/** getXml. */ @Get public void getXml() { authenticate(); WorkflowService ss = BeanFactory.getWorkflowServiceBean(); Hibernate3DtoCopier copier = new Hibernate3DtoCopier(); JaxbObject<Workflow> jaxbTool = new JaxbObject<Workflow>(); Workflow workflow = (Workflow) testIfNull(ss.findBySWAccession(Integer.parseInt(getId()))); Workflow dto = copier.hibernate2dto(Workflow.class, workflow); if (fields.contains("params")) { SortedSet<WorkflowParam> wps = workflow.getWorkflowParams(); if (wps != null) { SortedSet<WorkflowParam> copiedParams = new TreeSet<WorkflowParam>(); for (WorkflowParam param : workflow.getWorkflowParams()) { copiedParams.add(copier.hibernate2dto(WorkflowParam.class, param)); } dto.setWorkflowParams(copiedParams); } else { Log.info("Could not be found: workflow params"); } } if (fields.contains("attributes")) { Set<WorkflowAttribute> was = workflow.getWorkflowAttributes(); if (was != null && !was.isEmpty()) { Set<WorkflowAttribute> newwas = new TreeSet<WorkflowAttribute>(); for (WorkflowAttribute wa : was) { newwas.add(copier.hibernate2dto(WorkflowAttribute.class, wa)); } dto.setWorkflowAttributes(newwas); } } Document line = XmlTools.marshalToDocument(jaxbTool, dto); getResponse().setEntity(XmlTools.getRepresentation(line)); }
/** getXml. */ @Get public void getXml() { JaxbObject<Lane> jaxbTool = new JaxbObject<>(); Hibernate3DtoCopier copier = new Hibernate3DtoCopier(); Lane dto; authenticate(); LaneService ss = BeanFactory.getLaneServiceBean(); Lane lane = testIfNull(ss.findBySWAccession(getId())); CollectionPropertyName<Lane>[] createCollectionPropertyNames = CollectionPropertyName.createCollectionPropertyNames( Lane.class, new String[] {"laneAttributes"}); dto = copier.hibernate2dto( Lane.class, lane, new Class<?>[] {LibraryStrategy.class, LibrarySource.class, LibrarySelection.class}, createCollectionPropertyNames); if (fields.contains("sequencerRun")) { SequencerRun sr = lane.getSequencerRun(); if (sr != null) { SequencerRun copySR = copier.hibernate2dto(SequencerRun.class, sr); dto.setSequencerRun(copySR); } else { Log.info("Could not be found sequencer run"); } } Document line = XmlTools.marshalToDocument(jaxbTool, dto); getResponse().setEntity(XmlTools.getRepresentation(line)); }
@Test public void testMonitoring() throws IOException { String listCommand = "-p net.sourceforge.seqware.pipeline.plugins.WorkflowStatusChecker -- --tp 1000"; String listOutput = ITUtility.runSeqWareJar(listCommand, ReturnValue.SUCCESS); Log.info(listOutput); }
/** * getHtml. * * @param obj a {@link java.lang.Object} object. * @param registration a {@link net.sourceforge.seqware.common.model.Registration} object. * @param listSeqencerRunNodeId a {@link java.util.List} object. * @param treeType a {@link java.lang.String} object. * @return a {@link java.lang.String} object. */ public static String getHtml( Object obj, Registration registration, List<String> listSeqencerRunNodeId, String treeType) { String html = ""; if (obj instanceof SequencerRun) { html = getAllHtml((SequencerRun) obj, registration, null, treeType); } if (obj instanceof Lane) { html = getAllHtml((Lane) obj, registration, null, treeType); } if (obj instanceof IUS) { Log.info("ius call"); html = getAllHtml((IUS) obj, registration, null, false, false, treeType); } if (obj instanceof Processing) { html = getAllHtml( (Processing) obj, registration, null, 0, listSeqencerRunNodeId, true, false, treeType); } return html; }
@Test public void testLaunchScheduled() throws IOException { // launch-scheduled String schedCommand = "-p net.sourceforge.seqware.pipeline.plugins.WorkflowLauncher -- --launch-scheduled"; String schedOutput = ITUtility.runSeqWareJar(schedCommand, ReturnValue.SUCCESS); Log.info(schedOutput); }
