private LinkedHashSet<String> getStringValues(final NodeInfo nodeInfo, final String xpath) throws XPathException { final XPathExpression expr = getXPathExpression(nodeInfo, xpath); final List<Object> os = expr.evaluate(nodeInfo); final LinkedHashSet<String> values = new LinkedHashSet<String>(); for (Object o : os) { values.add(getStringValue(o)); } return values; }
private List<NodeInfo> getBaseNodes(final InputStream data) throws Exception { final XMLDocument tep = XMLDocumentFactory.create(new InputStreamReader(data, "UTF-8")); final Document doc = tep.getAsJDOMDocument(); this.evaluator.setDefaultElementNamespace(doc.getRootElement().getNamespace().getURI()); final XPathExpression exprRoot = this.evaluator.createExpression("*"); final Object resultRoot = exprRoot.evaluateSingle(new JDOMSource(doc.getRootElement())); return getBaseNodes((NodeInfo) resultRoot, config.getBase()); }
private List<NodeInfo> getBaseNodes(final NodeInfo nodeInfo, final String xpath) throws Exception { final XPathExpression exprBase = getXPathExpression(nodeInfo, xpath); final List resultBase = exprBase.evaluate(nodeInfo); final List<NodeInfo> importEls = new LinkedList<NodeInfo>(); for (final Object o : resultBase) { if (o instanceof NodeInfo) { importEls.add(((NodeInfo) o)); } } return importEls; }
public SdcctXpathSelector load(@Nullable DynamicXpathOptions dynamicOpts) { XPathExpression expr = this.getUnderlyingExpression(); IndependentContext staticContext = this.getUnderlyingStaticContext(); Map<StructuredQName, XPathVariable> declaredVars = .collect( SdcctStreamUtils.toMap( XPathVariable::getVariableQName, Function.identity(), LinkedHashMap::new)); boolean staticOptsAvailable = (this.staticOpts != null), dynamicOptsAvailable = (dynamicOpts != null); SdcctController controller = new SdcctController(this.proc.getUnderlyingConfiguration()); if (dynamicOptsAvailable && dynamicOpts.hasContextData()) { controller.getContextData().putAll(dynamicOpts.getContextData()); } try { // noinspection ConstantConditions XPathDynamicContext dynamicContext = expr.createDynamicContext( controller, ((dynamicOptsAvailable && dynamicOpts.hasContextItem()) ? dynamicOpts.getContextItem() : null)); SdcctXpathSelector selector = new SdcctXpathSelector(expr, this.staticOpts, dynamicOpts, dynamicContext, declaredVars); Map<QName, XdmValue> vars = new LinkedHashMap<>(); if (staticOptsAvailable && this.staticOpts.hasVariables()) { vars.putAll(this.staticOpts.getVariables()); } if (dynamicOptsAvailable && dynamicOpts.hasVariables()) { vars.putAll(dynamicOpts.getVariables()); } for (QName varQname : vars.keySet()) { selector.setVariable(varQname, vars.get(varQname)); } return selector; } catch (SaxonApiException | XPathException e) { throw new SaxonApiUncheckedException(e); } }
public static void assertXPathEquals( String xpathString, Document doc, boolean ignoreOrder, Object... expectedValues) { try { XPathEvaluator xpathEvaluator = new XPathEvaluator(); XPathExpression expr = xpathEvaluator.createExpression(xpathString); final JDOMSource docAsDomSource = new JDOMSource(doc); List nodes = expr.evaluate(docAsDomSource); if (nodes.size() != expectedValues.length) { "expected " + expectedValues.length + " values at xpath: " + xpathString); } String[] actualValues = new String[nodes.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < expectedValues.length; i++) { Object node = nodes.get(i); if (node instanceof NodeInfo) { NodeInfo nodeInfo = (NodeInfo) node; actualValues[i] = nodeInfo.getStringValue(); } else { actualValues[i] = String.valueOf(node); } } String[] expectedValuesAsString = new String[expectedValues.length]; for (int i = 0; i < expectedValues.length; i++) { expectedValuesAsString[i] = String.valueOf(expectedValues[i]); } if (ignoreOrder) { Arrays.sort(actualValues); Arrays.sort(expectedValuesAsString); } org.junit.Assert.assertArrayEquals(expectedValuesAsString, actualValues); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } }
private void runAdjacent() throws SaxonApiException { TreeWriter treeWriter = null; String last = null; boolean open = false; int count = 0; while (source.moreDocuments()) { count++;; } source.resetReader(); DocumentSequenceIterator xsi = new DocumentSequenceIterator(); // See below xsi.setLast(count); int pos = 0; while (source.moreDocuments()) { XdmNode node =; pos++; Item item = null; try { XPathCompiler xcomp = runtime.getProcessor().newXPathCompiler(); xcomp.setBaseURI(step.getNode().getBaseURI()); for (String prefix : groupAdjacent.getNamespaceBindings().keySet()) { xcomp.declareNamespace(prefix, groupAdjacent.getNamespaceBindings().get(prefix)); } XPathExecutable xexec = xcomp.compile(groupAdjacent.getString()); // From Michael Kay: // // Underneath the s9api XPathExecutable is a net.sf.saxon.sxpath.XPathExpression. XPathExpression xexpr = xexec.getUnderlyingExpression(); // Call createDynamicContext() on