public void handleDebugFunctionEntry(FunctionCallCPInstruction funCallInst)
     throws DMLRuntimeException {
   // push caller frame into call stack
   _dbState.pushFrame(getVariables(), _dbState.getPC());
   // initialize pc for callee's frame
   _dbState.pc =
       new DMLProgramCounter(funCallInst.getNamespace(), funCallInst.getFunctionName(), 0, 0);
  * This function should be called only if user has specified -debug option. In this function, if
  * the user has issued one of the step instructions or has enabled suspend flag in previous
  * instruction (through breakpoint), then it will wait until user issues a new debugger command.
  * @param currInst current instruction
  * @throws DMLRuntimeException if DMLRuntimeException occurs
 private void suspendIfAskedInDebugMode(Instruction currInst) throws DMLRuntimeException {
   if (!DMLScript.ENABLE_DEBUG_MODE) {
         "ERROR: The function suspendIfAskedInDebugMode should not be called in non-debug mode.");
   // check for stepping options
   if (!_dbState.suspend && _dbState.dbCommand != null) {
     if (_dbState.dbCommand.equalsIgnoreCase("step_instruction")) {
       System.out.format("Step instruction reached at %s.\n", _dbState.getPC().toString());
       _dbState.suspend = true;
     } else if (_dbState.dbCommand.equalsIgnoreCase("step_line")
         && _dbState.prevPC.getLineNumber() != currInst.getLineNum()
         && _dbState.prevPC.getLineNumber() != 0) {
       // Don't step into first instruction of first line
       // System.out.format("Step reached at %s.\n", this._prog.getPC().toString());
       System.out.format("Step reached at %s.\n", _dbState.getPC().toStringWithoutInstructionID());
       _dbState.suspend = true;
     } else if (_dbState.dbCommand.equalsIgnoreCase("step return")
         && currInst instanceof FunctionCallCPInstruction) {
       FunctionCallCPInstruction funCallInst = (FunctionCallCPInstruction) currInst;
       if (_dbState.dbCommandArg == null
           || funCallInst.getFunctionName().equalsIgnoreCase(_dbState.dbCommandArg)) {
             "Step return reached at %s.\n", _dbState.getPC().toStringWithoutInstructionID());
         _dbState.suspend = true;
   // check if runtime suspend signal is set
   if (_dbState.suspend) {
     // flush old commands and arguments
     _dbState.dbCommand = null;
     _dbState.dbCommandArg = null;
     // print current DML script source line
     if (currInst.getLineNum() != 0) _dbState.printDMLSourceLine(currInst.getLineNum());
     // save current symbol table
     // send next command signal to debugger control module
     _dbState.nextCommand = true;
     // suspend runtime execution thread
     // reset next command signal
     _dbState.nextCommand = false;
   // reset runtime suspend signal
   _dbState.suspend = false;
   // update previous pc