public ActionForward execute( ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) throws Exception { req.getSession().setAttribute("Maintain", null); String id = req.getParameter("id"); String answerInfo = req.getParameter("answerInfo"); String userId = (String) req.getSession().getAttribute(WebKeys.USER_ID); String operator = req.getParameter("operator"); String accidentExplain = req.getParameter("accidentExplain"); String operatorDepend = req.getParameter("operatorDepend"); String operatorStep = req.getParameter("operatorStep"); String applyPeople = req.getParameter("applyPeople"); String applyEmail = req.getParameter("applyEmail"); String[] MaintainType = req.getParameterValues("maintainType"); try { if (MaintainType == null) { SessionErrors.add(req, EcardConstants.CHOOSE_MAINTAIN_TYPE); return mapping.getInputForward(); } if (MaintainUtil.answerMaintainInfo( id, userId, answerInfo, MaintainType, operator, accidentExplain, operatorDepend, operatorStep, applyPeople, applyEmail) == true) { SessionErrors.add(req, EcardConstants.EDIT_INFO_SUCCESS); req.getSession().setAttribute("Maintain", null); Maintain maintain = MaintainUtil.getMaintainById(id); req.setAttribute("status", maintain.getStatus()); return mapping.findForward("portlet.maintain.admin"); } else { return mapping.getInputForward(); } /*if (isTokenValid(req)) { MaintainUtil.addMaintain(applyTitle,applyInfo, MaintainType,userId); resetToken(req); }*/ } catch (PortalException pe) { req.setAttribute(PageContext.EXCEPTION, pe); return mapping.findForward(Constants.COMMON_ERROR); } }
public ActionForward deleteClasses( ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { DynaActionForm deleteClassesForm = (DynaActionForm) form; String[] selectedClasses = (String[]) deleteClassesForm.get("selectedItems"); if (selectedClasses.length == 0) { ActionErrors actionErrors = new ActionErrors(); actionErrors.add("errors.classes.notSelected", new ActionError("errors.classes.notSelected")); saveErrors(request, actionErrors); return mapping.getInputForward(); } List<String> classOIDs = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String selectedClasse : selectedClasses) { classOIDs.add(selectedClasse); }; return listClasses(mapping, form, request, response); }
@Override public ActionForward execute( ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm actionForm, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { ActionErrors errors = new ActionErrors(); try { return super.execute(mapping, actionForm, request, response); } catch (WrongImportFileSpreadsheetImporterException e) { errors.add(ActionErrors.GLOBAL_ERROR, new ActionError("import.status.corrupted_file")); } catch (MissingFieldSpreadsheetImporterException e) { errors.add( ActionErrors.GLOBAL_ERROR, new ActionError("import.status.missing_required_field", e.getField())); } catch (MissingColumnHeaderSpreadsheetImporterException e) { errors.add( ActionErrors.GLOBAL_ERROR, new ActionError("import.status.wrong_header", e.getColumnName())); } catch (MissingWorksheetException e) { errors.add( ActionErrors.GLOBAL_ERROR, new ActionError("import.status.worksheet_not_found", e.getWorksheetName())); } saveErrors(request, errors); return mapping.getInputForward(); }
public ActionForward execute( ActionMapping actionMapping, ActionForm actionForm, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { UrgebookForm aWebForm = (UrgebookForm) actionForm; if (aWebForm.getMethod() == null) { // 初次进行页面,需要取初始值 Deal.setBookDefault(aWebForm, request, response); // 设置进入增加页面的初始值 return actionMapping.getInputForward(); } else { String sMessage = "未能找到 " + aWebForm.getMethod() + " 对应的处理方法"; CCommonMessage mMessage = new CCommonMessage(); // 统一提示页面 mMessage.setMessage(sMessage); // 默认为"处理成功!" // if (aWebForm.getMethod().equals("print")) { // 打印 // Deal.doPrint(aWebForm, request, response); // 处理打印 // sMessage = "打印" + mModuleName + "处理成功"; } CCommonMessage mMessage = new CCommonMessage(); // 统一提示页面 // mMessage.setMessage(sMessage); // 默认为"处理成功!" String[] button = {"关闭"}; // 按钮数组 String[] onclick = {"parent.window.close()"}; // 按钮响应事件 mMessage.setButtonName(button); mMessage.setOnClickFunc(onclick); request.setAttribute(CConstants.MESSAGE_OBJECT, mMessage); // 在处理页面最后调用(事先要配置名字为success的forward,在全局配置里有 message) return actionMapping.findForward("message"); }
