@Test public void testCounter() throws Exception { ClientSessionFactory sf = createSessionFactory(sl); ClientSession session = sf.createSession(); try { Queue queue = server.createQueue(new SimpleString("A1"), new SimpleString("A1"), null, true, false); PageSubscriptionCounter counter = locateCounter(queue); StorageManager storage = server.getStorageManager(); Transaction tx = new TransactionImpl(server.getStorageManager()); counter.increment(tx, 1); assertEquals(0, counter.getValue()); tx.commit(); storage.waitOnOperations(); assertEquals(1, counter.getValue()); } finally { sf.close(); session.close(); } }
/** * This generates a map for use on the recalculation and recovery of pending maps after reloading * it * * @param queues * @param pendingNonTXPageCounter * @param txRecoverCounter * @return * @throws Exception */ private Map<SimpleString, Map<Long, Map<Long, List<PageCountPending>>>> generateMapsOnPendingCount( Map<Long, Queue> queues, List<PageCountPending> pendingNonTXPageCounter, Transaction txRecoverCounter) throws Exception { Map<SimpleString, Map<Long, Map<Long, List<PageCountPending>>>> perAddressMap = new HashMap<>(); for (PageCountPending pgCount : pendingNonTXPageCounter) { long queueID = pgCount.getQueueID(); long pageID = pgCount.getPageID(); // We first figure what Queue is based on the queue id Queue queue = queues.get(queueID); if (queue == null) { logger.debug( "removing pending page counter id = " + pgCount.getID() + " as queueID=" + pgCount.getID() + " no longer exists"); // this means the queue doesn't exist any longer, we will remove it from the storage storageManager.deletePendingPageCounter(txRecoverCounter.getID(), pgCount.getID()); txRecoverCounter.setContainsPersistent(); continue; } // Level 1 on the structure, per address SimpleString address = queue.getAddress(); Map<Long, Map<Long, List<PageCountPending>>> perPageMap = perAddressMap.get(address); if (perPageMap == null) { perPageMap = new HashMap<>(); perAddressMap.put(address, perPageMap); } Map<Long, List<PageCountPending>> perQueueMap = perPageMap.get(pageID); if (perQueueMap == null) { perQueueMap = new HashMap<>(); perPageMap.put(pageID, perQueueMap); } List<PageCountPending> pendingCounters = perQueueMap.get(queueID); if (pendingCounters == null) { pendingCounters = new LinkedList<>(); perQueueMap.put(queueID, pendingCounters); } pendingCounters.add(pgCount); perQueueMap.put(queueID, pendingCounters); } return perAddressMap; }
@Test public void testCleanupCounterNonPersistent() throws Exception { ClientSessionFactory sf = createSessionFactory(sl); ClientSession session = sf.createSession(); try { Queue queue = server.createQueue(new SimpleString("A1"), new SimpleString("A1"), null, true, false); PageSubscriptionCounter counter = locateCounter(queue); ((PageSubscriptionCounterImpl) counter).setPersistent(false); StorageManager storage = server.getStorageManager(); Transaction tx = new TransactionImpl(server.getStorageManager()); for (int i = 0; i < 2100; i++) { counter.increment(tx, 1); if (i % 200 == 0) { tx.commit(); storage.waitOnOperations(); assertEquals(i + 1, counter.getValue()); tx = new TransactionImpl(server.getStorageManager()); } } tx.commit(); storage.waitOnOperations(); assertEquals(2100, counter.getValue()); server.stop(); server = newActiveMQServer(); server.start(); queue = server.locateQueue(new SimpleString("A1")); assertNotNull(queue); counter = locateCounter(queue); assertEquals(0, counter.getValue()); } finally { sf.close(); session.close(); } }
@Test public void testPrepareCounter() throws Exception { Xid xid = newXID(); Queue queue = server.createQueue(new SimpleString("A1"), new SimpleString("A1"), null, true, false); PageSubscriptionCounter counter = locateCounter(queue); StorageManager storage = server.getStorageManager(); Transaction tx = new TransactionImpl(xid, server.getStorageManager(), 300); for (int i = 0; i < 2000; i++) { counter.increment(tx, 1); } assertEquals(0, counter.getValue()); tx.prepare(); storage.waitOnOperations(); assertEquals(0, counter.getValue()); server.stop(); server = newActiveMQServer(); server.start(); storage = server.getStorageManager(); queue = server.locateQueue(new SimpleString("A1")); assertNotNull(queue); counter = locateCounter(queue); tx = server.getResourceManager().removeTransaction(xid); assertNotNull(tx); assertEquals(0, counter.getValue()); tx.commit(false); storage.waitOnOperations(); assertEquals(2000, counter.getValue()); }
