/** * Defines the options of the engine, such as the type of camera and screen orientation * * @return */ @Override public EngineOptions onCreateEngineOptions() { smoothCamera = new SmoothCamera( 0, 0, CAMERA_WIDTH, CAMERA_HEIGHT, maxVelocityX, maxVelocityY, maxZoomFactorChange); smoothCamera.setBounds(0, 0, CAMERA_WIDTH, CAMERA_HEIGHT); smoothCamera.setBoundsEnabled(true); IResolutionPolicy resolutionPolicy = new RatioResolutionPolicy(CAMERA_WIDTH, CAMERA_HEIGHT); EngineOptions engineOptions = new EngineOptions(true, ScreenOrientation.LANDSCAPE_FIXED, resolutionPolicy, smoothCamera); engineOptions.setWakeLockOptions(WakeLockOptions.SCREEN_ON); engineOptions.getTouchOptions().setNeedsMultiTouch(true); // Check for MultiTouch support if (!MultiTouch.isSupported(this)) { Toast.makeText( this, getResources().getString(R.string.multitouch_support), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT) .show(); finish(); } return engineOptions; }
@Override public EngineOptions onCreateEngineOptions() { this.mCamera = new Camera(0, 0, CAMERA_WIDTH, CAMERA_HEIGHT); final EngineOptions engineOptions = new EngineOptions( true, ScreenOrientation.LANDSCAPE_SENSOR, new RatioResolutionPolicy(CAMERA_WIDTH, CAMERA_HEIGHT), this.mCamera); engineOptions.getTouchOptions().setNeedsMultiTouch(true); if (MultiTouch.isSupported(this)) { if (MultiTouch.isSupportedDistinct(this)) { Toast.makeText( this, "MultiTouch detected --> Both controls will work properly!", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT) .show(); } else { this.mPlaceOnScreenControlsAtDifferentVerticalLocations = true; Toast.makeText( this, "MultiTouch detected, but your device has problems distinguishing between fingers.\n\nControls are placed at different vertical locations.", Toast.LENGTH_LONG) .show(); } } else { Toast.makeText( this, "Sorry your device does NOT support MultiTouch!\n\n(Falling back to SingleTouch.)\n\nControls are placed at different vertical locations.", Toast.LENGTH_LONG) .show(); } return engineOptions; }
// *********************************************************** // CONSTRUCTOR // *********************************************************** public GameScene(MapType type) { instance = this; gameMap = new GameMap(type); // Zoom-Camera configuration this.setOnAreaTouchTraversalFrontToBack(); this.mScrollDetector = new SurfaceScrollDetector(this); activity = TowerDefenseActivity.getSharedInstance(); resourceManager = ResourceManager.getInstance(); if (MultiTouch.isSupported(activity)) { this.mPinchZoomDetector = new PinchZoomDetector(this); } else { this.mPinchZoomDetector = null; } this.setOnSceneTouchListener(this); this.setOnSceneTouchListenerBindingOnActionDownEnabled(true); fingerOnSceneCount = 0; zooming = false; String map = ""; if (type == MapType.DESERT) map = "tmx/new_desert_path.tmx"; else if (type == MapType.GRASS) map = "tmx/grass_path.tmx"; else if (type == MapType.TUNDRA) map = "tmx/tundra_path.tmx"; try { final TMXLoader tmxLoader = new TMXLoader( activity.getAssets(), activity.getEngine().getTextureManager(), TextureOptions.BILINEAR_PREMULTIPLYALPHA, activity.getVertexBufferObjectManager(), new ITMXTilePropertiesListener() { @Override public void onTMXTileWithPropertiesCreated( final TMXTiledMap pTMXTiledMap, final TMXLayer pTMXLayer, final TMXTile pTMXTile, final TMXProperties<TMXTileProperty> pTMXTileProperties) {} }); this.mTMXTiledMap = tmxLoader.loadFromAsset(map); } catch (final TMXLoadException e) { Debug.e(e); } gameMap.setMap(mTMXTiledMap); tmxLayer = this.mTMXTiledMap.getTMXLayers().get(0); tmxLayer.setIgnoreUpdate(true); this.attachChild(tmxLayer); mCamera = activity.getCamera(); this.mCamera.setBounds( 