private boolean commonOnTap(GeoPoint tappedGeoPoint) { List<Uri> tappedUri = new Vector<Uri>(); Point tappedPoint = new Point(); mProjection.toPixels(tappedGeoPoint, tappedPoint); for (MediaVO media : mMediaPath) { if (media.x < tappedPoint.x && tappedPoint.x < media.x + media.w && media.y < tappedPoint.y && tappedPoint.y < media.y + media.h) { // Log.d( TAG, String.format( "Tapped at a (x,y) (%d,%d)", tappedPoint.x, tappedPoint.y ) ); tappedUri.add(media.uri); } } if (tappedUri.size() > 0) { return handleMediaTapList(tappedUri); } else { if (mTrackColoringMethod == DRAW_DOTS) { DotVO tapped = null; synchronized (mDotPath) // Switch the fresh path with the old Path object { int w = 25; for (DotVO dot : mDotPath) { // Log.d( TAG, "Compare ("+dot.x+","+dot.y+") with tap // ("+tappedPoint.x+","+tappedPoint.y+")" ); if (dot.x - w < tappedPoint.x && tappedPoint.x < dot.x + w && dot.y - w < tappedPoint.y && tappedPoint.y < dot.y + w) { if (tapped == null) { tapped = dot; } else { tapped = dot.distanceTo(tappedPoint) < tapped.distanceTo(tappedPoint) ? dot : tapped; } } } } if (tapped != null) { DateFormat timeFormat = android.text.format.DateFormat.getTimeFormat(mLoggerMap.getApplicationContext()); String timetxt = timeFormat.format(new Date(tapped.time)); UnitsI18n units = new UnitsI18n(mLoggerMap, null); double speed = units.conversionFromMetersPerSecond(tapped.speed); String speedtxt = String.format("%.1f %s", speed, units.getSpeedUnit()); String text = mLoggerMap.getString(R.string.time_and_speed, timetxt, speedtxt); Toast toast = Toast.makeText(mLoggerMap, text, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT);; } } return false; } }
private void drawTrackingStatistics() { calculating = true; String overallavgSpeedText = "Unknown"; String avgSpeedText = "Unknown"; String maxSpeedText = "Unknown"; String maxAltitudeText = "Unknown"; String minAltitudeText = "Unknown"; String tracknameText = "Unknown"; String waypointsText = "Unknown"; String distanceText = "Unknown"; long starttime = 0; long endtime = 0; double maxSpeeddb = 0; double maxAltitude = 0; double minAltitude = 0; double distanceTraveled = 0f; long duration = 1; long overallduration = 1; ContentResolver resolver = this.getApplicationContext().getContentResolver(); Cursor waypointsCursor = null; try { waypointsCursor = resolver.query( Uri.withAppendedPath(mTrackUri, "waypoints"), new String[] { "max (" + Waypoints.TABLE + "." + Waypoints.SPEED + ")", "max (" + Waypoints.TABLE + "." + Waypoints.ALTITUDE + ")", "min (" + Waypoints.TABLE + "." + Waypoints.ALTITUDE + ")", "count(" + Waypoints.TABLE + "." + Waypoints._ID + ")" }, null, null, null); if (waypointsCursor.moveToLast()) { maxSpeeddb = waypointsCursor.getDouble(0); maxAltitude = waypointsCursor.getDouble(1); minAltitude = waypointsCursor.getDouble(2); long nrWaypoints = waypointsCursor.getLong(3); waypointsText = nrWaypoints + ""; } } finally { if (waypointsCursor != null) { waypointsCursor.close(); } } Cursor trackCursor = null; try { trackCursor = resolver.query(mTrackUri, new String[] {Tracks.NAME}, null, null, null); if (trackCursor.moveToLast()) { tracknameText = trackCursor.getString(0); } } finally { if (trackCursor != null) { trackCursor.close(); } } Cursor segments = null; Location lastLocation = null; Location currentLocation = null; try { Uri segmentsUri = Uri.withAppendedPath(this.mTrackUri, "segments"); segments = resolver.query(segmentsUri, new String[] {Segments._ID}, null, null, null); if (segments.moveToFirst()) { do { long segmentsId = segments.getLong(0); Cursor waypoints = null; try { Uri waypointsUri = Uri.withAppendedPath(segmentsUri, segmentsId + "/waypoints"); waypoints = resolver.query( waypointsUri, new String[] { Waypoints._ID, Waypoints.TIME, Waypoints.LONGITUDE, Waypoints.LATITUDE }, null, null, null); if (waypoints.moveToFirst()) { do { if (starttime == 0) { starttime = waypoints.getLong(1); } currentLocation = new Location(this.getClass().getName()); currentLocation.setTime(waypoints.getLong(1)); currentLocation.setLongitude(waypoints.getDouble(2)); currentLocation.setLatitude(waypoints.getDouble(3)); if (lastLocation != null) { distanceTraveled += lastLocation.distanceTo(currentLocation); duration += currentLocation.getTime() - lastLocation.getTime(); } lastLocation = currentLocation; } while (waypoints.moveToNext()); endtime = lastLocation.getTime(); overallduration = endtime - starttime; } } finally { if (waypoints != null) { waypoints.close(); } } lastLocation = null; } while (segments.moveToNext()); } } finally { if (segments != null) { segments.close(); } } mGraphView.setData( mTrackUri, starttime, endtime, distanceTraveled, minAltitude, maxAltitude, maxSpeeddb, mUnits); maxSpeeddb = mUnits.conversionFromMetersPerSecond(maxSpeeddb); maxAltitude = mUnits.conversionFromMeterToSmall(maxAltitude); minAltitude = mUnits.conversionFromMeterToSmall(minAltitude); double overallavgSpeedfl = mUnits.conversionFromMeterAndMiliseconds(distanceTraveled, overallduration); double avgSpeedfl = mUnits.conversionFromMeterAndMiliseconds(distanceTraveled, duration); distanceTraveled = mUnits.conversionFromMeter(distanceTraveled); avgSpeedText = String.format("%.2f %s", avgSpeedfl, mUnits.getSpeedUnit()); overallavgSpeedText = String.format("%.2f %s", overallavgSpeedfl, mUnits.getSpeedUnit()); distanceText = String.format("%.2f %s", distanceTraveled, mUnits.getDistanceUnit()); maxSpeedText = String.format("%.2f %s", maxSpeeddb, mUnits.getSpeedUnit()); minAltitudeText = String.format("%.0f %s", minAltitude, mUnits.getDistanceSmallUnit()); maxAltitudeText = String.format("%.0f %s", maxAltitude, mUnits.getDistanceSmallUnit()); maxSpeedView.setText(maxSpeedText); maxAltitudeView.setText(maxAltitudeText); minAltitudeView.setText(minAltitudeText); overallavgSpeedView.setText(overallavgSpeedText); avgSpeedView.setText(avgSpeedText); distanceView.setText(distanceText); starttimeView.setText(Long.toString(starttime)); endtimeView.setText(Long.toString(endtime)); String titleFormat = getString(R.string.stat_title); setTitle(String.format(titleFormat, tracknameText)); waypointsView.setText(waypointsText); calculating = false; }