private Map<String, List<String>> buildUrlMap(DocCollection col) { Map<String, List<String>> urlMap = new HashMap<>(); Collection<Slice> slices = col.getActiveSlices(); Iterator<Slice> sliceIterator = slices.iterator(); while (sliceIterator.hasNext()) { Slice slice =; String name = slice.getName(); List<String> urls = new ArrayList<>(); Replica leader = slice.getLeader(); if (leader == null) { // take unoptimized general path - we cannot find a leader yet return null; } ZkCoreNodeProps zkProps = new ZkCoreNodeProps(leader); String url = zkProps.getCoreUrl(); urls.add(url); Collection<Replica> replicas = slice.getReplicas(); Iterator<Replica> replicaIterator = replicas.iterator(); while (replicaIterator.hasNext()) { Replica replica =; if (!replica.getNodeName().equals(leader.getNodeName()) && !replica.getName().equals(leader.getName())) { ZkCoreNodeProps zkProps1 = new ZkCoreNodeProps(replica); String url1 = zkProps1.getCoreUrl(); urls.add(url1); } } urlMap.put(name, urls); } return urlMap; }
private void waitTillNodesActive() throws Exception { for (int i = 0; i < 60; i++) { Thread.sleep(3000); ZkStateReader zkStateReader = cloudClient.getZkStateReader(); ClusterState clusterState = zkStateReader.getClusterState(); DocCollection collection1 = clusterState.getCollection("collection1"); Slice slice = collection1.getSlice("shard1"); Collection<Replica> replicas = slice.getReplicas(); boolean allActive = true; Collection<String> nodesDownNames = -> n.coreNodeName).collect(Collectors.toList()); Collection<Replica> replicasToCheck = replicas .stream() .filter(r -> !nodesDownNames.contains(r.getName())) .collect(Collectors.toList()); for (Replica replica : replicasToCheck) { if (!clusterState.liveNodesContain(replica.getNodeName()) || replica.getState() != Replica.State.ACTIVE) { allActive = false; break; } } if (allActive) { return; } } printLayout(); fail("timeout waiting to see all nodes active"); }
private SolrCore getCoreByCollection(String collectionName) { ZkStateReader zkStateReader = cores.getZkController().getZkStateReader(); ClusterState clusterState = zkStateReader.getClusterState(); DocCollection collection = clusterState.getCollectionOrNull(collectionName); if (collection == null) { return null; } Map<String, Slice> slices = collection.getActiveSlicesMap(); if (slices == null) { return null; } Set<String> liveNodes = clusterState.getLiveNodes(); // look for a core on this node Set<Map.Entry<String, Slice>> entries = slices.entrySet(); SolrCore core = null; // Hitting the leaders is useful when it's an update request. // For queries it doesn't matter and hence we don't distinguish here. for (Map.Entry<String, Slice> entry : entries) { // first see if we have the leader Replica leaderProps = collection.getLeader(entry.getKey()); if (leaderProps != null && liveNodes.contains(leaderProps.getNodeName()) && leaderProps.getState() == Replica.State.ACTIVE) { core = checkProps(leaderProps); if (core != null) { return core; } } // check everyone then Map<String, Replica> shards = entry.getValue().getReplicasMap(); Set<Map.Entry<String, Replica>> shardEntries = shards.entrySet(); for (Map.Entry<String, Replica> shardEntry : shardEntries) { Replica zkProps = shardEntry.getValue(); if (liveNodes.contains(zkProps.getNodeName()) && zkProps.getState() == Replica.State.ACTIVE) { core = checkProps(zkProps); if (core != null) { return core; } } } } return null; }
private String getCoreUrl( String collectionName, String origCorename, ClusterState clusterState, Collection<Slice> slices, boolean byCoreName, boolean activeReplicas) { String coreUrl; Set<String> liveNodes = clusterState.getLiveNodes(); List<Slice> randomizedSlices = new ArrayList<>(slices.size()); randomizedSlices.addAll(slices); Collections.shuffle(randomizedSlices, random); for (Slice slice : randomizedSlices) { List<Replica> randomizedReplicas = new ArrayList<>(); randomizedReplicas.addAll(slice.getReplicas()); Collections.shuffle(randomizedReplicas, random); for (Replica replica : randomizedReplicas) { if (!activeReplicas || (liveNodes.contains(replica.getNodeName()) && replica.getState() == Replica.State.ACTIVE)) { if (byCoreName && !collectionName.equals(replica.getStr(CORE_NAME_PROP))) { // if it's by core name, make sure they match continue; } if (replica.getStr(BASE_URL_PROP).equals(cores.getZkController().getBaseUrl())) { // don't count a local core continue; } if (origCorename != null) { coreUrl = replica.getStr(BASE_URL_PROP) + "/" + origCorename; } else { coreUrl = replica.getCoreUrl(); if (coreUrl.endsWith("/")) { coreUrl = coreUrl.substring(0, coreUrl.length() - 1); } } return coreUrl; } } } return null; }
