static ClientDatanodeProtocolPB createClientDatanodeProtocolProxy( DatanodeID datanodeid, Configuration conf, int socketTimeout, boolean connectToDnViaHostname, LocatedBlock locatedBlock) throws IOException { final String dnAddr = datanodeid.getIpcAddr(connectToDnViaHostname); InetSocketAddress addr = NetUtils.createSocketAddr(dnAddr); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Connecting to datanode " + dnAddr + " addr=" + addr); } // Since we're creating a new UserGroupInformation here, we know that no // future RPC proxies will be able to re-use the same connection. And // usages of this proxy tend to be one-off calls. // // This is a temporary fix: callers should really achieve this by using // RPC.stopProxy() on the resulting object, but this is currently not // working in trunk. See the discussion on HDFS-1965. Configuration confWithNoIpcIdle = new Configuration(conf); confWithNoIpcIdle.setInt( CommonConfigurationKeysPublic.IPC_CLIENT_CONNECTION_MAXIDLETIME_KEY, 0); UserGroupInformation ticket = UserGroupInformation.createRemoteUser(locatedBlock.getBlock().getLocalBlock().toString()); ticket.addToken(locatedBlock.getBlockToken()); return createClientDatanodeProtocolProxy( addr, ticket, confWithNoIpcIdle, NetUtils.getDefaultSocketFactory(conf), socketTimeout); }
/** * Get a protocol proxy that contains a proxy connection to a remote server and a set of methods * that are supported by the server * * @param protocol * @param clientVersion * @param addr * @param conf * @return a protocol proxy * @throws IOException */ public static <T> ProtocolProxy<T> getProtocolProxy( Class<T> protocol, long clientVersion, InetSocketAddress addr, Configuration conf) throws IOException { return getProtocolProxy( protocol, clientVersion, addr, conf, NetUtils.getDefaultSocketFactory(conf)); }
private static Object createNameNodeProxy( InetSocketAddress address, Configuration conf, UserGroupInformation ugi, Class<?> xface) throws IOException { RPC.setProtocolEngine(conf, xface, ProtobufRpcEngine.class); Object proxy = RPC.getProxy( xface, RPC.getProtocolVersion(xface), address, ugi, conf, NetUtils.getDefaultSocketFactory(conf)); return proxy; }
/** * Constructor. * * @param datanodeid Datanode to connect to. * @param conf Configuration. * @param socketTimeout Socket timeout to use. * @param connectToDnViaHostname connect to the Datanode using its hostname * @throws IOException */ public ClientDatanodeProtocolTranslatorPB( DatanodeID datanodeid, Configuration conf, int socketTimeout, boolean connectToDnViaHostname) throws IOException { final String dnAddr = datanodeid.getIpcAddr(connectToDnViaHostname); InetSocketAddress addr = NetUtils.createSocketAddr(dnAddr); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Connecting to datanode " + dnAddr + " addr=" + addr); } rpcProxy = createClientDatanodeProtocolProxy( addr, UserGroupInformation.getCurrentUser(), conf, NetUtils.getDefaultSocketFactory(conf), socketTimeout); }
private static ClientProtocol createNNProxyWithClientProtocol( InetSocketAddress address, Configuration conf, UserGroupInformation ugi, boolean withRetries, AtomicBoolean fallbackToSimpleAuth) throws IOException { RPC.setProtocolEngine(conf, ClientNamenodeProtocolPB.class, ProtobufRpcEngine.class); final RetryPolicy defaultPolicy = RetryUtils.getDefaultRetryPolicy( conf, HdfsClientConfigKeys.Retry.POLICY_ENABLED_KEY, HdfsClientConfigKeys.Retry.POLICY_ENABLED_DEFAULT, HdfsClientConfigKeys.Retry.POLICY_SPEC_KEY, HdfsClientConfigKeys.Retry.POLICY_SPEC_DEFAULT, SafeModeException.class.getName()); final long version = RPC.getProtocolVersion(ClientNamenodeProtocolPB.class); ClientNamenodeProtocolPB proxy = RPC.getProtocolProxy( ClientNamenodeProtocolPB.class, version, address, ugi, conf, NetUtils.getDefaultSocketFactory(conf), org.apache.hadoop.ipc.Client.getTimeout(conf), defaultPolicy, fallbackToSimpleAuth) .getProxy(); if (withRetries) { // create the proxy with retries Map<String, RetryPolicy> methodNameToPolicyMap = new HashMap<String, RetryPolicy>(); ClientProtocol translatorProxy = new ClientNamenodeProtocolTranslatorPB(proxy); return (ClientProtocol) RetryProxy.create( ClientProtocol.class, new DefaultFailoverProxyProvider<ClientProtocol>( ClientProtocol.class, translatorProxy), methodNameToPolicyMap, defaultPolicy); } else { return new ClientNamenodeProtocolTranslatorPB(proxy); } }
