  private void createRetrieveDocs(ResponseBuilder rb) {

    // TODO: in a system with nTiers > 2, we could be passed "ids" here
    // unless those requests always go to the final destination shard

    // for each shard, collect the documents for that shard.
    HashMap<String, Collection<ShardDoc>> shardMap = new HashMap<String, Collection<ShardDoc>>();
    for (ShardDoc sdoc : rb.resultIds.values()) {
      Collection<ShardDoc> shardDocs = shardMap.get(sdoc.shard);
      if (shardDocs == null) {
        shardDocs = new ArrayList<ShardDoc>();
        shardMap.put(sdoc.shard, shardDocs);

    SchemaField uniqueField = rb.req.getSchema().getUniqueKeyField();

    // Now create a request for each shard to retrieve the stored fields
    for (Collection<ShardDoc> shardDocs : shardMap.values()) {
      ShardRequest sreq = new ShardRequest();
      sreq.purpose = ShardRequest.PURPOSE_GET_FIELDS;

      sreq.shards = new String[] {shardDocs.iterator().next().shard};

      sreq.params = new ModifiableSolrParams();

      // add original params

      // no need for a sort, we already have order

      // we already have the field sort values

      // make sure that the id is returned for correlation.
      String fl = sreq.params.get(CommonParams.FL);
      if (fl != null) {
        fl = fl.trim();
        // currently, "score" is synonymous with "*,score" so
        // don't add "id" if the fl is empty or "score" or it would change the meaning.
        if (fl.length() != 0 && !"score".equals(fl) && !"*".equals(fl)) {
          sreq.params.set(CommonParams.FL, fl + ',' + uniqueField.getName());

      ArrayList<String> ids = new ArrayList<String>(shardDocs.size());
      for (ShardDoc shardDoc : shardDocs) {
        // TODO: depending on the type, we may need more tha a simple toString()?
      sreq.params.add(ShardParams.IDS, StrUtils.join(ids, ','));

      rb.addRequest(this, sreq);