public boolean catalogAlreadyExists(Connection conn) { boolean result = false; try { List<String> constants = TUtil.newList(); constants.add(CatalogConstants.TB_META); constants.add(CatalogConstants.TB_SPACES); constants.add(CatalogConstants.TB_DATABASES); constants.add(CatalogConstants.TB_TABLES); constants.add(CatalogConstants.TB_COLUMNS); constants.add(CatalogConstants.TB_OPTIONS); constants.add(CatalogConstants.TB_INDEXES); constants.add(CatalogConstants.TB_STATISTICS); constants.add(CatalogConstants.TB_PARTITION_METHODS); constants.add(CatalogConstants.TB_PARTTIONS); constants.add(CatalogConstants.TB_PARTTION_KEYS); for (String constant : constants) { if (checkExistence(conn, DatabaseObjectType.TABLE, constant)) { return true; } } } catch (SQLException e) { throw new TajoInternalError(e); } return result; }
public void upgradeBaseSchema(Connection conn, int currentVersion) { if (!isLoaded()) { throw new TajoInternalError("Database schema files are not loaded."); } final List<SchemaPatch> candidatePatches = new ArrayList<>(); Statement stmt; for (SchemaPatch patch : this.catalogStore.getPatches()) { if (currentVersion >= patch.getPriorVersion()) { candidatePatches.add(patch); } } Collections.sort(candidatePatches); try { stmt = conn.createStatement(); } catch (SQLException e) { throw new TajoInternalError(e); } for (SchemaPatch patch : candidatePatches) { for (DatabaseObject object : patch.getObjects()) { try { stmt.executeUpdate(object.getSql()); + " " + object.getType() + " was created or altered."); } catch (SQLException e) { throw new TajoInternalError(e); } } } CatalogUtil.closeQuietly(stmt); }
protected List<DatabaseObject> mergeDatabaseObjects(List<DatabaseObject> objects) { int maxIdx = -1; for (DatabaseObject object : objects) { maxIdx = Math.max(maxIdx, object.getOrder()); } final List<DatabaseObject> orderedObjects = createListAndFillNull(maxIdx); final List<DatabaseObject> unorderedObjects = new ArrayList<>(); final List<DatabaseObject> mergedObjects = new ArrayList<>(); for (DatabaseObject object : objects) { if (object.getOrder() > -1) { int objIdx = object.getOrder(); if (objIdx < orderedObjects.size() && orderedObjects.get(objIdx) != null) { throw new TajoInternalError( "This catalog configuration contains duplicated order of DatabaseObject"); } orderedObjects.add(objIdx, object); } else { unorderedObjects.add(object); } } for (DatabaseObject object : orderedObjects) { if (object != null) { mergedObjects.add(object); } } for (DatabaseObject object : unorderedObjects) { if (object != null) { mergedObjects.add(object); } } return mergedObjects; }
protected String[] listFileResources(URL dirURL, String schemaPath, FilenameFilter filter) throws URISyntaxException, IOException { String[] files; String[] tempFiles; List<String> filesList = new ArrayList<>(); File dirFile = new File(dirURL.toURI()); tempFiles = dirFile.list(filter); files = new String[tempFiles.length]; for (String fileName : tempFiles) { filesList.add(schemaPath + "/" + fileName); } files = filesList.toArray(files); return files; }
public void dropBaseSchema(Connection conn) { if (!isLoaded()) { throw new TajoInternalError("Schema files are not loaded yet."); } List<DatabaseObject> failedObjects = new ArrayList<>(); Statement stmt = null; try { stmt = conn.createStatement(); } catch (SQLException e) { throw new TajoInternalError(e); } for (DatabaseObject object : catalogStore.getSchema().getObjects()) { try { if (DatabaseObjectType.TABLE == object.getType() || DatabaseObjectType.SEQUENCE == object.getType() || DatabaseObjectType.VIEW == object.getType()) { stmt.executeUpdate(getDropSQL(object.getType(), object.getName())); } } catch (SQLException e) { failedObjects.add(object); } } CatalogUtil.closeQuietly(stmt); if (failedObjects.size() > 0) { StringBuffer errorMessage = new StringBuffer(64); errorMessage.append("Failed to drop database objects "); for (int idx = 0; idx < failedObjects.size(); idx++) { DatabaseObject object = failedObjects.get(idx); errorMessage.append(object.getType().toString()).append(" ").append(object.getName()); if ((idx + 1) < failedObjects.size()) { errorMessage.append(','); } } LOG.warn(errorMessage.toString()); } }
protected void loadFromXmlFile( XMLInputFactory xmlIf, URL filePath, List<StoreObject> storeObjects) throws IOException, XMLStreamException { XMLStreamReader xmlReader; xmlReader = xmlIf.createXMLStreamReader(filePath.openStream()); try { while (xmlReader.hasNext()) { if ( == XMLStreamConstants.START_ELEMENT && "store".equals(xmlReader.getLocalName())) { StoreObject catalogStore = loadCatalogStore(xmlReader); if (catalogStore != null) { storeObjects.add(catalogStore); } } } } finally { try { xmlReader.close(); } catch (XMLStreamException ignored) { } } }