private void storePageTX(final Transaction tx) throws Exception { if (!stored) { tx.setContainsPersistent(); pageTransaction.store(storageManager, pagingManager, tx); stored = true; } }
private void installPageTransaction(final Transaction tx, final RouteContextList listCtx) throws Exception { FinishPageMessageOperation pgOper = (FinishPageMessageOperation) tx.getProperty(TransactionPropertyIndexes.PAGE_TRANSACTION); if (pgOper == null) { PageTransactionInfo pgTX = new PageTransactionInfoImpl(tx.getID()); pagingManager.addTransaction(pgTX); pgOper = new FinishPageMessageOperation(pgTX, storageManager, pagingManager); tx.putProperty(TransactionPropertyIndexes.PAGE_TRANSACTION, pgOper); tx.addOperation(pgOper); } pgOper.addStore(this); pgOper.pageTransaction.increment( listCtx.getNumberOfDurableQueues(), listCtx.getNumberOfNonDurableQueues()); return; }
@Test public void testRestartCounter() throws Exception { Queue queue = server.createQueue(new SimpleString("A1"), new SimpleString("A1"), null, true, false); PageSubscriptionCounter counter = locateCounter(queue); StorageManager storage = server.getStorageManager(); Transaction tx = new TransactionImpl(server.getStorageManager()); counter.increment(tx, 1); assertEquals(0, counter.getValue()); tx.commit(); storage.waitOnOperations(); assertEquals(1, counter.getValue()); sl.close(); server.stop(); server = newActiveMQServer(); server.start(); queue = server.locateQueue(new SimpleString("A1")); assertNotNull(queue); counter = locateCounter(queue); assertEquals(1, counter.getValue()); }
@Override public void handlePreparedTransaction( Transaction tx, List<MessageReference> referencesToAck, Xid xid, ResourceManager resourceManager) throws Exception { for (MessageReference ack : referencesToAck) { ack.getQueue().reacknowledge(tx, ack); } tx.setState(Transaction.State.PREPARED); resourceManager.putTransaction(xid, tx); }
@Override public boolean page( ServerMessage message, final Transaction tx, RouteContextList listCtx, final ReadLock managerLock) throws Exception { if (!running) { throw new IllegalStateException("PagingStore(" + getStoreName() + ") not initialized"); } boolean full = isFull(); if (addressFullMessagePolicy == AddressFullMessagePolicy.DROP || addressFullMessagePolicy == AddressFullMessagePolicy.FAIL) { if (full) { if (!printedDropMessagesWarning) { printedDropMessagesWarning = true; ActiveMQServerLogger.LOGGER.pageStoreDropMessages(storeName, sizeInBytes.get(), maxSize); } if (message.isLargeMessage()) { ((LargeServerMessage) message).deleteFile(); } if (addressFullMessagePolicy == AddressFullMessagePolicy.FAIL) { throw ActiveMQMessageBundle.BUNDLE.addressIsFull(address.toString()); } // Address is full, we just pretend we are paging, and drop the data return true; } else { return false; } } else if (addressFullMessagePolicy == AddressFullMessagePolicy.BLOCK) { return false; } // We need to ensure a read lock, as depage could change the paging state lock.readLock().lock(); try { // First check done concurrently, to avoid synchronization and increase throughput if (!paging) { return false; } } finally { lock.readLock().unlock(); } managerLock.lock(); try { lock.writeLock().lock(); try { if (!paging) { return false; } if (!message.isDurable()) { // The address should never be transient when paging (even for non-persistent messages // when paging) // This will force everything to be persisted message.forceAddress(address); } final long transactionID = tx == null ? -1 : tx.getID(); PagedMessage pagedMessage = new