public void registerCepPublisher(OMElement request) throws XMLStreamException {; request.detach(); OMElement tenantId = request.getFirstChildWithName( new QName( ManagerServiceConstants.NAMESPACE, ManagerServiceConstants.ELEMENT_TENANT_ID)); OMElement executionPlan = request.getFirstChildWithName( new QName( ManagerServiceConstants.NAMESPACE, ManagerServiceConstants.ELEMENT_EXEC_PLAN)); OMElement hostName = request.getFirstChildWithName( new QName( ManagerServiceConstants.NAMESPACE, ManagerServiceConstants.ELEMENT_HOST_NAME)); OMElement port = request.getFirstChildWithName( new QName(ManagerServiceConstants.NAMESPACE, ManagerServiceConstants.ELEMENT_PORT)); String key = getKey(executionPlan.getText(), tenantId.getText()); int portNumber = Integer.parseInt(port.getText()); insertToCollection( cepPublishers, key, new Endpoint(portNumber, hostName.getText(), Endpoint.ENDPOINT_TYPE_CEP_PUBLISHER)); "Registering CEP Publisher for " + key + " at " + hostName.getText() + ":" + port.getText()); }
public boolean getIfSSLOnly() { if (sslOnly != null) { return sslOnly; } try { File confFile = new File(getQpidHome() + ANDES_CONF_FILE); OMElement docRootNode = new StAXOMBuilder(new FileInputStream(confFile)).getDocumentElement(); OMElement connectorNode = docRootNode.getFirstChildWithName(new QName(QPID_CONF_CONNECTOR_NODE)); OMElement sslNode = connectorNode.getFirstChildWithName(new QName(QPID_CONF_SSL_NODE)); OMElement sslOnlyNode = sslNode.getFirstChildWithName(new QName(QPID_CONF_SSL_ONLY_NODE)); sslOnly = Boolean.parseBoolean(sslOnlyNode.getText()); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { log.error(getQpidHome() + ANDES_CONF_FILE + " not found"); } catch (XMLStreamException e) { log.error("Error while reading " + getQpidHome() + ANDES_CONF_FILE + " : " + e.getMessage()); } catch (NullPointerException e) { log.error("Invalid configuration : " + getQpidHome() + ANDES_CONF_FILE); } return sslOnly; }
public static Query fromOM(OMElement queryElement) { Query query = new Query(); String name = queryElement.getAttribute(new QName(CEPConstants.CEP_CONF_ATTR_NAME)).getAttributeValue(); query.setName(name); Iterator iterator = queryElement.getChildrenWithName(new QName(CEPConstants.CEP_CONF_QUERY_IP)); while (iterator != null && iterator.hasNext()) { OMElement ipElement = (OMElement); String ip = ipElement.getText(); query.addIP(ip); } OMElement expressionElement = queryElement.getFirstChildWithName( new QName(CEPConstants.CEP_CONF_NAMESPACE, CEPConstants.CEP_CONF_ELE_EXPRESSION)); if (expressionElement != null) { query.setExpression(ExpressionHelper.fromOM(expressionElement)); } OMElement outputOmElement = queryElement.getFirstChildWithName( new QName(CEPConstants.CEP_CONF_NAMESPACE, CEPConstants.CEP_CONF_ELE_OUTPUT)); if (expressionElement != null && outputOmElement != null) { query.setOutput(OutputHelper.fromOM(outputOmElement)); } return query; }
@Override public String getCassandraConnectionString() { if (cassandraConnection != null) { return cassandraConnection.trim(); } try { File confFile = new File(getQpidHome() + ANDES_VIRTUALHOST_CONF_FILE); OMElement docRootNode = new StAXOMBuilder(new FileInputStream(confFile)).getDocumentElement(); OMElement virtualHostNode = docRootNode.getFirstChildWithName(new QName(QPID_VIRTUALHOST_NODE)); OMElement virtualHostNameNode = virtualHostNode.getFirstChildWithName(new QName(QPID_VIRTUALHOST_NAME_NODE)); String virtualHostName = virtualHostNameNode.getText(); OMElement carbonVirtualHost = virtualHostNode.getFirstChildWithName(new QName(virtualHostName)); OMElement storeElem = carbonVirtualHost.getFirstChildWithName(new QName(QPID_VIRTUALHOST_STORE_NODE)); OMElement connectionStr = storeElem.getFirstChildWithName(new QName(QPID_VIRTUALHOST_STORE_CONNECTION_STRING_NODE)); cassandraConnection = connectionStr.getText(); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { log.error(getQpidHome() + ANDES_CONF_FILE + " not found"); } catch (XMLStreamException e) { log.error("Error while reading " + getQpidHome() + ANDES_CONF_FILE + " : " + e.getMessage()); } catch (NullPointerException e) { log.error("Invalid configuration : " + getQpidHome() + ANDES_CONF_FILE); } return ((cassandraConnection != null) ? cassandraConnection.trim() : ""); }
