void addMutation(String table, Mutation mutation) {
      List<Mutation> tabMutList = mutations.get(table);
      if (tabMutList == null) {
        tabMutList = new ArrayList<Mutation>();
        mutations.put(table, tabMutList);


      memoryUsed += mutation.estimatedMemoryUsed();
  public synchronized void addMutation(String table, Mutation m) throws MutationsRejectedException {

    if (closed) throw new IllegalStateException("Closed");
    if (m.size() == 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can not add empty mutations");


    while ((totalMemUsed >= maxMem || flushing) && !somethingFailed) {

    // do checks again since things could have changed while waiting and not holding lock
    if (closed) throw new IllegalStateException("Closed");

    if (startTime == 0) {
      startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();

      List<GarbageCollectorMXBean> gcmBeans = ManagementFactory.getGarbageCollectorMXBeans();
      for (GarbageCollectorMXBean garbageCollectorMXBean : gcmBeans) {
        initialGCTimes += garbageCollectorMXBean.getCollectionTime();

      CompilationMXBean compMxBean = ManagementFactory.getCompilationMXBean();
      if (compMxBean.isCompilationTimeMonitoringSupported()) {
        initialCompileTimes = compMxBean.getTotalCompilationTime();

      initialSystemLoad = ManagementFactory.getOperatingSystemMXBean().getSystemLoadAverage();

    // create a copy of mutation so that after this method returns the user
    // is free to reuse the mutation object, like calling readFields... this
    // is important for the case where a mutation is passed from map to reduce
    // to batch writer... the map reduce code will keep passing the same mutation
    // object into the reduce method
    m = new Mutation(m);

    totalMemUsed += m.estimatedMemoryUsed();
    mutations.addMutation(table, m);

    if (mutations.getMemoryUsed() >= maxMem / 2) {
      public void send(TabletServerMutations<Mutation> tsm)
          throws AccumuloServerException, AccumuloSecurityException {

        MutationSet failures = null;

        String oldName = Thread.currentThread().getName();

        Map<KeyExtent, List<Mutation>> mutationBatch = tsm.getMutations();
        try {

          long count = 0;
          for (List<Mutation> list : mutationBatch.values()) {
            count += list.size();
          String msg =
              "sending "
                  + String.format("%,d", count)
                  + " mutations to "
                  + String.format("%,d", mutationBatch.size())
                  + " tablets at "
                  + location;

          Span span = Trace.start("sendMutations");
          try {

            TimeoutTracker timeoutTracker = timeoutTrackers.get(location);
            if (timeoutTracker == null) {
              timeoutTracker = new TimeoutTracker(location, timeout);
              timeoutTrackers.put(location, timeoutTracker);

            long st1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
            failures = sendMutationsToTabletServer(location, mutationBatch, timeoutTracker);
            long st2 = System.currentTimeMillis();
            if (log.isTraceEnabled())
                  "sent "
                      + String.format("%,d", count)
                      + " mutations to "
                      + location
                      + " in "
                      + String.format(
                          "%.2f secs (%,.2f mutations/sec) with %,d failures",
                          (st2 - st1) / 1000.0, count / ((st2 - st1) / 1000.0), failures.size()));

            long successBytes = 0;
            for (Entry<KeyExtent, List<Mutation>> entry : mutationBatch.entrySet()) {
              for (Mutation mutation : entry.getValue()) {
                successBytes += mutation.estimatedMemoryUsed();

            if (failures.size() > 0) {
              successBytes -= failures.getMemoryUsed();

            updateSendStats(count, st2 - st1);

          } finally {
        } catch (IOException e) {
          if (log.isTraceEnabled())
            log.trace("failed to send mutations to " + location + " : " + e.getMessage());

          HashSet<String> tables = new HashSet<String>();
          for (KeyExtent ke : mutationBatch.keySet()) tables.add(ke.getTableId().toString());

          for (String table : tables)
            TabletLocator.getLocator(instance, new Text(table)).invalidateCache(location);

          failedMutations.add(location, tsm);
        } finally {
 public List<Short> check(Environment env, Mutation mutation) {
   if (mutation.estimatedMemoryUsed() < MAX_SIZE) return empty;
   return violations;