/** * Transform the KiWiNode node into the datatype T. In case the node cannot be transformed to the * respective datatype, throws an IllegalArgumentException that needs to be caught by the class * carrying out the transformation. * * @param rdfBackend * @param node * @return */ @Override public Date transform(RDFBackend<Node> rdfBackend, Node node, Map<String, String> configuration) throws IllegalArgumentException { if (rdfBackend.isLiteral(node)) { return rdfBackend.dateTimeValue(node); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("could not parse node, because it is not a literal"); } }
/** * Apply the selector to the context node passed as argument and return the collection of selected * nodes in appropriate order. * * @param context the node where to start the selection * @param path the path leading to but not including the context node in the current evaluation of * LDPath; may be null, in which case path tracking is disabled * @param resultPaths a map where each of the result nodes maps to a path leading to the result * node in the LDPath evaluation; if null, path tracking is disabled and the path argument is * ignored * @return the collection of selected nodes */ @Override public Collection<Node> select( RDFBackend<Node> rdfBackend, Node context, List<Node> path, Map<Node, List<Node>> resultPaths) { return Collections.singleton(rdfBackend.createLiteral(constant)); }