  /** Constructor, intended for writing */
  public NPOIFSFileSystem() {

    // Mark us as having a single empty BAT at offset 0
    _header.setBATArray(new int[] {0});
    _bat_blocks.add(BATBlock.createEmptyBATBlock(bigBlockSize, false));
    setNextBlock(0, POIFSConstants.FAT_SECTOR_BLOCK);

    // Now associate the properties with the empty block
    setNextBlock(1, POIFSConstants.END_OF_CHAIN);
   * Read and process the PropertiesTable and the FAT / XFAT blocks, so that we're ready to work
   * with the file
  private void readCoreContents() throws IOException {
    // Grab the block size
    bigBlockSize = _header.getBigBlockSize();

    // Each block should only ever be used by one of the
    //  FAT, XFAT or Property Table. Ensure it does
    ChainLoopDetector loopDetector = getChainLoopDetector();

    // Read the FAT blocks
    for (int fatAt : _header.getBATArray()) {
      readBAT(fatAt, loopDetector);

    // Work out how many FAT blocks remain in the XFATs
    int remainingFATs = _header.getBATCount() - _header.getBATArray().length;

    // Now read the XFAT blocks, and the FATs within them
    BATBlock xfat;
    int nextAt = _header.getXBATIndex();
    for (int i = 0; i < _header.getXBATCount(); i++) {
      ByteBuffer fatData = getBlockAt(nextAt);
      xfat = BATBlock.createBATBlock(bigBlockSize, fatData);
      nextAt = xfat.getValueAt(bigBlockSize.getXBATEntriesPerBlock());

      // Process all the (used) FATs from this XFAT
      int xbatFATs = Math.min(remainingFATs, bigBlockSize.getXBATEntriesPerBlock());
      for (int j = 0; j < xbatFATs; j++) {
        int fatAt = xfat.getValueAt(j);
        if (fatAt == POIFSConstants.UNUSED_BLOCK || fatAt == POIFSConstants.END_OF_CHAIN) break;
        readBAT(fatAt, loopDetector);
      remainingFATs -= xbatFATs;

    // We're now able to load steams
    // Use this to read in the properties
    _property_table = new NPropertyTable(_header, this);

    // Finally read the Small Stream FAT (SBAT) blocks
    BATBlock sfat;
    List<BATBlock> sbats = new ArrayList<BATBlock>();
    _mini_store = new NPOIFSMiniStore(this, _property_table.getRoot(), sbats, _header);
    nextAt = _header.getSBATStart();
    for (int i = 0; i < _header.getSBATCount(); i++) {
      ByteBuffer fatData = getBlockAt(nextAt);
      sfat = BATBlock.createBATBlock(bigBlockSize, fatData);
      nextAt = getNextBlock(nextAt);
  /** Has our in-memory objects write their state to their backing blocks */
  private void syncWithDataSource() throws IOException {
    // HeaderBlock
    HeaderBlockWriter hbw = new HeaderBlockWriter(_header);

    // BATs
    for (BATBlock bat : _bat_blocks) {
      ByteBuffer block = getBlockAt(bat.getOurBlockIndex());
      BlockAllocationTableWriter.writeBlock(bat, block);

    // SBATs

    // Properties
    _property_table.write(new NPOIFSStream(this, _header.getPropertyStart()));
   * Create a POIFSFileSystem from an <tt>InputStream</tt>. Normally the stream is read until EOF.
   * The stream is always closed.
   * <p>Some streams are usable after reaching EOF (typically those that return <code>true</code>
   * for <tt>markSupported()</tt>). In the unlikely case that the caller has such a stream
   * <i>and</i> needs to use it after this constructor completes, a work around is to wrap the
   * stream in order to trap the <tt>close()</tt> call. A convenience method (
   * <tt>createNonClosingInputStream()</tt>) has been provided for this purpose:
   * <pre>
   * InputStream wrappedStream = POIFSFileSystem.createNonClosingInputStream(is);
   * HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook(wrappedStream);
   * is.reset();
   * doSomethingElse(is);
   * </pre>
   * Note also the special case of <tt>ByteArrayInputStream</tt> for which the <tt>close()</tt>
   * method does nothing.
   * <pre>
   * ByteArrayInputStream bais = ...
   * HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook(bais); // calls bais.close() !
   * bais.reset(); // no problem
   * doSomethingElse(bais);
   * </pre>
   * @param stream the InputStream from which to read the data
   * @exception IOException on errors reading, or on invalid data
  public NPOIFSFileSystem(InputStream stream) throws IOException {

