public static void parseSortAndFilter(BasePageDTO pageDto) throws Exception { if (!ClassTool.isNullObj(pageDto)) { String sort = pageDto.getSort(); if (!StringTool.isEmpty(sort) && sort.startsWith("[{") && sort.endsWith("}]")) { sort = StringTool.trimSpecialCharactor(sort, "["); sort = StringTool.trimSpecialCharactor(sort, "]"); JSONObject jsonObj = JSONObject.fromObject(sort); sort = (String) jsonObj.get("property"); String dir = (String) jsonObj.get("direction"); pageDto.setSort(sort); pageDto.setDir(dir); } String filter = pageDto.getFilter(); if (!StringTool.isEmpty(filter) && filter.startsWith("[{") && filter.endsWith("}]")) { filter = StringTool.trimSpecialCharactor(filter, "["); filter = StringTool.trimSpecialCharactor(filter, "]"); JSONObject jsonObj = JSONObject.fromObject(filter); filter = (String) jsonObj.get("property"); String filterValue = (String) jsonObj.get("value"); pageDto.setFilter(filter); pageDto.setFilterValue(filterValue); } pageDto.setSort(StringTool.translateToDBColumn(pageDto.getSort())); pageDto.setFilter(StringTool.translateToDBColumn(pageDto.getFilter())); } else { } }
/** * <校验淘宝订单> @创建时间 2015-4-23 下午1:53:38 @创建人:胡翔宇 * * @param taobaoSid * @return * @throws Exception * @see [类、类#方法、类#成员] */ public boolean checkTaoBaoOrderIsPayed(String taobaoSid) { List<BasicNameValuePair> params = new ArrayList<BasicNameValuePair>(); params.add(new BasicNameValuePair("userName", USERNAME)); params.add(new BasicNameValuePair("taobaoSid", taobaoSid)); // b782a88ea4d9cdf786ba0e1e1638258f String sign = taobaoSid + USERNAME + KEY; sign = MD5.doit(sign.toLowerCase()); params.add(new BasicNameValuePair("sign", sign)); try { JSONObject obj = postExecute(params); if (obj.get("data") != null) { JSONObject jsonDataObject = (JSONObject) obj.get("data"); if (jsonDataObject.get("status") != null && jsonDataObject.get("status").equals("PAY")) { return true; } else return false; } else { return false; } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("获取淘宝订单状态失败", e); } return false; }
public List<List> getHaoYou(String yhbh, String key) { web = new HttpWebs(); web.init(); list = new ArrayList<List>(); GetUrl getUrl = new GetUrl(); String url = getUrl.getUrl("findFriend_url"); Map<String, String> parmMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); parmMap.put("uid", yhbh); parmMap.put("key", key); String sb = web.callByGet(url, parmMap); JSONArray array = JSONArray.fromObject("[" + Base64Util.decrypt(sb) + "]"); JSONObject jsonObject = array.getJSONObject(0); String msgCode = jsonObject.get("msgCode").toString(); try { if ("1".equals(msgCode)) { String uids = jsonObject.get("uids").toString(); String[] uidlist = uids.split(","); for (int i = 0; i < uidlist.length; i++) { String uid = uidlist[i]; printHtml(uid); } } return list; } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return list; } }
public void pick() throws IOException { while (true) { pickUrl = String.format( "", sequence, ack, guid); HttpGet getRequest = new HttpGet(pickUrl); HttpResponse pickRes = httpClient.execute(getRequest); String entityStr = EntityUtils.toString(pickRes.getEntity()); System.out.println("Pick result:" + entityStr); EntityUtils.consume(pickRes.getEntity()); JSONObject jsonObject = JSONObject.fromObject(entityStr); JSONObject content = jsonObject.getJSONObject("content"); if (content != null && content.get("ack") != null) { ack = (String) content.get("ack"); JSONArray fields = content.getJSONArray("fields"); JSONObject o = fields.getJSONObject(0); String fromUser = (String) o.get("from"); System.out.println("++++Message from: " + fromUser); } updateSequence(); if (sequence > 4) { break; } } }
/** * 接收解密方法:发送不加密,接收解密 * * @param json * @param url * @param privatekey * @param publickey * @return * @throws Exception */ public static String sendRequest(String json, String url, String privatekey, String publickey) throws Exception { try { logger.debug("----------------sendRequest--------------------"); logger.debug("----->>>>>发送url:" + url); logger.debug("----->>>>>发送json:" + json); // 发送 json = sendPost(url, setParameterValue(json)); JSONObject jsonMap = JSONObject.fromObject(json); String merchantaccount = jsonMap.get("merchantcode") != null ? jsonMap.getString("merchantcode") : jsonMap.get("merchantaccount") != null ? jsonMap.getString("merchantaccount") : ""; // 解密 json = decodeParamJson(json, privatekey, publickey, merchantaccount); logger.debug("----->>>>>返回内容:" + json); logger.debug("----------------sendRequest--------------------"); return json; } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("调用接口错误!", e); throw new Exception(e.getLocalizedMessage()); } }
/** * 获取jsapi_ticket * * @param accesstoken * @return */ public static void getjsTicket(String accesstoken) { String jsapi_ticketUrl = ""; String url = jsapi_ticketUrl.replace("ACCESS_TOKEN", accesstoken); System.out.println("查看js_url:" + url); try { if (jsTicket.equals("")) { String result = HttpUtil.getInstance().execGet(url); logger.debug("result==" + result); JSONObject obj = JSONObject.fromObject(result); if (obj.containsKey("ticket")) { jsTicket = obj.get("ticket").toString(); System.out.println("ticket====" + obj.get("ticket")); } else { getAccessToken(); getjsTicket(accessToken); return; } } else { } } catch (ClientProtocolException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
