private void calculateAbsoluteAverages(PSO pso) { int dimension = pso.getTopology().last().getDimension(); absoluteAverageVelocityVector = Vector.of(); averageSpeedVector = Vector.of(); for (Entity e : pso.getTopology()) { Vector velocity = (Vector) e.getProperties().get(EntityType.Particle.VELOCITY); for (int i = 0; i < dimension; i++) { if (absoluteAverageVelocityVector.size() < dimension) { absoluteAverageVelocityVector.add(velocity.get(i)); averageSpeedVector.add(Real.valueOf(Math.abs(velocity.doubleValueOf(i)))); } else { absoluteAverageVelocityVector.setReal( i, absoluteAverageVelocityVector.doubleValueOf(i) + velocity.doubleValueOf(i)); averageSpeedVector.setReal( i, averageSpeedVector.doubleValueOf(i) + Math.abs(velocity.doubleValueOf(i))); } } } for (int i = 0; i < dimension; i++) { absoluteAverageVelocityVector.setReal( i, Math.abs(absoluteAverageVelocityVector.doubleValueOf(i) / (double) dimension)); averageSpeedVector.setReal(i, averageSpeedVector.doubleValueOf(i) / (double) dimension); } }
@Override public Vector get(Particle particle) { Vector velocity = (Vector) particle.getVelocity(); Vector position = (Vector) particle.getPosition(); PSO algorithm = (PSO) AbstractAlgorithm.get(); int ns = (int) nSize.getParameter();<Particle> neighbours = algorithm .getTopology() .sort( Ord.ord( VectorBasedFunctions.sortByDistance(particle, new EuclideanDistanceMeasure()))) .take(ns); Vector.Builder builder = Vector.newBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < particle.getDimension(); ++i) { double informationSum = 0.0; double randomSum = 0; for (Particle currentTarget : neighbours) { Vector currentTargetPosition = (Vector) currentTarget.getBestPosition(); double randomComponent = Rand.nextDouble() * (4.1 / ns); informationSum += randomComponent * currentTargetPosition.doubleValueOf(i); randomSum += randomComponent; } double value = inertiaWeight.getParameter() * (velocity.doubleValueOf(i) + randomSum * ((informationSum / (ns * randomSum) - position.doubleValueOf(i)))); builder.add(value); } return; }
@Test public void testCreation() { Particle p1 = NichingFunctionsTest.createParticle(new MinimisationFitness(3.0), Vector.of(0.0, 1.0)); Particle p2 = NichingFunctionsTest.createParticle(new MinimisationFitness(2.0), Vector.of(1.0, 1.0)); Particle p3 = NichingFunctionsTest.createParticle(new MinimisationFitness(1.0), Vector.of(2.0, 2.0)); PSO pso = new PSO(); pso.getTopology().addAll(Arrays.asList(p1, p2, p3)); ClosestNeighbourNicheCreationStrategy creator = new ClosestNeighbourNicheCreationStrategy(); creator.setSwarmBehavior(new ParticleBehavior()); NichingSwarms swarms = creator.f(NichingSwarms.of(pso, List.<PopulationBasedAlgorithm>nil()), p1); Assert.assertEquals(1, swarms._1().getTopology().size()); Assert.assertEquals( Vector.of(2.0, 2.0), swarms._1().getTopology().get(0).getCandidateSolution()); Assert.assertEquals(2, swarms._2().head().getTopology().size()); Assert.assertEquals( Vector.of(0.0, 1.0), swarms._2().head().getTopology().get(0).getCandidateSolution()); Assert.assertEquals( Vector.of(1.0, 1.0), swarms._2().head().getTopology().get(1).getCandidateSolution()); }
/** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public Vector get(Particle particle) { Vector localGuide = (Vector) particle.getLocalGuide(); Vector globalGuide = (Vector) particle.getGlobalGuide(); PSO pso = (PSO) AbstractAlgorithm.get(); List<Entity> positions = getRandomParentEntities(pso.getTopology()); // select three random individuals, all different and different from particle ProbabilityDistributionFuction pdf = new UniformDistribution(); Vector position1 = (Vector) positions.get(0).getCandidateSolution(); Vector position2 = (Vector) positions.get(1).getCandidateSolution(); // Vector position3 = (Vector) positions.get(2).getContents(); Vector.Builder builder = Vector.newBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < particle.getDimension(); ++i) { double r = pdf.getRandomNumber(0, 1); double attractor = r * localGuide.doubleValueOf(i) + (1 - r) * globalGuide.doubleValueOf(i); double stepSize = this.rand3.getRandomNumber(0, 1) * (position1.doubleValueOf(i) - position2.doubleValueOf(i)); if (this.rand2.getRandomNumber(0, 1) > this.crossoverProbability.getParameter()) { builder.add(attractor + stepSize); } else { builder.add(((Vector) particle.getPosition()).doubleValueOf(i)); // position3.getReal(i)); } } return; }
