   * Extracts the body from the JMS message
   * @param exchange the exchange
   * @param message the message to extract its body
   * @return the body, can be <tt>null</tt>
  public Object extractBodyFromJms(Exchange exchange, Message message) {
    try {
      // is a custom message converter configured on endpoint then use it instead of doing the
      // extraction
      // based on message type
      if (endpoint != null && endpoint.getMessageConverter() != null) {
        if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) {
              "Extracting body using a custom MessageConverter: {} from JMS message: {}",
        return endpoint.getMessageConverter().fromMessage(message);

      // if we are configured to not map the jms message then return it as body
      if (endpoint != null && !endpoint.getConfiguration().isMapJmsMessage()) {
        LOG.trace("Option map JMS message is false so using JMS message as body: {}", message);
        return message;

      if (message instanceof ObjectMessage) {
        LOG.trace("Extracting body as a ObjectMessage from JMS message: {}", message);
        ObjectMessage objectMessage = (ObjectMessage) message;
        Object payload = objectMessage.getObject();
        if (payload instanceof DefaultExchangeHolder) {
          DefaultExchangeHolder holder = (DefaultExchangeHolder) payload;
          DefaultExchangeHolder.unmarshal(exchange, holder);
          return exchange.getIn().getBody();
        } else {
          return objectMessage.getObject();
      } else if (message instanceof TextMessage) {
        LOG.trace("Extracting body as a TextMessage from JMS message: {}", message);
        TextMessage textMessage = (TextMessage) message;
        return textMessage.getText();
      } else if (message instanceof MapMessage) {
        LOG.trace("Extracting body as a MapMessage from JMS message: {}", message);
        return createMapFromMapMessage((MapMessage) message);
      } else if (message instanceof BytesMessage) {
        LOG.trace("Extracting body as a BytesMessage from JMS message: {}", message);
        return createByteArrayFromBytesMessage((BytesMessage) message);
      } else if (message instanceof StreamMessage) {
        LOG.trace("Extracting body as a StreamMessage from JMS message: {}", message);
        return message;
      } else {
        return null;
    } catch (JMSException e) {
      throw new RuntimeCamelException(
          "Failed to extract body due to: " + e + ". Message: " + message, e);
  protected Message createJmsMessage(
      Exchange exchange,
      Object body,
      Map<String, Object> headers,
      Session session,
      CamelContext context)
      throws JMSException {
    JmsMessageType type = null;

    // special for transferExchange
    if (endpoint != null && endpoint.isTransferExchange()) {
      LOG.trace("Option transferExchange=true so we use JmsMessageType: Object");
      Serializable holder = DefaultExchangeHolder.marshal(exchange);
      Message answer = session.createObjectMessage(holder);
      // ensure default delivery mode is used by default
      return answer;

    // use a custom message converter
    if (endpoint != null && endpoint.getMessageConverter() != null) {
      if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) {
            "Creating JmsMessage using a custom MessageConverter: {} with body: {}",
      return endpoint.getMessageConverter().toMessage(body, session);

    // check if header have a type set, if so we force to use it
    if (headers.containsKey(JmsConstants.JMS_MESSAGE_TYPE)) {
      type =
              .convertTo(JmsMessageType.class, headers.get(JmsConstants.JMS_MESSAGE_TYPE));
    } else if (endpoint != null && endpoint.getConfiguration().getJmsMessageType() != null) {
      // force a specific type from the endpoint configuration
      type = endpoint.getConfiguration().getJmsMessageType();
    } else {
      type = getJMSMessageTypeForBody(exchange, body, headers, session, context);

    // create the JmsMessage based on the type
    if (type != null) {
      if (body == null && (endpoint != null && !endpoint.getConfiguration().isAllowNullBody())) {
        throw new JMSException(
            "Cannot send message as message body is null, and option allowNullBody is false.");
      LOG.trace("Using JmsMessageType: {}", type);
      Message answer = createJmsMessageForType(exchange, body, headers, session, context, type);
      // ensure default delivery mode is used by default
      return answer;

    // check for null body
    if (body == null && (endpoint != null && !endpoint.getConfiguration().isAllowNullBody())) {
      throw new JMSException(
          "Cannot send message as message body is null, and option allowNullBody is false.");

    // warn if the body could not be mapped
    if (body != null && LOG.isWarnEnabled()) {
          "Cannot determine specific JmsMessage type to use from body class."
              + " Will use generic JmsMessage."
              + " Body class: "
              + ObjectHelper.classCanonicalName(body)
              + ". If you want to send a POJO then your class might need to implement java.io.Serializable"
              + ", or you can force a specific type by setting the jmsMessageType option on the JMS endpoint.");

    // return a default message
    Message answer = session.createMessage();
    // ensure default delivery mode is used by default
    return answer;