@Override public String getZookeeperConnectionString() { if (zkConnection != null) { return zkConnection.trim(); } try { File confFile = new File(getQpidHome() + ANDES_CONF_FILE); OMElement docRootNode = new StAXOMBuilder(new FileInputStream(confFile)).getDocumentElement(); OMElement clusteringNode = docRootNode.getFirstChildWithName(new QName(QPID_CONF_CLUSTER_NODE)); OMElement coordinationNode = clusteringNode.getFirstChildWithName(new QName(QPID_CONF_CLUSTER_COORDINATION_NODE)); OMElement zkConnectionNode = coordinationNode.getFirstChildWithName(new QName(QPID_CONF_CLUSTER_ZK_CONNECTION_NODE)); zkConnection = zkConnectionNode.getText(); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { log.error(getQpidHome() + ANDES_CONF_FILE + " not found"); } catch (XMLStreamException e) { log.error("Error while reading " + getQpidHome() + ANDES_CONF_FILE + " : " + e.getMessage()); } catch (NullPointerException e) { log.error("Invalid configuration : " + getQpidHome() + ANDES_CONF_FILE); } return (zkConnection != null) ? zkConnection.trim() : ""; }
private boolean readClusterEnabledDisabledStatusFromQpidConfig() { String enabled = ""; try { File confFile = new File(getQpidHome() + ANDES_CONF_FILE); OMElement docRootNode = new StAXOMBuilder(new FileInputStream(confFile)).getDocumentElement(); OMElement clusteringNode = docRootNode.getFirstChildWithName(new QName(QPID_CONF_CLUSTER_NODE)); OMElement enabledNode = clusteringNode.getFirstChildWithName(new QName(QPID_CONF_CLUSTER_ENABLE_NODE)); if (enabledNode == null) { return false; } enabled = enabledNode.getText(); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { log.error(getQpidHome() + ANDES_CONF_FILE + " not found"); } catch (XMLStreamException e) { log.error("Error while reading " + getQpidHome() + ANDES_CONF_FILE + " : " + e.getMessage()); } catch (NullPointerException e) { log.error("Invalid configuration : " + getQpidHome() + ANDES_CONF_FILE); } if ("true".equals(enabled)) { return true; } return false; }
private boolean readCassandraServerRequirementStatusFromQpidConfig() { String required = ""; try { File confFile = new File(getQpidHome() + ANDES_CONF_FILE); OMElement docRootNode = new StAXOMBuilder(new FileInputStream(confFile)).getDocumentElement(); OMElement clusteringNode = docRootNode.getFirstChildWithName(new QName(QPID_CONF_CLUSTER_NODE)); OMElement statusNode = clusteringNode.getFirstChildWithName(new QName(QPID_CONF_EXTERNAL_CASSANDRA_SERVER)); if (statusNode == null) { return false; } required = statusNode.getText(); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { log.error(getQpidHome() + ANDES_CONF_FILE + " not found"); } catch (XMLStreamException e) { log.error("Error while reading " + getQpidHome() + ANDES_CONF_FILE + " : " + e.getMessage()); } catch (NullPointerException e) { log.error("Invalid configuration : " + getQpidHome() + ANDES_CONF_FILE); } if ("true".equals(required)) { return true; } return false; }
/** * * * <pre> * <loadBalancerConfig xmlns=""> * <property name="ec2PrivateKey" value="/mnt/payload/pk.pem"/> * <property name="ec2Cert" value="/mnt/payload/cert.pem"/> * <property name="sshKey" value="stratos-1.0.0-keypair"/> * <property name="instanceMgtEPR" value=""/> * <property name="disableApiTermination" value="true"/> * <property name="enableMonitoring" value="true"/> * <loadBalancer> * <property name="securityGroups" value="stratos-appserver-lb"/> * <property name="instanceType" value="m1.large"/> * <property name="instances" value="1"/> * <property name="elasticIP" value="${ELASTIC_IP}"/> * <property name="availabilityZone" value="us-east-1c"/> * <property name="payload" value="/mnt/"/> * </loadBalancer> * <p/> * <services> * <defaults> * <property name="payload" value="resources/"/> * <property name="availabilityZone" value="us-east-1c"/> * <property name="securityGroups" value="default-2011-02-23"/> * <property name="instanceType" value="m1.large"/> * <property name="minAppInstances" value="1"/> * <property name="maxAppInstances" value="5"/> * <property name="queueLengthPerNode" value="400"/> * <property name="roundsToAverage" value="10"/> * <property name="instancesPerScaleUp" value="1"/> * <property name="messageExpiryTime" value="60000"/> * <property