private String getNameNode(Integer id, String typeNode) { String name = ""; if ("st".equals(typeNode)) { Log.info("find Study"); name = getStudyService().findByID(id).getTitle(); } if ("exp".equals(typeNode)) { Log.info("find Experiment"); name = getExperimentService().findByID(id).getTitle(); } if ("sam".equals(typeNode)) { Log.info("find Sample"); name = getSampleService().findByID(id).getTitle(); } if ("seq".equals(typeNode)) { Log.info("find Lane"); name = getLaneService().findByID(id).getName(); } if ("ius".equals(typeNode)) { Log.info("find IUS"); name = getIUSService().findByID(id).getName(); } if ("ae".equals(typeNode)) { Log.info("find Study"); name = "SWID " + getProcessingService().findByID(id).getSwAccession().toString(); } if ("sr".equals(typeNode)) { Log.info("find Seq Run"); name = getSequencerRunService().findByID(id).getName(); } return name; }
/** getXml. */ @Get public void getXml() { authenticate(); JaxbObject<Lane> jaxbTool = new JaxbObject<>(); Hibernate3DtoCopier copier = new Hibernate3DtoCopier(); SampleService ss = BeanFactory.getSampleServiceBean(); Sample sample = testIfNull(ss.findBySWAccession(getId())); CollectionPropertyName<Sample>[] createCollectionPropertyNames = CollectionPropertyName.createCollectionPropertyNames( Sample.class, new String[] {"sampleAttributes"}); Sample dto = copier.hibernate2dto( Sample.class, sample, new Class<?>[] {}, createCollectionPropertyNames); if (fields.contains("lanes")) { SortedSet<Lane> lanes = sample.getLanes(); if (lanes != null) { SortedSet<Lane> copiedLanes = new TreeSet<>(); for (Lane lane : lanes) { copiedLanes.add(copier.hibernate2dto(Lane.class, lane)); } dto.setLanes(copiedLanes); } else { Log.info("Could not be found: lanes"); } } if (fields.contains("ius")) { SortedSet<IUS> ius = sample.getIUS(); if (ius != null) { SortedSet<IUS> copiedIUS = new TreeSet<>(); for (IUS i : ius) { copiedIUS.add(copier.hibernate2dto(IUS.class, i)); } dto.setIUS(copiedIUS); } { Log.info("Could not be found : ius"); } } Document line = XmlTools.marshalToDocument(jaxbTool, dto); getResponse().setEntity(XmlTools.getRepresentation(line)); }
/** * getInstance. * * @return a {@link net.sourceforge.seqware.common.ContextImpl} object. */ public static synchronized ContextImpl getInstance() { if (ctx == null) { ApplicationContext c = ContextLoader.getCurrentWebApplicationContext(); if (c == null) { Log.info("ContextImpl: Could not find web context. Switching to XML context."); c = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("applicationContext.xml"); } ctx = (ContextImpl) c.getBean("contextImpl"); } return ctx; }
@Test public void runDatabaseCheck() throws IOException { String listCommand = "-p net.sourceforge.seqware.pipeline.plugins.checkdb.CheckDB"; String listOutput = ITUtility.runSeqWareJar(listCommand, ReturnValue.SUCCESS, null); Log.info(listOutput); String[] split = listOutput.split("Printed report to "); File report = new File(split[split.length - 1].trim()); String readFileToString = FileUtils.readFileToString(report, (Charset) null); Assert.assertTrue("report empty", readFileToString.length() > 0); Assert.assertTrue( "report does not contain report", readFileToString.contains("CheckDB Report")); Assert.assertTrue("report contains exceptions", !readFileToString.contains("Exception")); FileUtils.deleteQuietly(report); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} * * @return */ @Override @Put public Representation put(Representation entity) { authenticate(); Representation representation = null; Lane newLane = null; JaxbObject<Lane> jo = new JaxbObject<>(); try { String text = entity.getText(); newLane = (Lane) XmlTools.unMarshal(jo, new Lane(), text); } catch (SAXException | IOException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); throw new ResourceException(Status.CLIENT_ERROR_BAD_REQUEST, ex); } try { LaneService fs = BeanFactory.getLaneServiceBean(); Lane lane = testIfNull(fs.findByID(newLane.getLaneId())); lane.givesPermission(registration); // simple types String name = newLane.getName(); String desc = newLane.getDescription(); Integer laneIndex = newLane.getLaneIndex(); String cycleDescriptor = newLane.getCycleDescriptor(); Boolean skip = newLane.getSkip(); String tags = newLane.getTags(); String regions = newLane.getRegions(); // foreign keys Sample sample = newLane.getSample(); Registration