName())) { aTuple.put(fieldId, DatumFactory.createInt4(table.getDbId())); } else if ("table_name".equalsIgnoreCase(column.getSimpleName())) { aTuple.put(fieldId, DatumFactory.createText(table.getName())); } else if ("table_type".equalsIgnoreCase(column.getSimpleName())) { if (table.hasTableType()) { aTuple.put(fieldId, DatumFactory.createText(table.getTableType())); } else { aTuple.put(fieldId, DatumFactory.createNullDatum()); } } else if ("path".equalsIgnoreCase(column.getSimpleName())) { aTuple.put(fieldId, DatumFactory.createText(table.getPath())); } else if ("store_type".equalsIgnoreCase(column.getSimpleName())) { aTuple.put(fieldId, DatumFactory.createText(table.getStoreType())); } } tuples.add(aTuple); } return tuples; }
public boolean equals(Tuple tuple) { for (int i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { final int field = keyIndex[i]; final boolean n1 = keys[i] == null; final boolean n2 = tuple.isBlankOrNull(field); if (n1 && n2) { continue; } if (n1 ^ n2) { return false; } switch (keyTypes[i]) { case BOOLEAN: if ((Boolean) keys[i] != tuple.getBool(field)) return false; continue; case BIT: if ((Byte) keys[i] != tuple.getByte(field)) return false; continue; case INT1: case INT2: if ((Short) keys[i] != tuple.getInt2(field)) return false; continue; case INT4: case DATE: if ((Integer) keys[i] != tuple.getInt4(field)) return false; continue; case INT8: case TIME: case TIMESTAMP: if ((Long) keys[i] != tuple.getInt8(field)) return false; continue; case FLOAT4: if ((Float) keys[i] != tuple.getFloat4(field)) return false; continue; case FLOAT8: if ((Double) keys[i] != tuple.getFloat8(field)) return false; continue; case TEXT: case CHAR: case BLOB: if (!Arrays.equals((byte[]) keys[i], tuple.getBytes(field))) return false; continue; case DATUM: if (!keys[i].equals(tuple.asDatum(field))) return false; continue; } } return true; }
@Test public final void testComparatorsFromJoinQual() { Schema outerSchema = new Schema(); outerSchema.addColumn("employee.id1", CatalogUtil.newSimpleDataType(Type.INT4)); outerSchema.addColumn("employee.id2", CatalogUtil.newSimpleDataType(Type.INT4)); Schema innerSchema = new Schema(); innerSchema.addColumn("people.fid1", CatalogUtil.newSimpleDataType(Type.INT4)); innerSchema.addColumn("people.fid2", CatalogUtil.newSimpleDataType(Type.INT4)); FieldEval f1 = new FieldEval("employee.id1", CatalogUtil.newSimpleDataType(Type.INT4)); FieldEval f2 = new FieldEval("people.fid1", CatalogUtil.newSimpleDataType(Type.INT4)); FieldEval f3 = new FieldEval("employee.id2", CatalogUtil.newSimpleDataType(Type.INT4)); FieldEval f4 = new FieldEval("people.fid2", CatalogUtil.newSimpleDataType(Type.INT4)); EvalNode joinQual = new BinaryEval(EvalType.EQUAL, f1, f2); TupleComparator[] comparators = PlannerUtil.getComparatorsFromJoinQual(joinQual, outerSchema, innerSchema); Tuple t1 = new VTuple(2); t1.put(0, DatumFactory.createInt4(1)); t1.put(1, DatumFactory.createInt4(2)); Tuple t2 = new VTuple(2); t2.put(0, DatumFactory.createInt4(2)); t2.put(1, DatumFactory.createInt4(3)); TupleComparator outerComparator = comparators[0]; assertTrue(, t2) < 0); assertTrue(, t1) > 0); TupleComparator innerComparator = comparators[1]; assertTrue(, t2) < 0); assertTrue(, t1) > 0); // tests for composited join key EvalNode joinQual2 = new BinaryEval(EvalType.EQUAL, f3, f4); EvalNode compositedJoinQual = new BinaryEval(EvalType.AND, joinQual, joinQual2); comparators = PlannerUtil.getComparatorsFromJoinQual(compositedJoinQual, outerSchema, innerSchema); outerComparator = comparators[0]; assertTrue(, t2) < 0); assertTrue(, t1) > 0); innerComparator = comparators[1]; assertTrue(, t2) < 0); assertTrue(, t1) > 0); }