name="preserveOldestInstance" value="true"/> * </defaults> * <service> * <hosts> * <host></host> * </hosts> * <domain>wso2.manager.domain</domain> * </service> * <service> * <hosts> * <host></host> * <host></host> * </hosts> * <domain></domain> * <p/> * <property name="payload" value="resources/"/> * <property name="availabilityZone" value="us-east-1c"/> * </service> * <service> * <hosts> * <host></host> * </hosts> * <domain>wso2.esb.domain</domain> * <p/> * <property name="payload" value="resources/"/> * <property name="minAppInstances" value="1"/> * <property name="maxAppInstances" value="5"/> * <property name="queueLengthPerNode" value="400"/> * <property name="roundsToAverage" value="10"/> * <property name="instancesPerScaleUp" value="1"/> * <property name="availabilityZone" value="us-east-1c"/> * <property name="securityGroups" value="ds-2011-02-23"/> * </service> * <service> * <hosts> * <host></host> * </hosts> * <domain>wso2.governance.domain</domain> * </service> * <service> * <hosts> * <host></host> * </hosts> * <domain></domain> * </service> * </services> * </loadBalancerConfig> * </pre> * * @param configURL URL of the load balancer config */ public void init(String configURL) { if (configURL.startsWith("$system:")) { configURL = System.getProperty(configURL.substring("$system:".length())); } StAXOMBuilder builder; try { builder = new StAXOMBuilder(new URL(configURL).openStream()); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("Cannot read configuration file from URL " + configURL); } OMElement loadBalancerConfigEle = builder.getDocumentElement(); // Set all properties try { for (Iterator<OMElement> iter = loadBalancerConfigEle.getChildrenWithLocalName("property"); iter.hasNext(); ) { setProperty(this,; } } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("Error setting values to " + this.getClass().getName(), e); } // Set load balancer config OMElement loadBalancerEle = loadBalancerConfigEle.getFirstChildWithName( new QName(SynapseConstants.SYNAPSE_NAMESPACE, "loadBalancer")); createLoadBalancerConfig(loadBalancerEle); // Set services config OMElement servicesEle = loadBalancerConfigEle.getFirstChildWithName( new QName(SynapseConstants.SYNAPSE_NAMESPACE, "services")); createServicesConfig(servicesEle); }
private void populateGetRequestProcessors() throws AxisFault { try { OMElement docEle = XMLUtils.toOM(ServerConfiguration.getInstance().getDocumentElement()); if (docEle != null) { SimpleNamespaceContext nsCtx = new SimpleNamespaceContext(); nsCtx.addNamespace("wsas", ServerConstants.CARBON_SERVER_XML_NAMESPACE); XPath xp = new AXIOMXPath("//wsas:HttpGetRequestProcessors/wsas:Processor"); xp.setNamespaceContext(nsCtx); List nodeList = xp.selectNodes(docEle); for (Object aNodeList : nodeList) { OMElement processorEle = (OMElement) aNodeList; OMElement itemEle = processorEle.getFirstChildWithName(ITEM_QN); if (itemEle == null) { throw new ServletException("Required element, 'Item' not found!"); } OMElement classEle = processorEle.getFirstChildWithName(CLASS_QN); org.wso2.carbon.core.transports.HttpGetRequestProcessor processor; if (classEle == null) { throw new ServletException("Required element, 'Class' not found!"); } else { processor = (org.wso2.carbon.core.transports.HttpGetRequestProcessor) Class.forName(classEle.getText().trim()).newInstance(); } getRequestProcessors.put(itemEle.getText().trim(), processor); } } } catch (Exception e) { handleException("Error populating GetRequestProcessors", e); } }
protected static Pair<Filter, ConstraintLanguage> parseConstraint( XMLAdapter adapter, OMElement omQueryElement) { Pair<Filter, ConstraintLanguage> pc = null; if (omQueryElement != null && new QName(CSWConstants.CSW_202_NS, "Constraint").equals(omQueryElement.getQName())) { Version versionConstraint = adapter.getRequiredNodeAsVersion(omQueryElement, new XPath("@version", nsContext)); OMElement filterEl = omQueryElement.getFirstChildWithName(new QName(OGCNS, "Filter")); OMElement cqlTextEl = omQueryElement.getFirstChildWithName(new QName("", "CQLTEXT")); if ((filterEl != null) && (cqlTextEl == null)) { ConstraintLanguage constraintLanguage = ConstraintLanguage.FILTER; Filter constraint; try { // TODO remove usage of wrapper (necessary at the moment to work around problems // with AXIOM's XMLStreamReader xmlStream = new