@Override public String retrieveWindowName(final Properties ctx, final String tableName) { // NOTE: atm we use MTable.get because that's the only place where we have the table cached. // In future we shall replace it with something which is database independent. final I_AD_Table adTable = MTable.get(ctx, tableName); if (adTable == null) { return ""; } final I_AD_Window adWindow = adTable.getAD_Window(); if (adWindow == null) { return ""; } final I_AD_Window adWindowTrl = InterfaceWrapperHelper.translate(adWindow, I_AD_Window.class); return adWindowTrl.getName(); }
protected void init( final boolean modal, final int WindowNo, final I_AD_InfoWindow infoWindow, final String keyColumn, final String value, final boolean multiSelection, final String whereClause) { setCtxAttribute(ATTR_SearchText, value); super.init( modal, WindowNo, adInfoWindowBL.getTableName(infoWindow), keyColumn, multiSelection, whereClause); this.infoWindow = infoWindow; searchText = value; final I_AD_InfoWindow infoWindowTrl = InterfaceWrapperHelper.translate(infoWindow, I_AD_InfoWindow.class); setTitle(infoWindowTrl.getName()); initAttributes(); initParametersUI(); initParameters(); initInfo(); initTree(); initTreeUI(); // metas begin // loaded OK p_loadedOK = true; // window sized to fit the preferred size and layouts of its subcomponents getWindow().pack(); // metas end }