PagedMessageImpl(message, routeQueues(tx, listCtx), transactionID); if (message.isLargeMessage()) { ((LargeServerMessage) message).setPaged(); } int bytesToWrite = pagedMessage.getEncodeSize() + Page.SIZE_RECORD; if (currentPageSize.addAndGet(bytesToWrite) > pageSize && currentPage.getNumberOfMessages() > 0) { // Make sure nothing is currently validating or using currentPage openNewPage(); currentPageSize.addAndGet(bytesToWrite); } if (tx != null) { installPageTransaction(tx, listCtx); } // the apply counter will make sure we write a record on journal // especially on the case for non transactional sends and paging // doing this will give us a possibility of recovering the page counters applyPageCounters(tx, getCurrentPage(), listCtx); currentPage.write(pagedMessage); if (tx == null && syncNonTransactional && message.isDurable()) { sync(); } if (isTrace) { ActiveMQServerLogger.LOGGER.trace( "Paging message " + pagedMessage + " on pageStore " + this.getStoreName() + " pageId=" + currentPage.getPageId()); } return true; } finally { lock.writeLock().unlock(); } } finally { managerLock.unlock(); } }
/** * This method will recover the counters after failures making sure the page counter doesn't get * out of sync * * @param pendingNonTXPageCounter * @throws Exception */ @Override public void recoverPendingPageCounters(List<PageCountPending> pendingNonTXPageCounter) throws Exception { // We need a structure of the following // Address -> PageID -> QueueID -> List<PageCountPending> // The following loop will sort the records according to the hierarchy we need Transaction txRecoverCounter = new TransactionImpl(storageManager); Map<SimpleString, Map<Long, Map<Long, List<PageCountPending>>>> perAddressMap = generateMapsOnPendingCount(queues, pendingNonTXPageCounter, txRecoverCounter); for (SimpleString address : perAddressMap.keySet()) { PagingStore store = pagingManager.getPageStore(address); Map<Long, Map<Long, List<PageCountPending>>> perPageMap = perAddressMap.get(address); // We have already generated this before, so it can't be null assert (perPageMap != null); for (Long pageId : perPageMap.keySet()) { Map<Long, List<PageCountPending>> perQueue = perPageMap.get(pageId); // This can't be true! assert (perQueue != null); if (store.checkPageFileExists(pageId.intValue())) { // on this case we need to recalculate the records Page pg = store.createPage(pageId.intValue()); pg.open(); List<PagedMessage> pgMessages = pg.read(storageManager); Map<Long, AtomicInteger> countsPerQueueOnPage = new HashMap<>(); for (PagedMessage pgd : pgMessages) { if (pgd.getTransactionID() <= 0) { for (long q : pgd.getQueueIDs()) { AtomicInteger countQ = countsPerQueueOnPage.get(q); if (countQ == null) { countQ = new AtomicInteger(0); countsPerQueueOnPage.put(q, countQ); } countQ.incrementAndGet(); } } } for (Map.Entry<Long, List<PageCountPending>> entry : perQueue.entrySet()) { for (PageCountPending record : entry.getValue()) { logger.debug("Deleting pg tempCount " + record.getID()); storageManager.deletePendingPageCounter(txRecoverCounter.getID(), record.getID()); } PageSubscriptionCounter counter = store.getCursorProvider().getSubscription(entry.getKey()).getCounter(); AtomicInteger value = countsPerQueueOnPage.get(entry.getKey()); if (value == null) { logger.debug("Page " + entry.getKey() + " wasn't open, so we will just ignore"); } else { logger.debug("Replacing counter " + value.get()); counter.increment(txRecoverCounter, value.get()); } } } else { // on this case the page file didn't exist, we just remove all the records since the page // is already gone logger.debug( "Page " + pageId + " didn't exist on address " + address + ", so we are just removing records"); for (List<PageCountPending> records : perQueue.values()) { for (PageCountPending record : records) { logger.debug("Removing pending page counter " + record.getID()); storageManager.deletePendingPageCounter(txRecoverCounter.getID(), record.getID()); txRecoverCounter.setContainsPersistent(); } } } } } txRecoverCounter.commit(); }