private Long getMaxTemplateSizeInBytes() { try { return Long.parseLong(_configDao.getValue("max.template.iso.size")) * 1024L * 1024L * 1024L; } catch (NumberFormatException e) { return null; } }
@Override public boolean configure(String name, Map<String, Object> params) throws ConfigurationException { _name = name; String elbEnabledString = _configDao.getValue(Config.ElasticLoadBalancerEnabled.key()); _elbEnabled = Boolean.parseBoolean(elbEnabledString);"Firewall provider list is " + _firewallElements.iterator().next()); return true; }
private void initializeForTest(VirtualMachineProfileImpl vmProfile, DataCenterDeployment plan) { DataCenterVO mockDc = mock(DataCenterVO.class); VMInstanceVO vm = mock(VMInstanceVO.class); UserVmVO userVm = mock(UserVmVO.class); ServiceOfferingVO offering = mock(ServiceOfferingVO.class); AccountVO account = mock(AccountVO.class); when(account.getId()).thenReturn(accountId); when(account.getAccountId()).thenReturn(accountId); when(vmProfile.getOwner()).thenReturn(account); when(vmProfile.getVirtualMachine()).thenReturn(vm); when(vmProfile.getId()).thenReturn(12L); when(vmDao.findById(12L)).thenReturn(userVm); when(userVm.getAccountId()).thenReturn(accountId); when(vm.getDataCenterId()).thenReturn(dataCenterId); when(dcDao.findById(1L)).thenReturn(mockDc); when(plan.getDataCenterId()).thenReturn(dataCenterId); when(plan.getClusterId()).thenReturn(null); when(plan.getPodId()).thenReturn(null); when(configDao.getValue(anyString())).thenReturn("false").thenReturn("CPU"); // Mock offering details. when(vmProfile.getServiceOffering()).thenReturn(offering); when(offering.getId()).thenReturn(offeringId); when(vmProfile.getServiceOfferingId()).thenReturn(offeringId); when(offering.getCpu()).thenReturn(noOfCpusInOffering); when(offering.getSpeed()).thenReturn(cpuSpeedInOffering); when(offering.getRamSize()).thenReturn(ramInOffering); List<Long> clustersWithEnoughCapacity = new ArrayList<Long>(); clustersWithEnoughCapacity.add(1L); clustersWithEnoughCapacity.add(2L); clustersWithEnoughCapacity.add(3L); when(capacityDao.listClustersInZoneOrPodByHostCapacities( dataCenterId, noOfCpusInOffering * cpuSpeedInOffering, ramInOffering * 1024L * 1024L, CapacityVO.CAPACITY_TYPE_CPU, true)) .thenReturn(clustersWithEnoughCapacity); Map<Long, Double> clusterCapacityMap = new HashMap<Long, Double>(); clusterCapacityMap.put(1L, 2048D); clusterCapacityMap.put(2L, 2048D); clusterCapacityMap.put(3L, 2048D); Pair<List<Long>, Map<Long, Double>> clustersOrderedByCapacity = new Pair<List<Long>, Map<Long, Double>>(clustersWithEnoughCapacity, clusterCapacityMap); when(capacityDao.orderClustersByAggregateCapacity( dataCenterId, CapacityVO.CAPACITY_TYPE_CPU, true)) .thenReturn(clustersOrderedByCapacity); List<Long> disabledClusters = new ArrayList<Long>(); List<Long> clustersWithDisabledPods = new ArrayList<Long>(); when(clusterDao.listDisabledClusters(dataCenterId, null)).thenReturn(disabledClusters); when(clusterDao.listClustersWithDisabledPods(dataCenterId)) .thenReturn(clustersWithDisabledPods); }
private Long getMaxVolumeSizeInBytes() { try { return Long.parseLong(_configDao.getValue("storage.max.volume.upload.size")) * 1024L * 1024L * 1024L; } catch (NumberFormatException e) { return null; } }
@Override public List<StorageTagVO> searchByIds(Long... stIds) { String batchCfg = _configDao.getValue("detail.batch.query.size"); final int detailsBatchSize = batchCfg != null ? Integer.parseInt(batchCfg) : 2000; // query details by batches List<StorageTagVO> uvList = new ArrayList<StorageTagVO>(); int curr_index = 0; if (stIds.length > detailsBatchSize) { while ((curr_index + detailsBatchSize) <= stIds.length) { Long[] ids = new Long[detailsBatchSize]; for (int k = 0, j = curr_index; j < curr_index + detailsBatchSize; j++, k++) { ids[k] = stIds[j]; } SearchCriteria<StorageTagVO> sc = stSearch.create(); sc.setParameters("idIN", (Object[]) ids); List<StorageTagVO> vms = searchIncludingRemoved(sc, null, null, false); if (vms != null) { uvList.addAll(vms); } curr_index += detailsBatchSize; } } if (curr_index < stIds.length) { int batch_size = (stIds.length - curr_index); // set the ids value Long[] ids = new Long[batch_size]; for (int k = 0, j = curr_index; j < curr_index + batch_size; j++, k++) { ids[k] = stIds[j]; } SearchCriteria<StorageTagVO> sc = stSearch.create(); sc.setParameters("idIN", (Object[]) ids); List<StorageTagVO> vms = searchIncludingRemoved(sc, null, null, false); if (vms != null) { uvList.addAll(vms); } } return uvList; }