@Override public Topology<Particle> f(PSO pso) { Topology<Particle> newTopology = pso.getTopology().getClone(); newTopology.clear(); for (Particle p : pso.getTopology()) { newTopology.add(function.f(p)); } return newTopology; }
@Test public void value() { PSO pso = new PSO(); MeasuredStoppingCondition maximumIterations = new MeasuredStoppingCondition(new Iterations(), new Maximum(), 100); pso.addStoppingCondition(maximumIterations); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) pso.performIteration(); PercentageComplete percentageComplete = new PercentageComplete(); Assert.assertEquals(0.1, percentageComplete.getValue(pso).doubleValue(), 0.001); }
/** {@inheritDoc} */ public Real getValue(Algorithm algorithm) { PSO pso = (PSO) algorithm; int numberParticles = pso.getTopology().size(); Iterator<Particle> k = pso.getTopology().iterator(); Particle particle =; Vector averageParticlePosition = (Vector) particle.getPosition().getClone(); while (k.hasNext()) { particle =; Vector v = (Vector) particle.getPosition(); for (int j = 0; j < averageParticlePosition.size(); ++j) { averageParticlePosition.setReal( j, averageParticlePosition.doubleValueOf(j) + v.doubleValueOf(j)); } } for (int j = 0; j < averageParticlePosition.size(); ++j) { averageParticlePosition.setReal( j, averageParticlePosition.doubleValueOf(j) / numberParticles); } Iterator<Particle> i = pso.getTopology().iterator(); double particleSum = 0.0; while (i.hasNext()) { particle =; double dimensionSum = 0.0; Vector v = (Vector) particle.getPosition(); for (int j = 0; j < particle.getDimension(); ++j) { dimensionSum += (v.doubleValueOf(j) - averageParticlePosition.doubleValueOf(j)) * (v.doubleValueOf(j) - averageParticlePosition.doubleValueOf(j)); } particleSum += Math.sqrt(dimensionSum); } double diversity = particleSum / numberParticles; DiameterVisitor diameterVisitor = new DiameterVisitor(); pso.accept(diameterVisitor); double diameter = diameterVisitor.getResult(); return Real.valueOf(diversity / diameter); }
@Override public double getPercentageCompleted(PSO algorithm) { DiameterVisitor diameterVisitor = new DiameterVisitor(); algorithm.accept(diameterVisitor); double diameter = diameterVisitor.getResult(); if (diameter <= minimumSwarmDiameter) { return 1; } return minimumSwarmDiameter / diameter; }
@Override public void performIteration(PSO algorithm) { delegate.performIteration(algorithm); Topology<Particle> topology = algorithm.getTopology(); // calculate vAvg Vector avgV = Vectors.mean( Lists.transform( topology, new Function<Particle, Vector>() { @Override public Vector apply(Particle f) { return (Vector) f.getVelocity(); } })); Vector.Builder builder = Vector.newBuilder(); for (Numeric n : avgV) { if (Math.abs(n.doubleValue()) > vMax.getParameter()) { builder.add(vMax.getParameter()); } else { builder.add(n); } } avgV =; // mutation Particle gBest = Topologies.getBestEntity(topology, new SocialBestFitnessComparator()); Particle mutated = gBest.getClone(); Vector pos = (Vector) gBest.getBestPosition(); final Bounds bounds = pos.boundsOf(0); pos = avgV.multiply( new Supplier<Number>() { @Override public Number get() { return distribution.getRandomNumber() * bounds.getRange() + bounds.getLowerBound(); } })); mutated.setCandidateSolution(pos); mutated.calculateFitness(); if (gBest.getBestFitness().compareTo(mutated.getFitness()) < 0) { gBest.getProperties().put(EntityType.Particle.BEST_FITNESS, mutated.getBestFitness()); gBest.getProperties().put(EntityType.Particle.BEST_POSITION, mutated.getBestPosition()); } }
/** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public StringType getValue(Algorithm algorithm) { final StringBuilder tmp = new StringBuilder(); final PSO pso = (PSO) algorithm; for (Particle particle : pso.getTopology()) { tmp.append("\nParticle: "); tmp.append(" Current Fitness: "); tmp.append(particle.getFitness().getValue()); tmp.append(" Best Fitness: "); tmp.append(particle.getBestFitness().getValue()); tmp.append(" Position: "); Vector v = (Vector) particle.getPosition(); for (int j = 0; j < particle.getDimension(); ++j) { tmp.append(v.doubleValueOf(j)); tmp.append(" "); } } return new StringType(tmp.toString()); }
/** @param pso The {@link PSO} to have an iteration applied. */ @Override public void performIteration(final PSO pso) { final<Particle> topology = pso.getTopology(); this.calculateAbsoluteAverages(pso); this.updateInertia(pso); final F<Particle, Particle> first = new F<Particle, Particle>() { @Override public Particle f(Particle current) { WeightedInertiaVelocityProvider wp = (WeightedInertiaVelocityProvider) current.getVelocityProvider(); // put wp.setInertiaWeight(inertiaWeight); current.updateVelocity(); current.updatePosition(); boundaryConstraint.enforce(current); return current; } }; final F<Particle, Particle> second = new F<Particle, Particle>() { public Particle f(Particle current) { current.calculateFitness(); for (Particle other : pso.getNeighbourhood().f(topology, current)) { if (current .getSocialFitness() .compareTo(other.getNeighbourhoodBest().getSocialFitness()) > 0) { other.setNeighbourhoodBest(current); } } return current; } }; pso.setTopology(; }
/** * Structure of Dynamic Heterogeneous iteration strategy: * * <ol> * <li>For each particle: * <li>Check if particle must change its behavior * <li>If particle must change its behavior: * <ol> * <li>Select a new behavior to the particle from the behavior pool * </ol> * <li>Perform normal iteration * </ol> * * @see * net.sourceforge.cilib.pso.iterationstrategies.SynchronousIterationStrategy#performIteration() */ @Override public void performIteration(PSO algorithm) { checkState( behaviorPool.size() > 0, "You must add particle behaviors to the behavior pool first."); for (Entity e : algorithm.getTopology()) { Particle p = (Particle) e; if (detectionStrategy.detect(p)) { p.setParticleBehavior(behaviorSelectionRecipe.on(behaviorPool).select()); } } iterationStrategy.performIteration(algorithm); }
/** * This is an Synchronous strategy: * * <ol> * <li>For all particles: * <ol> * <li>Update the particle velocity * <li>Update the particle position * </ol> * <li>For all particles: * <ol> * <li>Calculate the particle fitness * <li>For all particles in the current particle's neighbourhood: * <ol> * <li>Update the neighbourhood best * </ol> * </ol> * </ol> * * @see * net.sourceforge.cilib.PSO.IterationStrategy#performIteration(net.sourceforge.cilib.PSO.PSO) * @param pso The {@link PSO} to have an iteration applied. */ @Override public void performIteration(PSO pso) { Topology<Particle> topology = pso.getTopology(); for (Particle current : topology) { current.updateVelocity(); current.updatePosition(); // TODO: replace with visitor (will simplify particle interface) boundaryConstraint.enforce(current); } Problem problem = AbstractAlgorithm.getAlgorithmList().get(0).getOptimisationProblem(); for (Particle current : topology) { current.calculateFitness(); for (Particle other : topology.neighbourhood(current)) { Particle p1 = current.getNeighbourhoodBest().getClone(); Particle p2 = other.getNeighbourhoodBest().getClone(); OptimisationSolution s1 = new