owner = newLane.getOwner(); Set<LaneAttribute> newAttributes = newLane.getLaneAttributes(); if (name != null) { lane.setName(name); } if (desc != null) { lane.setDescription(desc); } if (laneIndex != null) { lane.setLaneIndex(laneIndex); } if (cycleDescriptor != null) { lane.setCycleDescriptor(cycleDescriptor); } if (skip != null) { lane.setSkip(skip); } if (tags != null) { lane.setTags(tags); } if (regions != null) { lane.setRegions(regions); } if (sample != null) { SampleService ss = BeanFactory.getSampleServiceBean(); Sample newSample = ss.findByID(sample.getSampleId()); if (newSample != null && newSample.givesPermission(registration)) { lane.setSample(newSample); } else if (newSample == null) { Log.info("Could not be found " + sample); } } if (owner != null) { RegistrationService rs = BeanFactory.getRegistrationServiceBean(); Registration newReg = rs.findByEmailAddress(owner.getEmailAddress()); if (newReg != null) { lane.setOwner(newReg); } else { Log.info("Could not be found " + owner); } } else if (lane.getOwner() == null) { lane.setOwner(registration); } if (newAttributes != null) { // SEQWARE-1577 - AttributeAnnotator cascades deletes when annotating LaneIDResource.mergeAttributes(lane.getLaneAttributes(), newAttributes, lane); } fs.update(registration, lane); Hibernate3DtoCopier copier = new Hibernate3DtoCopier(); Lane detachedLane = copier.hibernate2dto( Lane.class, lane, new Class<?>[] {LibraryStrategy.class, LibrarySource.class, LibrarySelection.class}, new CollectionPropertyName<?>[] {}); Document line = XmlTools.marshalToDocument(jo, detachedLane); representation = XmlTools.getRepresentation(line); getResponse().setEntity(representation); getResponse() .setLocationRef(getRequest().getRootRef() + "/lanes/" + detachedLane.getSwAccession()); getResponse().setStatus(Status.SUCCESS_CREATED); } catch (SecurityException e) { getResponse().setStatus(Status.CLIENT_ERROR_FORBIDDEN, e.getMessage()); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); getResponse().setStatus(Status.SERVER_ERROR_INTERNAL, e.getMessage()); } return representation; }
/** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override @Put public Representation put(Representation entity) { authenticate(); Representation representation = null; Experiment newObj = null; JaxbObject<Experiment> jo = new JaxbObject<Experiment>(); try { String text = entity.getText(); newObj = (Experiment) XmlTools.unMarshal(jo, new Experiment(), text); } catch (SAXException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); throw new ResourceException(Status.CLIENT_ERROR_BAD_REQUEST, ex); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new ResourceException(Status.CLIENT_ERROR_BAD_REQUEST, e); } try { ExperimentService service = BeanFactory.getExperimentServiceBean(); Experiment exp = (Experiment) testIfNull(service.findByID(newObj.getExperimentId())); exp.givesPermission(registration); // simple types String title = newObj.getTitle(); String name = newObj.getName(); String desc = newObj.getDescription(); String alias = newObj.getAlias(); String accession = newObj.getAccession(); String status = newObj.getStatus(); String centerName = newObj.getCenterName(); String sequencerSpace = newObj.getSequenceSpace(); String baseCaller = newObj.getBaseCaller(); String qualityScorer = newObj.getQualityScorer(); Integer qualityNumberLevels = newObj.getQualityNumberOfLevels(); Integer qualityMultiplier = newObj.getQualityMultiplier(); Long expectedNumberSpots = newObj.getExpectedNumberSpots(); Long expectedNumberReads = newObj.getExpectedNumberReads(); // foreign keys Study study = newObj.getStudy(); Registration owner = newObj.getOwner(); // sets Set<ExperimentAttribute> expAttributes = newObj.getExperimentAttributes(); if (title != null) { exp.setTitle(title); } if (name != null) { exp.setName(name); } if (desc != null) { exp.setDescription(desc); } if (alias != null) { exp.setAlias(alias); } if (accession != null) { exp.setAccession(accession); } if (status != null) { exp.setStatus(status); } if (centerName != null) { exp.setCenterName(centerName); } if (sequencerSpace != null) { exp.setSequenceSpace(sequencerSpace); } if (baseCaller != null) { exp.setBaseCaller(baseCaller); } if (qualityScorer != null) { exp.setQualityScorer(qualityScorer); } if (qualityNumberLevels != null) { exp.setQualityNumberOfLevels(qualityNumberLevels); } if (qualityMultiplier != null) { exp.setQualityMultiplier(qualityMultiplier); } if (expectedNumberSpots != null) { exp.setExpectedNumberSpots(expectedNumberSpots); } if (expectedNumberReads != null) { exp.setExpectedNumberReads(expectedNumberReads); } if (study != null) { StudyService ss = BeanFactory.getStudyServiceBean(); Study newStudy = ss.findByID(study.getStudyId()); if (newStudy != null && newStudy.givesPermission(registration)) { exp.setStudy(newStudy); } else if (newStudy == null) { Log.info("Could not be found " + study); } } if (owner != null) { RegistrationService rs = BeanFactory.getRegistrationServiceBean(); Registration newReg = rs.findByEmailAddress(owner.getEmailAddress()); if (newReg != null) { exp.setOwner(newReg); } else { Log.info("Could not be found " + owner); } } else if (exp.getOwner() == null) { exp.setOwner(registration); } if (null != expAttributes) { exp.getExperimentAttributes().clear(); for (ExperimentAttribute ea : expAttributes) { ea.setExperiment(exp); exp.getExperimentAttributes().add(ea); } } service.update(registration, exp); Hibernate3DtoCopier copier = new Hibernate3DtoCopier(); Experiment detachedLane = copier.hibernate2dto(Experiment.class, exp); Document line = XmlTools.marshalToDocument(jo, detachedLane); representation = XmlTools.getRepresentation(line); getResponse().setEntity(representation); getResponse() .setLocationRef( getRequest().getRootRef() + "/experiments/" + detachedLane.getSwAccession()); getResponse().setStatus(Status.SUCCESS_CREATED); } catch (SecurityException e) { getResponse().setStatus(Status.CLIENT_ERROR_FORBIDDEN, e.getMessage()); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); getResponse().setStatus(Status.SERVER_ERROR_INTERNAL, e.getMessage()); } return representation; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} * * @return */ @Override public ReturnValue do_run() { ReturnValue ret = new ReturnValue(); ResultSet rs = null; MetadataDB mdb = null; PreparedStatement prepareStatement = null; try { String query = new StringBuilder() .append( "select w.sw_accession, w.workflow_run_id, w.status, f.* FROM workflow_run w LEFT OUTER JOIN workflow_run_input_files f ") .append( "ON w.workflow_run_id = f.workflow_run_id WHERE (status = 'completed' OR status= 'failed') AND ") .append("f.workflow_run_id IS NULL ORDER BY w.sw_accession;") .toString(); Log.info("Executing query: " + query); mdb = DBAccess.get(); List<int[]> ids = mdb.executeQuery( query, new ResultSetHandler<List<int[]>>() { @Override public List<int[]> handle(ResultSet rs) throws SQLException { List<int[]> ids = new ArrayList<>(); while (rs.next()) { ids.add(new int[] {rs.getInt("sw_accession"), rs.getInt("workflow_run_id")}); } return ids; } }); mdb.getDb().setAutoCommit(false); prepareStatement = mdb.getDb() .prepareStatement( "INSERT INTO workflow_run_input_files (workflow_run_id, file_id) VALUES(?,?)"); for (int[] i : ids) { int workflowSWID = i[0]; int workflowRunID = i[1]; Log.stdout("Working on workflow_run " + workflowSWID); // populate input files List<Integer> listOfFiles = this.getListOfFiles(workflowSWID); Log.stdout("Found " + listOfFiles.size() + " input files for workflow_run " + workflowSWID); // insert into new workflow_run_input_files table for (Integer fSWID : listOfFiles) { Integer fileID = this.metadata.getFile(fSWID).getFileId(); prepareStatement.setInt(1, workflowRunID); prepareStatement.setInt(2, fileID); prepareStatement.executeUpdate(); } } Log.stdout("Success!"); mdb.getDb().commit(); return ret; } catch (SQLException ex) { Log.fatal("Population failed, aborting."); Logger.getLogger(WorkflowRunFilesInitialPopulationPlugin.class.getName()) .log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); ret.setExitStatus(ReturnValue.FAILURE); } finally { if (mdb != null) { DbUtils.closeQuietly(mdb.getDb(), mdb.getSql(), rs); } DBAccess.close(); DbUtils.closeQuietly(prepareStatement); } ret.setExitStatus(ReturnValue.FAILURE); return ret; }
