public static boolean contentEquals(File file1, File file2) { try { return FileUtils.contentEquals(file1, file2); } catch (IOException e) { throw new UncheckedIOException(e); } }
@Test public void testHTTPResultDefaultRows() throws IOException { File localFileForUpload = getInputFile("existingFile1", ".tmp"); File tempFileForDownload = File.createTempFile("downloadedFile1", ".tmp"); localFileForUpload.deleteOnExit(); tempFileForDownload.deleteOnExit(); Object[] r = new Object[] { HTTP_SERVER_BASEURL + "/uploadFile", localFileForUpload.getCanonicalPath(), tempFileForDownload.getCanonicalPath() }; RowMeta rowMetaDefault = new RowMeta(); rowMetaDefault.addValueMeta(new ValueMetaString("URL")); rowMetaDefault.addValueMeta(new ValueMetaString("UPLOAD")); rowMetaDefault.addValueMeta(new ValueMetaString("DESTINATION")); List<RowMetaAndData> rows = new ArrayList<RowMetaAndData>(); rows.add(new RowMetaAndData(rowMetaDefault, r)); Result previousResult = new Result(); previousResult.setRows(rows); JobEntryHTTP http = new JobEntryHTTP(); http.setParentJob(new Job()); http.setRunForEveryRow(true); http.setAddFilenameToResult(false); http.execute(previousResult, 0); assertTrue(FileUtils.contentEquals(localFileForUpload, tempFileForDownload)); }
@Test public void testSimplify() throws IOException { final File expected = new File(RESOURCE_DIR + "simplified_network.psimi.xml"); final File input = new File(RESOURCE_DIR + "unsimplified_network.psimi.xml"); final File output = new File("simplifiednetwork.psimi.xml.tmp"); output.deleteOnExit(); NetworkPreparer prep = new NetworkPreparer(); EntrySet entrySet = NetworkUtils.readNetwork(input); entrySet = prep.simplify(entrySet); NetworkUtils.writeNetwork(entrySet, output); assertTrue("Simplified file is wrong", FileUtils.contentEquals(expected, output)); output.delete(); }
private void testWrite(AssetFile asset) throws IOException { Path tmpFile = Files.createTempFile("disunity", null); try {; if (!FileUtils.contentEquals(asset.getSourceFile().toFile(), tmpFile.toFile())) { throw new IOException("Files are not equal"); } } finally { Files.deleteIfExists(tmpFile); } }
@org.junit.Test public void parseTest() throws IOException { if (htmlExpectFile != null) assertNotNull("Missing expect file: " + htmlExpectFile.getAbsolutePath(), htmlFile); Object retVal = null; try { CreoleParser parser = new CreoleParser(); parser.setPrivileges(EnumSet.allOf(JCreolePrivilege.class)); /* Replace the statement above with something like this to test * privileges: parser.setPrivileges(EnumSet.of( JCreolePrivilege.ENUMFORMATS, JCreolePrivilege.TOC, JCreolePrivilege.RAWHTML, JCreolePrivilege.STYLESHEET, JCreolePrivilege.JCXBLOCK, JCreolePrivilege.JCXSPAN, JCreolePrivilege.STYLER )); */ parser.setInterWikiMapper( new InterWikiMapper() { // Use wiki name of "nil" to force lookup failure for path. // Use wiki page of "nil" to force lookup failure for label. public String toPath(String wikiName, String wikiPage) { if (wikiName != null && wikiName.equals("nil")) return null; return "{WIKI-LINK to: " + wikiName + '|' + wikiPage + '}'; } public String toLabel(String wikiName, String wikiPage) { if (wikiPage == null) throw new RuntimeException("Null page name sent to InterWikiMapper"); if (wikiPage.equals("nil")) return null; return "{LABEL for: " + wikiName + '|' + wikiPage + '}'; } }); retVal = parser.parse(CreoleScanner.newCreoleScanner(creoleFile, false, null)); } catch (Exception e) { if (!shouldSucceed) return; // A ok. No output file to write. AssertionError ae = new AssertionError("Failed to parse '" + creoleFile + "'"); ae.initCause(e); throw ae; } FileUtils.writeStringToFile( htmlFile, ((retVal == null) ? "" : (((WashedSymbol) retVal).toString())), "UTF-8"); if (!shouldSucceed) fail("Should have failed, but generated '" + htmlFile + "'"); assertTrue( "From '" + creoleFile + "': '" + htmlFile + "' != '" + htmlExpectFile + "'", FileUtils.contentEquals(htmlExpectFile, htmlFile)); htmlFile.delete(); }
@Test public void testCopyLargeFileChannels() throws IOException { final File ifile = new File("test/VASSAL/tools/io/"); final File ofile = new File("test/VASSAL/tools/io/test.out"); try { final FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream(ifile); final FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(ofile); final long count = IOUtils.copy(in, out); assertEquals(ifile.length(), count); assertTrue(FileUtils.contentEquals(ifile, ofile)); } finally { ofile.delete(); } }
@Test public void compareRobotGoalFiles() throws IOException { boolean result = FileUtils.contentEquals(new File(AGENT_GOAL_FILE), new File(AGENT_GOAL_FILE_WORKING)); assertTrue("AGENT_GOAL_FILE <==> AGENT_GOAL_FILE_WORKING", result); }
