protected void parseColumnFamilyOptions(CommandLine cmd) { String dataBlockEncodingStr = cmd.getOptionValue(OPT_DATA_BLOCK_ENCODING); dataBlockEncodingAlgo = dataBlockEncodingStr == null ? null : DataBlockEncoding.valueOf(dataBlockEncodingStr); if (dataBlockEncodingAlgo == DataBlockEncoding.NONE && encodeInCacheOnly) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "-" + OPT_ENCODE_IN_CACHE_ONLY + " " + "does not make sense when data block encoding is not used"); } String compressStr = cmd.getOptionValue(OPT_COMPRESSION); compressAlgo = compressStr == null ? Compression.Algorithm.NONE : Compression.Algorithm.valueOf(compressStr); String bloomStr = cmd.getOptionValue(OPT_BLOOM); bloomType = bloomStr == null ? null : StoreFile.BloomType.valueOf(bloomStr); inMemoryCF = cmd.hasOption(OPT_INMEMORY); }
/** * A command-line utility that reads, writes, and verifies data. Unlike {@link * PerformanceEvaluation}, this tool validates the data written, and supports simultaneously writing * and reading the same set of keys. */ public class LoadTestTool extends AbstractHBaseTool { private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(LoadTestTool.class); /** Table name for the test */ protected byte[] tableName; /** Table name to use of not overridden on the command line */ protected static final String DEFAULT_TABLE_NAME = "cluster_test"; /** Column family used by the test */ protected static byte[] COLUMN_FAMILY = Bytes.toBytes("test_cf"); /** Column families used by the test */ protected static final byte[][] COLUMN_FAMILIES = {COLUMN_FAMILY}; /** The default data size if not specified */ protected static final int DEFAULT_DATA_SIZE = 64; /** The number of reader/writer threads if not specified */ protected static final int DEFAULT_NUM_THREADS = 20; /** Usage string for the load option */ protected static final String OPT_USAGE_LOAD = "<avg_cols_per_key>:<avg_data_size>" + "[:<#threads=" + DEFAULT_NUM_THREADS + ">]"; /** Usa\ge string for the read option */ protected static final String OPT_USAGE_READ = "<verify_percent>[:<#threads=" + DEFAULT_NUM_THREADS + ">]"; protected static final String OPT_USAGE_BLOOM = "Bloom filter type, one of " + Arrays.toString(StoreFile.BloomType.values()); protected static final String OPT_USAGE_COMPRESSION = "Compression type, " + "one of " + Arrays.toString(Compression.Algorithm.values()); public static final String OPT_DATA_BLOCK_ENCODING_USAGE = "Encoding algorithm (e.g. prefix " + "compression) to use for data blocks in the test column family, " + "one of " + Arrays.toString(DataBlockEncoding.values()) + "."; public static final String OPT_INMEMORY = "in_memory"; public static final String OPT_USAGE_IN_MEMORY = "Tries to keep the HFiles of the CF " + "inmemory as far as possible. Not guaranteed that reads are always served from inmemory"; private static final String OPT_BLOOM = "bloom"; private static final String OPT_COMPRESSION = "compression"; public static final String OPT_DATA_BLOCK_ENCODING = HColumnDescriptor.DATA_BLOCK_ENCODING.toLowerCase(); public static final String OPT_ENCODE_IN_CACHE_ONLY = "encode_in_cache_only"; public static final String OPT_ENCODE_IN_CACHE_ONLY_USAGE = "If this is specified, data blocks will only be encoded in block " + "cache but not on disk"; protected static final String OPT_KEY_WINDOW = "key_window"; protected static final String OPT_WRITE = "write"; protected static final String OPT_MAX_READ_ERRORS = "max_read_errors"; protected static final String OPT_MULTIPUT = "multiput"; protected static final String OPT_NUM_KEYS = "num_keys"; protected static final String OPT_READ = "read"; protected static final String OPT_START_KEY = "start_key"; protected static final String OPT_TABLE_NAME = "tn"; protected static final String OPT_ZK_QUORUM = "zk"; protected static final String OPT_SKIP_INIT = "skip_init"; protected static final String OPT_INIT_ONLY = "init_only"; private static final String NUM_TABLES = "num_tables"; protected static final long DEFAULT_START_KEY = 0; /** This will be removed as we factor out the dependency on command line */ protected CommandLine cmd; protected MultiThreadedWriter writerThreads = null; protected