XMLStreamReaderWrapper(filterEl.getXMLStreamReaderWithoutCaching(), null); // skip START_DOCUMENT xmlStream.nextTag(); if (versionConstraint.equals(new Version(1, 1, 0))) { constraint = Filter110XMLDecoder.parse(xmlStream); } else if (versionConstraint.equals(new Version(1, 0, 0))) { constraint = Filter100XMLDecoder.parse(xmlStream); } else { String msg = Messages.get( "CSW_FILTER_VERSION_NOT_SPECIFIED", versionConstraint, Version.getVersionsString(new Version(1, 1, 0)), Version.getVersionsString(new Version(1, 0, 0)));; throw new InvalidParameterValueException(msg); } } catch (XMLStreamException e) { String msg = "FilterParsingException: There went something wrong while parsing the filter expression, so please check this!"; LOG.debug(msg); throw new XMLParsingException(adapter, filterEl, e.getMessage()); } pc = new Pair<Filter, CSWConstants.ConstraintLanguage>(constraint, constraintLanguage); } else if ((filterEl == null) && (cqlTextEl != null)) { String msg = Messages.get("CSW_UNSUPPORTED_CQL_FILTER");; throw new NotImplementedError(msg); } else { String msg = Messages.get("CSW_MISSING_FILTER_OR_CQL"); LOG.debug(msg); throw new InvalidParameterValueException(msg); } } return pc; }
private static OMElement getSAMLToken(OMElement resp) { OMElement rst = resp.getFirstChildWithName( new QName( RahasConstants.WST_NS_05_02, RahasConstants.IssuanceBindingLocalNames.REQUESTED_SECURITY_TOKEN)); OMElement elem = rst.getFirstChildWithName(new QName(SAMLConstants.SAML20_NS, "Assertion")); return elem; }
public static OMElement getChildWithName(OMElement head, String widgetName, String namespace) { String adjustedName = getDataElementName(widgetName); if (adjustedName == null) { return null; } OMElement child = head.getFirstChildWithName(new QName(namespace, adjustedName)); if (child == null) { // this piece of code is for the backward compatibility child = head.getFirstChildWithName(new QName(null, widgetName.replaceAll(" ", "-"))); } return child; }
public static String getNameFromContent(OMElement head) { OMElement overview = head.getFirstChildWithName(new QName("Overview")); if (overview != null) { return overview.getFirstChildWithName(new QName("Name")).getText(); } overview = head.getFirstChildWithName(new QName(UIGeneratorConstants.DATA_NAMESPACE, "overview")); if (overview != null) { return overview .getFirstChildWithName(new QName(UIGeneratorConstants.DATA_NAMESPACE, "name")) .getText(); } return null; }
public OMElement getCEPPublisher(OMElement request) throws XMLStreamException {; request.detach(); OMElement tenantId = request.getFirstChildWithName( new QName( ManagerServiceConstants.NAMESPACE, ManagerServiceConstants.ELEMENT_TENANT_ID)); OMElement executionPlan = request.getFirstChildWithName( new QName( ManagerServiceConstants.NAMESPACE, ManagerServiceConstants.ELEMENT_EXEC_PLAN)); OMElement requesterIp = request.getFirstChildWithName( new QName( ManagerServiceConstants.NAMESPACE, ManagerServiceConstants.ELEMENT_REQUESTER_IP)); String key = getKey(executionPlan.getText(), tenantId.getText());"CEP Publisher requested for " + key); Set<Endpoint> endpointSet = cepPublishers.get(key); Endpoint selectedEndpoint = selectEndpoint(endpointSet, requesterIp.getText()); OMElement response = factory.createOMElement( ManagerServiceConstants.ELEMENT_CEP_PUBLISHER_RESPONSE, OMNamespace); if (selectedEndpoint != null) { OMElement hostNameElement = factory.createOMElement(ManagerServiceConstants.ELEMENT_HOST_NAME, OMNamespace); OMElement portElement = factory.createOMElement(ManagerServiceConstants.ELEMENT_PORT, OMNamespace); OMText hostNameText = factory.createOMText(hostNameElement, selectedEndpoint.getHostName()); OMText portText = factory.createOMText(portElement, Integer.toString(selectedEndpoint.getPort())); hostNameElement.addChild(hostNameText); portElement.addChild(portText); response.addChild(hostNameElement); response.addChild(portElement); "Returning CEP Publisher:" + selectedEndpoint.getHostName() + ":" + selectedEndpoint.getPort()); } else { log.warn("No CEP publishers registered " + key); } return response; }