@Test public void testPackageBundleAndInstallSeparately() throws IOException { separateTempDir = Files.createTempDir(); Log.info("Trying to package archetype at: " + separateTempDir.getAbsolutePath()); PluginRunner it = new PluginRunner(); String SEQWARE_VERSION = it.getClass().getPackage().getImplementationVersion(); Assert.assertTrue("unable to detect seqware version", SEQWARE_VERSION != null); Log.info("SeqWare version detected as: " + SEQWARE_VERSION); File packageDir = Files.createTempDir(); // for this test, we're going to create, install and package just one archetype. Doing more // seems redundant for this test String[] archetypes = { "java-workflow" /*, "simplified-ftl-workflow", "legacy-ftl-workflow", "simple-legacy-ftl-workflow"*/ }; for (String archetype : archetypes) { String workflow = "seqware-archetype-" + archetype; // generate and install archetypes to local maven repo String command = "mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeCatalog=local -Dpackage=com.seqware.github -DgroupId=com.github.seqware -DarchetypeArtifactId=" + workflow + " -Dversion=1.0-SNAPSHOT -DarchetypeGroupId=com.github.seqware -DartifactId=" + workflow + " -DworkflowDirectoryName=" + workflow + " -DworkflowName=" + workflow + " -DworkflowVersion=1.0-SNAPSHOT -B -Dgoals=install"; String genOutput = ITUtility.runArbitraryCommand(command, 0, separateTempDir); Log.info(genOutput); // install the workflows to the database and record their information File workflowDir = new File(separateTempDir, workflow); File targetDir = new File(workflowDir, "target"); File bundleDir = new File( targetDir, "Workflow_Bundle_" + workflow + "_1.0-SNAPSHOT_SeqWare_" + SEQWARE_VERSION); String packageCommand = "-p net.sourceforge.seqware.pipeline.plugins.BundleManager -verbose -- -b " + packageDir + " -p " + bundleDir.getAbsolutePath(); String packageOutput = ITUtility.runSeqWareJar(packageCommand, ReturnValue.SUCCESS); Log.info(packageOutput); // locate the zip bundle and then install it File zippedBundle = new File(packageDir, bundleDir.getName() + ".zip"); Assert.assertTrue( "zipped bundle " + zippedBundle.getAbsolutePath() + ".zip", zippedBundle.exists()); String installCommand = "-p net.sourceforge.seqware.pipeline.plugins.BundleManager -verbose -- -b " + zippedBundle + " -i"; String installOutput = ITUtility.runSeqWareJar(installCommand, ReturnValue.SUCCESS); Log.info(installOutput); } FileUtils.deleteDirectory(packageDir); }
/** * Handles the user's request to submit a new study. * * @param request HttpServletRequest * @param response HttpServletResponse * @param command Study command object * @return ModelAndView * @throws java.lang.Exception if any. */ public ModelAndView handleSubmit( HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, UploadFile command) throws Exception { Registration registration = Security.getRegistration(request); if (registration == null) return new ModelAndView("redirect:/login.htm"); ServletContext context = this.getServletContext(); command.setFolderStore(context.getInitParameter("path.to.upload.directory")); command.setStrStartURL(context.getInitParameter("true.protocols")); ModelAndView modelAndView = null; BindingResult errors = this.validate(request, command); if (errors.hasErrors()) { Map model = errors.getModel(); Integer id = getRequestedId(request); String typeNode = getRequestedTypeNode(request); String nameNode = getNameNode(id, typeNode); List<FileType> listFileType = getFileTypeService().list(); model.put("id", id); model.put("tn", typeNode); model.put("nameNode", nameNode); model.put("listFileType", listFileType); modelAndView = new ModelAndView("UploadFile", model); } else { String folderStore = context.getInitParameter("path.to.upload.directory"); // MultipartFile file = command.getFile(); // MultipartFile