private void searchInLabelTypes(String filter) { boolean limited = (filter.length() < 3); for (LabelType type : getLabelsMap().keySet()) { String name = StringUtils.deleteWhitespace(type.getName().toLowerCase()); if (name.contains(filter)) { setFilterPairLabelType(type, limited); } else { searchInLabels(type, filter); } } }
private void searchInLabels(LabelType type, String filter) { for (Label label : getLabelsMap().get(type)) { String name = StringUtils.deleteWhitespace(label.getName().toLowerCase()); if (name.contains(filter)) { addLabel(type, label); if ((filter.length() < 3) && (getListMatching().size() > 9)) { return; } } } }
@Test public void testPathTemplate() throws Exception { Template template = cfg.getTemplate(getTemplatePath("path.html")); Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>(); Site site = new Site(); site.setId(2L); params.put(GlobalVariable.SITE.toString(), site); String value = process(template, params); value = StringUtils.deleteWhitespace(value); Assert.assertEquals("test-path-include", value); }
@Override public List<FilterPair> getMatching(String filter) { getListMatching().clear(); if ((filter != null) && (!filter.isEmpty())) { filter = StringUtils.deleteWhitespace(filter.toLowerCase()); searchInCriterionTypes(filter); searchInLabelTypes(filter); searchInResources(filter); } addNoneFilter(); return getListMatching(); }
private void searchInResources(String filter) { Map<Class<?>, List<Resource>> mapResources = databaseSnapshots.snapshotMapResources(); for (Class<?> className : mapResources.keySet()) { for (Resource resource : mapResources.get(className)) { String name = StringUtils.deleteWhitespace(resource.getName().toLowerCase()); if (name.contains(filter)) { addResource(className, resource); if ((filter.length() < 3) && (getListMatching().size() > 9)) { return; } } } } }
private void searchInCriterions(CriterionType type, String filter) { List<Criterion> list = getMapCriterions().get(type); if (list == null) { return; } for (Criterion criterion : list) { String name = StringUtils.deleteWhitespace(criterion.getName().toLowerCase()); if (name.contains(filter)) { addCriterion(type, criterion); if ((filter.length() < 3) && (getListMatching().size() > 9)) { return; } } } }
@Test public void testChannelTemplate() throws Exception { Template template = cfg.getTemplate(getTemplatePath("channel.html")); Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>(); Site site = new Site(); site.setId(2L); params.put(GlobalVariable.SITE.toString(), site); Channel channel = new Channel(); channel.setId(1L); params.put(GlobalVariable.CHANNEL.getVariable(), channel); params.put(GlobalVariable.TASK_ID.getVariable(), "1111-2222-3333-4444"); String value = process(template, params); value = StringUtils.deleteWhitespace(value); Assert.assertEquals("test-channel-includetest-channel-includetest-channel-include", value); }
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Test public void testCacheTemplate() throws Exception { Template template = cfg.getTemplate(getTemplatePath("cache.html")); Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>(); Site site = new Site(); site.setId(2L); params.put(GlobalVariable.SITE.toString(), site); Channel channel = new Channel(); channel.setId(1L); params.put(GlobalVariable.CHANNEL.getVariable(), channel); params.put(GlobalVariable.TASK_ID.getVariable(), "1111-2222-3333-4444"); includeCache = Mockito.mock(Cacheable.class); Mockito.when(includeCache.get(Mockito.anyString())).thenReturn("hello-cache"); params.put(GlobalVariable.INCLUDE_CACHE.getVariable(), includeCache); String value = process(template, params); value = StringUtils.deleteWhitespace(value); Assert.assertEquals("hello-cache", value); }
@Override public void init() { //////// BUTTONS cmng = new ComponentManager(); for (int i = 0; i < BUTTONS_NAME.length; i++) { String name = BUTTONS_NAME[i]; final SButton button = SButton.getCenterButtonWithGap( name, Experiment.WIDTH, Experiment.HEIGHT, BUTTONS_WIDTH, BUTTONS_HEIGHT, BUTTONS_PLUS_X, i * BUTTONS_HEIGHT + BUTTONS_PLUS_Y, Color.YELLOW, Type.GHOSTRY); final RectangularShape shape = button.getShape(); cmng.addComponent(StringUtils.deleteWhitespace(name).toLowerCase(), button); marksButton[i] = new Point((int) (shape.getMinX() - BUTTONS_HEIGHT), (int) (shape.getMinY())); } }
public static final String getPhonesAsString(List<String> phones) { String result = Arrays.toString(phones.toArray()); result = StringUtils.deleteWhitespace(result); return result.substring(1, result.length() - 1); }
/** * * * <li><b>Remove/Delete</b> - removes part of a String. * * <p>Removes all occurrences of a character from within the source string. * * <p>Deletes all whitespaces from a String as defined by */ @Test public void testRemoveDeleteStringUtils() { System.out.println(strOne + ":" + strOne.length()); System.out.println(StringUtils.remove(strOne, 'd')); System.out.println(StringUtils.deleteWhitespace(" " + strOne + " ")); }