public static OutputMapping fromOM(OMElement mappingElement) throws EventPublisherConfigurationException { JSONOutputMapping jsonOutputMapping = new JSONOutputMapping(); String customMappingEnabled = mappingElement.getAttributeValue(new QName(EventPublisherConstants.EF_ATTR_CUSTOM_MAPPING)); if (customMappingEnabled == null || (customMappingEnabled.equals(EventPublisherConstants.ENABLE_CONST))) { jsonOutputMapping.setCustomMappingEnabled(true); if (!validateJsonEventMapping(mappingElement)) { throw new EventPublisherConfigurationException( "JSON Mapping is not valid, check the output mapping"); } OMElement innerMappingElement = mappingElement.getFirstChildWithName( new QName( EventPublisherConstants.EF_CONF_NS, EventPublisherConstants.EF_ELE_MAPPING_INLINE)); if (innerMappingElement != null) { jsonOutputMapping.setRegistryResource(false); } else { innerMappingElement = mappingElement.getFirstChildWithName( new QName( EventPublisherConstants.EF_CONF_NS, EventPublisherConstants.EF_ELE_MAPPING_REGISTRY)); if (innerMappingElement != null) { jsonOutputMapping.setRegistryResource(true); } else { throw new EventPublisherConfigurationException( "XML Mapping is not valid, Mapping should be inline or from registry"); } } if (innerMappingElement.getText() == null || innerMappingElement.getText().trim().isEmpty()) { throw new EventPublisherConfigurationException("There is no any mapping content available"); } else { jsonOutputMapping.setMappingText(innerMappingElement.getText()); } } else { jsonOutputMapping.setCustomMappingEnabled(false); } return jsonOutputMapping; }
public Property[] getProperties(QName parameter) throws IllegalArgumentException { OMElement e = _element.getFirstChildWithName(parameter); if (e == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Missing properties parameter: " + parameter); Iterator<OMElement> iter = e.getChildElements(); ArrayList<Property> props = new ArrayList<Property>(); while (iter.hasNext()) { OMElement prop =; OMElement name = prop.getFirstChildWithName(Constants.NAME); if (name == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Missing property name: " + prop); OMElement value = prop.getFirstChildWithName(Constants.VALUE); if (value == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Missing property value: " + prop); props.add(new Property(name.getText(), value.getText())); } return props.toArray(new Property[props.size()]); }
public RealmConfiguration buildRealmConfiguration(InputStream inStream) throws UserStoreException { OMElement realmElement; try { inStream = CarbonUtils.replaceSystemVariablesInXml(inStream); StAXOMBuilder builder = new StAXOMBuilder(inStream); OMElement documentElement = builder.getDocumentElement(); realmElement = documentElement.getFirstChildWithName( new QName(UserCoreConstants.RealmConfig.LOCAL_NAME_REALM)); RealmConfiguration realmConfig = buildRealmConfiguration(realmElement); if (inStream != null) { inStream.close(); } return realmConfig; } catch (RuntimeException e) { String message = "An unexpected error occurred while building the realm configuration."; log.error(message, e); throw new UserStoreException(message, e); } catch (Exception e) { String message = "Error while reading realm configuration from file"; log.error(message, e); throw new UserStoreException(message, e); } }
/** * Creates endpoint element for REST service * * @param requestContext information about current request. * @param wadlElement wadl document. * @param version wadl version. * @return Endpoint Path. * @throws RegistryException If fails to create endpoint element. */ private String createEndpointElement( RequestContext requestContext, OMElement wadlElement, String version) throws RegistryException { OMNamespace wadlNamespace = wadlElement.getNamespace(); String wadlNamespaceURI = wadlNamespace.getNamespaceURI(); String wadlNamespacePrefix = wadlNamespace.getPrefix(); OMElement resourcesElement = wadlElement.getFirstChildWithName( new QName(wadlNamespaceURI, "resources", wadlNamespacePrefix)); if (resourcesElement != null) { String endpointUrl = resourcesElement.getAttributeValue(new QName("base")); if (endpointUrl != null) { String endpointPath = EndpointUtils.deriveEndpointFromUrl(endpointUrl); String endpointName = EndpointUtils.deriveEndpointNameFromUrl(endpointUrl); String endpointContent = EndpointUtils.getEndpointContentWithOverview( endpointUrl, endpointPath, endpointName, version); OMElement endpointElement; try { endpointElement = AXIOMUtil.stringToOM(endpointContent); } catch (XMLStreamException e) { throw new RegistryException("Error in creating the endpoint element. ", e); } return RESTServiceUtils.addEndpointToRegistry( requestContext, endpointElement, endpointPath); } else { log.warn("Base path does not exist. endpoint creation may fail. "); } } else { log.warn("Resources element is null. "); } return null; }
