public void commitChanges(VariableInstance var, ScopeFrame scopeFrame, Node value) throws ExternalVariableModuleException { if (var.declaration.extVar != null) /* external variable */ { if (__log.isDebugEnabled()) __log.debug( "Write external variable: name=" + var.declaration + " value=" + DOMUtils.domToString(value)); VariableInstance related = scopeFrame.resolve(var.declaration.extVar.related); Node reference = null; try { reference = fetchVariableData(var, scopeFrame, true); } catch (FaultException fe) { // In this context this is not necessarily a problem, since the assignment may re-init the // related var } VariableContext.ValueReferencePair vrp = _brc.writeExtVar(var, reference, value); commitChanges(related, scopeFrame, vrp.reference); } else /* normal variable */ { if (__log.isDebugEnabled()) __log.debug( "Write variable: name=" + var.declaration + " value=" + DOMUtils.domToString(value)); _brc.commitChanges(var, value); } writeProperties(var, value); }
/** * Proxy to {@link OdeRTInstanceContext#initializeVariable(Variable, Node)} then write properties. */ public Node initializeVariable(VariableInstance var, ScopeFrame scopeFrame, Node val) throws ExternalVariableModuleException { try { if (var.declaration.extVar != null) /* external variable */ { if (__log.isDebugEnabled()) __log.debug( "Initialize external variable: name=" + var.declaration + " value=" + DOMUtils.domToString(val)); Node reference = null; try { reference = fetchVariableData(var, scopeFrame, true); } catch (FaultException fe) { // In this context this is not necessarily a problem, since the assignment may re-init the // related var } if (reference != null) val = _brc.readExtVar(var, reference); return val; } else /* normal variable */ { if (__log.isDebugEnabled()) __log.debug( "Initialize variable: name=" + var.declaration + " value=" + DOMUtils.domToString(val)); return _brc.initializeVariable(var, val); } } finally { writeProperties(var, val); } }
/** * Returns a {@link XMLSchemaType} * * @see javax.wsdl.extensions.ExtensionDeserializer#unmarshall(java.lang.Class, * javax.xml.namespace.QName, org.w3c.dom.Element, javax.wsdl.Definition, * javax.wsdl.extensions.ExtensionRegistry) */ public ExtensibilityElement unmarshall( Class clazz, QName qname, Element element, Definition definition, ExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry) throws WSDLException { DOMUtils.pancakeNamespaces(element); return new XMLSchemaType(DOMUtils.domToString(element)); }
@Test public void testSimplePassing() throws Exception { server.deployService( "TestSoapHeader", "dummy-service.wsdl", new QName("", "DummyService"), "DummyServiceSOAP11port_http", new MessageReceiver() { public void receive(MessageContext messageCtx) throws AxisFault { System.out.println(messageCtx.getEnvelope()); OMElement cidElmt = messageCtx.getEnvelope().getHeader().getFirstElement(); // Also checking if the session is included in passing assertTrue(messageCtx.getEnvelope().toString().indexOf("session") > 0); assertEquals("ConversationId", cidElmt.getLocalName()); assertEquals("ZZZXYZ", cidElmt.getText()); MessageContext outMsgContext = Utils.createOutMessageContext(messageCtx); outMsgContext.getOperationContext().addMessageContext(outMsgContext); // Far too many lines of code... SOAPFactory factory = OMAbstractFactory.getSOAP11Factory(); SOAPEnvelope env = factory.createSOAPEnvelope(); SOAPHeader header = factory.createSOAPHeader(env); SOAPBody body = factory.createSOAPBody(env); outMsgContext.setEnvelope(env); OMElement respElmt = factory.createOMElement( new QName("", "faultTestResponse")); body.addChild(respElmt); respElmt.setText("dummy"); SOAPHeaderBlock headerBlock = factory.createSOAPHeaderBlock( "ConversationId", factory.createOMNamespace("", "pns"), header); headerBlock.setText("ZZYV"); AxisEngine.send(outMsgContext); } }); if (!server.isDeployed("TestSoapHeader")) server.deployProcess("TestSoapHeader"); String response = server.sendRequestFile( "http://localhost:8888/processes/headerTest", "TestSoapHeader", "testRequest.soap"); Element rootElemt = DOMUtils.stringToDOM(response); Element cidElemt = DOMUtils.getFirstChildElement(DOMUtils.getFirstChildElement(rootElemt)); assertEquals("ConversationId", cidElemt.getLocalName()); assertEquals("ZZYV", cidElemt.getTextContent()); server.undeployProcess("TestSoapHeader"); }
