public MachineLocation call() throws Exception { // Blocks if a latch was configured. entity().getConfig(BrooklynConfigKeys.PROVISION_LATCH); final Map<String, Object> flags = obtainProvisioningFlags(location); if (!(location instanceof LocalhostMachineProvisioningLocation)) "Starting {}, obtaining a new location instance in {} with ports {}", new Object[] {entity(), location, flags.get("inboundPorts")}); entity().sensors().set(SoftwareProcess.PROVISIONING_LOCATION, location); Transition expectedState = entity().sensors().get(Attributes.SERVICE_STATE_EXPECTED); // BROOKLYN-263: see corresponding code in doStop() if (expectedState != null && (expectedState.getState() == Lifecycle.STOPPING || expectedState.getState() == Lifecycle.STOPPED)) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Provisioning aborted before even begun for " + entity() + " in " + location + " (presumably by a concurrent call to stop"); } entity() .sensors() .set(AttributesInternal.INTERNAL_PROVISIONING_TASK_STATE, ProvisioningTaskState.RUNNING); MachineLocation machine; try { machine = Tasks.withBlockingDetails( "Provisioning machine in " + location, new ObtainLocationTask(location, flags)); entity().sensors().set(INTERNAL_PROVISIONED_MACHINE, machine); } finally { entity().sensors().remove(AttributesInternal.INTERNAL_PROVISIONING_TASK_STATE); } if (machine == null) { throw new NoMachinesAvailableException( "Failed to obtain machine in " + location.toString()); } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug( "While starting {}, obtained new location instance {}", entity(), (machine instanceof SshMachineLocation ? machine + ", details " + ((SshMachineLocation) machine).getUser() + ":" + Sanitizer.sanitize(((SshMachineLocation) machine).config().getLocalBag()) : machine)); } return machine; }
protected String getDeprecatedProperty(ConfigBag conf, String key) { if (conf.containsKey(key)) { LOG.warn( "Jclouds using deprecated brooklyn-jclouds property " + key + ": " + Sanitizer.sanitize(conf.getAllConfig())); return (String) conf.getStringKey(key); } else { return null; } }
@Override public ComputeService findComputeService(ConfigBag conf, boolean allowReuse) { String provider = checkNotNull(conf.get(CLOUD_PROVIDER), "provider must not be null"); String identity = checkNotNull(conf.get(CloudLocationConfig.ACCESS_IDENTITY), "identity must not be null"); String credential = checkNotNull( conf.get(CloudLocationConfig.ACCESS_CREDENTIAL), "credential must not be null"); Properties properties = new Properties(); properties.setProperty(Constants.PROPERTY_TRUST_ALL_CERTS, Boolean.toString(true)); properties.setProperty(Constants.PROPERTY_RELAX_HOSTNAME, Boolean.toString(true)); properties.setProperty( "jclouds.ssh.max-retries", conf.getStringKey("jclouds.ssh.max-retries") != null ? conf.getStringKey("jclouds.ssh.max-retries").toString() : "50"); // Enable aws-ec2 lazy image fetching, if given a specific imageId; otherwise customize for // specific owners; or all as a last resort // See if ("aws-ec2".equals(provider)) { // TODO convert AWS-only flags to config keys if (groovyTruth(conf.get(IMAGE_ID))) { properties.setProperty(PROPERTY_EC2_AMI_QUERY, ""); properties.setProperty(PROPERTY_EC2_CC_AMI_QUERY, ""); } else if (groovyTruth(conf.getStringKey("imageOwner"))) { properties.setProperty( PROPERTY_EC2_AMI_QUERY, "owner-id=" + conf.getStringKey("imageOwner") + ";state=available;image-type=machine"); } else if (groovyTruth(conf.getStringKey("anyOwner"))) { // set `anyOwner: true` to override the default query (which is restricted to certain owners // as per below), // allowing the AMI query to bind to any machine // (note however, we sometimes pick defaults in JcloudsLocationFactory); // (and be careful, this can give a LOT of data back, taking several minutes, // and requiring extra memory allocated on the command-line) properties.setProperty(PROPERTY_EC2_AMI_QUERY, "state=available;image-type=machine"); /* * by default the following filters are applied: * Filter.1.Name=owner-id&Filter.1.Value.1=137112412989& * Filter.1.Value.2=063491364108& * Filter.1.Value.3=099720109477& * Filter.1.Value.4=411009282317& * Filter.2.Name=state&Filter.2.Value.1=available& * Filter.3.Name=image-type&Filter.3.Value.1=machine& */ } // occasionally can get // java.lang.RuntimeException: // security group eu-central-1/jclouds#brooklyn-bxza-alex-eu-central-shoul-u2jy-nginx-ielm // is not available after creating // the default timeout was 500ms so let's raise it in case that helps properties.setProperty( EC2Constants.PROPERTY_EC2_TIMEOUT_SECURITYGROUP_PRESENT, "" + Duration.seconds(30).toMilliseconds()); } // FIXME Deprecated mechanism, should have a ConfigKey for overrides Map<String, Object> extra = Maps.filterKeys(conf.getAllConfig(), Predicates.containsPattern("^jclouds\\.")); if (extra.size() > 0) { LOG.warn("Jclouds using deprecated property overrides: " + Sanitizer.sanitize(extra)); } properties.putAll(extra); String endpoint = conf.get(CloudLocationConfig.CLOUD_ENDPOINT); if (!groovyTruth(endpoint)) endpoint = getDeprecatedProperty(conf, Constants.PROPERTY_ENDPOINT); if (groovyTruth(endpoint)) properties.setProperty(Constants.PROPERTY_ENDPOINT, endpoint); Map<?, ?> cacheKey = MutableMap.builder() .putAll(properties) .put("provider", provider) .put("identity", identity) .put("credential", credential) .putIfNotNull("endpoint", endpoint) .build() .asUnmodifiable(); if (allowReuse) { ComputeService result = cachedComputeServices.get(cacheKey); if (result != null) { LOG.trace( "jclouds ComputeService cache hit for compute service, for " + Sanitizer.sanitize(properties)); return result; } LOG.debug( "jclouds ComputeService cache miss for compute service, creating, for " + Sanitizer.sanitize(properties)); } Iterable<Module> modules = getCommonModules(); // Synchronizing to avoid deadlock from sun.reflect.annotation.AnnotationType. // See ComputeServiceContext computeServiceContext; synchronized (createComputeServicesMutex) { computeServiceContext = ContextBuilder.newBuilder(provider) .modules(modules) .credentials(identity, credential) .overrides(properties) .build(ComputeServiceContext.class); } final ComputeService computeService = computeServiceContext.getComputeService(); if (allowReuse) { synchronized (cachedComputeServices) { ComputeService result = cachedComputeServices.get(cacheKey); if (result != null) { LOG.debug( "jclouds ComputeService cache recovery for compute service, for " + Sanitizer.sanitize(cacheKey)); // keep the old one, discard the new one computeService.getContext().close(); return result; } LOG.debug( "jclouds ComputeService created " + computeService + ", adding to cache, for " + Sanitizer.sanitize(properties)); cachedComputeServices.put(cacheKey, computeService); } } return computeService; }
@Override protected ToStringHelper newVerboseStringHelper() { return super.newVerboseStringHelper().add("config", Sanitizer.sanitize(getConfig())); }