0, (mCamera.getHeight() - tmxLayer.getHeight()), tmxLayer.getWidth(), tmxLayer.getHeight()); this.mCamera.setBoundsEnabled(true); float camera_width = activity.getCamera().getWidth(); float camera_height = activity.getCamera().getHeight(); if (camera_width / tmxLayer.getHeight() >= camera_height / tmxLayer.getWidth()) maxZoom = camera_width / (tmxLayer.getHeight() * 2); else maxZoom = camera_height / (tmxLayer.getWidth() * 2); // 2-dimensional array of tiles TMXTile[][] tiles = tmxLayer.getTMXTiles(); startTile = null; endTile = null; outer: for (int i = 0; i < tiles.length; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < tiles[0].length; j++) { int[] start = gameMap.getStartTile(); int[] end = gameMap.getEndTile(); if (i == start[0] && j == start[1]) { startTile = tiles[i][j]; } else if (i == end[0] && j == end[1]) { endTile = tiles[i][j]; break outer; } } } money = 60; lives = 20; // Initializes the HUD panel = new BottomPanel(mCamera, gameMap); this.attachChild(panel); TowerTile.initializeMap(); TowerTile turretTile = new TowerTile(resourceManager.getTurretTowerRegion()); panel.placeTowerAccess(turretTile, 1); TowerTile iceTile = new TowerTile(resourceManager.getIceTowerRegion()); panel.placeTowerAccess(iceTile, 2); TowerTile dartTile = new TowerTile(resourceManager.getDartTowerRegion()); panel.placeTowerAccess(dartTile, 3); TowerTile spikeTile = new TowerTile(resourceManager.getSpikeTowerRegion()); panel.placeTowerAccess(spikeTile, 4); TowerTile flameTile = new TowerTile(resourceManager.getFlameTowerRegion()); panel.placeTowerAccess(flameTile, 5); startButton = new AnimatedSprite( 0.0f, 0.0f, resourceManager.getStartButtonRegion(), activity.getVertexBufferObjectManager()) { @Override public boolean onAreaTouched( TouchEvent pSceneTouchEvent, float pTouchAreaLocalX, float pTouchAreaLocalY) { if (readyToPressAgain) { startCurrentWave(); readyToPressAgain = false; this.registerUpdateHandler( new TimerHandler( 1.0f, new ITimerCallback() { @Override public void onTimePassed(TimerHandler pTimerHandler) { readyToPressAgain = true; unregisterUpdateHandler(pTimerHandler); } })); } panel.detachTowerTextDescription(); return true; } }; startButton.setScale(0.473372781f); panel.placeStartButton(startButton); // Getting texture regions for submenu items SubMenuManager.getDeleteRegion(resourceManager.getDeleteOptionRegion()); SubMenuManager.getUpgradeRegion(resourceManager.getUpgradeOptionRegion()); SubMenuManager.getReticalRegion(resourceManager.getTowerSightRegion()); // Initializing tower array towers = new ArrayList<ITower>(); downCoords = new Vector2(); blockedTileList = new ArrayList<TMXTile>(); aStarHelper = new AStarPathHelper(mTMXTiledMap, endTile); waveGenerator = new WaveHelper(); waveCount = 0; deadEnemies = 0; waveFinished = true; initializedNewWave = false; // Sets up paths/move modifiers of enemies in the first wave initializeNextWave(); FlameTower.initialize(resourceManager.getFlameParticleRegion()); Log.i( "Info", "Dead Enemies: " + deadEnemies + " Finished Enemies: " + aStarHelper.getNumberOfEnemiesFinished() + " Current Wave Length: " + currentWave.getEnemies().size()); speedFactor = 0.5f; readyToPressAgain = true; // collisionDetect = new TimerHandler((float)0.0125/speedFactor, true, new ITimerCallback() { collisionDetect = new TimerHandler( 0.025f, true, new ITimerCallback() { @Override public void onTimePassed(TimerHandler pTimerHandler) { collisionDetect(); } }); enemyQueues = new TimerHandler( 0.3f, true, new ITimerCallback() { @Override public void onTimePassed(TimerHandler pTimerHandler) { addEnemiesToTowerQueues(); } }); disableBackButton = false; }