   * Create a resource from the given URI and append a new Network instance to its contents. The
   * resourceSet used must be authorized to write on the disk. This means that the default
   * EditingDomain's resourceSet must be used in a write transaction (for example). If it is not
   * possible, do not provide a resourceSet, the default one will be used.
   * @param resourceSet
   * @param uri
   * @return The created network
   * @throws IOException
  public static Network createNetworkResource(final ResourceSet resourceSet, final URI uri)
      throws IOException {

    final String fileName;
    if (uri.isPlatform()) {
      fileName = uri.toPlatformString(true);
    } else {
      fileName = uri.toString();

    // Create the network
    final Network network = DfFactory.eINSTANCE.createNetwork(fileName);

    // Compute the new network name
    final Path networkPath = new Path(uri.trimFileExtension().path());
    // 3 first segments are resource/<PROJECT>/src
    network.setName(networkPath.removeFirstSegments(3).toString().replace('/', '.'));

    // Create the resource
    Resource res = resourceSet.createResource(uri);

    return network;