private String convertNumber(Number number) { if (Integer.class.isInstance(number)) { return NumericUtils.intToPrefixCoded(number.intValue()); } else if (Double.class.isInstance(number)) { return NumericUtils.doubleToPrefixCoded(number.doubleValue()); } else if (Long.class.isInstance(number)) { return NumericUtils.longToPrefixCoded(number.longValue()); } else if (Float.class.isInstance(number)) { return NumericUtils.floatToPrefixCoded(number.floatValue()); } else if (Byte.class.isInstance(number)) { return NumericUtils.intToPrefixCoded(number.intValue()); } else if (Short.class.isInstance(number)) { return NumericUtils.intToPrefixCoded(number.intValue()); } else if (BigDecimal.class.isInstance(number)) { return NumericUtils.doubleToPrefixCoded(number.doubleValue()); } else if (BigInteger.class.isInstance(number)) { return NumericUtils.longToPrefixCoded(number.longValue()); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported numeric type " + number.getClass().getName()); } }
/** * Tests for LuceneSerializer * * @author vema */ public class LuceneSerializerTest { private LuceneSerializer serializer; private PathBuilder<Object> entityPath; private StringPath title; private StringPath author; private StringPath text; private StringPath rating; private StringPath publisher; private NumberPath<Integer> year; private NumberPath<Double> gross; private NumberPath<Long> longField; private NumberPath<Short> shortField; private NumberPath<Byte> byteField; private NumberPath<Float> floatField; private static final String YEAR_PREFIX_CODED = NumericUtils.intToPrefixCoded(1990); private static final String GROSS_PREFIX_CODED = NumericUtils.doubleToPrefixCoded(900.00); private static final String LONG_PREFIX_CODED = NumericUtils.longToPrefixCoded(1); private static final String SHORT_PREFIX_CODED = NumericUtils.intToPrefixCoded(1); private static final String BYTE_PREFIX_CODED = NumericUtils.intToPrefixCoded(1); private static final String FLOAT_PREFIX_CODED = NumericUtils.floatToPrefixCoded((float) 1.0); private IndexWriterConfig config; private RAMDirectory idx; private IndexWriter writer; private IndexSearcher searcher; private final QueryMetadata metadata = new DefaultQueryMetadata(); private Document createDocument() { Document doc = new Document(); doc.add(new Field("title", new StringReader("Jurassic Park"))); doc.add(new Field("author", new StringReader("Michael Crichton"))); doc.add(new Field("text", new StringReader("It's a UNIX system! I know this!"))); doc.add(new Field("rating", new StringReader("Good"))); doc.add(new Field("publisher", "", Store.YES, Index.ANALYZED)); doc.add(new NumericField("year", Store.YES, true).setIntValue(1990)); doc.add(new NumericField("gross", Store.YES, true).setDoubleValue(900.00)); doc.add(new NumericField("longField", Store.YES, true).setLongValue(1)); doc.add(new NumericField("shortField", Store.YES, true).setIntValue(1)); doc.add(new NumericField("byteField", Store.YES, true).setIntValue(1)); doc.add(new NumericField("floatField", Store.YES, true).setFloatValue(1)); return doc; } @Before public void setUp() throws Exception { serializer = new LuceneSerializer(true, true); entityPath = new PathBuilder<Object>(Object.class, "obj"); title = entityPath.getString("title"); author = entityPath.getString("author"); text = entityPath.getString("text"); publisher = entityPath.getString("publisher"); year = entityPath.getNumber("year", Integer.class); rating = entityPath.getString("rating"); gross = entityPath.getNumber("gross", Double.class); longField = entityPath.getNumber("longField", Long.class); shortField = entityPath.getNumber("shortField", Short.class); byteField = entityPath.getNumber("byteField", Byte.class); floatField = entityPath.getNumber("floatField", Float.class); idx = new RAMDirectory(); config = new IndexWriterConfig(Version.LUCENE_31, new StandardAnalyzer(Version.LUCENE_30)) .setOpenMode(IndexWriterConfig.OpenMode.CREATE); writer = new IndexWriter(idx, config); writer.addDocument(createDocument()); writer.close(); IndexReader reader =; searcher = new IndexSearcher(reader); } @After public void tearDown() throws Exception { searcher.close(); } private void testQuery(Expression<?