/** * Get a proxy connection to a remote server * * @param protocol protocol class * @param clientVersion client version * @param addr remote address * @param conf configuration to use * @param rpcTimeout timeout for each RPC * @param timeout time in milliseconds before giving up * @return the proxy * @throws IOException if the far end through a RemoteException */ static <T extends VersionedProtocol> ProtocolProxy<T> waitForProtocolProxy( Class<T> protocol, long clientVersion, InetSocketAddress addr, Configuration conf, long timeout, int rpcTimeout) throws IOException { long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); UserGroupInformation ugi = null; try { ugi = UserGroupInformation.login(conf); } catch (LoginException le) { throw new RuntimeException("Couldn't login!"); } IOException ioe; while (true) { try { return getProtocolProxy( protocol, clientVersion, addr, ugi, conf, NetUtils.getDefaultSocketFactory(conf), rpcTimeout); } catch (ConnectException se) { // namenode has not been started"Server at " + addr + " not available yet, Zzzzz..."); ioe = se; } catch (SocketTimeoutException te) { // namenode is busy"Problem connecting to server: " + addr); ioe = te; } // check if timed out if (System.currentTimeMillis() - timeout >= startTime) { throw ioe; } // wait for retry try { Thread.sleep(1000); } catch (InterruptedException ie) { // IGNORE } } }
/** * Get a protocol proxy that contains a proxy connection to a remote server and a set of methods * that are supported by the server * * @param protocol protocol class * @param clientVersion client version * @param addr remote address * @param conf configuration to use * @param rpcTimeout timeout for each RPC * @param timeout time in milliseconds before giving up * @return the proxy * @throws IOException if the far end through a RemoteException */ public static <T> ProtocolProxy<T> waitForProtocolProxy( Class<T> protocol, long clientVersion, InetSocketAddress addr, Configuration conf, int rpcTimeout, RetryPolicy connectionRetryPolicy, long timeout) throws IOException { long startTime =; IOException ioe; while (true) { try { return getProtocolProxy( protocol, clientVersion, addr, UserGroupInformation.getCurrentUser(), conf, NetUtils.getDefaultSocketFactory(conf), rpcTimeout, connectionRetryPolicy); } catch (ConnectException se) { // namenode has not been started"Server at " + addr + " not available yet, Zzzzz..."); ioe = se; } catch (SocketTimeoutException te) { // namenode is busy"Problem connecting to server: " + addr); ioe = te; } catch (NoRouteToHostException nrthe) { // perhaps a VIP is failing over"No route to host for server: " + addr); ioe = nrthe; } // check if timed out if ( - timeout >= startTime) { throw ioe; } // wait for retry try { Thread.sleep(1000); } catch (InterruptedException ie) { // IGNORE } } }
/** Get a BlockReader for the given block. */ public BlockReader getBlockReader(LocatedBlock testBlock, int offset, int lenToRead) throws IOException { InetSocketAddress targetAddr = null; Socket sock = null; ExtendedBlock block = testBlock.getBlock(); DatanodeInfo[] nodes = testBlock.getLocations(); targetAddr = NetUtils.createSocketAddr(nodes[0].getName()); sock = NetUtils.getDefaultSocketFactory(conf).createSocket(); sock.connect(targetAddr, HdfsServerConstants.READ_TIMEOUT); sock.setSoTimeout(HdfsServerConstants.READ_TIMEOUT); return BlockReaderFactory.newBlockReader( new DFSClient.Conf(conf), sock, targetAddr.toString() + ":" + block.getBlockId(), block, testBlock.getBlockToken(), offset, lenToRead, conf.getInt("io.file.buffer.size", 4096), true, ""); }
/** * Construct an IPC client with the default SocketFactory * * @param valueClass value class * @param conf configuration */ public HBaseClient(Class<? extends Writable> valueClass, Configuration conf) { this(valueClass, conf, NetUtils.getDefaultSocketFactory(conf)); }