private void processKeyStoreElement( OMElement bamServerConfig, BAMServerProfile bamServerProfile) { OMElement keyStoreElement = bamServerConfig.getFirstChildWithName( new QName(BPELConstants.BAM_SERVER_PROFILE_NS, "KeyStore")); if (keyStoreElement != null) { OMAttribute locationAttr = keyStoreElement.getAttribute(new QName("location")); OMAttribute passwordAttr = keyStoreElement.getAttribute(new QName("password")); if (locationAttr != null && passwordAttr != null && !locationAttr.getAttributeValue().equals("") && !passwordAttr.getAttributeValue().equals("")) { bamServerProfile.setKeyStoreLocation(locationAttr.getAttributeValue()); bamServerProfile.setKeyStorePassword(passwordAttr.getAttributeValue()); } else { String errMsg = "Key store details location or password not found for BAM " + "server profile: " + profileLocation; handleError(errMsg); } } else { String errMsg = "Key store element not found for BAM server profile: " + profileLocation; handleError(errMsg); } }
private void processCredentialElement( OMElement bamServerConfig, BAMServerProfile bamServerProfile) throws CryptoException { OMElement credentialElement = bamServerConfig.getFirstChildWithName( new QName(BPELConstants.BAM_SERVER_PROFILE_NS, "Credential")); if (credentialElement != null) { OMAttribute userNameAttr = credentialElement.getAttribute(new QName("userName")); OMAttribute passwordAttr = credentialElement.getAttribute(new QName("password")); // OMAttribute secureAttr = credentialElement.getAttribute(new QName("secure")); if (userNameAttr != null && passwordAttr != null && /*secureAttr != null &&*/ !userNameAttr.getAttributeValue().equals("") && !passwordAttr.getAttributeValue().equals("") /*&& !secureAttr.getAttributeValue().equals("")*/ ) { bamServerProfile.setUserName(userNameAttr.getAttributeValue()); bamServerProfile.setPassword( new String( CryptoUtil.getDefaultCryptoUtil() .base64DecodeAndDecrypt(passwordAttr.getAttributeValue()))); } else { String errMsg = "Username or Password not found for BAM server profile: " + profileLocation; handleError(errMsg); } } else { String errMsg = "Credentials not found for BAM server profile: " + profileLocation; handleError(errMsg); } }
/** * Make sure that the endpoints created by the factory has a name * * @param epConfig OMElement containing the endpoint configuration. * @param anonymousEndpoint false if the endpoint has a name. true otherwise. * @param properties bag of properties to pass in any information to the factory * @return Endpoint implementation for the given configuration. */ private Endpoint createEndpointWithName( OMElement epConfig, boolean anonymousEndpoint, Properties properties) { Endpoint ep = createEndpoint(epConfig, anonymousEndpoint, properties); OMElement descriptionElem = epConfig.getFirstChildWithName(DESCRIPTION_Q); if (descriptionElem != null) { ep.setDescription(descriptionElem.getText()); } // if the endpoint doesn't have a name we will generate a unique name. if (anonymousEndpoint && ep.getName() == null) { String uuid = UIDGenerator.generateUID(); uuid = uuid.replace(':', '_'); ep.setName(ENDPOINT_NAME_PREFIX + uuid); if (ep instanceof AbstractEndpoint) { ((AbstractEndpoint) ep).setAnonymous(true); } } OMAttribute onFaultAtt = epConfig.getAttribute(ON_FAULT_Q); if (onFaultAtt != null) { ep.setErrorHandler(onFaultAtt.getAttributeValue()); } return ep; }
public static String readOMElementValue(OMElement parentElement, String elementName) { OMElement element = parentElement.getFirstChildWithName(new QName(elementName)); String elementValue = null; if (!element.getText().trim().isEmpty()) { elementValue = element.getText(); } return elementValue; }