file = command.getFileFromURL(); Log.info("URL = " + command.getFileURL()); Log.info("USE URL ? = " + command.getUseURL()); FileType fileType = getFileTypeService().findByID(command.getFileTypeId()); Integer id = getRequestedId(request); String typeNode = getRequestedTypeNode(request); Log.info("ID = " + id); Log.info("typeNode = " + typeNode); if ("st".equals(typeNode)) { Study study = getStudyService().findByID(id); getFileUploadService().uploadFile(study, command, fileType, registration); } if ("exp".equals(typeNode)) { Experiment experiment = getExperimentService().findByID(id); getFileUploadService().uploadFile(experiment, command, fileType, registration); } if ("sam".equals(typeNode)) { Sample sample = getSampleService().findByID(id); getFileUploadService().uploadFile(sample, command, fileType, registration); } if ("seq".equals(typeNode)) { Lane lane = getLaneService().findByID(id); getFileUploadService().uploadFile(lane, command, fileType, registration); } if ("ius".equals(typeNode)) { IUS ius = getIUSService().findByID(id); getFileUploadService().uploadFile(ius, command, fileType, registration); } if ("ae".equals(typeNode)) { Processing processing = getProcessingService().findByID(id); getFileUploadService().uploadFile(processing, command, fileType, registration); } if ("sr".equals(typeNode)) { SequencerRun sequencerRun = getSequencerRunService().findByID(id); getFileUploadService().uploadFile(sequencerRun, command, fileType, registration); } modelAndView = new ModelAndView(getViewName(request)); } return modelAndView; }
/** * getAllHtml. * * @param processing a {@link net.sourceforge.seqware.common.model.Processing} object. * @param registration a {@link net.sourceforge.seqware.common.model.Registration} object. * @param openingNodeId a {@link java.lang.String} object. * @param currPosId a {@link java.lang.Integer} object. * @param listNodeId a {@link java.util.List} object. * @param isFirstCall a boolean. * @param isViewCurrentNode a boolean. * @param treeType a {@link java.lang.String} object. * @return a {@link java.lang.String} object. */ public static String getAllHtml( Processing processing, Registration registration, String openingNodeId, Integer currPosId, List<String> listNodeId, boolean isFirstCall, boolean isViewCurrentNode, String treeType) { currPosId++; String id = getParentId(currPosId, listNodeId); if (id.indexOf("wfr_") != -1) { currPosId++; id = getParentId(currPosId, listNodeId); } if (id.indexOf("sr_") != -1 && !isViewCurrentNode) { SequencerRun sequencerRun = getParentSequencerRun(processing, Constant.getId(id)); if (sequencerRun == null) { return ""; } Log.info("openingNodeId = " + openingNodeId); return getAllHtml( sequencerRun, registration, openingNodeId /*processing.getProcessingId()*/, treeType); } else if (id.indexOf("seq_") != -1 && !isViewCurrentNode) { Lane lane = getParentLane(processing, Constant.getId(id)); if (lane == null) { return ""; } return getAllHtml(lane, registration, openingNodeId, treeType); // 1 return getAllHtml(lane, registration, processing.getProcessingId()); // 2 return getAllHtml(lane, registration, processing.getProcessingId(), isOpenProc, true); } else if (id.indexOf("ius_") != -1 && !isViewCurrentNode) { Log.info("Proc IUS HTML"); IUS ius = getParentIUS(processing, Constant.getId(id)); if (ius == null) { return ""; } return getAllHtml(ius, registration, openingNodeId, !isFirstCall, true, treeType); } else { Processing currProc; if (isFirstCall) { currProc = processing; } else { currProc = getParentProcessing(processing, Constant.getId(id)); if (currProc == null) { return ""; } openingNodeId = getParentId(currPosId - 1, listNodeId); if (openingNodeId.indexOf("wfr_") != -1) { openingNodeId = getParentId(currPosId - 2, listNodeId); } } Log.info(" -> openingNodeId Proc = " + openingNodeId); String childHtml = NodeHtmlUtil.getProcessingHtml( currProc, registration, TYPE_TREE, openingNodeId, treeType); String parentHtml = getAllHtml(currProc, registration, id, currPosId, listNodeId, false, false, treeType); String