   * Creates the HttpMethod to use to call the remote server, either its GET or POST.
   * @param exchange the exchange
   * @return the created method as either GET or POST
   * @throws CamelExchangeException is thrown if error creating RequestEntity
  protected HttpMethod createMethod(Exchange exchange) throws Exception {
    // creating the url to use takes 2-steps
    String url = HttpHelper.createURL(exchange, getEndpoint());
    URI uri = HttpHelper.createURI(exchange, url, getEndpoint());
    // get the url and query string from the uri
    url = uri.toASCIIString();
    String queryString = uri.getRawQuery();

    // execute any custom url rewrite
    String rewriteUrl = HttpHelper.urlRewrite(exchange, url, getEndpoint(), this);
    if (rewriteUrl != null) {
      // update url and query string from the rewritten url
      url = rewriteUrl;
      uri = new URI(url);
      // use raw query to have uri decimal encoded which http client requires
      queryString = uri.getRawQuery();

    // remove query string as http client does not accept that
    if (url.indexOf('?') != -1) {
      url = url.substring(0, url.indexOf('?'));

    // create http holder objects for the request
    RequestEntity requestEntity = createRequestEntity(exchange);
    HttpMethods methodToUse =
        HttpHelper.createMethod(exchange, getEndpoint(), requestEntity != null);
    HttpMethod method = methodToUse.createMethod(url);
    if (queryString != null) {
      // need to encode query string
      queryString = UnsafeUriCharactersEncoder.encode(queryString);

    LOG.trace("Using URL: {} with method: {}", url, method);

    if (methodToUse.isEntityEnclosing()) {
      ((EntityEnclosingMethod) method).setRequestEntity(requestEntity);
      if (requestEntity != null && requestEntity.getContentType() == null) {
        LOG.debug("No Content-Type provided for URL: {} with exchange: {}", url, exchange);

    // there must be a host on the method
    if (method.getHostConfiguration().getHost() == null) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(
          "Invalid uri: "
              + url
              + ". If you are forwarding/bridging http endpoints, then enable the bridgeEndpoint option on the endpoint: "
              + getEndpoint());

    return method;
  /** Handles the HTTP post. Throws HttpException on failure */
  private void doPost(PostMethod method, RequestEntity data, String dest)
      throws IOException, HttpException {

    HttpMethodParams pars = method.getParams();
            new HttpMethodRetryHandler() {
              public boolean retryMethod(HttpMethod m, IOException e, int exec) {
                return !(e instanceof java.net.ConnectException)
                    && (exec < MAX_RETRIES_PER_COLLECTOR);

    // send it across the network

    log.info("HTTP post to " + dest + " length = " + data.getContentLength());
    // Send POST request

    int statusCode = client.executeMethod(method);

    if (statusCode != HttpStatus.SC_OK) {
          "HTTP post response statusCode: "
              + statusCode
              + ", statusLine: "
              + method.getStatusLine());
      // do something aggressive here
      throw new HttpException("got back a failure from server");
    // implicitly "else"
        "got success back from the remote collector; response length "
            + method.getResponseContentLength());

    // FIXME: should parse acks here
    InputStream rstream = null;

    // Get the response body
    byte[] resp_buf = method.getResponseBody();
    rstream = new ByteArrayInputStream(resp_buf);
    BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(rstream));
    String line;
    while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) {
      System.out.println("response: " + line);
 private String getRequestAsString(RequestEntity entity) throws Exception {
   ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
   return new String(bos.toByteArray(), "UTF-8");