public static void readConfigFile() { InputStream in; try { String configFilePath = CarbonUtils.getCarbonConfigDirPath() + File.separator + "advanced" + File.separator + STREAMDEFN_XML; in = FileUtils.openInputStream(new File(configFilePath)); } catch (Exception e) { in = Utils.class.getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(STREAMDEFN_XML); } OMXMLParserWrapper builder = OMXMLBuilderFactory.createOMBuilder(in); OMElement documentElement = builder.getDocumentElement(); OMElement replicationFactorEl = documentElement.getFirstChildWithName(new QName("ReplicationFactor")); if (replicationFactorEl != null) { replicationFactor = Integer.parseInt(replicationFactorEl.getText()); } OMElement readLevelEl = documentElement.getFirstChildWithName(new QName("ReadConsistencyLevel")); if (replicationFactorEl != null) { readConsistencyLevel = readLevelEl.getText(); } OMElement writeLevelEl = documentElement.getFirstChildWithName(new QName("WriteConsistencyLevel")); if (writeLevelEl != null) { writeConsistencyLevel = writeLevelEl.getText(); } globalConsistencyLevelPolicy = new StreamDefnConsistencyLevelPolicy(readConsistencyLevel, writeConsistencyLevel); OMElement strategyEl = documentElement.getFirstChildWithName(new QName("StrategyClass")); if (strategyEl != null) { strategyClass = strategyEl.getText(); } }
/** * This static method will be used to build the Target from the specified element * * @param elem - OMElement describing the xml configuration of the target * @return Target built by parsing the given element */ public static Target createTarget(OMElement elem) { if (!TARGET_Q.equals(elem.getQName())) { handleException("Element does not match with the target QName"); } Target target = new Target(); OMAttribute toAttr = elem.getAttribute(new QName(XMLConfigConstants.NULL_NAMESPACE, "to")); if (toAttr != null && toAttr.getAttributeValue() != null) { target.setToAddress(toAttr.getAttributeValue()); } OMAttribute soapAction = elem.getAttribute(new QName(XMLConfigConstants.NULL_NAMESPACE, "soapAction")); if (soapAction != null && soapAction.getAttributeValue() != null) { target.setSoapAction(soapAction.getAttributeValue()); } OMAttribute sequenceAttr = elem.getAttribute(new QName(XMLConfigConstants.NULL_NAMESPACE, "sequence")); if (sequenceAttr != null && sequenceAttr.getAttributeValue() != null) { target.setSequenceRef(sequenceAttr.getAttributeValue()); } OMAttribute endpointAttr = elem.getAttribute(new QName(XMLConfigConstants.NULL_NAMESPACE, "endpoint")); if (endpointAttr != null && endpointAttr.getAttributeValue() != null) { target.setEndpointRef(endpointAttr.getAttributeValue()); } OMElement sequence = elem.getFirstChildWithName(new QName(XMLConfigConstants.SYNAPSE_NAMESPACE, "sequence")); if (sequence != null) { SequenceMediatorFactory fac = new SequenceMediatorFactory(); target.setSequence(fac.createAnonymousSequence(sequence)); } OMElement endpoint = elem.getFirstChildWithName(new QName(XMLConfigConstants.SYNAPSE_NAMESPACE, "endpoint")); if (endpoint != null) { target.setEndpoint(EndpointFactory.getEndpointFromElement(endpoint, true)); } return target; }
private static EventOutputProperty getOutputPropertyFromOM(OMElement omElement) { OMElement propertyFromElement = omElement.getFirstChildWithName( new QName( EventFormatterConstants.EF_CONF_NS, EventFormatterConstants.EF_ELE_FROM_PROPERTY)); OMElement propertyToElement = omElement.getFirstChildWithName( new QName( EventFormatterConstants.EF_CONF_NS, EventFormatterConstants.EF_ELE_TO_PROPERTY)); String name = propertyToElement.getAttributeValue(new QName(EventFormatterConstants.EF_ATTR_NAME)); String valueOf = propertyFromElement.getAttributeValue(new QName(EventFormatterConstants.EF_ATTR_NAME)); return new EventOutputProperty(name, valueOf); }
public String getRequiredString(QName parameter) throws IllegalArgumentException { OMElement e = _element.getFirstChildWithName(parameter); if (e == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Missing parameter: " + parameter); String text = e.getText(); if (text == null || text.trim().length() == 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Empty parameter: " + parameter); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Parameter " + parameter + ": " + text); return text; }