> expr, int expectedHits) throws Exception { Query query = serializer.toQuery(expr, metadata); TopDocs docs =, 100); assertEquals(expectedHits, docs.totalHits); } private void testQuery(Expression<?> expr, String expectedQuery, int expectedHits) throws Exception { Query query = serializer.toQuery(expr, metadata); TopDocs docs =, 100); assertEquals(expectedHits, docs.totalHits); assertEquals(expectedQuery, query.toString()); } @Test public void QueryElement() throws Exception { Query query1 = serializer.toQuery("Michael"), metadata); Query query2 = serializer.toQuery("Text"), metadata); BooleanExpression query = BooleanExpression.anyOf(new QueryElement(query1), new QueryElement(query2)); testQuery(query, "author:michael text:text", 1); } @Test public void Like() throws Exception { testQuery("*ichael*"), "author:*ichael*", 1); } @Test public void Like_Custom_Wildcard_Single_Character() throws Exception { testQuery("Mi?hael"), "author:mi?hael", 1); } @Test public void Like_Custom_Wildcard_Multiple_Character() throws Exception { testQuery("*U*X*"), "text:*u*x*", 1); } @Test public void Like_Phrase() throws Exception { testQuery("*rassic Par*"), "+title:**rassic* +title:*par**", 1); } @Test public void Like_or_like() throws Exception { testQuery("House").or("*ichae*")), "title:house author:*ichae*", 1); } @Test public void Like_and_like() throws Exception { testQuery("*assic*").and("G?od")), "+title:*assic* +rating:g?od", 1); } @Test public void Eq() throws Exception { testQuery(rating.eq("good"), "rating:good", 1); } @Test public void Eq_with_deep_path() throws Exception { StringPath deepPath = entityPath.get("property1", Object.class).getString("property2"); testQuery(deepPath.eq("good"), "property1.property2:good", 0); } @Test public void FuzzyLike() throws Exception { testQuery(LuceneExpressions.fuzzyLike(rating, "Good"), "rating:Good~0.5", 1); } @Test public void FuzzyLike_with_Similarity() throws Exception { testQuery(LuceneExpressions.fuzzyLike(rating, "Good", 0.6f), "rating:Good~0.6", 1); } @Test public void FuzzyLike_with_Similarity_and_prefix() throws Exception { testQuery(LuceneExpressions.fuzzyLike(rating, "Good", 0.6f, 0), "rating:Good~0.6", 1); } @Test public void Eq_Numeric_Integer() throws Exception { testQuery(year.eq(1990), "year:" + YEAR_PREFIX_CODED, 1); } @Test public void Eq_Numeric_Double() throws Exception { testQuery(gross.eq(900.00), "gross:" + GROSS_PREFIX_CODED, 1); } @Test public void Eq_Numeric() throws Exception { testQuery(longField.eq(1l), "longField:" + LONG_PREFIX_CODED, 1); testQuery(shortField.eq((short) 1), "shortField:" + SHORT_PREFIX_CODED, 1); testQuery(byteField.eq((byte) 1), "byteField:" + BYTE_PREFIX_CODED, 1); testQuery(floatField.eq((float) 1.0), "floatField:" + FLOAT_PREFIX_CODED, 1); } @Test public void Equals_Ignores_Case() throws Exception { testQuery(title.eq("Jurassic"), "title:jurassic", 1); } @Test(expected = UnsupportedOperationException.class) public void Title_Equals_Ignore_Case_Or_Year_Equals() throws Exception { testQuery( title.equalsIgnoreCase("House").or(year.eq(1990)), "title:house year:" + YEAR_PREFIX_CODED, 1); } @Test public void Eq_and_eq() throws Exception { testQuery( title.eq("Jurassic Park").and(year.eq(1990)), "+title:\"jurassic park\" +year:" + YEAR_PREFIX_CODED, 