    ReadableByteChannel channel = null;
    boolean success = false;

    try {
      // Turn our InputStream into something NIO based
      channel = Channels.newChannel(stream);

      // Get the header
      ByteBuffer headerBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(POIFSConstants.SMALLER_BIG_BLOCK_SIZE);
      IOUtils.readFully(channel, headerBuffer);

      // Have the header processed
      _header = new HeaderBlock(headerBuffer);

      // Sanity check the block count

      // We need to buffer the whole file into memory when
      //  working with an InputStream.
      // The max possible size is when each BAT block entry is used
      int maxSize = BATBlock.calculateMaximumSize(_header);
      ByteBuffer data = ByteBuffer.allocate(maxSize);
      // Copy in the header
      // Now read the rest of the stream
      IOUtils.readFully(channel, data);
      success = true;

      // Turn it into a DataSource
      _data = new ByteArrayBackedDataSource(data.array(), data.position());
    } finally {
      // As per the constructor contract, always close the stream
      if (channel != null) channel.close();
      closeInputStream(stream, success);

    // Now process the various entries
   * Finds a free block, and returns its offset. This method will extend the file if needed, and if
   * doing so, allocate new FAT blocks to address the extra space.
  protected int getFreeBlock() throws IOException {
    // First up, do we have any spare ones?
    int offset = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < _bat_blocks.size(); i++) {
      int numSectors = bigBlockSize.getBATEntriesPerBlock();

      // Check this one
      BATBlock bat = _bat_blocks.get(i);
      if (bat.hasFreeSectors()) {
        // Claim one of them and return it
        for (int j = 0; j < numSectors; j++) {
          int batValue = bat.getValueAt(j);
          if (batValue == POIFSConstants.UNUSED_BLOCK) {
            // Bingo
            return offset + j;

      // Move onto the next BAT
      offset += numSectors;

    // If we get here, then there aren't any free sectors
    //  in any of the BATs, so we need another BAT
    BATBlock bat = createBAT(offset, true);
    bat.setValueAt(0, POIFSConstants.FAT_SECTOR_BLOCK);

    // Now store a reference to the BAT in the required place
    if (_header.getBATCount() >= 109) {
      // Needs to come from an XBAT
      BATBlock xbat = null;
      for (BATBlock x : _xbat_blocks) {
        if (x.hasFreeSectors()) {
          xbat = x;
      if (xbat == null) {
        // Oh joy, we need a new XBAT too...
        xbat = createBAT(offset + 1, false);
        xbat.setValueAt(0, offset);
        bat.setValueAt(1, POIFSConstants.DIFAT_SECTOR_BLOCK);

        // Will go one place higher as XBAT added in

        // Chain it
        if (_xbat_blocks.size() == 0) {
        } else {
              .get(_xbat_blocks.size() - 1)
              .setValueAt(bigBlockSize.getXBATEntriesPerBlock(), offset);
      // Allocate us in the XBAT
      for (int i = 0; i < bigBlockSize.getXBATEntriesPerBlock(); i++) {
        if (xbat.getValueAt(i) == POIFSConstants.UNUSED_BLOCK) {
          xbat.setValueAt(i, offset);
    } else {
      // Store us in the header
      int[] newBATs = new int[_header.getBATCount() + 1];
      System.arraycopy(_header.getBATArray(), 0, newBATs, 0, newBATs.length - 1);
      newBATs[newBATs.length - 1] = offset;

    // The current offset stores us, but the next one is free
    return offset + 1;