private void doSeekRetriableTopicPartitions() { final Set<TopicPartition> retriableTopicPartitions = retryService.retriableTopicPartitions(); for (TopicPartition rtp : retriableTopicPartitions) { final OffsetAndMetadata offsetAndMeta = acked.get(rtp).findNextCommitOffset(); if (offsetAndMeta != null) { rtp, offsetAndMeta.offset() + 1); // seek to the next offset that is ready to commit in next commit cycle } else { rtp, acked.get(rtp).committedOffset + 1); // Seek to last committed offset } } }
/** * Determines the offset of the next fetch. For failed batches lastBatchMeta is not null and * contains the fetch offset of the failed batch. In this scenario the next fetch will take place * at the offset of the failed batch. When the previous batch is successful, lastBatchMeta is * null, and the offset of the next fetch is either the offset of the last commit to kafka, or if * no commit was yet made, the offset dictated by {@link KafkaSpoutConfig.FirstPollOffsetStrategy} * * @return the offset of the next fetch */ private long seek(TopicPartition tp, KafkaTridentSpoutBatchMetadata<K, V> lastBatchMeta) { if (lastBatchMeta != null) { tp, lastBatchMeta.getLastOffset() + 1); // seek next offset after last offset from previous batch LOG.debug("Seeking fetch offset to next offset after last offset from previous batch"); } else { LOG.debug("Seeking fetch offset from firstPollOffsetStrategy and last commit to Kafka"); final OffsetAndMetadata committedOffset = kafkaConsumer.committed(tp); if (committedOffset != null) { // offset was committed for this TopicPartition if (firstPollOffsetStrategy.equals(EARLIEST)) { kafkaConsumer.seekToBeginning(toArrayList(tp)); } else if (firstPollOffsetStrategy.equals(LATEST)) { kafkaConsumer.seekToEnd(toArrayList(tp)); } else { // By default polling starts at the last committed offset. +1 to point fetch to the first // uncommitted offset., committedOffset.offset() + 1); } } else { // no commits have ever been done, so start at the beginning or end depending on the // strategy if (firstPollOffsetStrategy.equals(EARLIEST) || firstPollOffsetStrategy.equals(UNCOMMITTED_EARLIEST)) { kafkaConsumer.seekToBeginning(toArrayList(tp)); } else if (firstPollOffsetStrategy.equals(LATEST) || firstPollOffsetStrategy.equals(UNCOMMITTED_LATEST)) { kafkaConsumer.seekToEnd(toArrayList(tp)); } } } final long fetchOffset = kafkaConsumer.position(tp); LOG.debug("Set [fetchOffset = {}]", fetchOffset); return fetchOffset; }