1); } @Test public void Eq_and_Eq_and_eq() throws Exception { testQuery( title.eq("Jurassic Park").and(year.eq(1990)).and(author.eq("Michael Crichton")), "+(+title:\"jurassic park\" +year:" + YEAR_PREFIX_CODED + ") +author:\"michael crichton\"", 1); } @Test(expected = UnsupportedOperationException.class) public void Equals_Ignore_Case_And_Or() throws Exception { testQuery( title .equalsIgnoreCase("Jurassic Park") .and(rating.equalsIgnoreCase("Bad")) .or(author.equalsIgnoreCase("Michael Crichton")), "(+title:\"jurassic park\" +rating:bad) author:\"michael crichton\"", 1); } @Test public void Eq_or_Eq_and_Eq_Does_Not_Find_Results() throws Exception { testQuery( title.eq("jeeves").or(rating.eq("superb")).and(author.eq("michael crichton")), "+(title:jeeves rating:superb) +author:\"michael crichton\"", 0); } @Test public void Eq_Phrase() throws Exception { testQuery(title.eq("Jurassic Park"), "title:\"jurassic park\"", 1); } @Test @Ignore("Not easily done in Lucene!") public void Publisher_Equals_Empty_String() throws Exception { testQuery(publisher.eq(""), "publisher:", 1); } @Test public void Eq_Phrase_Should_Not_Find_Results_But_LuceNe_Semantics_Differs_From_Querydsls() throws Exception { testQuery(text.eq("UNIX System"), "text:\"unix system\"", 1); } @Test public void Eq_Phrase_Does_Not_Find_Results_Because_Word_In_Middle() throws Exception { testQuery(title.eq("Jurassic Amusement Park"), "title:\"jurassic amusement park\"", 0); } @Test public void Like_not_Does_Not_Find_Results() throws Exception { testQuery("*H*e*").not(), "-title:*h*e* +*:*", 1); } @Test(expected = UnsupportedOperationException.class) public void Title_Equals_Ignore_Case_Negation_Or_Rating_Equals_Ignore_Case() throws Exception { testQuery( title.equalsIgnoreCase("House").not().or(rating.equalsIgnoreCase("Good")), "-title:house rating:good", 1); } @Test public void Eq_not_Does_Not_Find_Results() throws Exception { testQuery(title.eq("Jurassic Park").not(), "-title:\"jurassic park\" +*:*", 0); } @Test public void Title_Equals_Not_House() throws Exception { testQuery(title.eq("house").not(), "-title:house +*:*", 1); } @Test public void Eq_and_Eq_not_Does_Not_Find_Results_Because_Second_Expression_Finds_Nothing() throws Exception { testQuery( rating.eq("superb").and(title.eq("house").not()), "+rating:superb +(-title:house +*:*)", 0); } @Test public void Not_Equals_Finds_One() throws Exception { testQuery("house"), "-title:house +*:*", 1); } @Test public void Not_Equals_Finds_None() throws Exception { testQuery("Jurassic Park"), "-title:\"jurassic park\" +*:*", 0); } @Test public void Nothing_Found_With_Not_Equals_Or_Equals() throws Exception { testQuery("jurassic park").or(rating.eq("lousy")), "(-title:\"jurassic park\" +*:*) rating:lousy", 0); } @Test public void Ne_and_eq() throws Exception { testQuery("house").and(rating.eq("good")), "+(-title:house +*:*) +rating:good", 1); } @Test public void StartsWith() throws Exception { testQuery(title.startsWith("Jurassi"), "title:jurassi*", 1); } @Test public void StartsWith_Phrase() throws Exception { testQuery(title.startsWith("jurassic par"), "+title:jurassic* +title:*par*", 1); } @Test(expected = UnsupportedOperationException.class) public void Starts_With_Ignore_Case_Phrase_Does_Not_Find_Results() throws Exception { testQuery(title.startsWithIgnoreCase("urassic Par"), "+title:urassic* +title:*par*", 0); } @Test public void EndsWith() throws Exception { testQuery(title.endsWith("ark"), "title:*ark", 1); } @Test(expected = UnsupportedOperationException.class) public void Ends_With_Ignore_Case_Phrase() throws Exception { testQuery(title.endsWithIgnoreCase("sic Park"), "+title:*sic* +title:*park", 1); } @Test(expected = UnsupportedOperationException.class) public void