  /** Integrate spelling suggestions from the various shards in a distributed environment. */
  public SpellingResult mergeSuggestions(
      SpellCheckMergeData mergeData, int numSug, int count, boolean extendedResults) {
    float min = 0.5f;
    try {
      min = getAccuracy();
    } catch (UnsupportedOperationException uoe) {
      // just use .5 as a default

    StringDistance sd = null;
    try {
      sd = getStringDistance() == null ? new LevensteinDistance() : getStringDistance();
    } catch (UnsupportedOperationException uoe) {
      sd = new LevensteinDistance();

    SpellingResult result = new SpellingResult();
    for (Map.Entry<String, HashSet<String>> entry : mergeData.origVsSuggested.entrySet()) {
      String original = entry.getKey();

      // Only use this suggestion if all shards reported it as misspelled,
      // unless it was not a term original to the user's query
      // (WordBreakSolrSpellChecker can add new terms to the response, and we want to keep these)
      Integer numShards = mergeData.origVsShards.get(original);
      if (numShards < mergeData.totalNumberShardResponses
          && mergeData.isOriginalToQuery(original)) {

      HashSet<String> suggested = entry.getValue();
      SuggestWordQueue sugQueue = new SuggestWordQueue(numSug);
      for (String suggestion : suggested) {
        SuggestWord sug = mergeData.suggestedVsWord.get(suggestion);
        sug.score = sd.getDistance(original, sug.string);
        if (sug.score < min) continue;
        if (sugQueue.size() == numSug) {
          // if queue full, maintain the minScore score
          min = sugQueue.top().score;

      // create token
      SpellCheckResponse.Suggestion suggestion = mergeData.origVsSuggestion.get(original);
      Token token = new Token(original, suggestion.getStartOffset(), suggestion.getEndOffset());

      // get top 'count' suggestions out of 'sugQueue.size()' candidates
      SuggestWord[] suggestions = new SuggestWord[Math.min(count, sugQueue.size())];
      // skip the first sugQueue.size() - count elements
      for (int k = 0; k < sugQueue.size() - count; k++) sugQueue.pop();
      // now collect the top 'count' responses
      for (int k = Math.min(count, sugQueue.size()) - 1; k >= 0; k--) {
        suggestions[k] = sugQueue.pop();

      if (extendedResults) {
        Integer o = mergeData.origVsFreq.get(original);
        if (o != null) result.addFrequency(token, o);
        for (SuggestWord word : suggestions) result.add(token, word.string, word.freq);
      } else {
        List<String> words = new ArrayList<>(sugQueue.size());
        for (SuggestWord word : suggestions) words.add(word.string);
        result.add(token, words);
    return result;