@Override public Datum eval(Tuple params) { Datum datum = params.get(0); if (datum instanceof NullDatum) return NullDatum.get(); return DatumFactory.createInt4(datum.asByteArray().length * 8); }
public void set(Tuple tuple) { for (int i = 0; i < keyTypes.length; i++) { final int field = keyIndex[i]; if (tuple.isBlankOrNull(field)) { keys[i] = null; continue; } switch (keyTypes[i]) { case BOOLEAN: keys[i] = tuple.getBool(field); break; case BIT: keys[i] = tuple.getByte(field); break; case INT1: case INT2: keys[i] = tuple.getInt2(field); break; case INT4: case DATE: keys[i] = tuple.getInt4(field); break; case INT8: case TIME: case TIMESTAMP: keys[i] = tuple.getInt8(field); break; case FLOAT4: keys[i] = tuple.getFloat4(field); break; case FLOAT8: keys[i] = tuple.getFloat8(field); break; case TEXT: case CHAR: case BLOB: keys[i] = tuple.getBytes(field); break; case DATUM: keys[i] = tuple.asDatum(field); break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } } }
@Override public Datum eval(Tuple tuple) { Datum resultDatum; for (int i = 0; i < tuple.size(); i++) { params[i] = WritableTypeConverter.convertDatum2Writable(tuple.asDatum(i)); } try { Writable result = (Writable) evalMethod.invoke(instance, params); resultDatum = WritableTypeConverter.convertWritable2Datum(result); } catch (Exception e) { throw new TajoInternalError(e); } return resultDatum; }
private List<Tuple> getTablespaces(Schema outSchema) { List<TablespaceProto> tablespaces = masterContext.getCatalog().getAllTablespaces(); List<Tuple> tuples = new ArrayList<Tuple>(tablespaces.size()); List<Column> columns = outSchema.getRootColumns(); Tuple aTuple; for (TablespaceProto tablespace : tablespaces) { aTuple = new VTuple(outSchema.size()); for (int fieldId = 0; fieldId < columns.size(); fieldId++) { Column column = columns.get(fieldId); if ("space_id".equalsIgnoreCase(column.getSimpleName())) { if (tablespace.hasId()) { aTuple.put(fieldId, DatumFactory.createInt4(tablespace.getId())); } else { aTuple.put(fieldId, DatumFactory.createNullDatum()); } } else if ("space_name".equalsIgnoreCase(column.getSimpleName())) { aTuple.put(fieldId, DatumFactory.createText(tablespace.getSpaceName())); } else if ("space_handler".equalsIgnoreCase(column.getSimpleName())) { if (tablespace.hasHandler()) { aTuple.put(fieldId, DatumFactory.createText(tablespace.getHandler())); } else { aTuple.put(fieldId, DatumFactory.createNullDatum()); } } else if ("space_uri".equalsIgnoreCase(column.getSimpleName())) { aTuple.put(fieldId, DatumFactory.createText(tablespace.getUri())); } } tuples.add(aTuple); } return tuples; }
@Before public void setUp() throws Exception { this.conf = new TajoConf(); util = new TajoTestingCluster(); catalog = util.startCatalogCluster().getCatalog(); testDir = CommonTestingUtil.getTestDir(TEST_PATH); conf.setVar(TajoConf.ConfVars.WORKER_TEMPORAL_DIR, testDir.toString()); sm = StorageManagerFactory.getStorageManager(conf, testDir); Schema schema = new Schema(); schema.addColumn("managerId", Type.INT4); schema.addColumn("empId", Type.INT4); schema.addColumn("deptName", Type.TEXT); TableMeta employeeMeta = CatalogUtil.newTableMeta(StoreType.CSV); Path employeePath = new Path(testDir, "employee.csv"); Appender appender = StorageManagerFactory.getStorageManager(conf) .getAppender(employeeMeta, schema, employeePath); appender.enableStats(); appender.init(); Tuple tuple = new VTuple(schema.getColumnNum()); for (int i = 0; i < numTuple; i++) { tuple.put( new Datum[] { DatumFactory.createInt4(rnd.nextInt(50)), DatumFactory.createInt4(rnd.nextInt(100)), DatumFactory.createText("dept_" + i), }); appender.addTuple(tuple); } appender.flush(); appender.close(); System.out.println( appender.getStats().getNumRows() + " rows (" + (appender.getStats().getNumBytes() / 1048576) + " MB)"); employee = new TableDesc("employee", schema, employeeMeta, employeePath); catalog.addTable(employee); analyzer = new SQLAnalyzer(); planner = new LogicalPlanner(catalog); }
private List<Tuple> getSessionInfo(Schema outSchema) { List<Tuple> outputs = Lists.newArrayList(); Tuple eachVariable; try { for (Map.Entry<String, String> var : masterContext.getSessionManager().getAllVariables(sessionId).entrySet()) { eachVariable = new VTuple(outSchema.size()); eachVariable.put(0, DatumFactory.createText(var.getKey())); eachVariable.put(1, DatumFactory.createText(var.getValue())); outputs.add(eachVariable); } } catch (InvalidSessionException e) { LOG.error(e); } return outputs; }
/** * It computes the value cardinality of a tuple range. * * @return */ public static BigDecimal computeCardinalityForAllColumns( Schema schema, TupleRange range, boolean inclusive) { Tuple start = range.getStart(); Tuple end = range.getEnd(); Column col; BigDecimal cardinality = new BigDecimal(1); BigDecimal columnCard; for (int i = 0; i < schema.getColumnNum(); i++) { col = schema.getColumn(i); columnCard = computeCardinality(col.getDataType(), start.get(i), end.get(i), inclusive); if (new BigDecimal(0).compareTo(columnCard) < 0) { cardinality = cardinality.multiply(columnCard); } } return cardinality; }
/** Called after all fields have been processed. */ @Override public void end() { for (int i = 0; i < projectionMap.length; ++i) { final int projectionIndex = projectionMap[i]; Column column = tajoReadSchema.getColumn(projectionIndex); if (column.getDataType().getType() == TajoDataTypes.Type.NULL_TYPE || currentTuple.isBlankOrNull(i)) { set(projectionIndex, NullDatum.get()); } } }
private void writeValue(Column column, Tuple tuple, int index) { switch (column.getDataType().getType()) { case BOOLEAN: recordConsumer.addBoolean(tuple.getBool(index)); break; case BIT: case INT2: case INT4: recordConsumer.addInteger(tuple.getInt4(index)); break; case INT8: recordConsumer.addLong(tuple.getInt8(index)); break; case FLOAT4: recordConsumer.addFloat(tuple.getFloat4(index)); break; case FLOAT8: recordConsumer.addDouble(tuple.getFloat8(index)); break; case CHAR: if (tuple.size(index) > column.getDataType().getLength()) { throw new ValueTooLongForTypeCharactersException(column.getDataType().getLength()); } recordConsumer.addBinary(Binary.fromByteArray(tuple.getTextBytes(index))); break; case TEXT: recordConsumer.addBinary(Binary.fromByteArray(tuple.getTextBytes(index))); break; case DATE: // Parquet DATE type is based on Unix Epoch(Jan 1, 1970). recordConsumer.addInteger(tuple.getInt4(index) - DateTimeConstants.UNIX_EPOCH_JDATE); break; case PROTOBUF: case BLOB: recordConsumer.addBinary(Binary.fromByteArray(tuple.getBytes(index))); break; default: break; } }
