byte[] writtenBytes() {
    if (writtenForm == null) {
      ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();

      try {
        IoUtils.writeInt(out, statementId);
        out.write((byte) 0); // flags: 0: CURSOR_TYPE_NO_CURSOR
        IoUtils.writeInt(out, 1); // reserved for future use. Currently always 1.
        out.write(IoUtils.nullMask(data)); // null_bit_map
        out.write(1); //  new_parameter_bound_flag
        for (MysqlType type : types) {
          IoUtils.writeShort(out, type.getId());
      } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected IO Exception: " + e.getMessage(), e);
      writtenForm = out.toByteArray();
    return writtenForm;
 private void writeParameters(ByteArrayOutputStream out) throws IOException {
   if (types.size() != data.length) {
     throw new IllegalStateException(
         "Expect type and data length to match. Type length: "
             + types.size()
             + " data length "
             + data.length);
   for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
     Object param = data[i];
     MysqlType type = types.get(i);
     if (null != param) {
       if (MysqlType.VARCHAR == type) {
         IoUtils.writeLengthCodedString(out, param.toString(), "UTF-8");
       if (MysqlType.VAR_STRING == type) {
         IoUtils.writeLengthCodedString(out, param.toString(), "UTF-8");
       } else {
         throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not yet implemented:" + type);