/** * 删除会议主题 * * @param mapping * @param form * @param request * @param response * @return * @throws Exception */ protected ActionForward doDelete( ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { SubjectForm sub = (SubjectForm) form; ActionMessages msgs = new ActionMessages(); // 判断用户是否登录 UserBean loginUser = super.getLoginUser(request, response); if (loginUser == null) msgs.add("err", new ActionMessage("error.need_login")); else if (loginUser.getIsAdmin() != UserBean.TRUE) msgs.add("err", new ActionMessage("error.can_not_access")); else { try { // 完成数据操作 if (SubjectDAO.isDelete(sub.getId())) SubjectDAO.delete(sub.getId()); else msgs.add("err", new ActionMessage("error.subject.used")); } catch (Exception e) { msgs.add("err", new ActionMessage("error.db")); log.error("database error when delete subject", e); } } if (!msgs.isEmpty()) { saveMessages(request, msgs); return mapping.findForward("error"); } return mapping.getInputForward(); }
public ActionForward execute( ActionMapping actionMapping, ActionForm actionForm, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { ListForm aWebForm = (ListForm) actionForm; if (aWebForm.getMethod() == null) { // 初次进行页面,需要取初始值 Deal.doList(aWebForm, request, response); // 查询处理 return actionMapping.getInputForward(); } else { String sMessage = "未能找到 " + aWebForm.getMethod() + " 对应的处理方法"; if (aWebForm.getMethod().equals("jgys_submit")) { // 修改 Deal.doList(aWebForm, request, response); // 查询处理 Deal.doJgys_submit(aWebForm, request, response); sMessage = "确定竣工验收报告,并提交到工程结算处理成功"; } CCommonMessage mMessage = new CCommonMessage(); // 统一提示页面 mMessage.setMessage(sMessage); // 默认为"处理成功!" String[] button = {"关闭"}; // 按钮数组 String[] onclick = {"parent.window.close()"}; // 按钮响应事件 mMessage.setButtonName(button); mMessage.setOnClickFunc(onclick); request.setAttribute(CConstants.MESSAGE_OBJECT, mMessage); // 在处理页面最后调用(事先要配置名字为success的forward,在全局配置里有 message) return actionMapping.findForward("message"); } }
/** * Return a URL path that will return control to the current action. This path is generated by * adding the specified parameter to the path of the forward specified as the "input" forward for * the given mapping. * * @param mapping the ActionMapping describing the current action's forwards * @param param the name of the path parameter to add * @param value the value of the parameter to add * @exception ServletException if encoding the path parameter fails or input has not been set */ public static String findReturnPath(ActionMapping mapping, Map params) throws Exception { ActionForward inputForward = mapping.getInputForward(); if (inputForward.getPath() == null) throw new ServletException( "input cannot be null for returnPath on url: " + mapping.getPath()); ActionForward returnForward = ActionUtils.changeForwardPath(inputForward, params); return returnForward.getPath(); }
/** * <br> * [機 能] 初期表示処理 <br> * [解 説] <br> * [備 考] * * @param map マップ * @param form フォーム * @param req リクエスト * @param res レスポンス * @param con コネクション * @return ActionForward フォワード * @throws Exception 実行時例外 */ private ActionForward __doInit( ActionMapping map, Rsv010Form form, HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res, Connection con) throws Exception { try { con.setAutoCommit(true); RequestModel reqMdl = getRequestModel(req); Rsv010Biz biz = new Rsv010Biz(reqMdl, con); Rsv010ParamModel paramMdl = new Rsv010ParamModel(); paramMdl.setParam(form); // 管理者フラグを設定する biz.setAdmFlg(paramMdl); // 施設グループの編集が可能か判定しフラグをセットする。 biz.setGroupEditFlg(paramMdl); // 施設グループコンボリストを設定する biz.setGroupComboList(paramMdl); // 施設予約情報一覧を取得する int sessionUserSid = getSessionUserSid(req); biz.setYoyakuWeek(paramMdl, sessionUserSid); // 自動リロード時間を設定する biz.set010Reloadtime(con, paramMdl, sessionUserSid); paramMdl.setFormData(form); // 施設データが存在する場合のみ画像データを取得 if (form.getRsv010SisetuList() != null && form.getRsv010SisetuList().size() > 0) { // テンポラリディレクトリパスを取得 CommonBiz cmnBiz = new CommonBiz(); String tempDir = cmnBiz.getTempDir(getTempPath(req), form.getRsv010pluginId(), reqMdl); paramMdl = new Rsv010ParamModel(); paramMdl.setParam(form); biz.get010SisetuImgData(paramMdl, tempDir, getAppRootPath(), sessionUserSid); paramMdl.setFormData(form); } con.setAutoCommit(false); } catch (SQLException e) { log__.error("SQLException", e); throw e; } return map.getInputForward(); }