public void createSoapBody( org.apache.axiom.soap.SOAPBody sb, SOAPBody soapBody, Message msgDef, Element message, String rpcWrapper) throws AxisFault { OMElement partHolder = isRPC ? soapFactory.createOMElement( new QName(soapBody.getNamespaceURI(), rpcWrapper, "odens"), sb) : sb; List<Part> parts = msgDef.getOrderedParts(soapBody.getParts()); for (Part part : parts) { Element srcPartEl = DOMUtils.findChildByName(message, new QName(null, part.getName())); if (srcPartEl == null) { throw new AxisFault("Missing required part in ODE Message"); } OMElement omPart = OMUtils.toOM(srcPartEl, soapFactory); if (isRPC) { partHolder.addChild(omPart); } else { for (Iterator<OMNode> i = omPart.getChildren(); i.hasNext(); ) { partHolder.addChild(; } } } }
/** * @see * org.apache.ode.bpel.explang.ExpressionLanguageRuntime#evaluate(org.apache.ode.bpel.obj.OExpression, * org.apache.ode.bpel.explang.EvaluationContext) */ public List evaluate(OExpression cexp, EvaluationContext ctx) throws FaultException, EvaluationException { List result; Object someRes = evaluate(cexp, ctx, XPathConstants.NODESET); if (someRes instanceof List) { result = (List) someRes; if (__log.isDebugEnabled()) { __log.debug("Returned list of size " + result.size()); } if ((result.size() == 1) && !(result.get(0) instanceof Node)) { // Dealing with a Java class Object simpleType = result.get(0); // Dates get a separate treatment as we don't want to call toString on them String textVal; if (simpleType instanceof Date) { textVal = ISO8601DateParser.format((Date) simpleType); } else if (simpleType instanceof DurationValue) { textVal = ((DurationValue) simpleType).getStringValue(); } else { textVal = simpleType.toString(); } // Wrapping in a document Document d = DOMUtils.newDocument(); // Giving our node a parent just in case it's an LValue expression Element wrapper = d.createElement("wrapper"); Text text = d.createTextNode(textVal); wrapper.appendChild(text); d.appendChild(wrapper); result = Collections.singletonList(text); } } else if (someRes instanceof NodeList) { NodeList retVal = (NodeList) someRes; if (__log.isDebugEnabled()) { __log.debug("Returned node list of size " + retVal.getLength()); } result = new ArrayList(retVal.getLength()); for (int m = 0; m < retVal.getLength(); ++m) { Node val = retVal.item(m); if (val.getNodeType() == Node.DOCUMENT_NODE) { val = ((Document) val).getDocumentElement(); } result.add(val); } } else { result = null; } return result; }
/** * Cast XQuery sequence into an opaque list * * @param type type * @param result result * @return value * @throws XQException XQException */ private Object getResultValue(QName type, XQResultSequence result) throws XQException { Document document = DOMUtils.newDocument(); Object resultValue = null; if (XPathConstants.NODESET.equals(type)) { List list = new ArrayList(); while ( { Object itemValue = getItemValue(result.getItem()); if (itemValue instanceof Document) { itemValue = DOMUtils.cloneNode(document, ((Document) itemValue).getDocumentElement()); } else if (itemValue instanceof Node) { itemValue = DOMUtils.cloneNode(document, (Node) itemValue); } if (itemValue != null) { list.add(itemValue); } } resultValue = list; } else if (XPathConstants.NODE.equals(type)) { XQItem item = null; if (result.count() > 