@RequestMapping(value = "/events/{eventName}/pending-payments/bulk-confirmation", method = POST) public List<Triple<Boolean, String, String>> bulkConfirmation( @PathVariable("eventName") String eventName, Principal principal, @RequestBody UploadBase64FileModification file) throws IOException { try (InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(file.getInputStream()); CSVReader reader = new CSVReader(isr)) { Event event = loadEvent(eventName, principal); return reader .readAll() .stream() .map( line -> { String reservationID = null; try { Validate.isTrue(line.length >= 2); reservationID = line[0]; ticketReservationManager.validateAndConfirmOfflinePayment( reservationID, event, new BigDecimal(line[1])); return Triple.of(Boolean.TRUE, reservationID, ""); } catch (Exception e) { return Triple.of( Boolean.FALSE, Optional.ofNullable(reservationID).orElse(""), e.getMessage()); } }) .collect(Collectors.toList()); } }
public void setAnimation( Triple<Integer, Integer, Float> animData, Table<Integer, Optional<Node<?>>, Key> keyData) { ImmutableTable.Builder<Integer, Node<?>, Key> builder = ImmutableTable.builder(); for (Table.Cell<Integer, Optional<Node<?>>, Key> key : keyData.cellSet()) { builder.put(key.getRowKey(), key.getColumnKey().or(this), key.getValue()); } setAnimation( new Animation( animData.getLeft(), animData.getMiddle(), animData.getRight(), builder.build())); }
public static <T extends IEntity> Specification<T> resolveConstraint( final Triple<String, ClientOperation, String> constraint, final Class<T> clazz) { final String constraintName = constraint.getLeft(); final boolean negated = isConstraintNegated(constraint); if (constraintName.equals(QueryConstants.NAME)) { return QuerySpecificationSec.getByNameSpecification( clazz, constraint.getMiddle(), constraint.getRight(), negated); } if (constraintName.equals(QueryConstants.ID)) { return QuerySpecificationSec.getByIdSpecification( clazz, Long.parseLong(constraint.getRight()), negated); } return null; }
private Triple<Integer, Integer, Float> anim() throws IOException { chunk("ANIM"); int flags = buf.getInt(); int frames = buf.getInt(); float fps = buf.getFloat(); dump("ANIM(" + flags + ", " + frames + ", " + fps + ")"); popLimit(); return Triple.of(flags, frames, fps); }
/** * Returns a memoized (caching) version of this {@link ObjBiByteToCharFunction}. Whenever it is * called, the mapping between the input parameters and the return value is preserved in a cache, * making subsequent calls returning the memoized value instead of computing the return value * again. * * <p>Unless the function and therefore the used cache will be garbage-collected, it will keep all * memoized values forever. * * @return A memoized (caching) version of this {@code ObjBiByteToCharFunction}. * @implSpec This implementation does not allow the input parameters or return value to be {@code * null} for the resulting memoized function, as the cache used internally does not permit * {@code null} keys or values. * @implNote The returned memoized function can be safely used concurrently from multiple threads * which makes it thread-safe. */ @Nonnull default ObjBiByteToCharFunction<T> memoized() { if (isMemoized()) { return this; } else { final Map<Triple<T, Byte, Byte>, Character> cache = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); final Object lock = new Object(); return (ObjBiByteToCharFunction<T> & Memoized) (t, value1, value2) -> { final char returnValue; synchronized (lock) { returnValue = cache.computeIfAbsent( Triple.of(t, value1, value2), key -> applyAsChar(key.getLeft(), key.getMiddle(), key.getRight())); } return returnValue; }; } }
/** * Returns a memoized (caching) version of this {@link ThrowableObjBiBooleanToByteFunction}. * Whenever it is called, the mapping between the input parameters and the return value is * preserved in a cache, making subsequent calls returning the memoized value instead of computing * the return value again. * * <p>Unless the function and therefore the used cache will be garbage-collected, it will keep all * memoized values forever. * * @return A memoized (caching) version of this {@code ThrowableObjBiBooleanToByteFunction}. * @implSpec This implementation does not allow the input parameters or return value to be {@code * null} for the resulting memoized function, as the cache used internally does not permit * {@code null} keys or values. * @implNote The returned memoized function can be safely used concurrently from multiple threads * which makes it thread-safe. */ @Nonnull default ThrowableObjBiBooleanToByteFunction<T, X> memoized() { if (isMemoized()) { return this; } else { final Map<Triple<T, Boolean, Boolean>, Byte> cache = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); final Object lock = new Object(); return (ThrowableObjBiBooleanToByteFunction<T, X> & Memoized) (t, value1, value2) -> { final byte returnValue; synchronized (lock) { returnValue = cache.computeIfAbsent( Triple.of(t, value1, value2), ThrowableFunction.of( key -> applyAsByteThrows(key.getLeft(), key.getMiddle(), key.getRight()))); } return returnValue; }; } }
/** * Returns a memoized (caching) version of this {@link ThrowableTriByteToFloatFunction}. Whenever * it is called, the mapping between the input parameters and the return value is preserved in a * cache, making subsequent calls returning the memoized value instead of computing the return * value again. * * <p>Unless the function and therefore the used cache will be garbage-collected, it will keep all * memoized values forever. * * @return A memoized (caching) version of this {@code ThrowableTriByteToFloatFunction}. * @implSpec This implementation does not allow the input parameters or return value to be {@code * null} for the resulting memoized function, as the cache used internally does not permit * {@code null} keys or values. * @implNote The returned memoized function can be safely used concurrently from multiple threads * which makes it thread-safe. */ @Nonnull default ThrowableTriByteToFloatFunction<X> memoized() { if (isMemoized()) { return this; } else { final Map<Triple<Byte, Byte, Byte>, Float> cache = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); final Object lock = new Object(); return (ThrowableTriByteToFloatFunction<X> & Memoized) (value1, value2, value3) -> { final float returnValue; synchronized (lock) { returnValue = cache.computeIfAbsent( Triple.of(value1, value2, value3), ThrowableFunction.of( key -> applyAsFloatThrows(key.getLeft(), key.getMiddle(), key.getRight()))); } return returnValue; }; } }
@Override public ListenableFuture<Triple<byte[], byte[], String>> encryptAsync( final byte[] plaintext, final byte[] iv, final byte[] authenticationData, final String algorithm) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException { if (plaintext == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("plaintext"); } // Interpret the requested algorithm String algorithmName = (Strings.isNullOrWhiteSpace(algorithm) ? getDefaultEncryptionAlgorithm() : algorithm); Algorithm baseAlgorithm = AlgorithmResolver.Default.get(algorithmName); if (baseAlgorithm == null || !(baseAlgorithm instanceof AsymmetricEncryptionAlgorithm)) { throw new NoSuchAlgorithmException(algorithmName); } AsymmetricEncryptionAlgorithm algo = (AsymmetricEncryptionAlgorithm) baseAlgorithm; ICryptoTransform transform; ListenableFuture<Triple<byte[], byte[], String>> result; try { transform = algo.CreateEncryptor(_keyPair, _provider); result = Futures.immediateFuture( Triple.of(transform.doFinal(plaintext), (byte[]) null, algorithmName)); } catch (Exception e) { result = Futures.immediateFailedFuture(e); } return result; }
static boolean isConstraintNegated(final Triple<String, ClientOperation, String> constraint) { return constraint.getMiddle().isNegated(); }