private String generateCopyUrl(String ipAddress, String dir, String path) { String hostname = ipAddress; String scheme = "http"; boolean _sslCopy = false; String sslCfg = _configDao.getValue(Config.SecStorageEncryptCopy.toString()); if (sslCfg != null) { _sslCopy = Boolean.parseBoolean(sslCfg); } if (_sslCopy) { hostname = ipAddress.replace(".", "-"); hostname = hostname + ""; scheme = "https"; } return scheme + "://" + hostname + "/copy/SecStorage/" + dir + "/" + path; }
private String generateCopyUrl(String ipAddress, String dir, String path) { String hostname = ipAddress; String scheme = "http"; boolean _sslCopy = false; String sslCfg = _configDao.getValue(Config.SecStorageEncryptCopy.toString()); String _ssvmUrlDomain = _configDao.getValue("secstorage.ssl.cert.domain"); if (sslCfg != null) { _sslCopy = Boolean.parseBoolean(sslCfg); } if (_sslCopy && (_ssvmUrlDomain == null || _ssvmUrlDomain.isEmpty())) { s_logger.warn("Empty secondary storage url domain, ignoring SSL"); _sslCopy = false; } if (_sslCopy) { if (_ssvmUrlDomain.startsWith("*")) { hostname = ipAddress.replace(".", "-"); hostname = hostname + _ssvmUrlDomain.substring(1); } else { hostname = _ssvmUrlDomain; } scheme = "https"; } return scheme + "://" + hostname + "/copy/SecStorage/" + dir + "/" + path; }
@Override public List<ResourceTagJoinVO> searchByIds(Long... tagIds) { // set detail batch query size int DETAILS_BATCH_SIZE = 2000; String batchCfg = _configDao.getValue("detail.batch.query.size"); if (batchCfg != null) { DETAILS_BATCH_SIZE = Integer.parseInt(batchCfg); } // query details by batches List<ResourceTagJoinVO> uvList = new ArrayList<ResourceTagJoinVO>(); // query details by batches int curr_index = 0; if (tagIds.length > DETAILS_BATCH_SIZE) { while ((curr_index + DETAILS_BATCH_SIZE) <= tagIds.length) { Long[] ids = new Long[DETAILS_BATCH_SIZE]; for (int k = 0, j = curr_index; j < curr_index + DETAILS_BATCH_SIZE; j++, k++) { ids[k] = tagIds[j]; } SearchCriteria<ResourceTagJoinVO> sc = tagSearch.create(); sc.setParameters("idIN", ids); List<ResourceTagJoinVO> vms = searchIncludingRemoved(sc, null, null, false); if (vms != null) { uvList.addAll(vms); } curr_index += DETAILS_BATCH_SIZE; } } if (curr_index < tagIds.length) { int batch_size = (tagIds.length - curr_index); // set the ids value Long[] ids = new Long[batch_size]; for (int k = 0, j = curr_index; j < curr_index + batch_size; j++, k++) { ids[k] = tagIds[j]; } SearchCriteria<ResourceTagJoinVO> sc = tagSearch.create(); sc.setParameters("idIN", ids); List<ResourceTagJoinVO> vms = searchIncludingRemoved(sc, null, null, false); if (vms != null) { uvList.addAll(vms); } } return uvList; }
public String getBaseDn() { return _configDao.getValue("ldap.basedn"); }
public String getGroupObject() { final String groupObject = _configDao.getValue(""); return groupObject == null ? "groupOfUniqueNames" : groupObject; }
public String getGroupUniqueMemeberAttribute() { final String uniqueMemberAttribute = _configDao.getValue(""); return uniqueMemberAttribute == null ? "uniquemember" : uniqueMemberAttribute; }
public String getUsernameAttribute() { final String usernameAttribute = _configDao.getValue("ldap.username.attribute"); return usernameAttribute == null ? "uid" : usernameAttribute; }
public String getUserObject() { final String userObject = _configDao.getValue("ldap.user.object"); return userObject == null ? "inetOrgPerson" : userObject; }
