 * Test cases from MessagePackBase64LineInputFormat.
 * @see TestLineInputFormat.java
public class TestMessagePackBase64LineInputFormat extends TestCase {
  public static class MyClass {
    public String s;
    public int v;

  public static class MyClassWritable extends MessagePackWritable<MyClass> {
    protected MyClass getObjectInstance() {
      return new MyClass();

  public static class MyClassMessagePackBase64LineInputFormat
      extends MessagePackBase64LineInputFormat<MyClass, MyClassWritable> {
    protected MyClassWritable getWritableInstance() {
      return new MyClassWritable();

  // --------------

  private static int MAX_LENGTH = 200;
  private final Base64 base64_ = new Base64();
  private static Configuration defaultConf = new Configuration();
  private static FileSystem localFs = null;

  private static Path workDir =
      new Path(new Path(System.getProperty("test.build.data", "."), "data"), "TestLineInputFormat");

  public void testFormat() throws Exception {
    localFs = FileSystem.getLocal(defaultConf);
    localFs.delete(workDir, true);

    Job job = new Job(new Configuration(defaultConf));
    Path file = new Path(workDir, "test.txt");

    int seed = new Random().nextInt();
    Random random = new Random(seed);

    // for a variety of lengths
    for (int length = 0; length < MAX_LENGTH; length += random.nextInt(MAX_LENGTH / 10) + 1) {
      // create a file with length entries
      Writer writer = new OutputStreamWriter(localFs.create(file));
      try {
        MyClass mc = new MyClass();
        for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
          mc.s = Integer.toString(i);
          mc.v = i;
          byte[] raw = MessagePack.pack(mc);
          byte[] b64e = base64_.encodeBase64(raw);
          byte[] b64d = base64_.decode(b64e);
          MyClass mc2 = MessagePack.unpack(b64d, mc.getClass());
          assertEquals(mc.s, mc2.s);
          assertEquals(mc.v, mc2.v);

      } finally {

  void checkFormat(Job job) throws Exception {
    TaskAttemptContext attemptContext =
        new TaskAttemptContext(job.getConfiguration(), new TaskAttemptID("123", 0, false, 1, 2));

    MyClassMessagePackBase64LineInputFormat format = new MyClassMessagePackBase64LineInputFormat();
    FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(job, workDir);

    List<InputSplit> splits = format.getSplits(job);
    for (int j = 0; j < splits.size(); j++) {
      RecordReader<LongWritable, MyClassWritable> reader =
          format.createRecordReader(splits.get(j), attemptContext);
      reader.initialize(splits.get(j), attemptContext);

      int count = 0;
      try {
        while (reader.nextKeyValue()) {
          LongWritable key = reader.getCurrentKey();
          MyClassWritable val = reader.getCurrentValue();
          MyClass mc = val.get();
          assertEquals(mc.v, count);
          assertEquals(mc.s, Integer.toString(count));
      } finally {