/** * 响应页面提交 * * @param actionMapping ActionMapping 这个 Action 的配置信息 * @param actionForm ActionForm 用户提交的表单数据 * @param request HttpServletRequest 当前的 HTTP 请求对象 * @param response HttpServletResponse 当前的 HTTP 响应对象 * @return ActionForward 请求转发路径 * @throws Exception */ public ActionForward execute( ActionMapping actionMapping, ActionForm actionForm, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { ResponsepersonForm aWebForm = (ResponsepersonForm) actionForm; Deal.doResponseperson(aWebForm, request, response); // 查询处理 return actionMapping.getInputForward(); // 调用配置里input路径下的页面 }
/** * 响应页面提交 * * @param actionMapping ActionMapping 这个 Action 的配置信息 * @param actionForm ActionForm 用户提交的表单数据 * @param request HttpServletRequest 当前的 HTTP 请求对象 * @param response HttpServletResponse 当前的 HTTP 响应对象 * @return ActionForward 请求转发路径 * @throws Exception */ public ActionForward execute( ActionMapping actionMapping, ActionForm actionForm, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { QueryForm aWebForm = (QueryForm) actionForm; Deal.doQuery(aWebForm, request, response); // 查询处理 return actionMapping.getInputForward(); }
/** * 响应页面提交 * * @param mapping ActionMapping 这个 Action 的配置信息 * @param form ActionForm 用户提交的表单数据 * @param request HttpServletRequest 当前的 HTTP 请求对象 * @param response HttpServletResponse 当前的 HTTP 响应对象 * @return ActionForward 请求转发路径 * @throws Exception */ public ActionForward execute( ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { CDocErrInfo aForm = (CDocErrInfo) form; DocErrDeal.doDocInfoQuery(aForm, request, response); return mapping.getInputForward(); }
public ActionForward execute( ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { mForm = (PowerForm) form; if (mForm.getId() != null && !mForm.getId().equals("")) getDepartData(); getOtherData(request); return (mapping.getInputForward()); }
/** * 响应页面提交 * * @param actionMapping ActionMapping 这个 Action 的配置信息 * @param actionForm ActionForm 用户提交的表单数据 * @param request HttpServletRequest 当前的 HTTP 请求对象 * @param response HttpServletResponse 当前的 HTTP 响应对象 * @return ActionForward 请求转发路径 * @throws Exception */ public ActionForward execute( ActionMapping actionMapping, ActionForm actionForm, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { AddForm aWebForm = (AddForm) actionForm; if (aWebForm.getMethod() == null) { // 初次进行页面,需要取初始值 Deal.setAddDefault(aWebForm, request, response); // 设置进入增加页面的初始值 return actionMapping.getInputForward(); } else { String sMessage = "未能找到 " + aWebForm.getMethod() + " 对应的处理方法"; String[] button; // 按钮数组 String[] onclick; // 按钮响应事件 if (aWebForm.getMethod().equals("do_save")) { // 增加 String EVENTID = Deal.doAdd(aWebForm, request, response); // 处理增加 int EVENTBIGTYPE = aWebForm.getTYWyjyasendevent().getEVENTBIGTYPE(); int EVENTSMALLTYPE = aWebForm.getTYWyjyasendevent().getEVENTSMALLTYPE(); sMessage = "增加" + mModuleName + "处理成功"; button = new String[] {"返回", "关闭"}; // 按钮数组 onclick = new String[] { "window.location='/lh/business/yjya/ywyabs/edit.TJ?BS=YES&EVENTID=" + EVENTID + "&EVENTBIGTYPE=" + EVENTBIGTYPE + "&EVENTSMALLTYPE=" + EVENTSMALLTYPE + "'", "parent.window.close()" }; // 按钮响应事件 } else if (aWebForm.getMethod().equals("do_submit")) { // 提交 Deal.doAdd_submit(aWebForm, request, response); // 处理提交 sMessage = "提交到接收成功"; button = new String[] {"关闭"}; // 按钮数组 onclick = new String[] {"parent.window.close()"}; // 按钮响应事件 } else { // 未能找到 " + aWebForm.getMethod() + " 对应的处理方法 button = new String[] {"关闭"}; // 按钮数组 onclick = new String[] {"parent.window.close()"}; // 按钮响应事件 } CCommonMessage mMessage = new CCommonMessage(); // 统一提示页面 mMessage.setMessage(sMessage); // 默认为"处理成功!" // String[] button = {"关闭"}; // 按钮数组 // String[] onclick = {"parent.window.close()"}; // 按钮响应事件 mMessage.setButtonName(button); mMessage.setOnClickFunc(onclick); request.setAttribute(CConstants.MESSAGE_OBJECT, mMessage); // 在处理页面最后调用(事先要配置名字为success的forward,在全局配置里有 message) return actionMapping.findForward("message"); } }