0) { result.first(); if (result.isOnItem()) { item = result.getItem(); } } if (item != null) { resultValue = getItemValue(item); if (resultValue instanceof Node) { resultValue = DOMUtils.cloneNode(document, (Node) resultValue); } } } else if (XPathConstants.STRING.equals(type)) { resultValue = result.getSequenceAsString(new Properties()); } else if (XPathConstants.NUMBER.equals(type)) { resultValue = result.getSequenceAsString(new Properties()); resultValue = Integer.parseInt((String) resultValue); } else if (XPathConstants.BOOLEAN.equals(type)) { resultValue = result.getSequenceAsString(new Properties()); resultValue = Boolean.parseBoolean((String) resultValue); } return resultValue; }
public Element getPartnerEPR() { entering("PartnerLinkDAOImpl.getPartnerEPR"); if (_partnerEPR != null) return _partnerEPR; if (_self.getPartnerEPR() == null) return null; try { return _partnerEPR = DOMUtils.stringToDOM(_self.getPartnerEPR()); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } }
public void setMyEPR(Element val) { entering("PartnerLinkDAOImpl.setMyEPR"); _myEPR = val; if (val == null) { _self.setMyEPR(null); } else { _self.setMyEPR(DOMUtils.domToBytes(val)); } getSession().update(_self); }
public Node fetchVariableData( VariableInstance variable, ScopeFrame scopeFrame, boolean forWriting) throws FaultException { if (variable.declaration.extVar != null) { // Note, that when using external variables, the database will not contain the value of the // variable, instead we need to go the external variable subsystems. Element reference = (Element) _brc.fetchVariableData( scopeFrame.resolve(variable.declaration.extVar.related), false); try { Node ret = _brc.readExtVar(variable, reference); if (ret == null) { throw new FaultException( _runtime._oprocess.constants.qnUninitializedVariable, "The external variable \"" + + "\" has not been initialized."); } return ret; } catch (IncompleteKeyException ike) { // This indicates that the external variable needed to be written do, put has not been. __log.error( "External variable could not be read due to incomplete key; the following key " + "components were missing: " + ike.getMissing()); throw new FaultException( _runtime._oprocess.constants.qnUninitializedVariable, "The extenral variable \"" + + "\" has not been properly initialized;" + "the following key compoenents were missing:" + ike.getMissing()); } catch (ExternalVariableModuleException e) { throw new BpelEngineException(e); } } else /* not external */ { Node data = _brc.fetchVariableData(variable, forWriting); if (data == null) { // Special case of messageType variables with no part if (variable.declaration.type instanceof OMessageVarType) { OMessageVarType msgType = (OMessageVarType) variable.declaration.type; if ( == 0) { Document doc = DOMUtils.newDocument(); Element root = doc.createElement("message"); doc.appendChild(root); return root; } } throw new FaultException( _runtime._oprocess.constants.qnUninitializedVariable, "The variable " + + " isn't properly initialized."); } return data; } }
/** * Get Variable data for the given variable name, for this scope instance * * @param varName Variable Name * @return DOM Node as XML String. If no value exists or variable not initialized, NULL will be * returnrd. */ public String getVariableData(String varName) { String value = null; try { OScope.Variable var = __scope.getVisibleVariable(varName); VariableInstance varInstance = new VariableInstance(__scopeInstanceId, var); Node varNode = __runtimeContext.fetchVariableData(varInstance, null, false); value = DOMUtils.domToString(varNode); } catch (Throwable e) { // Don't throw any exception back to the caller. Just return null as value. } return value; }