private List<Tuple> getAllPartitions(Schema outSchema) { List<TablePartitionProto> partitionList = masterContext.getCatalog().getAllPartitions(); List<Tuple> tuples = new ArrayList<Tuple>(partitionList.size()); List<Column> columns = outSchema.getRootColumns(); Tuple aTuple; for (TablePartitionProto partition : partitionList) { aTuple = new VTuple(outSchema.size()); for (int fieldId = 0; fieldId < columns.size(); fieldId++) { Column column = columns.get(fieldId); if ("partition_id".equalsIgnoreCase(column.getSimpleName())) { aTuple.put(fieldId, DatumFactory.createInt4(partition.getPartitionId())); } else if ("tid".equalsIgnoreCase(column.getSimpleName())) { aTuple.put(fieldId, DatumFactory.createInt4(partition.getTid())); } else if ("partition_name".equalsIgnoreCase(column.getSimpleName())) { if (partition.hasPartitionName()) { aTuple.put(fieldId, DatumFactory.createText(partition.getPartitionName())); } else { aTuple.put(fieldId, DatumFactory.createNullDatum()); } } else if ("path".equalsIgnoreCase(column.getSimpleName())) { aTuple.put(fieldId, DatumFactory.createText(partition.getPath())); } } tuples.add(aTuple); } return tuples; }
@Override public Datum eval(Tuple params) { if (params.isBlankOrNull(0) || params.isBlankOrNull(1)) { return NullDatum.get(); } String fillText; if (hasFillCharacters) { fillText = params.getText(2); } else { fillText = " "; } String input = params.getText(0); int expected = params.getInt4(1); int templen = expected - params.size(0); if (templen <= 0) { return DatumFactory.createText(input.substring(0, expected)); } else { return DatumFactory.createText(StringUtils.leftPad(input, expected, fillText)); } }
private List<Tuple> getIndexes(Schema outSchema) { List<IndexProto> indexList = masterContext.getCatalog().getAllIndexes(); List<Tuple> tuples = new ArrayList<Tuple>(indexList.size()); List<Column> columns = outSchema.getRootColumns(); Tuple aTuple; for (IndexProto index : indexList) { aTuple = new VTuple(outSchema.size()); for (int fieldId = 0; fieldId < columns.size(); fieldId++) { Column column = columns.get(fieldId); if ("db_id".equalsIgnoreCase(column.getSimpleName())) { aTuple.put(fieldId, DatumFactory.createInt4(index.getDbId())); } else if ("tid".equalsIgnoreCase(column.getSimpleName())) { aTuple.put(fieldId, DatumFactory.createInt4(index.getTId())); } else if ("index_name".equalsIgnoreCase(column.getSimpleName())) { aTuple.put(fieldId, DatumFactory.createText(index.getIndexName())); } else if ("column_name".equalsIgnoreCase(column.getSimpleName())) { aTuple.put(fieldId, DatumFactory.createText(index.getColumnName())); } else if ("data_type".equalsIgnoreCase(column.getSimpleName())) { aTuple.put(fieldId, DatumFactory.createText(index.getDataType())); } else if ("index_type".equalsIgnoreCase(column.getSimpleName())) { aTuple.put(fieldId, DatumFactory.createText(index.getIndexType())); } else if ("is_unique".equalsIgnoreCase(column.getSimpleName())) { aTuple.put(fieldId, DatumFactory.createBool(index.getIsUnique())); } else if ("is_clustered".equalsIgnoreCase(column.getSimpleName())) { aTuple.put(fieldId, DatumFactory.createBool(index.getIsClustered())); } else if ("is_ascending".equalsIgnoreCase(column.getSimpleName())) { aTuple.put(fieldId, DatumFactory.createBool(index.getIsAscending())); } } tuples.add(aTuple); } return tuples; }
