private void deleteCloud(DeleteUpdateCommand cmd) throws IOException { UpdateRequestProcessorChain updateChain = xqueryComponent.getCore().getUpdateProcessingChain("lux-update-chain"); SolrQueryResponse rsp = new SolrQueryResponse(); SolrQueryRequest req = UpdateDocCommand.makeSolrRequest(core); UpdateRequestProcessor processor = updateChain.createProcessor(req, rsp); processor.processDelete(cmd); processor.finish(); }
@Test public void testProcessorConfiguration() { SolrCore core = h.getCore(); UpdateRequestProcessorChain chained = core.getUpdateProcessingChain("uima"); assertNotNull(chained); UIMAUpdateRequestProcessorFactory factory = (UIMAUpdateRequestProcessorFactory) chained.getFactories()[0]; assertNotNull(factory); }
// Skip encoding for updating the index void createIndex2(int nDocs, String... fields) throws IOException { Set<String> fieldSet = new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList(fields)); SolrQueryRequest req = lrf.makeRequest(); SolrQueryResponse rsp = new SolrQueryResponse(); UpdateRequestProcessorChain processorChain = req.getCore().getUpdateProcessingChain(null); UpdateRequestProcessor processor = processorChain.createProcessor(req, rsp); boolean foomany_s = fieldSet.contains("foomany_s"); boolean foo1_s = fieldSet.contains("foo1_s"); boolean foo2_s = fieldSet.contains("foo2_s"); boolean foo4_s = fieldSet.contains("foo4_s"); boolean foo8_s = fieldSet.contains("foo8_s"); boolean t10_100_ws = fieldSet.contains("t10_100_ws"); for (int i = 0; i < nDocs; i++) { SolrInputDocument doc = new SolrInputDocument(); doc.addField("id", Float.toString(i)); if (foomany_s) { doc.addField("foomany_s", t(r.nextInt(nDocs * 10))); } if (foo1_s) { doc.addField("foo1_s", t(0)); } if (foo2_s) { doc.addField("foo2_s", r.nextInt(2)); } if (foo4_s) { doc.addField("foo4_s", r.nextInt(4)); } if (foo8_s) { doc.addField("foo8_s", r.nextInt(8)); } if (t10_100_ws) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(9 * 100); for (int j = 0; j < 100; j++) { sb.append(' '); sb.append(t(r.nextInt(10))); } doc.addField("t10_100_ws", sb.toString()); } AddUpdateCommand cmd = new AddUpdateCommand(); cmd.solrDoc = doc; processor.processAdd(cmd); } processor.finish(); req.close(); assertU(commit()); req = lrf.makeRequest(); assertEquals(nDocs, req.getSearcher().maxDoc()); req.close(); }
private void writeToCloud(SolrInputDocument solrDoc, String uri) { ArrayList<String> urls = xqueryComponent.getShardURLs(true); LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass()).debug("writing " + uri + " to cloud at " + urls); SolrQueryResponse rsp = new SolrQueryResponse(); SolrQueryRequest req = UpdateDocCommand.makeSolrRequest(core); ((ModifiableSolrParams) req.getParams()) .add(ShardParams.SHARDS, urls.toArray(new String[urls.size()])); UpdateRequest updateReq = new UpdateRequest(); updateReq.add(solrDoc); UpdateDocCommand cmd = new UpdateDocCommand(req, solrDoc, null, uri); UpdateRequestProcessorChain updateChain = xqueryComponent.getCore().getUpdateProcessingChain("lux-update-chain"); try { UpdateRequestProcessor processor = updateChain.createProcessor(req, rsp); processor.processAdd(cmd); processor.finish(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new LuxException(e); } }
protected boolean handleMergeAction(SolrQueryRequest req, SolrQueryResponse rsp) throws IOException { SolrParams params = req.getParams(); String cname = params.required().get(CoreAdminParams.CORE); SolrCore core = coreContainer.getCore(cname); SolrCore[] sourceCores = null; RefCounted<SolrIndexSearcher>[] searchers = null; // stores readers created from indexDir param values IndexReader[] readersToBeClosed = null; if (core != null) { try { String[] dirNames = params.getParams(CoreAdminParams.INDEX_DIR); if (dirNames == null || dirNames.length == 0) { String[] sources = params.getParams("srcCore"); if (sources == null || sources.length == 0) throw new SolrException( SolrException.ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST, "At least one indexDir or srcCore must be specified"); sourceCores = new SolrCore[sources.length]; for (int i = 0; i < sources.length; i++) { String source = sources[i]; SolrCore srcCore = coreContainer.getCore(source); if (srcCore == null) throw new SolrException( SolrException.ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST, "Core: " + source + " does not exist"); sourceCores[i] = srcCore; } } else { readersToBeClosed = new IndexReader[dirNames.length]; DirectoryFactory dirFactory = core.getDirectoryFactory(); for (int i = 0; i < dirNames.length; i++) { readersToBeClosed[i] =[i]), true); } } IndexReader[] readers = null; if (readersToBeClosed != null) { readers = readersToBeClosed; } else { readers = new IndexReader[sourceCores.length]; searchers = new RefCounted[sourceCores.length]; for (int i = 0; i < sourceCores.length; i++) { SolrCore solrCore = sourceCores[i]; // record the searchers so that we can decref searchers[i] = solrCore.getSearcher(); readers[i] = searchers[i].get().getIndexReader(); } } UpdateRequestProcessorChain processorChain = core.getUpdateProcessingChain(params.get(UpdateParams.UPDATE_CHAIN)); SolrQueryRequest wrappedReq = new LocalSolrQueryRequest(core, req.getParams()); UpdateRequestProcessor processor = processorChain.createProcessor(wrappedReq, rsp); processor.processMergeIndexes(new MergeIndexesCommand(readers)); } finally { if (searchers != null) { for (RefCounted<SolrIndexSearcher> searcher : searchers) { if (searcher != null) searcher.decref(); } } if (sourceCores != null) { for (SolrCore solrCore : sourceCores) { if (solrCore != null) solrCore.close(); } } if (readersToBeClosed != null) IOUtils.closeWhileHandlingException(readersToBeClosed); core.close(); } } return coreContainer.isPersistent(); }