OptimisationSolution( p1.getCandidateSolution().getClone(), problem.getFitness(p1.getCandidateSolution().getClone())); OptimisationSolution s2 = new OptimisationSolution( p2.getCandidateSolution().getClone(), problem.getFitness(p2.getCandidateSolution().getClone())); MOFitness fitness1 = (MOFitness) s1.getFitness(); MOFitness fitness2 = (MOFitness) s2.getFitness(); // System.out.println("fitness1 = "); // for (int i=0; i < fitness1.getDimension(); i++) // System.out.println(fitness1.getFitness(i).getValue()); // // System.out.println("fitness2 = "); // for (int i=0; i < fitness2.getDimension(); i++) // System.out.println(fitness2.getFitness(i).getValue()); if (fitness1.compareTo(fitness2) > 0) { other.setNeighbourhoodBest(current); } } } }
@Test public void algorithmExecution() { NNDataTrainingProblem problem = new NNDataTrainingProblem(); problem.getDataTableBuilder().setDataReader(new ARFFFileReader()); problem.getDataTableBuilder().setSourceURL("library/src/test/resources/datasets/iris.arff"); problem.setTrainingSetPercentage(0.7); problem.setGeneralizationSetPercentage(0.3); problem .getNeuralNetwork() .getArchitecture() .setArchitectureBuilder(new CascadeArchitectureBuilder()); problem.getNeuralNetwork().setOperationVisitor(new CascadeVisitor()); problem .getNeuralNetwork() .getArchitecture() .getArchitectureBuilder() .addLayer(new LayerConfiguration(4)); problem .getNeuralNetwork() .getArchitecture() .getArchitectureBuilder() .addLayer(new LayerConfiguration(0)); problem .getNeuralNetwork() .getArchitecture() .getArchitectureBuilder() .addLayer(new LayerConfiguration(1)); problem .getNeuralNetwork() .getArchitecture() .getArchitectureBuilder() .getLayerBuilder() .setDomain("R(-3:3)"); problem.initialise(); PSO pso = new PSO(); pso.getInitialisationStrategy().setEntityType(new DynamicParticle()); pso.addStoppingCondition(new MeasuredStoppingCondition()); pso.setOptimisationProblem(problem); pso.performInitialisation(); CascadeNetworkExpansionReactionStrategy reaction = new CascadeNetworkExpansionReactionStrategy(); Assert.assertEquals(5, ((Vector) pso.getBestSolution().getPosition()).size()); Assert.assertEquals(5, problem.getNeuralNetwork().getWeights().size()); for (int i = 0; i < Topologies.getBestEntity(pso.getTopology()).getDimension(); ++i) { ((Vector) Topologies.getBestEntity(pso.getTopology()).getPosition()) .set(i, Real.valueOf(0.0)); ((Vector) Topologies.getBestEntity(pso.getTopology()).getVelocity()) .set(i, Real.valueOf(0.0)); ((Vector) Topologies.getBestEntity(pso.getTopology()).getBestPosition()) .set(i, Real.valueOf(0.0)); } reaction.performReaction(pso); Assert.assertEquals(11, ((Vector) pso.getBestSolution().getPosition()).size()); Assert.assertEquals(11, problem.getNeuralNetwork().getWeights().size()); Assert.assertEquals( Vector.of( Double.NaN, Double.NaN, Double.NaN, Double.NaN, Double.NaN, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, Double.NaN), (Vector) Topologies.getBestEntity(pso.getTopology()).getPosition()); Assert.assertEquals( Vector.of( Double.NaN, Double.NaN, Double.NaN, Double.NaN, Double.NaN, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, Double.NaN), (Vector) Topologies.getBestEntity(pso.getTopology()).getVelocity()); Assert.assertEquals( Vector.of( Double.NaN, Double.NaN, Double.NaN, Double.NaN, Double.NaN, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, Double.NaN), (Vector) Topologies.getBestEntity(pso.getTopology()).getBestPosition()); for (int i = 0; i < Topologies.getBestEntity(pso.getTopology()).getDimension(); ++i) { ((Vector) Topologies.getBestEntity(pso.getTopology()).getPosition()) .set(i, Real.valueOf(0.0)); ((Vector) Topologies.getBestEntity(pso.getTopology()).getVelocity()) .set(i, Real.valueOf(0.0)); ((Vector) Topologies.getBestEntity(pso.getTopology()).getBestPosition()) .set(i, Real.valueOf(0.0)); } reaction.performReaction(pso); Assert.assertEquals(18, ((Vector) pso.getBestSolution().getPosition()).size()); Assert.assertEquals(18, problem.getNeuralNetwork().getWeights().size()); Assert.assertEquals( Vector.of( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, Double.NaN, Double.NaN, Double.NaN, Double.NaN, Double.NaN, Double.NaN, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, Double.NaN), (Vector) Topologies.getBestEntity(pso.getTopology()).getPosition()); Assert.assertEquals( Vector.of( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, Double.NaN, Double.NaN, Double.NaN, Double.NaN, Double.NaN, Double.NaN, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, Double.NaN), (Vector) Topologies.getBestEntity(pso.getTopology()).getVelocity()); Assert.assertEquals( Vector.of( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, Double.NaN, Double.NaN, Double.NaN, Double.NaN, Double.NaN, Double.NaN, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, Double.NaN), (Vector) Topologies.getBestEntity(pso.getTopology()).getBestPosition()); for (int i = 0; i < Topologies.getBestEntity(pso.getTopology()).getDimension(); ++i) { ((Vector) Topologies.getBestEntity(pso.getTopology()).getPosition()) .set(i, Real.valueOf(0.0)); ((Vector) Topologies.getBestEntity(pso.getTopology()).getVelocity()) .set(i, Real.valueOf(0.0)); ((Vector) Topologies.getBestEntity(pso.getTopology()).getBestPosition()) .set(i, Real.valueOf(0.0)); } reaction.performReaction(pso); Assert.assertEquals(26, ((Vector) pso.getBestSolution().getPosition()).size()); Assert.assertEquals(26, problem.getNeuralNetwork().getWeights().size()); Assert.assertEquals( Vector.of( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, Double.NaN, Double.NaN, Double.NaN, Double.NaN, Double.NaN, Double.NaN, Double.NaN, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, Double.NaN), (Vector) Topologies.getBestEntity(pso.getTopology()).getPosition()); Assert.assertEquals( Vector.of( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, Double.NaN, Double.NaN, Double.NaN, Double.NaN, Double.NaN, Double.NaN, Double.NaN, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, Double.NaN), (Vector) Topologies.getBestEntity(pso.getTopology()).getVelocity()); Assert.assertEquals( Vector.of( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, Double.NaN, Double.NaN, Double.NaN, Double.NaN, Double.NaN, Double.NaN, Double.NaN, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, Double.NaN), (Vector) Topologies.getBestEntity(pso.getTopology()).getBestPosition()); }
@Override public boolean apply(PSO input) { DiameterVisitor diameterVisitor = new DiameterVisitor(); input.accept(diameterVisitor); return (diameterVisitor.getResult() <= minimumSwarmDiameter); }
private void updateInertia(PSO pso) { int dimension = pso.getTopology().last().getDimension(); if (inertiaWeight.size() < dimension) { Vector.Builder builder = Vector.newBuilder(); builder.repeat(dimension, Real.valueOf(initialInertiaWeight.getParameter())); inertiaWeight =; } Vector.Builder builder = Vector.newBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < dimension; i++) { builder.add( Math.sqrt( Math.pow(absoluteAverageVelocityVector.doubleValueOf(i), 2) + Math.pow(averageSpeedVector.doubleValueOf(i), 2))); } Vector d =; // get the degree of convergence vector double max_d = 0; for (Numeric component : d) { if (component.doubleValue() > max_d) { max_d = component.doubleValue(); } } if (max_d != 0) { Vector.Builder builder2 = Vector.newBuilder(); for (Numeric component : d) { builder2.add(max_d / (max_d + component.doubleValue())); } Vector w =; /*double sum_w = 0; for(Numeric component : w) { sum_w += component.doubleValue(); } /* Vector.Builder builder3 = Vector.newBuilder(); for(Numeric component : w) { builder3.add(Math.pow(dimension * component.doubleValue() / sum_w, pwr.getParameter())); } */ /* for(Numeric component : w) { //builder3.add(component.doubleValue() - w_mean / w_stdDiv); builder3.add(component.doubleValue() * initialInertiaWeight.getParameter()); } for(int i = 0; i < inertiaWeight.size(); i++) { builder3.add(w.doubleValueOf(i) * inertiaWeight.doubleValueOf(i)); } */ /* Vector m =; double sum_m = 0; for (Numeric num : m) { sum_m += num.doubleValue(); } double m_mean = sum_m / (double) dimension; double sum_diff_squared = 0; for(Numeric component : m) { sum_diff_squared += Math.pow(component.doubleValue() - m_mean, 2); } double m_stdDiv = Math.sqrt(sum_diff_squared / (double) dimension); */ // System.out.println("VEL: StdDiv of M: " + m_stdDiv + ", mean of M: " + m_mean); for (int i = 0; i < inertiaWeight.size(); i++) { inertiaWeight.setReal( i, (1 - filter.getParameter()) * w.doubleValueOf(i) + filter.getParameter() * inertiaWeight.doubleValueOf(i)); // w.doubleValueOf(i));//; } } }
/** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public Vector get(Particle particle) { double averageParticleVelocity = 0.0; Vector averageVelocity = null; // velocity.getClone(); // averageVelocity.reset(); PSO pso = (PSO) AbstractAlgorithm.get(); for (Particle p : pso.getTopology()) { if (averageVelocity == null) { averageVelocity = (Vector) p.getVelocity(); continue; } Vector particleVelocity = (Vector) p.getVelocity(); averageVelocity =; averageParticleVelocity += particleVelocity.norm(); } averageVelocity = averageVelocity.divide(particle.getDimension()); averageParticleVelocity /= particle.getDimension(); double swarmCenterVelocity = averageVelocity.norm(); double swarmCoherence = calculateSwarmCoherence(swarmCenterVelocity, averageParticleVelocity); double sigmoidValue = this.sigmoid.apply(swarmCoherence); Vector standardVelocity = this.delegate.get(particle); Vector.Builder builder = Vector.newBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < particle.getDimension(); ++i) { double coherenceVelocity = this.scalingFactor.getParameter() * sigmoidValue * averageVelocity.doubleValueOf(i) * this.randomNumber.getRandomNumber(); builder.add(coherenceVelocity); } Vector coherence =; return Vectors.sumOf(standardVelocity, coherence); // float social = socialRandomGenerator.nextFloat(); // float cognitive = cognitiveRandomGenerator.nextFloat(); // // //DistanceMeasure adm = new AbsoluteDistanceMeasure(); // //DistanceMeasure dm = new MetricDistanceMeasure(); // // double avgv = 0.0; // double swv = 0.0; // Topology<Particle> topology = ((PSO)Algorithm.get()).getTopology(); // Iterator<? extends Particle> it = topology.neighbourhood(null); // double[] al = new double[particle.getDimension()]; // while (it.hasNext()) { // Particle pl =; // double tmpv = 0.0; // //double tmpsv = 0.0; // for(int dim = 0; dim < particle.getDimension(); dim++) { // al[dim] = al[dim]+((Vector)pl.getVelocity()).getReal(dim); // tmpv += Math.pow(((Vector)pl.getVelocity()).getReal(dim), 2); // } // tmpv = Math.sqrt(tmpv); // avgv += tmpv; // } // for(int i = 0; i < particle.getDimension(); i++) { // //al.set(i, ; // swv += (al[i]/topology.size()) * (al[i]/topology.size()); // } // swv = Math.sqrt(swv); // // for (int i = 0; i < particle.getDimension(); ++i) { // double tmp = 0.0; // tmp = inertiaWeight.getParameter()*velocity.getReal(i) // + cognitive * (bestPosition.getReal(i) - position.getReal(i)) * // cognitiveAcceleration.getParameter() // + social * (nBestPosition.getReal(i) - position.getReal(i)) * // socialAcceleration.getParameter(); // // double avgdim = 0.0; // it = topology.neighbourhood(null); // while (it.hasNext()) { // avgdim += ((Vector)(; // } // avgdim /= particle.getDimension(); // // double cvelocity = MathUtil.sigmoid(swv/avgv)*avgdim*randomNumber.getCauchy(); // // System.out.println(cvelocity); // tmp += cvelocity; // // velocity.setReal(i, tmp); // // clamp(velocity, i); // } }