private PersonFavourite addFavouriteSite(String userName, NodeRef nodeRef) { PersonFavourite favourite = null; SiteInfo siteInfo = siteService.getSite(nodeRef); if (siteInfo != null) { favourite = getFavouriteSite(userName, siteInfo); if (favourite == null) { Map<String, Serializable> preferences = new HashMap<String, Serializable>(1); String siteFavouritedKey = siteFavouritedKey(siteInfo); preferences.put(siteFavouritedKey, Boolean.TRUE); // ISO8601 string format: PreferenceService works with strings only for dates it seems String siteCreatedAtKey = siteCreatedAtKey(siteInfo); Date createdAt = new Date(); String createdAtStr = ISO8601DateFormat.format(createdAt); preferences.put(siteCreatedAtKey, createdAtStr); preferenceService.setPreferences(userName, preferences); favourite = new PersonFavourite( userName, siteInfo.getNodeRef(), Type.SITE, siteInfo.getTitle(), createdAt); QName nodeClass = nodeService.getType(nodeRef); OnAddFavouritePolicy policy = onAddFavouriteDelegate.get(nodeRef, nodeClass); policy.onAddFavourite(userName, nodeRef); } } else { // shouldn't happen, getType recognizes it as a site or subtype logger.warn("Unable to get site for " + nodeRef); } return favourite; }
private PersonFavourite getFavouriteSite(String userName, SiteInfo siteInfo) { PersonFavourite favourite = null; String siteFavouritedKey = siteFavouritedKey(siteInfo); String siteCreatedAtKey = siteCreatedAtKey(siteInfo); Boolean isFavourited = false; Serializable s = preferenceService.getPreference(userName, siteFavouritedKey); if (s != null) { if (s instanceof String) { isFavourited = Boolean.valueOf((String) s); } else if (s instanceof Boolean) { isFavourited = (Boolean) s; } else { throw new AlfrescoRuntimeException("Unexpected favourites preference value"); } } if (isFavourited) { String createdAtStr = (String) preferenceService.getPreference(userName, siteCreatedAtKey); Date createdAt = (createdAtStr == null ? null : ISO8601DateFormat.parse(createdAtStr)); favourite = new PersonFavourite( userName, siteInfo.getNodeRef(), Type.SITE, siteInfo.getTitle(), createdAt); } return favourite; }
@Override protected void tearDown() throws Exception { super.tearDown(); // admin user required to delete user this.authenticationComponent.setCurrentUser(AuthenticationUtil.getAdminUserName()); SiteInfo siteInfo = this.siteService.getSite(SITE_SHORT_NAME_WIKI); if (siteInfo != null) { // delete the site siteService.deleteSite(SITE_SHORT_NAME_WIKI); nodeArchiveService.purgeArchivedNode( nodeArchiveService.getArchivedNode(siteInfo.getNodeRef())); } // delete the users if (personService.personExists(USER_ONE)) { personService.deletePerson(USER_ONE); } if (this.authenticationService.authenticationExists(USER_ONE)) { this.authenticationService.deleteAuthentication(USER_ONE); } if (personService.personExists(USER_TWO)) { personService.deletePerson(USER_TWO); } if (this.authenticationService.authenticationExists(USER_TWO)) { this.authenticationService.deleteAuthentication(USER_TWO); } }
private String getSiteName(Map<String, String> properties) { String siteFullName = properties.get(wfVarResourceName); SiteInfo site = siteService.getSite(siteFullName); if (site == null) throw new InvitationException("The site " + siteFullName + " could not be found."); String siteName = site.getShortName(); String siteTitle = site.getTitle(); if (siteTitle != null && siteTitle.length() > 0) { siteName = siteTitle; } return siteName; }
/** * Get a map of the sites custom properties * * @return map of names and values */ public ScriptableQNameMap<String, CustomProperty> getCustomProperties() { if (this.customProperties == null) { // create the custom properties map ScriptNode siteNode = new ScriptNode(this.siteInfo.getNodeRef(), this.serviceRegistry); // set the scope, for use when converting props to javascript objects siteNode.setScope(scope); this.customProperties = new ContentAwareScriptableQNameMap<String, CustomProperty>( siteNode, this.serviceRegistry); Map<QName, Serializable> props = siteInfo.getCustomProperties(); for (QName qname : props.keySet()) { // get the property value Serializable propValue = props.get(qname); // convert the value NodeValueConverter valueConverter = NodeValueConverter(); Serializable value = valueConverter.convertValueForScript(qname, propValue); // get the type and label information from the dictionary String title = null; String type = null; PropertyDefinition propDef = this.serviceRegistry.getDictionaryService().getProperty(qname); if (propDef != null) { type = propDef.getDataType().getName().toString(); title = propDef.getTitle(this.serviceRegistry.getDictionaryService()); } // create the custom property and add to the map CustomProperty customProp = new CustomProperty(qname.toString(), value, type, title); this.customProperties.put(qname.toString(), customProp); } } return this.customProperties; }
