@Before public void setupDemoChannel() throws Exception { final SlingClient slingClient = new SlingClient(getServerBaseUrl(), ADMIN, ADMIN); try { slingClient.createNode(demoChannelPath, "sling:resourceType", "mediacenter:channel"); } catch (Exception e) { fail("Exception while setting up DEMO channel: " + e); } }
/** * Before running tests, setup a node that gives access to the Sling JUnit servlet, and check * (with timeout) that the servlet is ready */ public SlingServerSideTestsBase() { if (!servletNodeCreated) { final SlingClient slingClient = new SlingClient(getServerBaseUrl(), getServerUsername(), getServerPassword()); try { slingClient.createNode(SERVLET_NODE_PATH, "sling:resourceType", "sling/junit/testing"); servletNodeCreated = true; } catch (Exception e) { fail("Exception while setting up Sling JUnit servlet: " + e); } } if (servletCheckFailed) { fail(SLING_JUNIT_SERVLET_PATH + " check failed previously, cannot run tests"); } if (!servletOk) { final RetryingContentChecker servletChecker = new RetryingContentChecker( getRequestExecutor(), getRequestBuilder(), getServerUsername(), getServerPassword()) { @Override public void onTimeout() { servletCheckFailed = true; } @Override protected boolean assertMore(RequestExecutor e) throws Exception { e.assertContentContains("SlingJUnitServlet"); return true; } }; final String path = SLING_JUNIT_SERVLET_PATH; final int status = 200; final int timeout = TimeoutsProvider.getInstance().getTimeout(30); final int intervalMsec = TimeoutsProvider.getInstance().getTimeout(500); log.info( "Checking that {} returns status {}, timeout={} seconds", new Object[] {path, status, timeout}); servletChecker.check(path, status, timeout, intervalMsec); servletOk = true; log.info("{} is ready, returns expected content", path); } }