public static EffectorSummary effectorSummary( final Entity entity, Effector<?> effector, UriBuilder ub) { URI applicationUri = serviceUriBuilder(ub, ApplicationApi.class, "get").build(entity.getApplicationId()); URI entityUri = serviceUriBuilder(ub, EntityApi.class, "get") .build(entity.getApplicationId(), entity.getId()); URI selfUri = serviceUriBuilder(ub, EffectorApi.class, "invoke") .build(entity.getApplicationId(), entity.getId(), effector.getName()); return new EffectorSummary( effector.getName(), effector.getReturnTypeName(), ImmutableSet.copyOf( Iterables.transform( effector.getParameters(), new Function<ParameterType<?>, EffectorSummary.ParameterSummary<?>>() { @Override public EffectorSummary.ParameterSummary<?> apply( @Nullable ParameterType<?> parameterType) { return parameterSummary(entity, parameterType); } })), effector.getDescription(), ImmutableMap.of( "self", selfUri, "entity", entityUri, "application", applicationUri)); }
/*TODO RENAME Method. It could be represent that the service is bound and the service operation is called*/ private void manageService(Entity rawEntity) { CloudFoundryService cloudFoundryService; if (rawEntity instanceof CloudFoundryService) { cloudFoundryService = (CloudFoundryService) rawEntity; String serviceName = cloudFoundryService.getConfig(CloudFoundryService.SERVICE_INSTANCE_NAME); if (!Strings.isEmpty(serviceName)) { Entities.waitForServiceUp( cloudFoundryService, cloudFoundryService.getConfig(BrooklynConfigKeys.START_TIMEOUT)); bindingServiceToEntity(serviceName); setCredentialsOnService(cloudFoundryService); cloudFoundryService.operation(getEntity()); } else { log.error( "Trying to get service instance name from {}, but getting null", cloudFoundryService); } } else { log.error( "The service entity {} is not available from the application {}", new Object[] {rawEntity, getEntity()}); throw new NoSuchElementException( "No entity matching id " + rawEntity.getId() + " in Management Context " + getEntity().getManagementContext() + " during entity service binding " + getEntity().getId()); } }
@Test public void testAddChild() throws Exception { try { // to test in GUI: // services: [ { type: org.apache.brooklyn.entity.stock.BasicEntity }] Response response = client() .path(entityEndpoint + "/children") .query("timeout", "10s") .post( "services: [ { type: " + TestEntity.class.getName() + " }]", "application/yaml")); HttpAsserts.assertHealthyStatusCode(response.getStatus()); Assert.assertEquals(entity.getChildren().size(), 1); Entity child = Iterables.getOnlyElement(entity.getChildren()); Assert.assertTrue(Entities.isManaged(child)); TaskSummary task = response.readEntity(TaskSummary.class); Assert.assertEquals(task.getResult(), MutableList.of(child.getId())); } finally { // restore it for other tests Collection<Entity> children = entity.getChildren(); if (!children.isEmpty()) Entities.unmanage(Iterables.getOnlyElement(children)); } }
public static Map<String, Object> getSensorMap(String sensor, Iterable<Entity> descs) { if (Iterables.isEmpty(descs)) return Collections.emptyMap(); Map<String, Object> result = MutableMap.of(); Iterator<Entity> di = descs.iterator(); Sensor<?> s = null; while (di.hasNext()) { Entity potentialSource =; s = potentialSource.getEntityType().getSensor(sensor); if (s != null) break; } if (s == null) s = Sensors.newSensor(Object.class, sensor); if (!(s instanceof AttributeSensor<?>)) { log.warn("Cannot retrieve non-attribute sensor " + s + " for entities; returning empty map"); return result; } for (Entity e : descs) { Object v = null; try { v = e.getAttribute((AttributeSensor<?>) s); } catch (Exception exc) { Exceptions.propagateIfFatal(exc); log.warn("Error retrieving sensor " + s + " for " + e + " (ignoring): " + exc); } if (v != null) result.put(e.getId(), v); } return result; }
/** * Walks the contents of a ManagementContext, to create a corresponding memento. * * @deprecated since 0.7.0; will be moved to test code; generate each entity/location memento * separately */ @Deprecated public static BrooklynMemento newBrooklynMemento(ManagementContext managementContext) { BrooklynMementoImpl.Builder builder = BrooklynMementoImpl.builder(); for (Application app : managementContext.getApplications()) { builder.applicationIds.add(app.getId()); } for (Entity entity : managementContext.getEntityManager().getEntities()) { builder.entities.put( entity.getId(), ((EntityInternal) entity).getRebindSupport().getMemento()); for (Location location : entity.getLocations()) { if (!builder.locations.containsKey(location.getId())) { for (Location locationInHierarchy : TreeUtils.findLocationsInHierarchy(location)) { if (!builder.locations.containsKey(locationInHierarchy.getId())) { builder.locations.put( locationInHierarchy.getId(), ((LocationInternal) locationInHierarchy).getRebindSupport().getMemento()); } } } } } for (LocationMemento memento : builder.locations.values()) { if (memento.getParent() == null) { builder.topLevelLocationIds.add(memento.getId()); } } BrooklynMemento result =; MementoValidators.validateMemento(result); return result; }
private ArrayNode entitiesIdAsArray(Iterable<? extends Entity> entities) { ArrayNode node = mapper().createArrayNode(); for (Entity entity : entities) { if (Entitlements.isEntitled( mgmt().getEntitlementManager(), Entitlements.SEE_ENTITY, entity)) { node.add(entity.getId()); } } return node; }
