@Test public void testSelectToWurcsSparql() throws SparqlException, UnsupportedEncodingException { GlycoSequenceToWurcsSelectSparql s = new GlycoSequenceToWurcsSelectSparql("glycoct"); SparqlEntity se = new SparqlEntity(); se.setValue( GlycoSequenceToWurcsSelectSparql.FromSequence, "RES\n1b:a-dgal-HEX-1:5\n2s:n-acetyl\n3b:b-dgal-HEX-1:5\n4b:b-dglc-HEX-1:5\n5s:n-acetyl\n6b:b-dgal-HEX-1:5\n7b:a-lgal-HEX-1:5|6:d\n8b:b-dglc-HEX-1:5\n9s:n-acetyl\n10b:b-dglc-HEX-1:5\n11s:n-acetyl\n12b:b-dgal-HEX-1:5\n13b:a-lgal-HEX-1:5|6:d\nLIN\n1:1d(2+1)2n\n2:1o(3+1)3d\n3:3o(3+1)4d\n4:4d(2+1)5n\n5:4o(4+1)6d\n6:6o(2+1)7d\n7:3o(6+1)8d\n8:8d(2+1)9n\n9:1o(6+1)10d\n10:10d(2+1)11n\n11:10o(4+1)12d\n12:12o(2+1)13d" .replaceAll("\n", "\\\\n")); s.setSparqlEntity(se); logger.debug(s.getSparql()); Query query = QueryFactory.create(s.getSparql().replaceAll("null", "").replace("?Sequence", "")); // QueryExecution qe = // QueryExecutionFactory.sparqlService("http://localhost:3030/glycobase/query",query); QueryExecution qe = QueryExecutionFactory.sparqlService("http://test.ts.glytoucan.org/sparql", query); ResultSet rs = qe.execSelect(); List<SparqlEntity> results = new ArrayList<SparqlEntity>(); while (rs.hasNext()) { QuerySolution row = rs.next(); Iterator<String> columns = row.varNames(); SparqlEntity se2 = new SparqlEntity(); while (columns.hasNext()) { String column = columns.next(); RDFNode cell = row.get(column); if (cell.isResource()) { Resource resource = cell.asResource(); // do something maybe with the OntModel??? if (resource.isLiteral()) se.setValue(column, resource.asLiteral().getString()); else se.setValue(column, resource.toString()); } else if (cell.isLiteral()) { se.setValue(column, cell.asLiteral().getString()); } else if (cell.isAnon()) { se.setValue(column, "anon"); } else { se.setValue(column, cell.toString()); } } results.add(se); } for (SparqlEntity entity : results) { System.out.println("results: " + entity.getValue("PrimaryId")); } }
@Override public EntityDefinition open(Assembler a, Resource root, Mode mode) { String prologue = "PREFIX : <" + NS + "> PREFIX list: <http://jena.apache.org/ARQ/list#> "; Model model = root.getModel(); String qs1 = StrUtils.strjoinNL( prologue, "SELECT * {", " ?eMap :entityField ?entityField ;", " :map ?map ;", " :defaultField ?dftField .", " OPTIONAL {", " ?eMap :graphField ?graphField", " }", " OPTIONAL {", " ?eMap :langField ?langField", " }", " OPTIONAL {", " ?eMap :uidField ?uidField", " }", "}"); ParameterizedSparqlString pss = new ParameterizedSparqlString(qs1); pss.setIri("eMap", root.getURI()); Query query1 = QueryFactory.create(pss.toString()); QueryExecution qexec1 = QueryExecutionFactory.create(query1, model); ResultSet rs1 = qexec1.execSelect(); List<QuerySolution> results = ResultSetFormatter.toList(rs1); if (results.size() == 0) { Log.warn(this, "Failed to find a valid EntityMap for : " + root); throw new TextIndexException("Failed to find a valid EntityMap for : " + root); } if (results.size() != 1) { Log.warn(this, "Multiple matches for EntityMap for : " + root); throw new TextIndexException("Multiple matches for EntityMap for : " + root); } QuerySolution qsol1 = results.get(0); String entityField = qsol1.getLiteral("entityField").getLexicalForm(); String graphField = qsol1.contains("graphField") ? qsol1.getLiteral("graphField").getLexicalForm() : null; String langField = qsol1.contains("langField") ? qsol1.getLiteral("langField").getLexicalForm() : null; String defaultField = qsol1.contains("dftField") ? qsol1.getLiteral("dftField").getLexicalForm() : null; String