/** * 响应页面提交 * * @param actionMapping ActionMapping 这个 Action 的配置信息 * @param actionForm ActionForm 用户提交的表单数据 * @param request HttpServletRequest 当前的 HTTP 请求对象 * @param response HttpServletResponse 当前的 HTTP 响应对象 * @return ActionForward 请求转发路径 * @throws Exception */ public ActionForward execute( ActionMapping actionMapping, ActionForm actionForm, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { UrgerBookForm aWebForm = (UrgerBookForm) actionForm; String uid = request.getParameter("ID"); aWebForm.setId(uid); Deal.doUrgerBook(aWebForm, request, response); // 查询处理 return actionMapping.getInputForward(); // 调用配置里input路径下的页面 }
/** * <br> * [機 能] 再表示を行う <br> * [解 説] <br> * [備 考] * * @param map マップ * @param form フォーム * @param con コネクション * @return ActionForward フォワード * @throws SQLException SQL実行例外 */ private ActionForward __doInitAg(ActionMapping map, Ipk100Form form, Connection con) throws SQLException { Ipk100ParamModel paramMdl = new Ipk100ParamModel(); paramMdl.setParam(form); Ipk100Biz biz = new Ipk100Biz(); // 初期表示情報を設定する。 biz.setInitDataAg(paramMdl, con); paramMdl.setFormData(form); return map.getInputForward(); }
/** * 添加或修改会议主题 * * @param mapping * @param form * @param request * @param response * @return * @throws Exception */ protected ActionForward doAddOrModify( ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { SubjectForm sub = (SubjectForm) form; ActionMessages msgs = new ActionMessages(); // 判断用户是否登录 UserBean loginUser = super.getLoginUser(request, response); if (loginUser == null) msgs.add("err", new ActionMessage("error.need_login")); else if (loginUser.getIsAdmin() != UserBean.TRUE) msgs.add("err", new ActionMessage("error.can_not_access")); else if (StringUtils.isEmpty(sub.getSubject())) msgs.add("err", new ActionMessage("error.suject.not.null")); else { try { SubjectBean sbean = null; Timestamp ts = new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis()); if (sub.getId() > 0) { // 从数据库中读取主题信息 sbean = SubjectDAO.getSubject(sub.getId()); if (sbean == null) msgs.add("err", new ActionMessage("error.unknow")); else { sbean.setSubject(sub.getSubject()); sbean.setUpdateTime(ts); SubjectDAO.update(sbean); } } else { sbean = new SubjectBean(); sbean.setSubject(sub.getSubject()); sbean.setUpdateTime(ts); sbean.setRegTime(ts);; } } catch (Exception e) { msgs.add("err", new ActionMessage("error.db")); log.error("database error when add or modify subject", e); } } if (!msgs.isEmpty()) { saveMessages(request, msgs); return mapping.findForward("error"); } return mapping.getInputForward(); }
/** * @see org.apache.struts.action.Action#execute(org.apache.struts.action.ActionMapping, * org.apache.struts.action.ActionForm, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest, * javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse) */ @Override public ActionForward execute( ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { SimpleAuthLoginForm simpleAuthLoginForm = (SimpleAuthLoginForm) form; String redirectTo = simpleAuthLoginForm.getRedirectTo(); String username = simpleAuthLoginForm.getUsername(); String password = simpleAuthLoginForm.getPassword(); logger.debug("Authenticating user: "******"Setting user principal in session..."); AuthEnvironment authEnv = new AuthEnvironment(request); UserPrincipal userPrincipal = new UserPrincipal(person.getUsername()); List<RolePrincipal> roles = new ArrayList<RolePrincipal>(); if (person.isActive()) { if (person.isAnonymous()) { roles.add(new RolePrincipal(RolePrincipal.ROLE_ANONYMUS)); } else { roles.add(new RolePrincipal(RolePrincipal.ROLE_MEMBER)); // XXX Only members can be administrators if (person.isAdministrator()) { roles.add(new RolePrincipal(RolePrincipal.ROLE_ADMINISTRATOR)); } } } userPrincipal.setRoles(roles); authEnv.setPrincipal(userPrincipal); if (redirectTo != null && redirectTo.length() > 0) { PathForwardFactory forwardFactory = new PathForwardFactory(); forward = forwardFactory.getRedirectForward(redirectTo); } else { forward = mapping.findForward("principalPath"); } } else { logger.debug("No person with the name [" + username + "] was found..."); forward = mapping.getInputForward(); } return forward; }