protected final void set(int index, Tuple tuple, int field) { if (tuple.isBlankOrNull(field)) { nulls.set(index); return; } nulls.clear(index); switch (type) { case 0: booleans[index] = tuple.getBool(field); break; case 1: bits[index] = tuple.getByte(field); break; case 2: shorts[index] = tuple.getInt2(field); break; case 3: ints[index] = tuple.getInt4(field); break; case 4: longs[index] = tuple.getInt8(field); break; case 5: floats[index] = tuple.getFloat4(field); break; case 6: doubles[index] = tuple.getFloat8(field); break; case 7: bytes[index] = tuple.getBytes(field); break; case 8: ints[index] = tuple.getInt4(field); break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } }
private List<Tuple> getColumns(Schema outSchema) { List<ColumnProto> columnsList = masterContext.getCatalog().getAllColumns(); List<Tuple> tuples = new ArrayList<Tuple>(columnsList.size()); List<Column> columns = outSchema.getRootColumns(); Tuple aTuple; int columnId = 1, prevtid = -1, tid = 0; for (ColumnProto column : columnsList) { aTuple = new VTuple(outSchema.size()); tid = column.getTid(); if (prevtid != tid) { columnId = 1; prevtid = tid; } for (int fieldId = 0; fieldId < columns.size(); fieldId++) { Column colObj = columns.get(fieldId); if ("tid".equalsIgnoreCase(colObj.getSimpleName())) { if (column.hasTid()) { aTuple.put(fieldId, DatumFactory.createInt4(tid)); } else { aTuple.put(fieldId, DatumFactory.createNullDatum()); } } else if ("column_name".equalsIgnoreCase(colObj.getSimpleName())) { aTuple.put(fieldId, DatumFactory.createText(column.getName())); } else if ("ordinal_position".equalsIgnoreCase(colObj.getSimpleName())) { aTuple.put(fieldId, DatumFactory.createInt4(columnId)); } else if ("data_type".equalsIgnoreCase(colObj.getSimpleName())) { aTuple.put(fieldId, DatumFactory.createText(column.getDataType().getType().toString())); } else if ("type_length".equalsIgnoreCase(colObj.getSimpleName())) { DataType dataType = column.getDataType(); if (dataType.hasLength()) { aTuple.put(fieldId, DatumFactory.createInt4(dataType.getLength())); } else { aTuple.put(fieldId, DatumFactory.createNullDatum()); } } } columnId++; tuples.add(aTuple); } return tuples; }
private void writeRecordFields(GroupType schema, Schema tajoSchema, Tuple tuple) { List<Type> fields = schema.getFields(); // Parquet ignores Tajo NULL_TYPE columns, so the index may differ. int index = 0; for (int tajoIndex = 0; tajoIndex < tajoSchema.size(); ++tajoIndex) { Column column = tajoSchema.getColumn(tajoIndex); if (column.getDataType().getType() == TajoDataTypes.Type.NULL_TYPE) { continue; } Type fieldType = fields.get(index); if (!tuple.isBlankOrNull(tajoIndex)) { recordConsumer.startField(fieldType.getName(), index); writeValue(column, tuple, tajoIndex); recordConsumer.endField(fieldType.getName(), index); } else if (fieldType.isRepetition(Type.Repetition.REQUIRED)) { throw new RuntimeException("Null-value for required field: " + column.getSimpleName()); } ++index; } }
@Override public void merge(FunctionContext ctx, Tuple part) { ((CountRowContext) ctx).count += part.get(0).asInt8(); }