uniqueIdField = qsol1.contains("uidField") ? qsol1.getLiteral("uidField").getLexicalForm() : null; Multimap<String, Node> mapDefs = HashMultimap.create(); Map<String, Analyzer> analyzerDefs = new HashMap<>(); Statement listStmt = root.getProperty(TextVocab.pMap); while (listStmt != null) { RDFNode n = listStmt.getObject(); if (!n.isResource()) { throw new TextIndexException("Text list node is not a resource : " + n); } Resource listResource = n.asResource(); if (listResource.equals(RDF.nil)) { break; // end of the list } Statement listEntryStmt = listResource.getProperty(RDF.first); if (listEntryStmt == null) { throw new TextIndexException("Text map list is not well formed. No rdf:first property"); } n = listEntryStmt.getObject(); if (!n.isResource()) { throw new TextIndexException("Text map list entry is not a resource : " + n); } Resource listEntry = n.asResource(); Statement fieldStatement = listEntry.getProperty(TextVocab.pField); if (fieldStatement == null) { throw new TextIndexException("Text map entry has no field property"); } n = fieldStatement.getObject(); if (!n.isLiteral()) { throw new TextIndexException("Text map entry field property has no literal value : " + n); } String field = n.asLiteral().getLexicalForm(); Statement predicateStatement = listEntry.getProperty(TextVocab.pPredicate); if (predicateStatement == null) { throw new TextIndexException("Text map entry has no predicate property"); } n = predicateStatement.getObject(); if (!n.isURIResource()) { throw new TextIndexException( "Text map entry predicate property has non resource value : " + n); } mapDefs.put(field, n.asNode()); Statement analyzerStatement = listEntry.getProperty(TextVocab.pAnalyzer); if (analyzerStatement != null) { n = analyzerStatement.getObject(); if (!n.isResource()) { throw new TextIndexException("Text map entry analyzer property is not a resource : " + n); } Resource analyzerResource = n.asResource(); Analyzer analyzer = (Analyzer) a.open(analyzerResource); analyzerDefs.put(field, analyzer); } // move on to the next element in the list listStmt = listResource.getProperty(RDF.rest); } // Primary field/predicate if (defaultField != null) { Collection<Node> c = mapDefs.get(defaultField); if (c.isEmpty()) throw new TextIndexException("No definition of primary field '" + defaultField + "'"); } EntityDefinition docDef = new EntityDefinition(entityField, defaultField); docDef.setGraphField(graphField); docDef.setLangField(langField); docDef.setUidField(uniqueIdField); for (String f : mapDefs.keys()) { for (Node p : mapDefs.get(f)) docDef.set(f, p); } for (String f : analyzerDefs.keySet()) { docDef.setAnalyzer(f, analyzerDefs.get(f)); } return docDef; }
@Test public void testDO() { String doid = "1485"; String queryString = "prefix rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#>\n" + "prefix rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#>\n" + "prefix owl: <http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#>\n" + "\n" + "select ?s ?p ?o \n" + "from <http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/merged/DOID>\n" + "\n" + "WHERE {\n" + " <http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/DOID_" + doid + "> ?p ?o\n" + "}"; Query query = QueryFactory.create(queryString); QueryExecution qExe = QueryExecutionFactory.sparqlService("http://sparql.hegroup.org/sparql/", query); ResultSet results = qExe.execSelect(); ResultSetFormatter.out(System.out, results, query); assertNotNull(results); /*Model model = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel(); Selector