private static Put clonePut(Put put, long startId, boolean locking, byte[] columnsWritten) { Put ret = new Put(put.getRow()); Map<byte[], List<KeyValue>> families = put.getFamilyMap(); Columns cols = new Columns(columnsWritten); for (byte[] family : families.keySet()) { List<KeyValue> columns = families.get(family); Iterator<KeyValue> it = columns.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { KeyValue kv =; // byte[] column = DominoConst.getColumnKey(kv.getQualifier(), startId); byte[] qualifier = kv.getQualifier(); ret.add(family, qualifier, startId, kv.getValue()); cols.add(family, qualifier); } } Map<String, byte[]> attributes = put.getAttributesMap(); for (String key : attributes.keySet()) { ret.setAttribute(key, attributes.get(key)); } byte[] state = new byte[1 + Bytes.SIZEOF_LONG]; state[0] = locking ? DominoConst.S_STATEFUL_BYTE : DominoConst.S_STATELESS_BYTE; Bytes.putLong(state, 1, startId); ret.add(DominoConst.INNER_FAMILY, DominoConst.COLUMNS_COL, startId, cols.toByteArray()); ret.add(DominoConst.INNER_FAMILY, DominoConst.STATUS_COL, startId, state); return ret; }
@Test(timeout = 300000) public void testReplicationWithCellTags() throws Exception {"testSimplePutDelete"); Put put = new Put(ROW); put.setAttribute("visibility", Bytes.toBytes("myTag3")); put.add(FAMILY, ROW, ROW); htable1 = utility1.getConnection().getTable(TABLE_NAME); htable1.put(put); Get get = new Get(ROW); try { for (int i = 0; i < NB_RETRIES; i++) { if (i == NB_RETRIES - 1) { fail("Waited too much time for put replication"); } Result res = htable2.get(get); if (res.size() == 0) {"Row not available"); Thread.sleep(SLEEP_TIME); } else { assertArrayEquals(res.value(), ROW); assertEquals(1, TestCoprocessorForTagsAtSink.tags.size()); Tag tag = TestCoprocessorForTagsAtSink.tags.get(0); assertEquals(TAG_TYPE, tag.getType()); break; } } } finally { TestCoprocessorForTagsAtSink.tags = null; } }
@Test public void testTTL() throws Exception { TableName tableName = TableName.valueOf("testTTL"); if (TEST_UTIL.getHBaseAdmin().tableExists(tableName)) { TEST_UTIL.deleteTable(tableName); } HTableDescriptor desc = new HTableDescriptor(tableName); HColumnDescriptor hcd = new HColumnDescriptor(F).setMaxVersions(10).setTimeToLive(1); desc.addFamily(hcd); TEST_UTIL.getHBaseAdmin().createTable(desc); Table t = new HTable(new Configuration(TEST_UTIL.getConfiguration()), tableName); long now = EnvironmentEdgeManager.currentTime(); ManualEnvironmentEdge me = new ManualEnvironmentEdge(); me.setValue(now); EnvironmentEdgeManagerTestHelper.injectEdge(me); // 2s in the past long ts = now - 2000; // Set the TTL override to 3s Put p = new Put(R); p.setAttribute("ttl", new byte[] {}); p.add(F, tableName.getName(), Bytes.toBytes(3000L)); t.put(p); p = new Put(R); p.add(F, Q, ts, Q); t.put(p); p = new Put(R); p.add(F, Q, ts + 1, Q); t.put(p); // these two should be expired but for the override // (their ts was 2s in the past) Get g = new Get(R); g.setMaxVersions(10); Result r = t.get(g); // still there? assertEquals(2, r.size()); TEST_UTIL.flush(tableName); TEST_UTIL.compact(tableName, true); g = new Get(R); g.setMaxVersions(10); r = t.get(g); // still there? assertEquals(2, r.size()); // roll time forward 2s. me.setValue(now + 2000); // now verify that data eventually does expire g = new Get(R); g.setMaxVersions(10); r = t.get(g); // should be gone now assertEquals(0, r.size()); t.close(); }
@Test public void testBaseCases() throws Exception { TableName tableName = TableName.valueOf("baseCases"); if (TEST_UTIL.getHBaseAdmin().tableExists(tableName)) { TEST_UTIL.deleteTable(tableName); } Table t = TEST_UTIL.createTable(tableName, F, 1); // set the version override to 2 Put p = new Put(R); p.setAttribute("versions", new byte[] {}); p.add(F, tableName.getName(), Bytes.toBytes(2)); t.put(p); long now = EnvironmentEdgeManager.currentTime(); // insert 2 versions p = new Put(R); p.add(F, Q, now, Q); t.put(p); p = new Put(R); p.add(F, Q, now + 1, Q); t.put(p); Get g = new Get(R); g.setMaxVersions(10); Result r = t.get(g); assertEquals(2, r.size()); TEST_UTIL.flush(tableName); TEST_UTIL.compact(tableName, true); // both version are still visible even after a flush/compaction g = new Get(R); g.setMaxVersions(10); r = t.get(g); assertEquals(2, r.size()); // insert a 3rd version p = new Put(R); p.add(F, Q, now + 2, Q); t.put(p); g = new Get(R); g.setMaxVersions(10); r = t.get(g); // still only two version visible assertEquals(2, r.size()); t.close(); }