private void updateFavouriteNodes( String userName, Type type, Map<PersonFavouriteKey, PersonFavourite> favouriteNodes) { PrefKeys prefKeys = getPrefKeys(type); Map<String, Serializable> preferences = new HashMap<String, Serializable>(1); StringBuilder values = new StringBuilder(); for (PersonFavourite node : favouriteNodes.values()) { NodeRef nodeRef = node.getNodeRef(); values.append(nodeRef.toString()); values.append(","); // ISO8601 string format: PreferenceService works with strings only for dates it seems StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(prefKeys.getAlfrescoPrefKey()); sb.append(nodeRef.toString()); sb.append(".createdAt"); String createdAtKey = sb.toString(); Date createdAt = node.getCreatedAt(); if (createdAt != null) { String createdAtStr = ISO8601DateFormat.format(createdAt); preferences.put(createdAtKey, createdAtStr); } } if (values.length() > 1) { values.delete(values.length() - 1, values.length()); } preferences.put(prefKeys.getSharePrefKey(), values.toString()); preferenceService.setPreferences(userName, preferences); }
private PersonFavourite addFavouriteSite(String userName, NodeRef nodeRef) { PersonFavourite favourite = null; SiteInfo siteInfo = siteService.getSite(nodeRef); if (siteInfo != null) { favourite = getFavouriteSite(userName, siteInfo); if (favourite == null) { Map<String, Serializable> preferences = new HashMap<String, Serializable>(1); String siteFavouritedKey = siteFavouritedKey(siteInfo); preferences.put(siteFavouritedKey, Boolean.TRUE); // ISO8601 string format: PreferenceService works with strings only for dates it seems String siteCreatedAtKey = siteCreatedAtKey(siteInfo); Date createdAt = new Date(); String createdAtStr = ISO8601DateFormat.format(createdAt); preferences.put(siteCreatedAtKey, createdAtStr); preferenceService.setPreferences(userName, preferences); favourite = new PersonFavourite( userName, siteInfo.getNodeRef(), Type.SITE, siteInfo.getTitle(), createdAt); QName nodeClass = nodeService.getType(nodeRef); OnAddFavouritePolicy policy = onAddFavouriteDelegate.get(nodeRef, nodeClass); policy.onAddFavourite(userName, nodeRef); } } else { // shouldn't happen, getType recognizes it as a site or subtype logger.warn("Unable to get site for " + nodeRef); } return favourite; }
static String generateRandomDateTime() throws Exception { Date today = new Date(); long sup = today.getTime() * 5 / 4; long inf = today.getTime() * 3 / 4; long randomDateValue = randomGenerator.nextLong(); while (randomDateValue > sup || randomDateValue < inf) { randomDateValue = randomGenerator.nextLong(); } return ISO8601DateFormat.format(new Date(randomDateValue)); }
static String generateRandomDate() throws Exception { // TODO besoin contraintes... Date today = new Date(); long sup = today.getTime() * 5 / 4; long inf = today.getTime() * 3 / 4; long randomDateValue = randomGenerator.nextLong(); while (randomDateValue > sup || randomDateValue < inf) { randomDateValue = randomGenerator.nextLong(); } Date randomDate = new Date(randomDateValue); DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy/mm/dd"); Date simpleDate = df.parse(df.format(randomDate)); return ISO8601DateFormat.format(simpleDate); }