parentId = Constant.PROCESSING_PREFIX + currProc.getProcessingId(); return NodeHtmlUtil.pasteHtmlIntoParentNode(childHtml, parentHtml, parentId, true); // Log.info("currProcId = " + currProc.getProcessingId()); // String childHtml = NodeHtmlUtil.getProcessingHtml(currProc, registration, TYPE_TREE, // openingNodeId); // String parentHtml = getAllHtml(currProc, registration, currProc.getProcessingId(), // currPosId, listNodeId, false, false); // String parentId = Constant.PROCESSING_PREFIX + currProc.getProcessingId(); // return NodeHtmlUtil.pasteHtmlIntoParentNode(childHtml, parentHtml, parentId, true); } }
/** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public Representation put(Representation entity) { authenticate(); Representation representation = null; Workflow newWorkflow = null; JaxbObject<Workflow> jo = new JaxbObject<Workflow>(); try { String text = entity.getText(); newWorkflow = (Workflow) XmlTools.unMarshal(jo, new Workflow(), text); } catch (SAXException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); throw new ResourceException(Status.CLIENT_ERROR_BAD_REQUEST, ex.getMessage()); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new ResourceException(Status.CLIENT_ERROR_BAD_REQUEST, e.getMessage()); } try { WorkflowService fs = BeanFactory.getWorkflowServiceBean(); Workflow workflow = (Workflow) testIfNull(fs.findByID(newWorkflow.getWorkflowId())); workflow.givesPermission(registration); // simple types String name = newWorkflow.getName(); String desc = newWorkflow.getDescription(); String baseIniFile = newWorkflow.getBaseIniFile(); String command = newWorkflow.getCommand(); String cwd = newWorkflow.getCwd(); String host = newWorkflow.getHost(); String inputAlgorithm = newWorkflow.getInputAlgorithm(); String permanentBundleLocation = newWorkflow.getPermanentBundleLocation(); String seqwareVersion = newWorkflow.getSeqwareVersion(); String template = newWorkflow.getTemplate(); String username = newWorkflow.getUsername(); String version = newWorkflow.getVersion(); // foreign keys Registration owner = newWorkflow.getOwner(); workflow.setName(name); workflow.setDescription(desc); workflow.setBaseIniFile(baseIniFile); workflow.setCommand(command); workflow.setCwd(cwd); workflow.setHost(host); workflow.setInputAlgorithm(inputAlgorithm); workflow.setPermanentBundleLocation(permanentBundleLocation); workflow.setSeqwareVersion(seqwareVersion); workflow.setTemplate(template); workflow.setUsername(username); workflow.setVersion(version); workflow.setUpdateTimestamp(new Date()); workflow.setWorkflowClass(newWorkflow.getWorkflowClass()); workflow.setWorkflowType(newWorkflow.getWorkflowType()); workflow.setWorkflowEngine(newWorkflow.getWorkflowEngine()); if (owner != null) { RegistrationService rs = BeanFactory.getRegistrationServiceBean(); Registration newReg = rs.findByEmailAddress(owner.getEmailAddress()); if (newReg != null) { workflow.setOwner(newReg); } else { Log.info("Could not be found: " + owner); } } else if (workflow.getOwner() == null) { workflow.setOwner(registration); } if (newWorkflow.getWorkflowAttributes() != null) { workflow.getWorkflowAttributes().clear(); for (WorkflowAttribute wfa : newWorkflow.getWorkflowAttributes()) { wfa.setWorkflow(workflow); workflow.getWorkflowAttributes().add(wfa); } } fs.update(registration, workflow); Hibernate3DtoCopier copier = new Hibernate3DtoCopier(); Workflow detachedWorkflow = copier.hibernate2dto(Workflow.class, workflow); Document line = XmlTools.marshalToDocument(jo, detachedWorkflow); representation = XmlTools.getRepresentation(line); getResponse().setEntity(representation); getResponse() .setLocationRef( getRequest().getRootRef() + "/workflows/" + detachedWorkflow.getSwAccession()); getResponse().setStatus(Status.SUCCESS_CREATED); } catch (SecurityException e) { getResponse().setStatus(Status.CLIENT_ERROR_FORBIDDEN, e.getMessage()); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); getResponse().setStatus(Status.SERVER_ERROR_INTERNAL, e.getMessage()); } return representation; }