Ends_With_Ignore_Case_Phrase_Does_Not_Find_Results() throws Exception { testQuery(title.endsWithIgnoreCase("sic Par"), "+title:*sic* +title:*par", 0); } @Test public void Contains() throws Exception { testQuery(title.contains("rassi"), "title:*rassi*", 1); } @Test(expected = UnsupportedOperationException.class) public void Contains_Ignore_Case_Phrase() throws Exception { testQuery(title.containsIgnoreCase("rassi Pa"), "+title:*rassi* +title:*pa*", 1); } @Test public void Contains_User_Inputted_Wildcards_Dont_Work() throws Exception { testQuery(title.contains("r*i"), "title:*r\\*i*", 0); } @Test public void Between() throws Exception { testQuery(title.between("Indiana", "Kundun"), "title:[indiana TO kundun]", 1); } @Test public void Between_Numeric_Integer() throws Exception { testQuery(year.between(1980, 2000), "year:[1980 TO 2000]", 1); } @Test public void Between_Numeric_Double() throws Exception { testQuery(gross.between(10.00, 19030.00), "gross:[10.0 TO 19030.0]", 1); } @Test public void Between_Numeric() throws Exception { testQuery(longField.between(0l, 2l), "longField:[0 TO 2]", 1); testQuery(shortField.between((short) 0, (short) 2), "shortField:[0 TO 2]", 1); testQuery(byteField.between((byte) 0, (byte) 2), "byteField:[0 TO 2]", 1); testQuery(floatField.between((float) 0.0, (float) 2.0), "floatField:[0.0 TO 2.0]", 1); } @Test public void Between_Is_Inclusive_From_Start() throws Exception { testQuery(title.between("Jurassic", "Kundun"), "title:[jurassic TO kundun]", 1); } @Test public void Between_Is_Inclusive_To_End() throws Exception { testQuery(title.between("Indiana", "Jurassic"), "title:[indiana TO jurassic]", 1); } @Test public void Between_Does_Not_Find_Results() throws Exception { testQuery(title.between("Indiana", "Jurassib"), "title:[indiana TO jurassib]", 0); } @Test public void In() throws Exception { testQuery("jurassic", "park")), "title:jurassic title:park", 1); testQuery("jurassic", "park"), "title:jurassic title:park", 1); testQuery(title.eq("jurassic").or(title.eq("park")), "title:jurassic title:park", 1); } @Test public void Lt() throws Exception { testQuery("Superb"), "rating:{* TO superb}", 1); } @Test public void Lt_Numeric_Integer() throws Exception { testQuery(, "year:{* TO 1991}", 1); } @Test public void Lt_Numeric_Double() throws Exception { testQuery(, "gross:{* TO 10000.0}", 1); } @Test public void Lt_Not_In_Range_Because_Equal() throws Exception { testQuery("Good"), "rating:{* TO good}", 0); } @Test public void Lt_Numeric_Integer_Not_In_Range_Because_Equal() throws Exception { testQuery(, "year:{* TO 1990}", 0); } @Test public void Lt_Numeric_Double_Not_In_Range_Because_Equal() throws Exception { testQuery(, "gross:{* TO 900.0}", 0); } @Test public void Loe() throws Exception { testQuery(rating.loe("Superb"), "rating:[* TO superb]", 1); } @Test public void Loe_Numeric_Integer() throws Exception { testQuery(year.loe(1991), "year:[* TO 1991]", 1); } @Test public void Loe_Numeric_Double() throws Exception { testQuery(gross.loe(903.0), "gross:[* TO 903.0]", 1); } @Test public void Loe_Equal() throws Exception { testQuery(rating.loe("Good"), "rating:[* TO good]", 1); } @Test public void Loe_Numeric_Integer_Equal() throws Exception { testQuery(year.loe(1990), "year:[* TO 1990]", 1); } @Test public void Loe_Numeric_Double_Equal() throws Exception { testQuery(gross.loe(900.0), "gross:[* TO 900.0]", 1); } @Test public void Loe_Not_Found() throws Exception { testQuery(rating.loe("Bad"), "rating:[* TO bad]", 0); } @Test public void Loe_Numeric_Integer_Not_Found() throws Exception { testQuery(year.loe(1989), "year:[* TO 1989]", 0); } @Test public void Loe_Numeric_Double_Not_Found() throws Exception { testQuery(gross.loe(899.9), "gross:[* TO 899.9]", 