private static boolean executeShoppingCartDSPlatformSample() throws IOException, SQLException, ParseException { Boolean sampleStatus = false; int serviceID = MySQLConnectionInitializer.getServiceID(StatusMonitorConstants.DATA); String payload = "<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv=\"\">\n" + " <soapenv:Header/>\n" + " <soapenv:Body/>\n" + "</soapenv:Envelope>"; String action = "getAllCategories"; try { OMElement result; result = sendRequest( payload, action, new EndpointReference( StatusMonitorConstants.DATA_HTTP + StatusMonitorAgentConstants.TENANT_SERVICES + sampleTenantConfigBean.getTenant() + "/ShoppingCartDS")); if ((result.toString().indexOf("Compact Lens-Shutter Cameras")) > 0) { sampleStatus = true; MySQLConnector.insertStats(serviceID, true); MySQLConnector.insertState(serviceID, true, ""); } else { MySQLConnector.insertStats(serviceID, false); MySQLConnector.insertState( serviceID, false, "Platform sample ShoppingCartDS invocation failed"); } } catch (AxisFault e) { MySQLConnector.insertStats(serviceID, false); MySQLConnector.insertState( serviceID, false, "Platform sample ShoppingCartDS: " + e.getMessage()); String msg = "Fault in executing the Shopping cart sample"; log.warn(msg, e); } catch (NullPointerException e) { MySQLConnector.insertStats(serviceID, false); MySQLConnector.insertState( serviceID, false, "Platform sample ShoppingCartDS: " + e.getMessage()); String msg = "NPE in executing the shopping cart sample"; log.warn(msg, e); } catch (XMLStreamException e) { String msg = "XMLStreamException in executing the shopping cart sample"; log.warn(msg, e); } return sampleStatus; }
private static void executeService() throws IOException, SQLException, ParseException { int serviceID = MySQLConnectionInitializer.getServiceID(StatusMonitorConstants.DATA); OMElement result; OMElement payload = createPayLoad(); ServiceClient serviceclient = new ServiceClient(); Options opts = new Options(); opts.setTo( new EndpointReference( StatusMonitorConstants.DATA_HTTP + StatusMonitorAgentConstants.TENANT_SERVICES + authConfigBean.getTenant() + "/GSpreadSample")); opts.setAction(""); if (ServiceLoginClient.loginChecker(StatusMonitorConstants.DATA_HOST, serviceID)) { serviceclient.setOptions(opts); try { result = serviceclient.sendReceive(payload); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug(result); } if ((result.toString().indexOf("Signal Gift Stores")) > 0) { executeShoppingCartDSPlatformSample(); } else { MySQLConnector.insertStats(serviceID, false); MySQLConnector.insertState(serviceID, false, "Service Invocation failed"); } } catch (AxisFault e) { MySQLConnector.insertStats(serviceID, false); MySQLConnector.insertState(serviceID, false, e.getMessage()); String msg = "Error in executing service for DSS Server client"; log.warn(msg, e); } catch (NullPointerException e) { MySQLConnector.insertStats(serviceID, false); MySQLConnector.insertState(serviceID, false, e.getMessage()); String msg = "NPE in executing the service for DSS client"; log.warn(msg, e); } } }