selector = new SimpleSelector(null, model.getProperty("<http://www.geneontology.org/formats/oboInOwl#hasDbXref>"), (RDFNode) null); // you need to cast the last null as otherwise the method is ambigious */ List<String> dbXref = new ArrayList<>(); List<String> iao = new ArrayList<>(); List<String> exactSynonym = new ArrayList<>(); List<String> alternativeId = new ArrayList<>(); String diseaseLabel; while (results.hasNext()) { QuerySolution querySolution = results.nextSolution(); if (querySolution.get("p").toString().matches("rdfs:label ")) { diseaseLabel = querySolution.get("o").toString(); } if (querySolution .get("p") .toString() .matches("http://www.geneontology.org/formats/oboInOwl#hasDbXref")) { System.out.println( querySolution.get("p").toString() + " " + querySolution.get("o").toString()); dbXref.add(querySolution.get("o").toString()); } if (querySolution.get("p").toString().matches("http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/IAO_0000115")) { System.out.println( querySolution.get("p").toString() + " " + querySolution.get("o").toString()); iao.add(querySolution.get("o").toString()); } if (querySolution .get("p") .toString() .matches("http://www.geneontology.org/formats/oboInOwl#hasExactSynonym")) { System.out.println( querySolution.get("p").toString() + " " + querySolution.get("o").toString()); exactSynonym.add(querySolution.get("o").toString()); } if (querySolution .get("p") .toString() .matches("http://www.geneontology.org/formats/oboInOwl#hasAlternativeId")) { System.out.println( querySolution.get("p").toString() + " " + querySolution.get("o").toString()); alternativeId.add(querySolution.get("o").toString()); } } assertNotNull(dbXref); assertNotNull(iao); }
@Test public void testKBtoWurcsSparqlTranslation() throws SparqlException { List<Translation> translations = Ebean.find(Translation.class).findList(); HashSet<String> resultList = new HashSet<>(); String ct = ""; for (Translation translation : translations) { System.out.println("id check " + translation.id + " ct " + translation.ct); if (translation.ct == null) continue; if (translation.structure.id > 0) { ct = translation.ct; GlycoSequenceToWurcsSelectSparql s = new GlycoSequenceToWurcsSelectSparql("glycoct"); SparqlEntity se = new SparqlEntity(); ct = StringUtils.chomp(ct); System.out.println("ct on top: " + ct); if (ct != null) { se.setValue( GlycoSequenceToWurcsSelectSparql.FromSequence, ct.replaceAll("\n", "\\\\n") .replaceAll("x\\(", "u\\(") .replaceAll("\\)x", "\\)u") .trim()); s.setSparqlEntity(se); logger.debug(s.getSparql()); Query query = QueryFactory.create(s.getSparql().replaceAll("null", "").replace("?Sequence", "")); System.out.println( "Id " + translation.structure.id + " Query: " + s.getSparql().replaceAll("null", "").replace("?Sequence", "")); QueryExecution qe = QueryExecutionFactory.sparqlService("http://test.ts.glytoucan.org/sparql", query); ResultSet rs = qe.execSelect(); List<SparqlEntity> results = new ArrayList<>(); HashSet<String> resultsList = new HashSet<>(); while (rs.hasNext()) { QuerySolution row = rs.next(); Iterator<String> columns = row.varNames(); SparqlEntity se2 = new SparqlEntity(); while (columns.hasNext()) { String column = columns.next(); RDFNode cell = row.get(column); if (cell.isResource()) { Resource resource = cell.asResource(); // do something maybe with the OntModel??? if (resource.isLiteral()) se.setValue(column, resource.asLiteral().getString()); else se.setValue(column, resource.toString()); } else if (cell.isLiteral()) { se.setValue(column, cell.asLiteral().getString()); } else if (cell.isAnon()) { se.setValue(column, "anon"); } else { se.setValue(column, cell.toString()); } } results.add(se); } for (SparqlEntity entity : results) { // System.out.println("results: " + entity.getValue("PrimaryId")); resultList.add( translation.structure.id + "\t" + entity.getValue("PrimaryId").toString()); } } } } for (String c : resultList) { System.out.println(c); } }