private ArrayNode entitiesIdAndNameAsArray(Collection<? extends Entity> entities) { ArrayNode node = mapper().createArrayNode(); for (Entity entity : entities) { if (Entitlements.isEntitled( mgmt().getEntitlementManager(), Entitlements.SEE_ENTITY, entity)) { ObjectNode holder = mapper().createObjectNode(); holder.put("id", entity.getId()); holder.put("name", entity.getDisplayName()); node.add(holder); } } return node; }
@Override public JsonNode fetch(String entityIds) { Map<String, JsonNode> jsonEntitiesById = MutableMap.of(); for (Application application : mgmt().getApplications()) jsonEntitiesById.put(application.getId(), fromEntity(application)); if (entityIds != null) { for (String entityId : entityIds.split(",")) { Entity entity = mgmt().getEntityManager().getEntity(entityId.trim()); while (entity != null && entity.getParent() != null) { if (Entitlements.isEntitled( mgmt().getEntitlementManager(), Entitlements.SEE_ENTITY, entity)) { jsonEntitiesById.put(entity.getId(), fromEntity(entity)); } entity = entity.getParent(); } } } ArrayNode result = mapper().createArrayNode(); for (JsonNode n : jsonEntitiesById.values()) result.add(n); return result; }
private ObjectNode entityBase(Entity entity) { ObjectNode aRoot = mapper().createObjectNode(); aRoot.put("name", entity.getDisplayName()); aRoot.put("id", entity.getId()); aRoot.put("type", entity.getEntityType().getName()); Boolean serviceUp = entity.getAttribute(Attributes.SERVICE_UP); if (serviceUp != null) aRoot.put("serviceUp", serviceUp); Lifecycle serviceState = entity.getAttribute(Attributes.SERVICE_STATE_ACTUAL); if (serviceState != null) aRoot.put("serviceState", serviceState.toString()); String iconUrl = entity.getIconUrl(); if (iconUrl != null) { if (brooklyn().isUrlServerSideAndSafe(iconUrl)) // route to server if it is a server-side url iconUrl = EntityTransformer.entityUri(entity) + "/icon"; aRoot.put("iconUrl", iconUrl); } return aRoot; }
public static final Predicate<Entity> sameCluster(Entity entity) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(entity, "entity"); return new SameClusterPredicate(entity.getId()); }
/** @deprecated since 0.7.0; use {@link #newBasicMemento(BrooklynObject)} instead */ @Deprecated public static BasicEntityMemento.Builder newEntityMementoBuilder(Entity entityRaw) { EntityInternal entity = (EntityInternal) entityRaw; BasicEntityMemento.Builder builder = BasicEntityMemento.builder(); populateBrooklynObjectMementoBuilder(entity, builder); EntityDynamicType definedType = BrooklynTypes.getDefinedEntityType(entity.getClass()); // TODO the dynamic attributeKeys and configKeys are computed in the BasicEntityMemento // whereas effectors are computed here -- should be consistent! // (probably best to compute attrKeys and configKeys here) builder.effectors.addAll(entity.getEntityType().getEffectors()); builder.effectors.removeAll(definedType.getEffectors().values()); builder.isTopLevelApp = (entity instanceof Application && entity.getParent() == null); Map<ConfigKey<?>, Object> localConfig = entity.getConfigMap().getLocalConfig(); for (Map.Entry<ConfigKey<?>, Object> entry : localConfig.entrySet()) { ConfigKey<?> key = checkNotNull(entry.getKey(), localConfig); Object value = configValueToPersistable(entry.getValue()); builder.config.put(key, value); } Map<String, Object> localConfigUnmatched = MutableMap.copyOf(entity.getConfigMap().getLocalConfigBag().getAllConfig()); for (ConfigKey<?> key : localConfig.keySet()) { localConfigUnmatched.remove(key.getName()); } for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : localConfigUnmatched.entrySet()) { String key = checkNotNull(entry.getKey(), localConfig); Object value = entry.getValue(); // TODO Not transforming; that code is deleted in another pending PR anyway! builder.configUnmatched.put(key, value); } @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") Map<AttributeSensor, Object> allAttributes = entity.getAllAttributes(); for (@SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") Map.Entry<AttributeSensor, Object> entry : allAttributes.entrySet()) { AttributeSensor<?> key = checkNotNull(entry.getKey(), allAttributes); if (key.getPersistenceMode() != SensorPersistenceMode.NONE) { Object value = entry.getValue(); builder.attributes.put((AttributeSensor<?>) key, value); } } for (Location location : entity.getLocations()) { builder.locations.add(location.getId()); } for (Entity child : entity.getChildren()) { builder.children.add(child.getId()); } for (Policy policy : entity.getPolicies()) { builder.policies.add(policy.getId()); } for (Enricher enricher : entity.getEnrichers()) { builder.enrichers.add(enricher.getId()); } for (Feed feed : entity.feeds().getFeeds()) { builder.feeds.add(feed.getId()); } Entity parentEntity = entity.getParent(); builder.parent = (parentEntity != null) ? parentEntity.getId() : null; if (entity instanceof Group) { for (Entity member : ((Group) entity).getMembers()) { builder.members.add(member.getId()); } } return builder; }
public static final Predicate<Entity> sameInfrastructure(Entity entity) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(entity, "entity"); return new SameInfrastructurePredicate(entity.getId()); }