public static String parseResponseFeedback(org.apache.axiom.soap.SOAPBody soapBody) throws FaultException { /* Sample feedback response * <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv=""> <soapenv:Body><part><axis2ns3:correlation xmlns:axis2ns3=""> <axis2ns3:taskid>10001</axis2ns3:taskid></axis2ns3:correlation></part></soapenv:Body></soapenv:Envelope> * */ Iterator<OMElement> srcParts = soapBody.getChildElements(); if (srcParts.hasNext()) { OMElement srcPart =; if (!srcPart.getQName().equals(new QName(null, "part"))) { throw new FaultException( BPEL4PeopleConstants.B4P_FAULT, "Unexpected element in SOAP body: " + srcPart.toString()); } OMElement hifb = srcPart.getFirstChildWithName( new QName( BPEL4PeopleConstants.B4P_NAMESPACE, BPEL4PeopleConstants.B4P_CORRELATION_HEADER)); if (hifb == null) { throw new FaultException( BPEL4PeopleConstants.B4P_FAULT, "Unexpected element in SOAP body: " + srcPart.toString()); } OMElement taskIDele = hifb.getFirstChildWithName( new QName( BPEL4PeopleConstants.B4P_NAMESPACE, BPEL4PeopleConstants.B4P_CORRELATION_HEADER_ATTRIBUTE)); if (taskIDele == null) { throw new FaultException( BPEL4PeopleConstants.B4P_FAULT, "Unexpected element in SOAP body: " + srcPart.toString()); } return taskIDele.getText(); // Document doc = DOMUtils.newDocument(); // Element destPart = doc.createElementNS(null, "part"); // destPart.appendChild(doc.importNode(OMUtils.toDOM(srcPart), true)); // message.setPart("part", destPart); } throw new FaultException( BPEL4PeopleConstants.B4P_FAULT, "TaskID not found in the feedback message"); }
private OMElement preProcessRealmConfig(InputStream inStream) throws CarbonException, XMLStreamException { inStream = CarbonUtils.replaceSystemVariablesInXml(inStream); StAXOMBuilder builder = new StAXOMBuilder(inStream); OMElement documentElement = builder.getDocumentElement(); OMElement realmElement = documentElement.getFirstChildWithName( new QName(UserCoreConstants.RealmConfig.LOCAL_NAME_REALM)); return realmElement; }
/** * Process the following element * * @param servicesEle The services element */ void createServicesConfig(OMElement servicesEle) { OMElement defaultsEle = servicesEle.getFirstChildWithName( new QName(SynapseConstants.SYNAPSE_NAMESPACE, "defaults")); if (defaultsEle != null) { createConfiguration(defaultsEle, defaultServiceConfig = new ServiceConfiguration(null)); } for (Iterator<OMElement> iter = servicesEle.getChildrenWithLocalName("service"); iter.hasNext(); ) { OMElement serviceEle =; OMElement domainEle = serviceEle.getFirstChildWithName(new QName(SynapseConstants.SYNAPSE_NAMESPACE, "domain")); String domain; if (domainEle == null || (domain = domainEle.getText()).isEmpty()) { throw new RuntimeException( "The mandatory domain element child of the service element is not specified"); } OMElement hostsEle = serviceEle.getFirstChildWithName(new QName(SynapseConstants.SYNAPSE_NAMESPACE, "hosts")); if (hostsEle == null) { throw new RuntimeException( "The mandatory hosts element child of the service element is not specified"); } for (Iterator<OMElement> hostsIter = hostsEle.getChildrenWithLocalName("host"); hostsIter.hasNext(); ) { OMElement hostEle =; String host; if ((host = hostEle.getText()).isEmpty()) { throw new RuntimeException("host cannot be empty"); } if (hostDomainMap.containsKey(host)) { throw new RuntimeException("host " + host + " has been duplicated in the configuration"); } hostDomainMap.put(host, domain); } ServiceConfiguration serviceConfig = new ServiceConfiguration(domain); createConfiguration(serviceEle, serviceConfig); serviceConfigMap.put(domain, serviceConfig); } }
/** * Read port from andes-config.xml * * @return */ private String readSSLPortFromQpidConfig() { String port = ""; try { File confFile = new File(getQpidHome() + ANDES_CONF_FILE); OMElement docRootNode = new StAXOMBuilder(new FileInputStream(confFile)).getDocumentElement(); OMElement connectorNode = docRootNode.getFirstChildWithName(new QName(QPID_CONF_CONNECTOR_NODE)); OMElement portNode = connectorNode.getFirstChildWithName(new QName(QPID_CONF_SSL_PORT_NODE)); port = portNode.getText(); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { log.error(getQpidHome() + ANDES_CONF_FILE + " not found"); } catch (XMLStreamException e) { log.error("Error while reading " + getQpidHome() + ANDES_CONF_FILE + " : " + e.getMessage()); } catch (NullPointerException e) { log.error("Invalid configuration : " + getQpidHome() + ANDES_CONF_FILE); } return ((port != null) ? port.trim() : ""); }