@Override public boolean addUserData(NicProfile nic, VirtualMachineProfile profile) { UserVmVO vm = _vmDao.findById(profile.getVirtualMachine().getId()); _vmDao.loadDetails(vm); String serviceOffering = _serviceOfferingDao .findByIdIncludingRemoved(vm.getId(), vm.getServiceOfferingId()) .getDisplayText(); String zoneName = _dcDao.findById(vm.getDataCenterId()).getName(); NicVO nvo = _nicDao.findById(nic.getId()); VmDataCommand cmd = new VmDataCommand( nvo.getIPv4Address(), vm.getInstanceName(), _ntwkModel.getExecuteInSeqNtwkElmtCmd()); // if you add new metadata files, also edit // systemvm/patches/debian/config/var/www/html/latest/.htaccess cmd.addVmData("userdata", "user-data", vm.getUserData()); cmd.addVmData("metadata", "service-offering", StringUtils.unicodeEscape(serviceOffering)); cmd.addVmData("metadata", "availability-zone", StringUtils.unicodeEscape(zoneName)); cmd.addVmData("metadata", "local-ipv4", nic.getIPv4Address()); cmd.addVmData("metadata", "local-hostname", StringUtils.unicodeEscape(vm.getInstanceName())); cmd.addVmData("metadata", "public-ipv4", nic.getIPv4Address()); cmd.addVmData("metadata", "public-hostname", StringUtils.unicodeEscape(vm.getInstanceName())); cmd.addVmData("metadata", "instance-id", String.valueOf(vm.getId())); cmd.addVmData("metadata", "vm-id", String.valueOf(vm.getInstanceName())); cmd.addVmData("metadata", "public-keys", null); String cloudIdentifier = _configDao.getValue("cloud.identifier"); if (cloudIdentifier == null) { cloudIdentifier = ""; } else { cloudIdentifier = "CloudStack-{" + cloudIdentifier + "}"; } cmd.addVmData("metadata", "cloud-identifier", cloudIdentifier); List<PhysicalNetworkVO> phys = _phynwDao.listByZone(vm.getDataCenterId()); if (phys.isEmpty()) { throw new CloudRuntimeException( String.format("Cannot find physical network in zone %s", vm.getDataCenterId())); } if (phys.size() > 1) { throw new CloudRuntimeException( String.format( "Baremetal only supports one physical network in zone, but zone %s has %s physical networks", vm.getDataCenterId(), phys.size())); } PhysicalNetworkVO phy = phys.get(0); QueryBuilder<BaremetalPxeVO> sc = QueryBuilder.create(BaremetalPxeVO.class); // TODO: handle both kickstart and PING // sc.addAnd(sc.getEntity().getPodId(), Op.EQ, vm.getPodIdToDeployIn()); sc.and(sc.entity().getPhysicalNetworkId(), Op.EQ, phy.getId()); BaremetalPxeVO pxeVo = sc.find(); if (pxeVo == null) { throw new CloudRuntimeException( "No PXE server found in pod: " + vm.getPodIdToDeployIn() + ", you need to add it before starting VM"); } try { Answer ans = _agentMgr.send(pxeVo.getHostId(), cmd); if (!ans.getResult()) { s_logger.debug( String.format( "Add userdata to vm:%s failed because %s", vm.getInstanceName(), ans.getDetails())); return false; } else { return true; } } catch (Exception e) { s_logger.debug(String.format("Add userdata to vm:%s failed", vm.getInstanceName()), e); return false; } }
public String getLastnameAttribute() { final String lastnameAttribute = _configDao.getValue("ldap.lastname.attribute"); return lastnameAttribute == null ? "sn" : lastnameAttribute; }
public String getEmailAttribute() { final String emailAttribute = _configDao.getValue(""); return emailAttribute == null ? "mail" : emailAttribute; }
public String getBindPassword() { return _configDao.getValue("ldap.bind.password"); }
private boolean preparePxeInAdvancedZone( VirtualMachineProfile profile, NicProfile nic, Network network, DeployDestination dest, ReservationContext context) throws Exception { DomainRouterVO vr = getVirtualRouter(network); List<NicVO> nics = _nicDao.listByVmId(vr.getId()); NicVO mgmtNic = null; for (NicVO nicvo : nics) { if (ControlNetworkGuru.class.getSimpleName().equals(nicvo.getReserver())) { mgmtNic = nicvo; break; } } if (mgmtNic == null) { throw new CloudRuntimeException( String.format("cannot find management nic on virtual router[id:%s]", vr.getId())); } String internalServerIp = _configDao.getValue(Config.BaremetalInternalStorageServer.key()); if (internalServerIp == null) { throw new CloudRuntimeException( String.format( "please