   * Calculates the average of the (fastestpercentage) fast traces, the (slowestPercentage) slow
   * traces and the (100% - fastestPercentage - slowestPercentage) normal speed traces and returns
   * these averages in an array, where [0]: avg fast throughput time [1]: avg slow throughput time
   * [2]: avg middle throughput time
   * @param fastestPercentage double: the percentage of measurements that is to be counted as fast
   * @param slowestPercentage double: the percentage of measurements that is to be counted as slow
   * @return double[]
  public double[] getAverageTimes(double fastestPercentage, double slowestPercentage) {
    // initialize arrays
    double[] timeList = timeStats.getSortedValues();
    double[] avgTimes = new double[3];
    long total = 0;
    // obtain the number of fast , slow, normal traces
    int[] sizes = getSizes(fastestPercentage, slowestPercentage);
    int fastSize = sizes[0], slowSize = sizes[1], middleSize = sizes[2];
    for (int i = 0; i < fastSize; i++) {
      total += timeList[i];
    // calculate average of the fastest traces
    double avgFastestTime = 0.0;
    if (fastSize != 0) {
      avgFastestTime = (total * 1.0) / fastSize;
    // calculate average of the slowest traces
    int upperSize = timeList.length - slowSize;
    total = 0;
    for (int i = upperSize; i < timeList.length; i++) {
      total += timeList[i];
    double avgSlowestTime = 0.0;
    if (slowSize > 0) {
      avgSlowestTime = (total * 1.0) / slowSize;

    // calculate the middle/normal-speed traces
    total = 0;
    for (int i = fastSize; i < upperSize; i++) {
      total += timeList[i];
    double avgMiddleTime = 0.0;
    if (middleSize > 0) {
      avgMiddleTime = (total * 1.0) / middleSize;
    avgTimes[0] = avgFastestTime;
    avgTimes[1] = avgSlowestTime;
    avgTimes[2] = avgMiddleTime;
    return avgTimes;