private void testNodesUsedByCreate() throws Exception { // we can use this client because we just want base url final String baseUrl = getBaseUrl((HttpSolrServer) clients.get(0)); ModifiableSolrParams params = new ModifiableSolrParams(); params.set("action", CollectionAction.CREATE.toString()); params.set("numShards", 2); params.set(REPLICATION_FACTOR, 2); String collectionName = "nodes_used_collection"; params.set("name", collectionName); if (secondConfigSet) { params.set("collection.configName", "conf1"); } QueryRequest request = new QueryRequest(params); request.setPath("/admin/collections"); createNewSolrServer("", baseUrl).request(request); List<Integer> numShardsNumReplicaList = new ArrayList<Integer>(); numShardsNumReplicaList.add(2); numShardsNumReplicaList.add(2); checkForCollection("nodes_used_collection", numShardsNumReplicaList, null); List<String> createNodeList = new ArrayList<String>(); Set<String> liveNodes = cloudClient.getZkStateReader().getClusterState().getLiveNodes(); for (String node : liveNodes) { createNodeList.add(node); } DocCollection col = cloudClient.getZkStateReader().getClusterState().getCollection("nodes_used_collection"); Collection<Slice> slices = col.getSlices(); for (Slice slice : slices) { Collection<Replica> replicas = slice.getReplicas(); for (Replica replica : replicas) { createNodeList.remove(replica.getNodeName()); } } assertEquals(createNodeList.toString(), 1, createNodeList.size()); }
protected void constructStreams() throws IOException { try { Object pushStream = ((Expressible) tupleStream).toExpression(streamFactory); ZkStateReader zkStateReader = cloudSolrClient.getZkStateReader(); ClusterState clusterState = zkStateReader.getClusterState(); Set<String> liveNodes = clusterState.getLiveNodes(); Collection<Slice> slices = clusterState.getActiveSlices(this.collection); List<Replica> shuffler = new ArrayList(); for (Slice slice : slices) { Collection<Replica> replicas = slice.getReplicas(); for (Replica replica : replicas) { if (replica.getState() == Replica.State.ACTIVE && liveNodes.contains(replica.getNodeName())) shuffler.add(replica); } } if (workers > shuffler.size()) { throw new IOException("Number of workers exceeds nodes in the worker collection"); } Collections.shuffle(shuffler, new Random()); for (int w = 0; w < workers; w++) { HashMap params = new HashMap(); params.put("distrib", "false"); // We are the aggregator. params.put("numWorkers", workers); params.put("workerID", w); params.put("expr", pushStream); params.put("qt", "/stream"); Replica rep = shuffler.get(w); ZkCoreNodeProps zkProps = new ZkCoreNodeProps(rep); String url = zkProps.getCoreUrl(); SolrStream solrStream = new SolrStream(url, params); solrStreams.add(solrStream); } assert (solrStreams.size() == workers); } catch (Exception e) { throw new IOException(e); } }
@BeforeClass public static void setupCluster() throws Exception { final Path configDir = Paths.get(TEST_HOME(), "collection1", "conf"); String configName = "solrCloudCollectionConfig"; int nodeCount = 5; configureCluster(nodeCount).addConfig(configName, configDir).configure(); Map<String, String> collectionProperties = new HashMap<>(); collectionProperties.put("config", "solrconfig-tlog.xml"); collectionProperties.put("schema", "schema.xml"); // create a collection holding data for the "to" side of the JOIN int shards = 2; int replicas = 2; CollectionAdminRequest.createCollection(toColl, configName, shards, replicas) .setProperties(collectionProperties) .process(cluster.getSolrClient()); // get the set of nodes where replicas for the "to" collection exist Set<String> nodeSet = new HashSet<>(); ZkStateReader zkStateReader = cluster.getSolrClient().getZkStateReader(); ClusterState cs = zkStateReader.getClusterState(); for (Slice slice : cs.getCollection(toColl).getActiveSlices()) for (Replica replica : slice.getReplicas()) nodeSet.add(replica.getNodeName()); assertTrue(nodeSet.size() > 0); // deploy the "from" collection to all nodes where the "to" collection exists CollectionAdminRequest.createCollection(fromColl, configName, 1, 4) .setCreateNodeSet(StringUtils.join(nodeSet, ",")) .setProperties(collectionProperties) .process(cluster.getSolrClient()); toDocId = indexDoc(toColl, 1001, "a", null, "b"); indexDoc(fromColl, 2001, "a", "c", null); Thread.sleep(1000); // so the commits fire }
