@Override public void messageReceived(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, MessageEvent e, XmlDocument d) { MessageEvent s = e; // Convert to a String first. XmlDocument doc = d; // new XmlDocument(); // doc.LoadXml((String)message); // String cAction = doc.DocumentElement.ChildNodes[0].Attributes["action"].Value; String cAction = doc.getDocumentElement().getChildren().get(0).getAttribute("action").getValue(); InetSocketAddress remoteAddress = (InetSocketAddress) s.getChannel().getRemoteAddress(); String strIpPort = remoteAddress.getAddress().getHostAddress() + ":" + String.valueOf(remoteAddress.getPort()); // // //create item SessionMessage item = new SessionMessage(e, doc, false, true); // // //save ChChessLPU.getInstance().getmsgList().Opp(QueueMethod.Add, item); // // // if (cAction.equals(ClientAction.heartBeat)) { // 不打印 } else { // log Log.WriteStrByRecv(cAction, strIpPort); } }
@Override public void msgTimedEvent() throws UnsupportedEncodingException { SmqOppResult ruCount = getmsgList().Opp(QueueMethod.Count, null); int len = ruCount.count; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { // C# TO JAVA CONVERTER TODO TASK: There is no preprocessor in Java: /// #region 获取消息及Session SmqOppResult ruShift = getmsgList().Opp(QueueMethod.Shift, null); if (!ruShift.oppSucess) { Log.WriteStrByArgument( RCLogicLPU.class.getName(), "msgTimedEvent", "QueueMethod.Shift", "oppSucess is false"); continue; } if (null == ruShift.item) { Log.WriteStrByArgument( RCLogicLPU.class.getName(), "msgTimedEvent", "QueueMethod.Shift", "item is null"); continue; } SessionMessage item = ruShift.item; // XmlDocument doc = item.doc(); String strIpPort = item.strIpPort(); String action = item.action(); ChannelEvent e = item.e(); item.Dereference(); AppSession c = new AppSession(e.getChannel(), e); // if (action.equals(RCClientAction.loadG)) { RCLogic.doorLoadG(c, doc); continue; } if (action.equals(RCClientAction.betG)) { RCLogic.doorBetG(c, doc); continue; } if (action.equals(RCClientAction.updG)) { RCLogic.doorUpdG(c, doc); continue; } if (action.equals(RCClientAction.updHonor)) { RCLogic.doorUpdHonor(c, doc); continue; } if (action.equals(RCClientAction.login)) { RCLogic.doorLogin(c, doc); continue; } if (action.equals(RCClientAction.hasReg)) { RCLogic.doorHasReg(c, doc); continue; } if (action.equals(RCClientAction.reg)) { RCLogic.doorReg(c, doc); continue; } if (action.equals(RCClientAction.chkEveryDayLoginAndGet)) { RCLogic.doorChkEveryDayLoginAndGet(c, doc); continue; } if (action.equals(RCClientAction.loadChart)) { RCLogic.doorLoadChart(c, doc); continue; } if (action.equals(RCClientAction.loadTopList)) { RCLogic.doorLoadTopList(c, doc); continue; } if (action.equals(RCClientAction.hasProof)) { RCLogic.doorHasProof(c, doc); continue; } if (action.equals(RCClientAction.loadDBType)) { RCLogic.doorLoadDBType(c, doc); continue; } // Logger.WriteStr("无效协议号:" + clientServerAction); Log.WriteStr(SR.GetString(SR.getInvalid_protocol_num(), action)); } }