public void testRenamePageWithEmptyTitle() throws Exception { JSONObject page; String name = System.currentTimeMillis() + ""; String name2 = System.currentTimeMillis() + 1 + ""; // Create a page page = createOrUpdatePage(name, name, null, Status.STATUS_OK); assertEquals("Incorrect JSON: " + page.toString(), true, page.has("title")); // Fetch it and check page = getPage(name, Status.STATUS_OK); assertEquals(name, page.getString("name")); assertEquals(name, page.getString("title")); // update title SiteInfo site = siteService.getSite(SITE_SHORT_NAME_WIKI); WikiPageInfo pageInfo = wikiService.getWikiPage(site.getShortName(), name); NodeRef pageRef = pageInfo.getNodeRef(); nodeService.setProperty(pageRef, ContentModel.PROP_TITLE, ""); // Fetch it and check page = getPage(name, Status.STATUS_OK); JSONArray versions = page.getJSONArray("versionhistory"); int maxVersionIndex = versions.length() - 1; double vNum = Double.parseDouble(versions.getJSONObject(maxVersionIndex).getString("version")); String newTitle = versions.getJSONObject(maxVersionIndex).getString("title"); for (int i = versions.length() - 2; i >= 0; i--) { JSONObject version = versions.getJSONObject(i); String ver = version.getString("version"); if (Double.parseDouble(ver) > vNum) { maxVersionIndex = i; vNum = Double.parseDouble(ver); newTitle = versions.getJSONObject(maxVersionIndex).getString("title"); } } assertEquals(name, page.getString("name")); assertEquals("", newTitle); renamePage(name, name2, Status.STATUS_OK); // Fetch it at the new address page = getPage(name2, Status.STATUS_OK); assertEquals(name2, page.getString("name")); assertEquals(name2, page.getString("title")); }
private String siteFavouritedKey(SiteInfo siteInfo) { PrefKeys prefKeys = getPrefKeys(Type.SITE); StringBuilder sitePrefKeyBuilder = new StringBuilder(prefKeys.getSharePrefKey()); sitePrefKeyBuilder.append(siteInfo.getShortName()); String sitePrefKey = sitePrefKeyBuilder.toString(); String favouritedKey = sitePrefKey; return favouritedKey; }
private boolean removeFavouriteSite(String userName, NodeRef nodeRef) { PrefKeys prefKeys = getPrefKeys(Type.SITE); boolean exists = false; SiteInfo siteInfo = siteService.getSite(nodeRef); if (siteInfo != null) { StringBuilder sitePrefKeyBuilder = new StringBuilder(prefKeys.getSharePrefKey()); sitePrefKeyBuilder.append(siteInfo.getShortName()); String sitePrefKey = sitePrefKeyBuilder.toString(); String siteFavouritedKey = siteFavouritedKey(siteInfo); exists = preferenceService.getPreference(userName, siteFavouritedKey) != null; preferenceService.clearPreferences(userName, sitePrefKey); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("NodeRef " + nodeRef + " is not a site"); } return exists; }
private String siteCreatedAtKey(SiteInfo siteInfo) { PrefKeys prefKeys = getPrefKeys(Type.SITE); StringBuilder sitePrefKeyBuilder = new StringBuilder(prefKeys.getAlfrescoPrefKey()); sitePrefKeyBuilder.append(siteInfo.getShortName()); String sitePrefKey = sitePrefKeyBuilder.toString(); StringBuilder createdAtKeyBuilder = new StringBuilder(sitePrefKey); createdAtKeyBuilder.append(".createdAt"); String createdAtKey = createdAtKeyBuilder.toString(); return createdAtKey; }