MultiThreadedReader readerThreads = null; protected long startKey, endKey; protected boolean isWrite, isRead; // Column family options protected DataBlockEncoding dataBlockEncodingAlgo; protected boolean encodeInCacheOnly; protected Compression.Algorithm compressAlgo; protected StoreFile.BloomType bloomType; private boolean inMemoryCF; // Writer options protected int numWriterThreads = DEFAULT_NUM_THREADS; protected int minColsPerKey, maxColsPerKey; protected int minColDataSize = DEFAULT_DATA_SIZE, maxColDataSize = DEFAULT_DATA_SIZE; protected boolean isMultiPut; // Reader options private int numReaderThreads = DEFAULT_NUM_THREADS; private int keyWindow = MultiThreadedReader.DEFAULT_KEY_WINDOW; private int maxReadErrors = MultiThreadedReader.DEFAULT_MAX_ERRORS; private int verifyPercent; private int numTables = 1; // TODO: refactor LoadTestToolImpl somewhere to make the usage from tests less bad, // console tool itself should only be used from console. protected boolean isSkipInit = false; protected boolean isInitOnly = false; protected String[] splitColonSeparated(String option, int minNumCols, int maxNumCols) { String optVal = cmd.getOptionValue(option); String[] cols = optVal.split(":"); if (cols.length < minNumCols || cols.length > maxNumCols) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Expected at least " + minNumCols + " columns but no more than " + maxNumCols + " in the colon-separated value '" + optVal + "' of the " + "-" + option + " option"); } return cols; } protected int getNumThreads(String numThreadsStr) { return parseInt(numThreadsStr, 1, Short.MAX_VALUE); } /** Apply column family options such as Bloom filters, compression, and data block encoding. */ protected void applyColumnFamilyOptions(byte[] tableName, byte[][] columnFamilies) throws IOException { HBaseAdmin admin = new HBaseAdmin(conf); HTableDescriptor tableDesc = admin.getTableDescriptor(tableName);"Disabling table " + Bytes.toString(tableName)); admin.disableTable(tableName); for (byte[] cf : columnFamilies) { HColumnDescriptor columnDesc = tableDesc.getFamily(cf); boolean isNewCf = columnDesc == null; if (isNewCf) { columnDesc = new HColumnDescriptor(cf); } if (bloomType != null) { columnDesc.setBloomFilterType(bloomType); } if (compressAlgo != null) { columnDesc.setCompressionType(compressAlgo); } if (dataBlockEncodingAlgo != null) { columnDesc.setDataBlockEncoding(dataBlockEncodingAlgo); columnDesc.setEncodeOnDisk(!encodeInCacheOnly); } if (inMemoryCF) { columnDesc.setInMemory(inMemoryCF); } if (isNewCf) { admin.addColumn(tableName, columnDesc); } else { admin.modifyColumn(tableName, columnDesc); } }"Enabling table " + Bytes.toString(tableName)); admin.enableTable(tableName); } @Override protected void addOptions() { addOptWithArg( OPT_ZK_QUORUM, "ZK quorum as comma-separated host names " + "without port numbers"); addOptWithArg(OPT_TABLE_NAME, "The name of the table to read or write"); addOptWithArg(OPT_WRITE, OPT_USAGE_LOAD); addOptWithArg(OPT_READ, OPT_USAGE_READ); addOptNoArg(OPT_INIT_ONLY, "Initialize the test table only, don't do any loading"); addOptWithArg(OPT_BLOOM, OPT_USAGE_BLOOM); addOptWithArg(OPT_COMPRESSION, OPT_USAGE_COMPRESSION); addOptWithArg(OPT_DATA_BLOCK_ENCODING, OPT_DATA_BLOCK_ENCODING_USAGE); addOptWithArg( OPT_MAX_READ_ERRORS, "The maximum number of read errors " + "to tolerate before terminating all reader threads. The default is " + MultiThreadedReader.DEFAULT_MAX_ERRORS + "."); addOptWithArg( OPT_KEY_WINDOW, "The 'key window' to maintain between " + "reads and writes for concurrent write/read workload. The default " + "is " + MultiThreadedReader.DEFAULT_KEY_WINDOW + "."); addOptNoArg( OPT_MULTIPUT, "Whether to use multi-puts as opposed to " + "separate puts for every column in a row"); addOptNoArg(OPT_ENCODE_IN_CACHE_ONLY, OPT_ENCODE_IN_CACHE_ONLY_USAGE); addOptNoArg(OPT_INMEMORY, OPT_USAGE_IN_MEMORY); addOptWithArg(OPT_NUM_KEYS, "The number of keys to read/write"); addOptWithArg( OPT_START_KEY, "The first key to read/write " + "(a 0-based index). The default value is " + DEFAULT_START_KEY + "."); addOptNoArg(OPT_SKIP_INIT, "Skip the initialization; assume test table " + "already exists"); addOptWithArg( NUM_TABLES, "A positive integer number. When a number n is speicfied, load test " + "tool will load n table parallely. -tn parameter value becomes " + "table name prefix. Each table name is in format <tn>_1...