public Node getPartData(Element message, OMessageVarType.Part part) { // borrowed from ASSIGN.evalQuery() Node ret = DOMUtils.findChildByName(message, new QName(null,; if (part.type instanceof OElementVarType) { QName elName = ((OElementVarType) part.type).elementType; ret = DOMUtils.findChildByName((Element) ret, elName); } else if (part.type == null) { // Special case of header parts never referenced in the WSDL def if (ret != null && ret.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE && ((Element) ret).getAttribute("headerPart") != null && DOMUtils.getTextContent(ret) == null) ret = DOMUtils.getFirstChildElement((Element) ret); // The needed part isn't there, dynamically creating it if (ret == null) { ret = message.getOwnerDocument().createElementNS(null,; ((Element) ret).setAttribute("headerPart", "true"); message.appendChild(ret); } } return ret; }
/** * Create a property mapping based on the initial values in the deployment descriptor. * * @param dd * @return */ public static Map<QName, Node> calcInitialProperties( Properties properties, TDeployment.Process dd) { HashMap<QName, Node> ret = new HashMap<QName, Node>(); for (Object key1 : properties.keySet()) { String key = (String) key1; Document doc = DOMUtils.newDocument(); doc.appendChild(doc.createElementNS(null, "temporary-simple-type-wrapper")); doc.getDocumentElement().appendChild(doc.createTextNode(properties.getProperty(key))); ret.put(new QName(key), doc.getDocumentElement()); } for (TDeployment.Process.Property property : dd.getPropertyArray()) { Element elmtContent = DOMUtils.getElementContent(property.getDomNode()); if (elmtContent != null) { // We'll need DOM Level 3 Document doc = DOMUtils.newDocument(); doc.appendChild(doc.importNode(elmtContent, true)); ret.put(property.getName(), doc.getDocumentElement()); } else ret.put(property.getName(), property.getDomNode().getFirstChild()); } return ret; }
/** * Evaluate expression and return a date * * @param cexp cexp * @param context context * @return type * @throws FaultException FaultException * @throws EvaluationException EvaluationException */ public Calendar evaluateAsDate(OExpression cexp, EvaluationContext context) throws FaultException, EvaluationException { List literal = DOMUtils.toList(evaluate(cexp, context, XPathConstants.NODESET)); if (literal.size() == 0) { throw new FaultException( cexp.getOwner().getConstants().getQnSelectionFailure(), "No results for expression: " + cexp); } if (literal.size() > 1) { throw new FaultException( cexp.getOwner().getConstants().getQnSelectionFailure(), "Multiple results for expression: " + cexp); } Object date = literal.get(0); if (date instanceof Calendar) { return (Calendar) date; } if (date instanceof Date) { Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); cal.setTime((Date) date); return cal; } if (date instanceof Element) { date = ((Element) date).getTextContent(); } try { return ISO8601DateParser.parseCal(date.toString()); } catch (Exception ex) { String errmsg = "Invalid date: " + literal; __log.error(errmsg, ex); throw new FaultException( cexp.getOwner().getConstants().getQnInvalidExpressionValue(), errmsg); } }
/** * Evaluate expression and return opaque type * * @param cexp cexp * @param ctx ctx * @param type type * @return type * @throws FaultException FaultException * @throws EvaluationException EvaluationException */ private Object evaluate(OExpression cexp, EvaluationContext ctx, QName type) throws FaultException, EvaluationException { try { OXQuery10ExpressionBPEL20 oxquery10 = ((OXQuery10ExpressionBPEL20) cexp); XQDataSource xqds = new SaxonXQDataSource(); XQConnection xqconn = xqds.getConnection(); Configuration configuration = ((SaxonXQConnection) xqconn).getConfiguration(); configuration.setAllNodesUntyped(true); configuration.setHostLanguage(Configuration.XQUERY); XQStaticContext staticEnv = xqconn.getStaticContext(); NSContext nsContext = oxquery10.getNamespaceCtx(); Set<String> prefixes = nsContext.getPrefixes(); for (String prefix : prefixes) { String uri = nsContext.getNamespaceURI(prefix); staticEnv.declareNamespace(prefix, uri); } configuration.setSchemaValidationMode(Validation.SKIP); xqconn.setStaticContext(staticEnv); // Prepare expression, for starters String xquery = oxquery10 .getXquery() .replaceFirst( Constants.XQUERY_FUNCTION_HANDLER_COMPILER, Constants.XQUERY_FUNCTION_HANDLER_RUNTIME); XQPreparedExpression exp = xqconn.prepareExpression(xquery); JaxpFunctionResolver funcResolver = new JaxpFunctionResolver(ctx, oxquery10); JaxpVariableResolver variableResolver = new JaxpVariableResolver(ctx, oxquery10, configuration); // Bind external variables to runtime values for (QName variable : exp.getAllUnboundExternalVariables()) { // Evaluate referenced variable Object value = variableResolver.resolveVariable(variable); if (value instanceof Value) { SaxonXQConnection saxonConn = (SaxonXQConnection) xqconn; try { Item item = ((Value) value).asItem(); if (item == null) { exp.bindSequence(variable, xqconn.createSequence(Collections.EMPTY_LIST.iterator())); } else { XQItem item2 = new SaxonXQItem(item, saxonConn); exp.bindItem(variable, item2); } } catch (XPathException e) { __log.warn("", e); } } else { if (value instanceof Date) { Date d = (Date) value; value = org.apache.ode.utils.ISO8601DateParser.format(d); } // Figure out type of variable XQSequenceType xqType = getItemType(xqconn, value); // Saxon doesn't like binding sequences to variables if (value instanceof Node) { // a node is a node-list, but the inverse isn't true. // so, if the value is truly a node, leave it alone. } else if (value instanceof NodeList) { // So extract the first item from the node list NodeList nodeList = (NodeList) value; ArrayList nodeArray = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < nodeList.getLength(); i++) { nodeArray.add(nodeList.item(i)); } value = xqconn.createSequence(nodeArray.iterator()); } // Bind value with external variable if (value != null && xqType != null) { if (value instanceof XQSequence) { exp.bindSequence(variable, (XQSequence) value); } else { if (xqType instanceof XQItemType) { exp.bindObject(variable, value, (XQItemType) xqType); } } } } } // Set context node Node contextNode = (ctx.getRootNode() == null) ? DOMUtils.newDocument() : ctx.getRootNode(); contextNode.setUserData( XQuery10BpelFunctions.USER_DATA_KEY_FUNCTION_RESOLVER, funcResolver, null); exp.bindItem( XQConstants.CONTEXT_ITEM, xqconn.createItemFromNode(contextNode, xqconn.createNodeType())); // Execute query XQResultSequence result = exp.executeQuery(); // Cast Saxon result to Java result Object evalResult = getResultValue(type, result); if ((evalResult != null) && __log.isDebugEnabled()) { __log.debug( "Expression " + cexp.toString() + " generated result " + evalResult + " - type=" + evalResult.getClass().getName()); if (ctx.getRootNode() != null) { __log.debug("Was using context node " + DOMUtils.domToString(ctx.getRootNode())); } } return evalResult; } catch (XQException xqe) { // Extracting the real cause from all this wrapping isn't a simple task Throwable cause = (xqe.getCause() != null) ? xqe.getCause() : xqe; if (cause instanceof DynamicError) { Throwable th = ((DynamicError) cause).getException(); if (th != null) { cause = th; if (cause.getCause() != null) { cause = cause.getCause(); } } } throw new EvaluationException( "Error while executing an XQuery expression: " + cause.toString(), cause); } catch (WrappedResolverException wre) { __log.debug("Could not evaluate expression because of ", wre); throw (FaultException) wre.getCause(); } }
public void setProperty(final QName pid, final QName propName, final Node value) { setProperty(pid, propName, DOMUtils.domToStringLevel2(value)); }