  /** Clear out any side effects of running tests */
  public void clearTablesCreatedDuringTests() throws Exception {
    if (System.getenv(QTEST_LEAVE_FILES) != null) {

    // Delete any tables other than the source tables
    // and any databases other than the default database.
    for (String dbName : db.getAllDatabases()) {
      for (String tblName : db.getAllTables()) {
        if (!DEFAULT_DATABASE_NAME.equals(dbName)) {
          Table tblObj = db.getTable(tblName);
          // dropping index table can not be dropped directly. Dropping the base
          // table will automatically drop all its index table
          if (tblObj.isIndexTable()) {
          db.dropTable(dbName, tblName);
        } else {
          // this table is defined in srcTables, drop all indexes on it
          List<Index> indexes = db.getIndexes(dbName, tblName, (short) -1);
          if (indexes != null && indexes.size() > 0) {
            for (Index index : indexes) {
              db.dropIndex(dbName, tblName, index.getIndexName(), true, true);
      if (!DEFAULT_DATABASE_NAME.equals(dbName)) {
        // Drop cascade, may need to drop functions
        db.dropDatabase(dbName, true, true, true);

    // delete remaining directories for external tables (can affect stats for following tests)
    try {
      Path p = new Path(testWarehouse);
      FileSystem fileSystem = p.getFileSystem(conf);
      if (fileSystem.exists(p)) {
        for (FileStatus status : fileSystem.listStatus(p)) {
          if (status.isDir()) {
            fileSystem.delete(status.getPath(), true);
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
      // ignore.. provides invalid url sometimes intentionally

    List<String> roleNames = db.getAllRoleNames();
    for (String roleName : roleNames) {
      if (!"PUBLIC".equalsIgnoreCase(roleName) && !"ADMIN".equalsIgnoreCase(roleName)) {