<tn>_n"); } @Override protected void processOptions(CommandLine cmd) { this.cmd = cmd; tableName = Bytes.toBytes(cmd.getOptionValue(OPT_TABLE_NAME, DEFAULT_TABLE_NAME)); isWrite = cmd.hasOption(OPT_WRITE); isRead = cmd.hasOption(OPT_READ); isInitOnly = cmd.hasOption(OPT_INIT_ONLY); if (!isWrite && !isRead && !isInitOnly) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Either -" + OPT_WRITE + " or " + "-" + OPT_READ + " has to be specified"); } if (isInitOnly && (isRead || isWrite)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( OPT_INIT_ONLY + " cannot be specified with" + " either -" + OPT_WRITE + " or -" + OPT_READ); } if (!isInitOnly) { if (!cmd.hasOption(OPT_NUM_KEYS)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( OPT_NUM_KEYS + " must be specified in " + "read or write mode"); } startKey = parseLong( cmd.getOptionValue(OPT_START_KEY, String.valueOf(DEFAULT_START_KEY)), 0, Long.MAX_VALUE); long numKeys = parseLong(cmd.getOptionValue(OPT_NUM_KEYS), 1, Long.MAX_VALUE - startKey); endKey = startKey + numKeys; isSkipInit = cmd.hasOption(OPT_SKIP_INIT); System.out.println("Key range: [" + startKey + ".." + (endKey - 1) + "]"); } encodeInCacheOnly = cmd.hasOption(OPT_ENCODE_IN_CACHE_ONLY); parseColumnFamilyOptions(cmd); if (isWrite) { String[] writeOpts = splitColonSeparated(OPT_WRITE, 2, 3); int colIndex = 0; minColsPerKey = 1; maxColsPerKey = 2 * Integer.parseInt(writeOpts[colIndex++]); int avgColDataSize = parseInt(writeOpts[colIndex++], 1, Integer.MAX_VALUE); minColDataSize = avgColDataSize / 2; maxColDataSize = avgColDataSize * 3 / 2; if (colIndex < writeOpts.length) { numWriterThreads = getNumThreads(writeOpts[colIndex++]); } isMultiPut = cmd.hasOption(OPT_MULTIPUT); System.out.println("Multi-puts: " + isMultiPut); System.out.println("Columns per key: " + minColsPerKey + ".." + maxColsPerKey); System.out.println("Data size per column: " + minColDataSize + ".." + maxColDataSize); } if (isRead) { String[] readOpts = splitColonSeparated(OPT_READ, 1, 2); int colIndex = 0; verifyPercent = parseInt(readOpts[colIndex++], 0, 100); if (colIndex < readOpts.length) { numReaderThreads = getNumThreads(readOpts[colIndex++]); } if (cmd.hasOption(OPT_MAX_READ_ERRORS)) { maxReadErrors = parseInt(cmd.getOptionValue(OPT_MAX_READ_ERRORS), 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE); } if (cmd.hasOption(OPT_KEY_WINDOW)) { keyWindow = parseInt(cmd.getOptionValue(OPT_KEY_WINDOW), 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE); } System.out.println("Percent of keys to verify: " + verifyPercent); System.out.println("Reader threads: " + numReaderThreads); } numTables = 1; if (cmd.hasOption(NUM_TABLES)) { numTables = parseInt(cmd.getOptionValue(NUM_TABLES), 1, Short.MAX_VALUE); } } protected void parseColumnFamilyOptions(CommandLine cmd) { String dataBlockEncodingStr = cmd.getOptionValue(OPT_DATA_BLOCK_ENCODING); dataBlockEncodingAlgo = dataBlockEncodingStr == null ? null : DataBlockEncoding.valueOf(dataBlockEncodingStr); if (dataBlockEncodingAlgo == DataBlockEncoding.NONE && encodeInCacheOnly) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "-" + OPT_ENCODE_IN_CACHE_ONLY + " " + "does not make sense when data block encoding is not used"); } String compressStr = cmd.getOptionValue(OPT_COMPRESSION); compressAlgo = compressStr == null ? Compression.Algorithm.NONE : Compression.Algorithm.valueOf(compressStr); String bloomStr = cmd.getOptionValue(OPT_BLOOM); bloomType = bloomStr == null ? null : StoreFile.BloomType.valueOf(bloomStr); inMemoryCF = cmd.hasOption(OPT_INMEMORY); } public void initTestTable() throws IOException { HBaseTestingUtility.createPreSplitLoadTestTable( conf, tableName, COLUMN_FAMILY, compressAlgo, dataBlockEncodingAlgo); applyColumnFamilyOptions(tableName, COLUMN_FAMILIES); } @Override protected int doWork() throws IOException { if (numTables > 1) { return parallelLoadTables(); } else { return loadTable(); } } protected int