/** * 响应页面提交 * * @param actionMapping ActionMapping这个 Action 的配置信息 * @param actionForm ActionForm 用户提交的表单数据 * @param request HttpServletRequest当前的 HTTP 请求对象 * @param response HttpServletResponse当前的 HTTP 响应对象 * @return ActionForward 提交到查询页面 * @throws Exception */ public ActionForward execute( ActionMapping actionMapping, ActionForm actionForm, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { EditForm aWebForm = (EditForm) actionForm; Deal.setEditDefault(aWebForm, request, response); // 设置进入增加页面的初始值 if (request.getParameter("print") == null) { return actionMapping.getInputForward(); } else { return actionMapping.findForward("print"); } }
/** * アクション実行 * * @param map アクションマッピング * @param form アクションフォーム * @param req リクエスト * @param res レスポンス * @param con コネクション * @throws Exception 実行例外 * @return アクションフォーム */ public ActionForward executeAction( ActionMapping map, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res, Connection con) throws Exception { log__.debug("-- MAIN FOOT START --"); ActionForward forward = null; forward = map.getInputForward(); log__.debug("-- MAIN FOOT END --"); return forward; }
/** * 响应页面提交 * * @param actionMapping ActionMapping 这个 Action 的配置信息 * @param actionForm ActionForm 用户提交的表单数据 * @param request HttpServletRequest 当前的 HTTP 请求对象 * @param response HttpServletResponse 当前的 HTTP 响应对象 * @return ActionForward 请求转发路径 * @throws Exception */ public ActionForward execute( ActionMapping actionMapping, ActionForm actionForm, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { CautionForm aWebForm = (CautionForm) actionForm; CautionDeal.doQuery(aWebForm, request, response); if (aWebForm.getMethod() != null && aWebForm.getMethod().equals("excel")) { return actionMapping.findForward("excel"); } return actionMapping.getInputForward(); }
public ActionForward execute( ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { JczdDao.doQuery((JczdForm) form); /** * if(AAUtils.isAjaxRequest(request)) { AAUtils.addZonesToRefreh(request,"jczdList"); * System.out.println("call ajax......."); }* */ return mapping.getInputForward(); }
public ActionForward execute( ActionMapping actionMapping, ActionForm actionForm, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { EditForm aWebForm = (EditForm) actionForm; if (aWebForm.getMethod() == null) { // 初次进行页面,需要取初始值 Deal.setEditDefault(aWebForm, request, response); // 设置进入修改页面的初始值 return actionMapping.getInputForward(); } else { String sMessage = "未能找到 " + aWebForm.getMethod() + " 对应的处理方法"; String[] button; // 按钮数组 String[] onclick; // 按钮响应事件 if (aWebForm.getMethod().equals("agree")) { // Deal.doAgreeEdit(aWebForm, request, response); // 处理提交 sMessage = "提交成功,转入建设单位由其决定后续步骤!"; button = new String[] {"关闭"}; // 按钮数组 onclick = new String[] {"parent.window.close()"}; // 按钮响应事件 } else if (aWebForm.getMethod().equals("save")) { // Deal.doEditSave(aWebForm, request, response); // 处理保存 sMessage = "勘测标底审计信息保存成功!"; button = new String[] {"返回", "关闭"}; // 按钮数组 onclick = new String[] { "window.location='/lh/business/jsgc/sjj/bdsj/kcbdsj/edit.TJ?projectID=" + aWebForm.getProjectID() + "'", "parent.window.close()" }; // 按钮响应事件 } else { // 未能找到 " + aWebForm.getMethod() + " 对应的处理方法 button = new String[] {"关闭"}; // 按钮数组 onclick = new String[] {"parent.window.close()"}; // 按钮响应事件 } CCommonMessage mMessage = new CCommonMessage(); // 统一提示页面 mMessage.setMessage(sMessage); // 默认为"处理成功!" // String[] button = {"关闭"}; // 按钮数组 // String[] onclick = {"parent.window.close()"}; // 按钮响应事件 mMessage.setButtonName(button); mMessage.setOnClickFunc(onclick); request.setAttribute(CConstants.MESSAGE_OBJECT, mMessage); // 在处理页面最后调用(事先要配置名字为success的forward,在全局配置里有 message) return actionMapping.findForward("message"); } }