this to get an XPathDynamicContext object; XPathDynamicContext xdc = xexpr.createDynamicContext(node.getUnderlyingNode()); // call getXPathContextObject() on that to get the underlying XPathContext. XPathContext xc = xdc.getXPathContextObject(); // Then call XPathContext.setCurrentIterator() // to supply a SequenceIterator whose current() and position() methods return // the context item and position respectively. If there's any risk that the // expression will call the last() method, then it's simplest to make your // iterator's getProperties() return LAST_POSITION_FINDER, and implement the // LastPositionFinder interface, in which case last() will be implemented by // calling the iterator's getLastPosition() method. (Otherwise last() is // implemented by calling getAnother() to clone the iterator and calling next() // on the clone until the end of the sequence is reached). xsi.setPosition(pos); xsi.setItem(node.getUnderlyingNode()); xc.setCurrentIterator(xsi); // Then evaluate the expression by calling iterate() on the // net.sf.saxon.sxpath.XPathExpression object. SequenceIterator results = xexpr.iterate(xdc); item =; if (item == null) { throw new XProcException( step.getNode(), "The group-adjacent expression returned nothing."); } if ( != null) { throw new XProcException( step.getNode(), "Didn't expect group-adjacent to return a sequence!"); } } catch (XPathException xe) { throw new XProcException(xe); } // // Good luck! // // FIXME: Compute effective boolean value in a more robust way String cur = item.getStringValue(); if (last != null) { if (last.equals(cur)) { treeWriter.addSubtree(node); } else { if (open) { open = false; treeWriter.addEndElement(); treeWriter.endDocument(); result.write(treeWriter.getResult()); } } } if (last == null || !last.equals(cur)) { last = cur; open = true; treeWriter = new TreeWriter(runtime); treeWriter.startDocument(step.getNode().getBaseURI()); treeWriter.addStartElement(wrapper); treeWriter.startContent(); treeWriter.addSubtree(node); } } if (open) { open = false; treeWriter.addEndElement(); treeWriter.endDocument(); result.write(treeWriter.getResult()); } }
private String getXmlValue(final NodeInfo nodeInfo, final String xpath) throws XPathException { final XPathExpression expr = getXPathExpression(nodeInfo, xpath + "/descendant::*"); final Object o = expr.evaluateSingle(nodeInfo); return getXmlValue(o); }
private String getHtmlValue(final NodeInfo nodeInfo, final String xpath) throws XPathException { final XPathExpression expr = getXPathExpression(nodeInfo, xpath + "/node()"); final List<Object> nodes = expr.evaluate(nodeInfo); return getHtmlValue(nodes); }
private List<?> processRow() throws ExpressionEvaluationException, BlockedException, TeiidComponentException, TeiidProcessingException { List<Object> tuple = new ArrayList<Object>(projectedColumns.size()); for (XMLColumn proColumn : projectedColumns) { if (proColumn.isOrdinal()) { if (rowCount > Integer.MAX_VALUE) { throw new TeiidRuntimeException( new TeiidProcessingException( QueryPlugin.Event.TEIID31174,; } tuple.add((int) rowCount); } else { try { XPathExpression path = proColumn.getPathExpression(); XPathDynamicContext dynamicContext = path.createDynamicContext(item); SequenceIterator pathIter = path.iterate(dynamicContext); Item colItem =; if (colItem == null) { if (proColumn.getDefaultExpression() != null) { tuple.add( getEvaluator(Collections.emptyMap()) .evaluate(proColumn.getDefaultExpression(), null)); } else { tuple.add(null); } continue; } if (proColumn.getSymbol().getType() == DataTypeManager.DefaultDataClasses.XML) { XMLType value = table .getXQueryExpression() .createXMLType( pathIter.getAnother(), this.getBufferManager(), false, getContext()); tuple.add(value); continue; } Item next =; if (next != null) { if (proColumn.getSymbol().getType().isArray()) { ArrayList<Object> vals = new ArrayList<Object>(); vals.add( getValue( proColumn.getSymbol().getType().getComponentType(), colItem, this.table.getXQueryExpression().getConfig(), getContext())); vals.add( getValue( proColumn.getSymbol().getType().getComponentType(), next, this.table.getXQueryExpression().getConfig(), getContext())); while ((next = != null) { vals.add( getValue( proColumn.getSymbol().getType().getComponentType(), next, this.table.getXQueryExpression().getConfig(), getContext())); } Object value = new ArrayImpl( vals.toArray( (Object[]) Array.newInstance( proColumn.getSymbol().getType().getComponentType(), vals.size()))); tuple.add(value); continue; } throw new TeiidProcessingException( QueryPlugin.Event.TEIID30171,, proColumn.getName())); } Object value = getValue( proColumn.getSymbol().getType(), colItem, this.table.getXQueryExpression().getConfig(), getContext()); tuple.add(value); } catch (XPathException e) { throw new TeiidProcessingException( QueryPlugin.Event.TEIID30172, e,, proColumn.getName())); } } } item = null; return tuple; }