loadTable() throws IOException { if (cmd.hasOption(OPT_ZK_QUORUM)) { conf.set(HConstants.ZOOKEEPER_QUORUM, cmd.getOptionValue(OPT_ZK_QUORUM)); } if (isInitOnly) {"Initializing only; no reads or writes"); initTestTable(); return 0; } if (!isSkipInit) { initTestTable(); } LoadTestDataGenerator dataGen = new MultiThreadedAction.DefaultDataGenerator( minColDataSize, maxColDataSize, minColsPerKey, maxColsPerKey, COLUMN_FAMILY); if (isWrite) { writerThreads = new MultiThreadedWriter(dataGen, conf, tableName); writerThreads.setMultiPut(isMultiPut); } if (isRead) { readerThreads = new MultiThreadedReader(dataGen, conf, tableName, verifyPercent); readerThreads.setMaxErrors(maxReadErrors); readerThreads.setKeyWindow(keyWindow); } if (isRead && isWrite) {"Concurrent read/write workload: making readers aware of the " + "write point"); readerThreads.linkToWriter(writerThreads); } if (isWrite) { System.out.println("Starting to write data..."); writerThreads.start(startKey, endKey, numWriterThreads); } if (isRead) { System.out.println("Starting to read data..."); readerThreads.start(startKey, endKey, numReaderThreads); } if (isWrite) { writerThreads.waitForFinish(); } if (isRead) { readerThreads.waitForFinish(); } boolean success = true; if (isWrite) { success = success && writerThreads.getNumWriteFailures() == 0; } if (isRead) { success = success && readerThreads.getNumReadErrors() == 0 && readerThreads.getNumReadFailures() == 0; } return success ? EXIT_SUCCESS : this.EXIT_FAILURE; } public static void main(String[] args) { new LoadTestTool().doStaticMain(args); } /** * When NUM_TABLES is specified, the function starts multiple worker threads which individually * start a LoadTestTool instance to load a table. Each table name is in format <tn>_<index>. For * example, "-tn test -num_tables 2" , table names will be "test_1", "test_2" * * @throws IOException */ private int parallelLoadTables() throws IOException { // create new command args String tableName = cmd.getOptionValue(OPT_TABLE_NAME, DEFAULT_TABLE_NAME); String[] newArgs = null; if (!cmd.hasOption(LoadTestTool.OPT_TABLE_NAME)) { newArgs = new String[cmdLineArgs.length + 2]; newArgs[0] = "-" + LoadTestTool.OPT_TABLE_NAME; for (int i = 0; i < cmdLineArgs.length; i++) { newArgs[i + 2] = cmdLineArgs[i]; } } else { newArgs = cmdLineArgs; } int tableNameValueIndex = -1; for (int j = 0; j < newArgs.length; j++) { if (newArgs[j].endsWith(OPT_TABLE_NAME)) { tableNameValueIndex = j + 1; } else if (newArgs[j].endsWith(NUM_TABLES)) { // change NUM_TABLES to 1 so that each worker loads one table newArgs[j + 1] = "1"; } } // starting to load multiple tables List<WorkerThread> workers = new ArrayList<WorkerThread>(); for (int i = 0; i < numTables; i++) { String[] workerArgs = newArgs.clone(); workerArgs[tableNameValueIndex] = tableName + "_" + (i + 1); WorkerThread worker = new WorkerThread(i, workerArgs); workers.add(worker); + " starting"); worker.start(); } // wait for all workers finish"Waiting for worker threads to finish"); for (WorkerThread t : workers) { try { t.join(); } catch (InterruptedException ie) { IOException iie = new InterruptedIOException(); iie.initCause(ie); throw iie; } checkForErrors(); } return EXIT_SUCCESS; } // If an exception is thrown by one of worker threads, it will be // stored here. protected AtomicReference<Throwable> thrown = new AtomicReference<Throwable>(); private void workerThreadError(Throwable t) { thrown.compareAndSet(null, t); } /** Check for errors in the writer threads. If any is found, rethrow it. */ private void checkForErrors() throws IOException { Throwable thrown = this.thrown.get(); if (thrown == null) return; if (thrown instanceof IOException) { throw (IOException) thrown; } else { throw new RuntimeException(thrown); } } class WorkerThread extends Thread { private String[] workerArgs; WorkerThread(int i, String[] args) { super("WorkerThread-" + i); workerArgs = args; } public void run() { try { int ret =, new LoadTestTool(), workerArgs); if (ret != 0) { throw new RuntimeException("LoadTestTool exit with non-zero return code."); } } catch (Exception ex) { LOG.error("Error in worker thread", ex); workerThreadError(ex); } } } }