protected void writeBuffer() throws IOException {
    if (_fileCursor < 0 || _bufferSize <= 0) return;

    // the old file will be overwritten
    Path path = getFilePath(_fileCursor);
    // System.out.println( "write buffer: "+path.toString() );
    LocalFileUtils.writeBlockSequenceToLocal(path.toString(), _buffer, _bufferSize);
  protected void loadBuffer() throws IOException {
    _bufferSize = 0;
    if (_bufferMap != null) _bufferMap.clear();

    Path path = getFilePath(_fileCursor);

    if (_fs.exists(path)) {
      // System.out.println( "load buffer: "+path.toString() );
      _bufferSize = LocalFileUtils.readBlockSequenceFromLocal(path.toString(), _buffer, _bufferMap);
    public void map(
        LongWritable key, Text value, OutputCollector<Writable, Writable> out, Reporter reporter)
        throws IOException {
      try {
        String task = value.toString();"Running cleanup task: " + task + " (" + _dir + ") ... ");

        int count = LocalFileUtils.cleanupRcWorkingDirectory(_dir);"Done - deleted " + count + " files.");
      } catch (Exception ex) {
        // throw IO exception to adhere to API specification
        throw new IOException("Failed to execute cleanup task.", ex);