public void merge() throws IOException { System.out.println("Enter the manifest file that is going to be the source: "); source =; // set file to MT File mt = new File(dir + "\\manifest\\MT"); // set file to MR File mr = new File(dir + "\\manifest\\MR"); // set file to MS File ms = new File(dir + "\\manifest\\MS"); // Grabs the locations of the checkin file AKA TGT file String manifestR = manifestReader(source); System.out.println(manifestR); File srcDir = new File(manifestR); // srcDir.renameTo(mt); // renames the file // Sets the location of the merge files File mergeDir = Create_Repo.DirLeaf(); // Copies the TGT file to the location of the merge file FileUtils.copyDirectory(srcDir, mergeDir); System.out.println("Enter how many directory is merging into the source (1 or 2)"); int numDir = scan.nextInt(); if (numDir == 1) { System.out.println("Enter the directory of the PTree you want to merge with the source: "); String m1 =; File file1 = new File(m1); boolean isTwoEqual = FileUtils.contentEquals(srcDir, file1); if (isTwoEqual == true) { file1.renameTo(mr); // renames the file FileUtils.copyDirectory(file1, mergeDir); // copies the file to // PTree folder } } else { System.out.println( "Enter the directory of the 1st PTree you want to merge with the source: "); String m1 =; File file1 = new File(m1); System.out.println( "Enter the directory of the 2nd PTree you want to merge with the source: "); String m2 =; File file2 = new File(m2); boolean isTwoEqual0 = FileUtils.contentEquals(srcDir, file1); if (isTwoEqual0 == true) { file1.renameTo(mr); // renames the file FileUtils.copyDirectory(file1, mergeDir); // copies the file to // PTree folder } boolean isTwoEqual1 = FileUtils.contentEquals(srcDir, file2); if (isTwoEqual1 == true) { file1.renameTo(ms); // renames the file FileUtils.copyDirectory(file2, mergeDir); // copies the file to // PTree folder } } }
@SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") public void testSchemaful() { try { File file = new File("target/classad-wtih-temporals.adm"); File expected = new File(getClass().getResource("/results/classad-with-temporals.adm").toURI().getPath()); FileUtils.deleteQuietly(file); PrintStream printStream = new PrintStream(Files.newOutputStream(Paths.get(file.toURI()))); String[] recordFieldNames = { "GlobalJobId", "Owner", "ClusterId", "ProcId", "RemoteWallClockTime", "CompletionDate", "QDate", "JobCurrentStartDate", "JobStartDate", "JobCurrentStartExecutingDate" }; IAType[] recordFieldTypes = { BuiltinType.ASTRING, BuiltinType.ASTRING, BuiltinType.AINT32, BuiltinType.AINT32, BuiltinType.ADURATION, BuiltinType.ADATETIME, BuiltinType.ADATETIME, BuiltinType.ADATETIME, BuiltinType.ADATETIME, BuiltinType.ADATETIME }; ARecordType recordType = new ARecordType("value", recordFieldNames, recordFieldTypes, true); int numOfTupleFields = 1; ISerializerDeserializer[] serdes = new ISerializerDeserializer[1]; serdes[0] = AqlSerializerDeserializerProvider.INSTANCE.getSerializerDeserializer(recordType); IPrinterFactory[] printerFactories = new IPrinterFactory[1]; printerFactories[0] = AqlADMPrinterFactoryProvider.INSTANCE.getPrinterFactory(recordType); // create output descriptor IPrinter[] printers = new IPrinter[printerFactories.length]; for (int i = 0; i < printerFactories.length; i++) { printers[i] = printerFactories[i].createPrinter(); } ClassAdObjectPool objectPool = new ClassAdObjectPool(); String[] files = new String[] {"/classad-with-temporals.classads"}; ClassAdParser parser = new ClassAdParser(recordType, false, false, false, null, null, null, objectPool); ArrayTupleBuilder tb = new ArrayTupleBuilder(numOfTupleFields); for (String path : files) { List<Path> paths = new ArrayList<>(); paths.add(Paths.get(getClass().getResource(path).toURI())); FileSystemWatcher watcher = new FileSystemWatcher(paths, null, false); LocalFSInputStream in = new LocalFSInputStream(watcher); SemiStructuredRecordReader recordReader = new SemiStructuredRecordReader(in, "[", "]"); while (recordReader.hasNext()) { tb.reset(); IRawRecord<char[]> record =; parser.parse(record, tb.getDataOutput()); tb.addFieldEndOffset(); printTuple(tb, printers, printStream); } recordReader.close(); printStream.close(); Assert.assertTrue(FileUtils.contentEquals(file, expected)); } } catch (Throwable th) { System.err.println("TEST FAILED"); th.printStackTrace(); Assert.assertTrue(false); } System.err.println("TEST PASSED"); }
/** * 判断文件内容是否相同 * * @param file1 * @param file2 * @return * @throws IOException */ public static boolean equals4Content(File file1, File file2) throws IOException { return FileUtils.contentEquals(file1, file2); }