private void extractFavouriteSite( String userName, Type type, Map<PersonFavouriteKey, PersonFavourite> sortedFavouriteNodes, Map<String, Serializable> preferences, String key) { // preference value indicates whether the site has been favourited Serializable pref = preferences.get(key); Boolean isFavourite = (Boolean) pref; if (isFavourite) { PrefKeys sitePrefKeys = getPrefKeys(Type.SITE); int length = sitePrefKeys.getSharePrefKey().length(); String siteId = key.substring(length); try { SiteInfo siteInfo = siteService.getSite(siteId); if (siteInfo != null) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(sitePrefKeys.getAlfrescoPrefKey()); builder.append(siteId); builder.append(".createdAt"); String createdAtPrefKey = builder.toString(); String createdAtStr = (String) preferences.get(createdAtPrefKey); Date createdAt = null; if (createdAtStr != null) { createdAt = (createdAtStr != null ? ISO8601DateFormat.parse(createdAtStr) : null); } PersonFavourite personFavourite = new PersonFavourite(userName, siteInfo.getNodeRef(), Type.SITE, siteId, createdAt); sortedFavouriteNodes.put(personFavourite.getKey(), personFavourite); } } catch (AccessDeniedException ex) { // the user no longer has access to this site, skip over the favourite // TODO remove the favourite preference return; } } }
@Override protected Map<String, Object> executeImpl( SiteInfo site, String linkName, WebScriptRequest req, JSONObject json, Status status, Cache cache) { Map<String, Object> model = new HashMap<String, Object>(); // Try to find the link LinkInfo link = linksService.getLink(site.getShortName(), linkName); if (link == null) { String message = "No link found with that name"; status.setCode(Status.STATUS_NOT_FOUND); status.setMessage(message); model.put(PARAM_MESSAGE, message); return model; } // Get the new link details from the JSON // Update the main properties link.setTitle(getOrNull(json, "title")); link.setDescription(getOrNull(json, "description")); link.setURL(getOrNull(json, "url")); // Handle internal / not internal if (json.containsKey("internal")) { link.setInternal(true); } else { link.setInternal(false); } // Do the tags link.getTags().clear(); List<String> tags = getTags(json); if (tags != null && tags.size() > 0) { link.getTags().addAll(tags); } // Update the link try { link = linksService.updateLink(link); } catch (AccessDeniedException e) { String message = "You don't have permission to update that link"; status.setCode(Status.STATUS_FORBIDDEN); status.setMessage(message); model.put(PARAM_MESSAGE, message); return model; } // Generate an activity for the change addActivityEntry("updated", link, site, req, json); // Build the model model.put(PARAM_MESSAGE, "Node " + link.getNodeRef() + " updated"); model.put("link", link); model.put("site", site); model.put("siteId", site.getShortName()); // All done return model; }
@Override protected Map<String, Object> executeImpl( SiteInfo site, String pageTitle, WebScriptRequest req, JSONObject json, Status status, Cache cache) { Map<String, Object> model = new HashMap<>(); // Grab the version string Map<String, String> templateVars = req.getServiceMatch().getTemplateVars(); String versionId = templateVars.get("versionId"); if (versionId == null) { String error = "No versionId supplied"; throw new WebScriptException(Status.STATUS_BAD_REQUEST, error); } // Try to find the page WikiPageInfo page = wikiService.getWikiPage(site.getShortName(), pageTitle); if (page == null) { String message = "The Wiki Page could not be found"; status.setCode(Status.STATUS_NOT_FOUND); status.setMessage(message); // Return an empty string though model.put(PARAM_CONTENT, ""); return model; } // Fetch the version history for the node VersionHistory versionHistory = null; Version version = null; try { versionHistory = versionService.getVersionHistory(page.getNodeRef()); } catch (AspectMissingException e) { } if (versionHistory == null) { // Not been versioned, return an empty string model.put(PARAM_CONTENT, ""); return model; } // Fetch the version by either ID or Label Matcher m = LABEL_PATTERN.matcher(versionId); if (m.matches()) { // It's a version label like 2.3 try { version = versionHistory.getVersion(versionId); } catch (VersionDoesNotExistException e) { } } else { // It's a version ID like ed00bac1-f0da-4042-8598-45a0d39cb74d // (The ID is usually part of the NodeRef of the frozen node, but we // don't assume to be able to just generate the full NodeRef) for (Version v : versionHistory.getAllVersions()) { if (v.getFrozenStateNodeRef().getId().equals(versionId)) { version = v; } } } // Did we find the right version in the end? String contents; if (version != null) { ContentReader reader = contentService.getReader(version.getFrozenStateNodeRef(), ContentModel.PROP_CONTENT); if (reader != null) { contents = reader.getContentString(); } else { // No content was stored in the version history contents = ""; } } else { // No warning of the missing version, just return an empty string contents = ""; } // All done model.put(PARAM_CONTENT, contents); model.put("page", page); model.put("site", site); model.put("siteId", site.getShortName()); return model; }