specify '', which is the http server/nfs server storing kickstart files and ISO files, in global setting")); } List<String> tuple = parseKickstartUrl(profile); String cmd = String.format( "/usr/bin/ %s %s %s %s %s %s", tuple.get(1), tuple.get(2), profile.getTemplate().getUuid(), String.format("01-%s", nic.getMacAddress().replaceAll(":", "-")).toLowerCase(), tuple.get(0), nic.getMacAddress().toLowerCase()); s_logger.debug( String.format( "prepare pxe on virtual router[ip:%s], cmd: %s", mgmtNic.getIp4Address(), cmd)); Pair<Boolean, String> ret = SshHelper.sshExecute( mgmtNic.getIp4Address(), 3922, "root", getSystemVMKeyFile(), null, cmd); if (!ret.first()) { throw new CloudRuntimeException( String.format( "failed preparing PXE in virtual router[id:%s], because %s", vr.getId(), ret.second())); } // String internalServerIp = ""; cmd = String.format( "/usr/bin/ %s %s %s", mgmtNic.getIp4Address(), internalServerIp, mgmtNic.getGateway()); s_logger.debug( String.format( "prepare SNAT on virtual router[ip:%s], cmd: %s", mgmtNic.getIp4Address(), cmd)); ret = SshHelper.sshExecute( mgmtNic.getIp4Address(), 3922, "root", getSystemVMKeyFile(), null, cmd); if (!ret.first()) { throw new CloudRuntimeException( String.format( "failed preparing PXE in virtual router[id:%s], because %s", vr.getId(), ret.second())); } return true; }
public String getBindPrincipal() { return _configDao.getValue("ldap.bind.principal"); }
public String getSearchGroupPrinciple() { return _configDao.getValue(""); }
public String getFirstnameAttribute() { final String firstnameAttribute = _configDao.getValue("ldap.firstname.attribute"); return firstnameAttribute == null ? "givenname" : firstnameAttribute; }
public String getTrustStore() { return _configDao.getValue("ldap.truststore"); }
@Override public boolean start() { Integer apiPort = null; // api port, null by default SearchCriteria<ConfigurationVO> sc = _configDao.createSearchCriteria(); sc.addAnd("name", SearchCriteria.Op.EQ, Config.IntegrationAPIPort.key()); List<ConfigurationVO> values =, null); if ((values != null) && (values.size() > 0)) { ConfigurationVO apiPortConfig = values.get(0); if (apiPortConfig.getValue() != null) { apiPort = Integer.parseInt(apiPortConfig.getValue()); } } Map<String, String> configs = _configDao.getConfiguration(); String strSnapshotLimit = configs.get(Config.ConcurrentSnapshotsThresholdPerHost.key()); if (strSnapshotLimit != null) { Long snapshotLimit = NumbersUtil.parseLong(strSnapshotLimit, 1L); if (snapshotLimit.longValue() <= 0) { s_logger.debug( "Global config parameter " + Config.ConcurrentSnapshotsThresholdPerHost.toString() + " is less or equal 0; defaulting to unlimited"); } else { _dispatcher.setCreateSnapshotQueueSizeLimit(snapshotLimit); } } Set<Class<?>> cmdClasses = new HashSet<Class<?>>(); for (PluggableService pluggableService : _pluggableServices) { cmdClasses.addAll(pluggableService.getCommands()); if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) { s_logger.debug("Discovered plugin " + pluggableService.getClass().getSimpleName()); } } for (Class<?> cmdClass : cmdClasses) { APICommand at = cmdClass.getAnnotation(APICommand.class); if (at == null) { throw new CloudRuntimeException( String.format( "%s is claimed as a API command, but it doesn't have @APICommand annotation", cmdClass.getName())); } String apiName =; if (_apiNameCmdClassMap.containsKey(apiName)) { s_logger.error("API Cmd class " + cmdClass.getName() + " has non-unique apiname" + apiName); continue; } _apiNameCmdClassMap.put(apiName, cmdClass); } encodeApiResponse = Boolean.valueOf(_configDao.getValue(Config.EncodeApiResponse.key())); String jsonType = _configDao.getValue(Config.JavaScriptDefaultContentType.key()); if (jsonType != null) { jsonContentType = jsonType; } if (apiPort != null) { ListenerThread listenerThread = new ListenerThread(this, apiPort); listenerThread.start(); } return true; }
public String getTrustStorePassword() { return _configDao.getValue("ldap.truststore.password"); }