/** * 响应页面提交 * * @param actionMapping ActionMapping 这个 Action 的配置信息 * @param actionForm ActionForm 用户提交的表单数据 * @param request HttpServletRequest 当前的 HTTP 请求对象 * @param response HttpServletResponse 当前的 HTTP 响应对象 * @return ActionForward 请求转发路径 * @throws Exception */ public ActionForward execute( ActionMapping actionMapping, ActionForm actionForm, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { EditForm aWebForm = (EditForm) actionForm; String[] button = new String[] {}; // 按钮数组 String[] onclick = new String[] {}; // 按钮响应事件 if (aWebForm.getMethod() == null) { // 初次进行页面,需要取初始值 Deal.setEditDefault(aWebForm, request, response); // 设置进入修改页面的初始值 return actionMapping.getInputForward(); } else { String sMessage = "未能找到 " + aWebForm.getMethod() + " 对应的处理方法"; if (aWebForm.getMethod().equals("edit")) { // 修改 String mid = aWebForm.getTYwJsgcPermitSupervise().getId(); Deal.doEdit(aWebForm, request, response); // 处理修改 button = new String[] {"返回", "关闭"}; // 按钮数组 onclick = new String[] { "window.location='/lh/business/jsgc/jsj/sgxkzdb/edit.TJ?BS=YES&id=" + mid + "'", "parent.window.close()" }; sMessage = "施工许可证督办函修改成功"; } if (aWebForm.getMethod().equals("send")) { // 修改 Deal.doEditSend(aWebForm, request, response); // 处理修改 button = new String[] {"关闭"}; // 按钮数组 onclick = new String[] {"parent.window.close()"}; // 按钮响应事件 sMessage = "施工许可证督办函发送成功"; } if (aWebForm.getMethod().equals("del")) { // 删除 Deal.doDel(aWebForm, request, response); // 处理删除 button = new String[] {"关闭"}; // 按钮数组 onclick = new String[] {"parent.window.close()"}; // 按钮响应事件 sMessage = "施工许可证督办函删除成功"; } CCommonMessage mMessage = new CCommonMessage(); // 统一提示页面 mMessage.setMessage(sMessage); // 默认为"处理成功!" mMessage.setButtonName(button); mMessage.setOnClickFunc(onclick); request.setAttribute(CConstants.MESSAGE_OBJECT, mMessage); // 在处理页面最后调用(事先要配置名字为success的forward,在全局配置里有 message) return actionMapping.findForward("message"); } }
/** * @param mapping ActionMapping mapping * @param form ActionForm form * @param request HttpServletRequest request * @param response HttpServletResponse response * @return ActionForward forward to next action * @throws DynamicExtensionsApplicationException */ public ActionForward execute( ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws DynamicExtensionsApplicationException { String returnXML = null; try { String operation = request.getParameter("ajaxOperation"); if (operation != null) { if (operation.trim().equals("selectFormNameFromTree")) { String selectedFormName = request.getParameter("selectedFormName"); selectedFormName = rectifySelectedName(selectedFormName); if (selectedFormName != null) { returnXML = getSelectedFormDetails(request, selectedFormName); } } else if (operation.trim().equals("selectFormNameFromAssociationTree")) { String selectedFormId = request.getParameter("selectedFormId"); if (selectedFormId != null) { returnXML = getSelectedFormDetailsById(request, selectedFormId); } } else if (operation.trim().equals("selectGroup")) { String selectedGroupName = request.getParameter("selectedGroupName"); if (selectedGroupName != null) { returnXML = getSelectedGroupDetails(request, selectedGroupName); } } else if (operation.trim().equals("deleteRowsForContainment")) { String deletedRowIds = request.getParameter("deletedRowIds"); String containerId = request.getParameter("containerId"); returnXML = deleteRowsForContainment(request, deletedRowIds, containerId); } else if (operation.trim().equals("updateControlsSequence")) { String gridControlsIds = request.getParameter("gridControlIds"); returnXML = updateControlsSequence(request, gridControlsIds); } else if (operation.trim().equals("changeGroup")) { returnXML = changeGroup(request, response); } else if (operation.trim().equals("changeForm")) { returnXML = changeForm(request, response); } } sendResponse(returnXML, response); return null; } catch (Exception e) { String actionForwardString = catchException(e, request); if ((actionForwardString == null) || (actionForwardString.equals(""))) { return mapping.getInputForward(); } return (mapping.findForward(actionForwardString)); } }