private static String findLocalReplicaForFromIndex(ZkController zkController, String fromIndex) { String fromReplica = null; String nodeName = zkController.getNodeName(); for (Slice slice : zkController.getClusterState().getActiveSlices(fromIndex)) { if (fromReplica != null) throw new SolrException( SolrException.ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST, "SolrCloud join: multiple shards not yet supported " + fromIndex); for (Replica replica : slice.getReplicas()) { if (replica.getNodeName().equals(nodeName)) { fromReplica = replica.getStr(ZkStateReader.CORE_NAME_PROP); // found local replica, but is it Active? if (replica.getState() != Replica.State.ACTIVE) throw new SolrException( SolrException.ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST, "SolrCloud join: " + fromIndex + " has a local replica (" + fromReplica + ") on " + nodeName + ", but it is " + replica.getState()); break; } } } if (fromReplica == null) throw new SolrException( SolrException.ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST, "SolrCloud join: No active replicas for " + fromIndex + " found in node " + nodeName); return fromReplica; }
public static ArrayList<Node> getNodesForNewShard( ClusterState clusterState, String collectionName, int numSlices, int maxShardsPerNode, int repFactor, String createNodeSetStr) { List<String> createNodeList = createNodeSetStr == null ? null : StrUtils.splitSmart(createNodeSetStr, ",", true); Set<String> nodes = clusterState.getLiveNodes(); List<String> nodeList = new ArrayList<String>(nodes.size()); nodeList.addAll(nodes); if (createNodeList != null) nodeList.retainAll(createNodeList); HashMap<String, Node> nodeNameVsShardCount = new HashMap<String, Node>(); for (String s : nodeList) nodeNameVsShardCount.put(s, new Node(s)); for (String s : clusterState.getCollections()) { DocCollection c = clusterState.getCollection(s); // identify suitable nodes by checking the no:of cores in each of them for (Slice slice : c.getSlices()) { Collection<Replica> replicas = slice.getReplicas(); for (Replica replica : replicas) { Node count = nodeNameVsShardCount.get(replica.getNodeName()); if (count != null) { count.totalNodes++; if (s.equals(collectionName)) { count.thisCollectionNodes++; if (count.thisCollectionNodes >= maxShardsPerNode) nodeNameVsShardCount.remove(replica.getNodeName()); } } } } } if (nodeNameVsShardCount.size() <= 0) { throw new SolrException( SolrException.ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST, "Cannot create collection " + collectionName + ". No live Solr-instances" + ((createNodeList != null) ? " among Solr-instances specified in " + CREATE_NODE_SET + ":" + createNodeSetStr : "")); } if (repFactor > nodeNameVsShardCount.size()) { log.warn( "Specified " + REPLICATION_FACTOR + " of " + repFactor + " on collection " + collectionName + " is higher than or equal to the number of Solr instances currently live or part of your " + CREATE_NODE_SET + "(" + nodeList.size() + "). Its unusual to run two replica of the same slice on the same Solr-instance."); } int maxCoresAllowedToCreate = maxShardsPerNode * nodeList.size(); int requestedCoresToCreate = numSlices * repFactor; int minCoresToCreate = requestedCoresToCreate; if (maxCoresAllowedToCreate < minCoresToCreate) { throw new SolrException( SolrException.ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST, "Cannot create shards " + collectionName + ". Value of " + MAX_SHARDS_PER_NODE + " is " + maxShardsPerNode + ", and the number of live nodes is " + nodeList.size() + ". This allows a maximum of " + maxCoresAllowedToCreate + " to be created. Value of " + NUM_SLICES + " is " + numSlices + " and value of " + REPLICATION_FACTOR + " is " + repFactor + ". This requires " + requestedCoresToCreate + " shards to be created (higher than the allowed number)"); } ArrayList<Node> sortedNodeList = new ArrayList<>(nodeNameVsShardCount.values()); Collections.sort( sortedNodeList, new Comparator<Node>() { @Override public int compare(Node x, Node y) { return (x.weight() < y.weight()) ? -1 : ((x.weight() == y.weight()) ? 0 : 1); } }); return sortedNodeList; }