0); } @Test public void Gt() throws Exception { testQuery("Bad"), "rating:{bad TO *}", 1); } @Test public void Gt_Numeric_Integer() throws Exception { testQuery(, "year:{1989 TO *}", 1); } @Test public void Gt_Numeric_Double() throws Exception { testQuery(, "gross:{100.0 TO *}", 1); } @Test public void Gt_Not_In_Range_Because_Equal() throws Exception { testQuery("Good"), "rating:{good TO *}", 0); } @Test public void Gt_Numeric_Integer_Not_In_Range_Because_Equal() throws Exception { testQuery(, "year:{1990 TO *}", 0); } @Test public void Gt_Numeric_Double_Not_In_Range_Because_Equal() throws Exception { testQuery(, "gross:{900.0 TO *}", 0); } @Test public void Goe() throws Exception { testQuery(rating.goe("Bad"), "rating:[bad TO *]", 1); } @Test public void Goe_Numeric_Integer() throws Exception { testQuery(year.goe(1989), "year:[1989 TO *]", 1); } @Test public void Goe_Numeric_Double() throws Exception { testQuery(gross.goe(320.50), "gross:[320.5 TO *]", 1); } @Test public void Goe_Equal() throws Exception { testQuery(rating.goe("Good"), "rating:[good TO *]", 1); } @Test public void Goe_Numeric_Integer_Equal() throws Exception { testQuery(year.goe(1990), "year:[1990 TO *]", 1); } @Test public void Goe_Numeric_Double_Equal() throws Exception { testQuery(gross.goe(900.00), "gross:[900.0 TO *]", 1); } @Test public void Goe_Not_Found() throws Exception { testQuery(rating.goe("Hood"), "rating:[hood TO *]", 0); } @Test public void Goe_Numeric_Integer_Not_Found() throws Exception { testQuery(year.goe(1991), "year:[1991 TO *]", 0); } @Test public void Goe_Numeric_Double_Not_Found() throws Exception { testQuery(gross.goe(900.10), "gross:[900.1 TO *]", 0); } @Test public void Equals_Empty_String() throws Exception { testQuery(title.eq(""), "title:", 0); } @Test public void Not_Equals_Empty_String() throws Exception { testQuery(""), "-title: +*:*", 1); } @Test public void Contains_Empty_String() throws Exception { testQuery(title.contains(""), "title:**", 1); } @Test public void Like_Empty_String() throws Exception { testQuery(""), "title:", 0); } @Test public void Starts_With_Empty_String() throws Exception { testQuery(title.startsWith(""), "title:*", 1); } @Test public void Ends_With_Empty_String() throws Exception { testQuery(title.endsWith(""), "title:*", 1); } @Test public void Between_Empty_Strings() throws Exception { testQuery(title.between("", ""), "title:[ TO ]", 0); } @Test public void BooleanBuilder() throws Exception { testQuery(new BooleanBuilder(gross.goe(900.10)), "gross:[900.1 TO *]", 0); } @Test @Ignore public void Fuzzy() throws Exception { fail("Not yet implemented!"); } @Test @Ignore public void Proximity() throws Exception { fail("Not yet implemented!"); } @Test @Ignore public void Boost() throws Exception { fail("Not yet implemented!"); } private boolean unsupportedOperation(Predicate filter) { if (filter instanceof Operation<?>) { Operator<?> op = ((Operation<?>) filter).getOperator(); if (op == Ops.STARTS_WITH_IC || op == Ops.EQ_IGNORE_CASE || op == Ops.STARTS_WITH_IC || op == Ops.ENDS_WITH_IC || op == Ops.STRING_CONTAINS_IC) { return true; } } return false; } @Test public void various() throws Exception { MatchingFiltersFactory filters = new MatchingFiltersFactory(Module.LUCENE, Target.LUCENE); for (Predicate filter : filters.string(title, StringConstant.create("jurassic park"))) { if (unsupportedOperation(filter)) { continue; } testQuery(filter, 1); } for (Predicate filter : filters.string(author, StringConstant.create("michael crichton"))) { if (unsupportedOperation(filter)) { continue; } testQuery(filter, 1); } for (Predicate filter : filters.string(title, StringConstant.create("1990"))) { if (unsupportedOperation(filter)) { continue; } testQuery(filter, 0); } } }