public ActionForward execute( ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) { if (!this.isCancelled(request)) { try { LicensedObjectSWForm OSForm = (LicensedObjectSWForm) form; Context context = new InitialContext(); LicenseKeeper licenseKeeper = (LicenseKeeper) context.lookup("LicenseKeeper/LicenseKeeperBean/local"); LicensedObject licensedObject = new LicensedObjectSoftware( OSForm.getId(), OSForm.getPublisher(), OSForm.getName(), OSForm.getDescription(), OSForm.getActivationsLimit(), licenseKeeper.getCategory(OSForm.getCategory())); licenseKeeper.saveLicensedObject(licensedObject); } catch (PersistException ex) { ActionMessages messages = new ActionMessages(); messages.add(ActionMessages.GLOBAL_MESSAGE, new ActionMessage("bd.probleme")); saveErrors(request, messages); System.out.println(ex.getMessage()); return mapping.getInputForward(); } catch (NamingException ex) { ActionMessages messages = new ActionMessages(); messages.add(ActionMessages.GLOBAL_MESSAGE, new ActionMessage("bd.probleme")); saveErrors(request, messages); System.out.println(ex.getMessage()); return mapping.getInputForward(); } } return mapping.findForward("licensesList"); }
/** * This is the action called from the Struts framework. * * @param mapping The ActionMapping used to select this instance. * @param form The optional ActionForm bean for this request. * @param request The HTTP Request we are processing. * @param response The HTTP Response we are processing. * @throws java.lang.Exception * @return */ public ActionForward execute( ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { UserForm registerationForm = (UserForm) form; ActionMessages errors = new ActionMessages(); String username = registerationForm.getUsername(); String password = registerationForm.getPassword(); String confirmPasswod = registerationForm.getConfirmPassword(); String email = registerationForm.getEmail(); if (!password.equals(confirmPasswod)) { errors.add(ActionMessages.GLOBAL_MESSAGE, new ActionMessage("error.password.mismatch")); saveErrors(request, errors); return mapping.getInputForward(); } UserManager mgr = new DummyUserManagerImpl(); User user = new User(); user.setEmail(email); user.setUsername(username); user.setPassword(password); try { mgr.registerUser(user); } catch (Exception e) { errors.add(ActionMessages.GLOBAL_MESSAGE, new ActionMessage("error.register.failed")); saveErrors(request, errors); return mapping.getInputForward(); } request.setAttribute("username", username); request.setAttribute("password", password); return mapping.findForward(SUCCESS); }
/** * Process the specified HTTP request, and create the corresponding HTTP response (or forward to * another web component that will create it). Return an <code>ActionForward</code> instance * describing where and how control should be forwarded, or <code>null</code> if the response has * already been completed. * * @param mapping The ActionMapping used to select this instance * @param form The optional ActionForm bean for this request (if any) * @param request The HTTP request we are processing * @param response The HTTP response we are creating * @exception Exception if business logic throws an exception */ public ActionForward execute( ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { // Extract attributes we will need User user = null; // Validate the request parameters specified by the user ActionMessages errors = new ActionMessages(); String username = (String) PropertyUtils.getSimpleProperty(form, "username"); String password = (String) PropertyUtils.getSimpleProperty(form, "password"); UserDatabase database = (UserDatabase) servlet.getServletContext().getAttribute(Constants.DATABASE_KEY); if (database == null) errors.add(ActionMessages.GLOBAL_MESSAGE, new