public Tuple next() throws IOException { Tuple previous; for (; ; ) { if (!outerIterator.hasNext() && !innerIterator.hasNext()) { if (end) { return null; } if (outerTuple == null) { outerTuple =; } if (innerTuple == null) { innerTuple =; } outerTupleSlots.clear(); innerTupleSlots.clear(); int cmp; while ((cmp =, innerTuple)) != 0) { if (cmp > 0) { innerTuple =; } else if (cmp < 0) { outerTuple =; } if (innerTuple == null || outerTuple == null) { return null; } } try { previous = outerTuple.clone(); do { outerTupleSlots.add(outerTuple.clone()); outerTuple =; if (outerTuple == null) { end = true; break; } } while (tupleComparator[0].compare(previous, outerTuple) == 0); outerIterator = outerTupleSlots.iterator(); outerNext =; previous = innerTuple.clone(); do { innerTupleSlots.add(innerTuple.clone()); innerTuple =; if (innerTuple == null) { end = true; break; } } while (tupleComparator[1].compare(previous, innerTuple) == 0); innerIterator = innerTupleSlots.iterator(); } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) { } } if (!innerIterator.hasNext()) { outerNext =; innerIterator = innerTupleSlots.iterator(); } frameTuple.set(outerNext,; joinQual.eval(qualCtx, inSchema, frameTuple); if (joinQual.terminate(qualCtx).asBool()) { projector.eval(evalContexts, frameTuple); projector.terminate(evalContexts, outTuple); return outTuple; } } }
private void set(int index, Object value) { currentTuple.put(index, (Datum) value); }
@Before public void setup() throws Exception { this.randomValues = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>(); this.conf = new TajoConf(); util = new TajoTestingCluster(); util.startCatalogCluster(); catalog = util.getMiniCatalogCluster().getCatalog(); Path workDir = CommonTestingUtil.getTestDir(); catalog.createTablespace(DEFAULT_TABLESPACE_NAME, workDir.toUri().toString()); catalog.createDatabase(TajoConstants.DEFAULT_DATABASE_NAME, DEFAULT_TABLESPACE_NAME); sm = StorageManagerFactory.getStorageManager(conf, workDir); idxPath = new Path(workDir, "test.idx"); Schema schema = new Schema(); schema.addColumn("managerid", Type.INT4); schema.addColumn("empid", Type.INT4); schema.addColumn("deptname", Type.TEXT); this.idxSchema = new Schema(); idxSchema.addColumn("managerid", Type.INT4); SortSpec[] sortKeys = new SortSpec[1]; sortKeys[0] = new SortSpec(idxSchema.getColumn("managerid"), true, false); this.comp = new TupleComparator(idxSchema, sortKeys); this.writer = new BSTIndex(conf) .getIndexWriter(idxPath, BSTIndex.TWO_LEVEL_INDEX, this.idxSchema, this.comp); writer.setLoadNum(100);; long offset; meta = CatalogUtil.newTableMeta(StoreType.CSV); tablePath = StorageUtil.concatPath(workDir, "employee", "table.csv"); fs = tablePath.getFileSystem(conf); fs.mkdirs(tablePath.getParent()); FileAppender appender = (FileAppender) StorageManagerFactory.getStorageManager(conf).getAppender(meta, schema, tablePath); appender.init(); Tuple tuple = new VTuple(schema.size()); for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++) { Tuple key = new VTuple(this.idxSchema.size()); int rndKey = rnd.nextInt(250); if (this.randomValues.containsKey(rndKey)) { int t = this.randomValues.remove(rndKey) + 1; this.randomValues.put(rndKey, t); } else { this.randomValues.put(rndKey, 1); } key.put(new Datum[] {DatumFactory.createInt4(rndKey)}); tuple.put( new Datum[] { DatumFactory.createInt4(rndKey), DatumFactory.createInt4(rnd.nextInt(10)), DatumFactory.createText("dept_" + rnd.nextInt(10)) }); offset = appender.getOffset(); appender.addTuple(tuple); writer.write(key, offset); } appender.flush(); appender.close(); writer.close(); TableDesc desc = new TableDesc( CatalogUtil.buildFQName(TajoConstants.DEFAULT_DATABASE_NAME, "employee"), schema, meta, sm.getTablePath("employee")); catalog.createTable(desc); analyzer = new SQLAnalyzer(); planner = new LogicalPlanner(catalog); optimizer = new LogicalOptimizer(conf); }