public void initForRobocodeEngine(IBattleListener listener) { final IWindowManager windowManager = Container.getComponent(IWindowManager.class); if (windowManager != null) { windowManager.setSlave(true); windowManager.setEnableGUI(false); } Container.getComponent(IHostManager.class).initSecurity(); if (listener != null) { Container.getComponent(IBattleManager.class).addListener(listener); } Container.getComponent(ICpuManager.class).getCpuConstant(); Container.getComponent(IRepositoryManager.class) .reload(versionManager.isLastRunVersionChanged()); }
public void run() { Thread.setDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler( new Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler() { @Override public void uncaughtException(Thread thread, Throwable t) { t.printStackTrace(); } }); try { hostManager.initSecurity(); // Set the Look and Feel (LAF) if (windowManager != null && windowManager.isGUIEnabled()) { windowManager.init(); } properties.setOptionsBattleDesiredTPS(setup.tps); battleManager.addListener(battleObserver); if (windowManager != null && windowManager.isGUIEnabled()) { if (!setup.minimize && setup.battleFilename == null && soundManager != null) { soundManager.playThemeMusic(); windowManager.showSplashScreen(); } windowManager.showRobocodeFrame(true, setup.minimize); windowManager.showBarCodeScanDialog(true); // Play the intro battle if a battle file is not specified and this is the first time // Robocode is being run if (setup.battleFilename == null && versionManager.isLastRunVersionChanged()) { properties.saveProperties(); windowManager.runIntroBattle(); } } final boolean enableCLIRecording = (setup.recordFilename != null || setup.recordXmlFilename != null); // Note: At this point the GUI should be opened (if enabled) before starting the battle from a // battle file if (setup.battleFilename != null) { if (setup.replayFilename != null) { System.err.println( "You cannot run both a battle and replay a battle record in the same time."); System.exit(8); } setup.exitOnComplete = true; battleManager.setBattleFilename(setup.battleFilename); if (new File(battleManager.getBattleFilename()).exists()) { battleManager.startNewBattle( battleManager.loadBattleProperties(), false, enableCLIRecording); } else { System.err.println( "The specified battle file '" + setup.battleFilename + "' was not found"); System.exit(8); } } else if (setup.replayFilename != null) { setup.exitOnComplete = true; if (setup.replayFilename.toLowerCase().endsWith("")) { recordManager.loadRecord(setup.replayFilename, BattleRecordFormat.XML_ZIP); } else { recordManager.loadRecord(setup.replayFilename, BattleRecordFormat.BINARY_ZIP); } if (new File(setup.replayFilename).exists()) { battleManager.replay(); } else { System.err.println( "The specified battle record file '" + setup.replayFilename + "' was not found"); System.exit(8); } } } catch (Throwable e) { Logger.logError(e); } }