/** Listing */ public void testOverallListing() throws Exception { JSONObject pages; JSONArray entries; // Initially, there are no events pages = getPages(null, null); assertEquals("Incorrect JSON: " + pages.toString(), true, pages.has("totalPages")); assertEquals(0, pages.getInt("totalPages")); // Add two links to get started with createOrUpdatePage(PAGE_TITLE_ONE, PAGE_CONTENTS_ONE, null, Status.STATUS_OK); createOrUpdatePage(PAGE_TITLE_TWO, PAGE_CONTENTS_TWO, null, Status.STATUS_OK); // Check again pages = getPages(null, null); // Should have two links assertEquals("Incorrect JSON: " + pages.toString(), true, pages.has("totalPages")); assertEquals(2, pages.getInt("totalPages")); entries = pages.getJSONArray("pages"); assertEquals(2, entries.length()); // Sorted by newest created first assertEquals(PAGE_TITLE_TWO, entries.getJSONObject(0).getString("title")); assertEquals(PAGE_TITLE_ONE, entries.getJSONObject(1).getString("title")); // Add a third, which is internal, and created by the other user this.authenticationComponent.setCurrentUser(USER_TWO); JSONObject page3 = createOrUpdatePage(PAGE_TITLE_THREE, PAGE_CONTENTS_THREE, null, Status.STATUS_OK); String name3 = PAGE_TITLE_THREE.replace(' ', '_'); createOrUpdatePage(PAGE_TITLE_THREE, "UD" + PAGE_CONTENTS_THREE, null, Status.STATUS_OK); this.authenticationComponent.setCurrentUser(USER_ONE); // Check now, should have three links pages = getPages(null, null); assertEquals(3, pages.getInt("totalPages")); entries = pages.getJSONArray("pages"); assertEquals(3, entries.length()); assertEquals(PAGE_TITLE_THREE, entries.getJSONObject(0).getString("title")); assertEquals(PAGE_TITLE_TWO, entries.getJSONObject(1).getString("title")); assertEquals(PAGE_TITLE_ONE, entries.getJSONObject(2).getString("title")); // Ask for filtering by user pages = getPages(null, USER_ONE); assertEquals(2, pages.getInt("totalPages")); entries = pages.getJSONArray("pages"); assertEquals(2, entries.length()); assertEquals(PAGE_TITLE_TWO, entries.getJSONObject(0).getString("title")); assertEquals(PAGE_TITLE_ONE, entries.getJSONObject(1).getString("title")); pages = getPages(null, USER_TWO); assertEquals(1, pages.getInt("totalPages")); entries = pages.getJSONArray("pages"); assertEquals(1, entries.length()); assertEquals(PAGE_TITLE_THREE, entries.getJSONObject(0).getString("title")); // Ask for filtering by recently added docs pages = getPages("recentlyAdded", null); assertEquals(3, pages.getInt("totalPages")); entries = pages.getJSONArray("pages"); assertEquals(3, entries.length()); assertEquals(PAGE_TITLE_THREE, entries.getJSONObject(0).getString("title")); assertEquals(PAGE_TITLE_TWO, entries.getJSONObject(1).getString("title")); assertEquals(PAGE_TITLE_ONE, entries.getJSONObject(2).getString("title")); // Push one back into the past pushPageCreatedDateBack(name3, 10); pages = getPages("recentlyAdded", null); assertEquals(2, pages.getInt("totalPages")); entries = pages.getJSONArray("pages"); assertEquals(2, entries.length()); assertEquals(PAGE_TITLE_TWO, entries.getJSONObject(0).getString("title")); assertEquals(PAGE_TITLE_ONE, entries.getJSONObject(1).getString("title")); // Now for recently modified ones pages = getPages("recentlyModified", null); assertEquals(3, pages.getInt("totalPages")); entries = pages.getJSONArray("pages"); assertEquals(3, entries.length()); assertEquals(PAGE_TITLE_THREE, entries.getJSONObject(0).getString("title")); assertEquals(PAGE_TITLE_TWO, entries.getJSONObject(1).getString("title")); assertEquals(PAGE_TITLE_ONE, entries.getJSONObject(2).getString("title")); // assertEquals(PAGE_TITLE_THREE, entries.getJSONObject(2).getString("title")); // Change the owner+creator of one of the pages to System, ensure that // this doesn't break anything in the process String pageTwoName = entries.getJSONObject(1).getString("name"); WikiPageInfo pageTwo = wikiService.getWikiPage(SITE_SHORT_NAME_WIKI, pageTwoName); nodeService.setProperty( pageTwo.getNodeRef(), ContentModel.PROP_OWNER, AuthenticationUtil.SYSTEM_USER_NAME); nodeService.setProperty( pageTwo.getNodeRef(), ContentModel.PROP_CREATOR, AuthenticationUtil.SYSTEM_USER_NAME); nodeService.setProperty( pageTwo.getNodeRef(), ContentModel.PROP_MODIFIER, AuthenticationUtil.SYSTEM_USER_NAME); // Check the listing still works (note - order will have changed) pages = getPages("recentlyModified", null); assertEquals(3, pages.getInt("totalPages")); entries = pages.getJSONArray("pages"); assertEquals(3, entries.length()); assertEquals(PAGE_TITLE_TWO, entries.getJSONObject(0).getString("title")); assertEquals(PAGE_TITLE_THREE, entries.getJSONObject(1).getString("title")); assertEquals(PAGE_TITLE_ONE, entries.getJSONObject(2).getString("title")); // Delete User Two, who owns the 3rd page, and ensure that this // doesn't break anything this.authenticationComponent.setCurrentUser(AuthenticationUtil.getAdminUserName()); personService.deletePerson(USER_TWO); this.authenticationComponent.setCurrentUser(USER_ONE); // Check the listing still works pages = getPages("recentlyModified", null); assertEquals(3, pages.getInt("totalPages")); entries = pages.getJSONArray("pages"); assertEquals(3, entries.length()); assertEquals(PAGE_TITLE_TWO, entries.getJSONObject(0).getString("title")); assertEquals(PAGE_TITLE_THREE, entries.getJSONObject(1).getString("title")); assertEquals(PAGE_TITLE_ONE, entries.getJSONObject(2).getString("title")); // Now hide the site, and remove the user from it, won't be allowed to see it this.authenticationComponent.setCurrentUser(AuthenticationUtil.getAdminUserName()); SiteInfo site = siteService.getSite(SITE_SHORT_NAME_WIKI); site.setVisibility(SiteVisibility.PRIVATE); siteService.updateSite(site); siteService.removeMembership(SITE_SHORT_NAME_WIKI, USER_ONE); this.authenticationComponent.setCurrentUser(USER_ONE); sendRequest(new GetRequest(URL_WIKI_LIST), Status.STATUS_NOT_FOUND); }
public List<TopItem> listTopItems(int count, String type, int date, SiteInfo site) { ActivityScoreQuery activityScoreQuery = new ActivityScoreQuery(); TopQuery topQuery = activityScoreQuery; // Site topQuery.setSite(site.getShortName()); // Date DateMidnight dm = new DateMidnight(); dm = dm.minusDays(date); topQuery.setDate(dm.toDate()); // Criteria Map<String, TopCriterion> activityCriterionMap = typeActivityCriteriaMap.get(type); if (activityCriterionMap == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown top type '" + type + "'"); } List<TopCriterion> criteria = new ArrayList<TopCriterion>(activityCriterionMap.values()); topQuery.setCriteria(criteria); List<UserScore> topResults = topActivityDAO.executeTopQuery(topQuery); int topSize = Math.min(topResults.size(), count); List<TopItem> topItems = new ArrayList<TopItem>(topSize); if (topSize > 0) { Map<String, TopItem> topItemsMap = new HashMap<String, TopItem>(topSize); List<String> userIds = new ArrayList<String>(topSize); int position = 1; for (UserScore topUser : topResults) { String userName = topUser.getUserId(); NodeRef node = personService.getPerson(userName); int score = topUser.getScore(); TopItem topItem = new TopItem(position, score, node); topItems.add(topItem); topItemsMap.put(userName, topItem); userIds.add(userName); position++; if (position > count) { break; } } activityScoreQuery.setUserIds(userIds); List<UserActivityScore> activityScoreResults = topActivityDAO.executeActivityScoreQuery(activityScoreQuery); for (UserActivityScore userActivityScore : activityScoreResults) { String activity = userActivityScore.getActivity(); TopCriterion criterion = activityCriterionMap.get(activity); userActivityScore.setCriterion(criterion); String userName = userActivityScore.getUserId(); TopItem topItem = topItemsMap.get(userName); Score score = topItem.getScore(); score.getCriterionScores().add(userActivityScore); } } if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { XStream xstream = new XStream(); logger.debug("listTopItems()=" + xstream.toXML(topItems)); } return topItems; }