@Test public void testKBtoWurcsSparql() throws SparqlException { List<Structure> structures = Ebean.find(Structure.class).findList(); HashSet<String> resultList = new HashSet<>(); String ct = ""; for (Structure structure : structures) { if (structure.id >= 7400) { if (structure.glycanst.startsWith("v--")) { structure.glycanst = structure.glycanst.replace("v--", "FreeEnd--"); } if (structure.glycanst.startsWith("FreenEnd")) { structure.glycanst = structure.glycanst.replace("FreenEnd", "FreeEnd"); } if (structure.glycanst.startsWith("FreeEnd?")) { structure.glycanst = structure.glycanst.replace("FreeEnd?", "FreeEnd--?"); } if (structure.glycanst.startsWith("<Gly") || structure.glycanst.contains("0.0000u")) { continue; } System.out.println(structure.getGlycanst()); BuilderWorkspace workspace = new BuilderWorkspace(new GlycanRendererAWT()); workspace.setNotation("cfg"); // cfgbw | uoxf | uoxfcol | text GlycanRenderer renderer = workspace.getGlycanRenderer(); org.eurocarbdb.application.glycanbuilder.Glycan glycan = org.eurocarbdb.application.glycanbuilder.Glycan.fromString(structure.glycanst.trim()); if (glycan != null) { ct = glycan.toGlycoCTCondensed(); System.out.println("this was the ct: " + ct); GlycoSequenceToWurcsSelectSparql s = new GlycoSequenceToWurcsSelectSparql("glycoct"); SparqlEntity se = new SparqlEntity(); ct = StringUtils.chomp(ct); se.setValue( GlycoSequenceToWurcsSelectSparql.FromSequence, ct.replaceAll("\n", "\\\\n") .replaceAll("x\\(", "u\\(") .replaceAll("\\)x", "\\)u") .trim()); s.setSparqlEntity(se); logger.debug(s.getSparql()); Query query = QueryFactory.create(s.getSparql().replaceAll("null", "").replace("?Sequence", "")); System.out.println( "Id " + structure.id + " Query: " + s.getSparql().replaceAll("null", "").replace("?Sequence", "")); QueryExecution qe = QueryExecutionFactory.sparqlService("http://test.ts.glytoucan.org/sparql", query); ResultSet rs = qe.execSelect(); List<SparqlEntity> results = new ArrayList<>(); HashSet<String> resultsList = new HashSet<>(); while (rs.hasNext()) { QuerySolution row = rs.next(); Iterator<String> columns = row.varNames(); SparqlEntity se2 = new SparqlEntity(); while (columns.hasNext()) { String column = columns.next(); RDFNode cell = row.get(column); if (cell.isResource()) { Resource resource = cell.asResource(); // do something maybe with the OntModel??? if (resource.isLiteral()) se.setValue(column, resource.asLiteral().getString()); else se.setValue(column, resource.toString()); } else if (cell.isLiteral()) { se.setValue(column, cell.asLiteral().getString()); } else if (cell.isAnon()) { se.setValue(column, "anon"); } else { se.setValue(column, cell.toString()); } } results.add(se); } for (SparqlEntity entity : results) { // System.out.println("results: " + entity.getValue("PrimaryId")); resultList.add(structure.id + "\t" + entity.getValue("PrimaryId").toString()); } } } } PrintWriter writer = null; try { writer = new PrintWriter( new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream("/tmp/HashSet.txt"), "UTF-8")); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } for (String c : resultList) { System.out.println(c); writer.println(c); } }