ActionMessage("error.database.missing")); else { user = getUser(database, username); if ((user != null) && !user.getPassword().equals(password)) user = null; if (user == null) errors.add(ActionMessages.GLOBAL_MESSAGE, new ActionMessage("error.password.mismatch")); } // Report any errors we have discovered back to the original form if (!errors.isEmpty()) { saveErrors(request, errors); return (mapping.getInputForward()); } // Save our logged-in user in the session HttpSession session = request.getSession(); session.setAttribute(Constants.USER_KEY, user); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug( "LogonAction: User '" + user.getUsername() + "' logged on in session " + session.getId()); } // Remove the obsolete form bean if (mapping.getAttribute() != null) { if ("request".equals(mapping.getScope())) request.removeAttribute(mapping.getAttribute()); else session.removeAttribute(mapping.getAttribute()); } // Forward control to the specified success URI return (mapping.findForward("success")); }
/** * <br> * [機 能] 初期表示処理 <br> * [解 説] <br> * [備 考] * * @param map マップ * @param form フォーム * @param req リクエスト * @param res レスポンス * @param con コネクション * @return ActionForward フォワード * @throws Exception 実行時例外 */ private ActionForward __doInit( ActionMapping map, Adr200Form form, HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res, Connection con) throws Exception { Adr200Biz biz = new Adr200Biz(getRequestModel(req)); Adr200ParamModel paramMdl = new Adr200ParamModel(); paramMdl.setParam(form); biz.setInitData(con, paramMdl); paramMdl.setFormData(form); return map.getInputForward(); }
/** * <br> * [機 能] 初期表示を行う <br> * [解 説] <br> * [備 考] * * @param map マップ * @param form フォーム * @param req リクエスト * @param con コネクション * @return ActionForward フォワード * @throws SQLException SQL実行例外 */ private ActionForward __doInit( ActionMapping map, Ipk100Form form, HttpServletRequest req, Connection con) throws SQLException { con.setAutoCommit(true); Ipk100ParamModel paramMdl = new Ipk100ParamModel(); paramMdl.setParam(form); Ipk100Biz biz = new Ipk100Biz(); // 初期表示情報を設定する。 biz.setInitData(paramMdl, con); paramMdl.setFormData(form); // ヘルプパラメータを設定する。 __setHelpMode(form); return map.getInputForward(); }
/** * 响应页面提交 * * @param actionMapping ActionMapping这个 Action 的配置信息 * @param actionForm ActionForm 用户提交的表单数据 * @param request HttpServletRequest当前的 HTTP 请求对象 * @param response HttpServletResponse当前的 HTTP 响应对象 * @return ActionForward 提交到修改页面 * @throws Exception */ public ActionForward execute( ActionMapping actionMapping, ActionForm actionForm, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { EditdepartForm aWebForm = (EditdepartForm) actionForm; if (aWebForm.getMethod() == null) { // 初次进行页面,需要取初始值 Deal.setEditdepartDefault(aWebForm, request, response); // 置进入修改页面的初始值 return actionMapping.getInputForward(); // 返回到修改页面 } else { String sMessage = "未能找到 " + aWebForm.getMethod() + " 对应的处理方法"; String[] button; // 按钮数组 String[] onclick; // 按钮响应事件 if (aWebForm.getMethod().equals("edit")) { // 修改 Deal.doEditdepart(aWebForm, request, response); // 处理修改 String TASKBREAKID = aWebForm.getTYwWorkdutyDepartlation().getID(); sMessage = "修改处理成功"; button = new String[] {"返回", "关闭"}; // 按钮数组 onclick = new String[] { "window.location='/lh/supervise/zdsx/workduty/project/editdepart.TJ?BS=YES&ID=" + TASKBREAKID + "'", "parent.window.close()" }; // 按钮响应事件 } else if (aWebForm.getMethod().equals("del")) { // 删除 Deal.doDeldepart(aWebForm, request, response); // 处理删除 sMessage = "删除处理成功"; button = new String[] {"关闭"}; // 按钮数组 onclick = new String[] {"parent.window.close()"}; // 按钮响应事件 } else { button = new String[] {"关闭"}; // 按钮数组 onclick = new String[] {"parent.window.close()"}; // 按钮响应事件 } CCommonMessage mMessage = new CCommonMessage(); // 统一提示页面 mMessage.setMessage(sMessage); // 默认为"处理成功!" mMessage.setButtonName(button); mMessage.setOnClickFunc(onclick); request.setAttribute(CConstants.MESSAGE_OBJECT, mMessage); // 在处理页面最后调用(事先要配置名字为success的forward,在全局配置里有 message) return actionMapping.findForward("message"); } }