/** * 查询所有分组 * * @return 分组列表 */ public static List<UserGroup> getGroup() { List<UserGroup> list = new ArrayList<UserGroup>(); String url = GET_GROUP_URL.replace("ACCESS_TOKEN", WeixinUtil.getToken()); JSONObject jsonObject = WeixinUtil.httpsRequest(url, "POST", null); if (null != jsonObject) { if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(jsonObject.get("errcode")) && jsonObject.get("errcode") != "0") { log.error( "获取分组失败,errcode:" + jsonObject.getInt("errcode") + ",errmsg:" + jsonObject.getString("errmsg")); } else { JSONArray arr = jsonObject.getJSONArray("groups"); for (int i = 0; i < arr.size(); i++) { UserGroup group = new UserGroup(); group.setId(arr.getJSONObject(i).getString("id")); group.setName(arr.getJSONObject(i).getString("name")); group.setCount(arr.getJSONObject(i).getInt("count")); list.add(group); } } } return list; }
public static int getPoiCount(String region, String POI) throws Exception { int count = 0; String url = "" + POI + "®ion=" + region + "&page_num=0&output=json&ak=fvFz2VvvNxePX1xY4QblStYl"; String json = null; JSONObject obj = null; while (true) { try { json = loadJSON(url); obj = JSONObject.fromObject(json); } catch (net.sf.json.JSONException e) { continue; } break; } if (obj.get("status").toString().equals("0")) { count = Integer.parseInt(obj.get("total").toString()); } else { throw new Exception("未找到匹配地点信息"); } return count; }
/** * 保存鹏元返回的数据 * * @param queryType * @param jsonObject */ public void savePyInfos( QueryConditionEntity queryConditionEntity, JSONObject jsonObject, ResultEntity resultEntity) { QueryParameterEntity queryParameterEntity = queryConditionEntity.getQueryParas(); String batchNo = queryParameterEntity.getSendCode(); String queryType = queryConditionEntity.getQueryType(); String createDate = DateUtil.getDateTime("yyyyMMddHHmmss", new Date()); if (queryType.equals(PyConstants.PY_QUERYTYPE_90035)) { List<CisCropExtendInfo> cisCropExtendInfos = new ArrayList<CisCropExtendInfo>(); JSONArray jsonArray = (JSONArray) jsonObject.get("manageContactInfosList"); if (null != jsonArray) { for (Object jsonOb : jsonArray) { JSONObject jsonObject2 = (JSONObject) jsonOb; CisCropExtendInfo a = (CisCropExtendInfo) getBean(jsonObject2, CisCropExtendInfo.class); a.setCorpName(queryParameterEntity.getCorpName()); a.setBatchNo(batchNo); a.setCreationDate(createDate); cisCropExtendInfos.add(a); } resultEntity.setReturnCode(PyConstants.PY_RECODE_001); cisCropExtendInfoService.saveCropExtendInfos(cisCropExtendInfos); } } else if (queryType.equals(PyConstants.PY_QUERYTYPE_21603)) { List<CisTelCheckInfo> cisTelCheckInfos = new ArrayList<CisTelCheckInfo>(); JSONArray jsonArray = (JSONArray) jsonObject.get("telCheckInfos"); if (null != jsonArray) { for (Object jsonOb : jsonArray) { JSONObject jsonObject2 = (JSONObject) jsonOb; CisTelCheckInfo cisTelCheckInfo = (CisTelCheckInfo) getBean(jsonObject2, CisTelCheckInfo.class); cisTelCheckInfo.setTelePhone(queryParameterEntity.getTelephone()); cisTelCheckInfo.setBatchNo(batchNo); cisTelCheckInfo.setCreationDate(createDate); cisTelCheckInfos.add(cisTelCheckInfo); } resultEntity.setReturnCode(PyConstants.PY_RECODE_001); cisTelCheckInfoDao.saveTelCheckInfos(cisTelCheckInfos); } } else if (queryType.equals(PyConstants.PY_QUERYTYPE_21303)) { List<CisArtificialPersonInfo> cisArtificialPersonInfos = new ArrayList<CisArtificialPersonInfo>(); JSONArray jsonArray = (JSONArray) jsonObject.get("artificialNationalInfoList"); if (null != jsonArray) { for (Object jsonOb : jsonArray) { JSONObject jsonObject2 = (JSONObject) jsonOb; CisArtificialPersonInfo a = (CisArtificialPersonInfo) getBean(jsonObject2, CisArtificialPersonInfo.class); a.setBatchNo(batchNo); a.setIdType(queryParameterEntity.getIdType()); a.setIdNumber(queryParameterEntity.getIdNumber()); a.setPersonName(queryParameterEntity.getPersonName()); a.setCreationDate(createDate); cisArtificialPersonInfos.add(a); } resultEntity.setReturnCode(PyConstants.PY_RECODE_001); cisArtificialPersonInfoService.saveArtificialPersonInfos(cisArtificialPersonInfos); } } }
@Test public void testGetAsJSON() throws Exception { JSON json = getAsJSON("/rest/workspaces/sf/wmslayers/states.json"); JSONObject featureType = ((JSONObject) json).getJSONObject("wmsLayer"); assertNotNull(featureType); assertEquals("states", featureType.get("name")); assertEquals(CRS.decode("EPSG:4326").toWKT(), featureType.get("nativeCRS")); assertEquals("EPSG:4326", featureType.get("srs")); }
public static String getStrByKey(String mapjson, String key) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub String str = ""; if (mapjson != null && !"".equals(mapjson)) { JSONObject j = JSONObject.fromObject(mapjson); if (j.get(key) != null) { str = j.get(key).toString(); } } return str; }
@RequestMapping(value = "/generateHistoryFile", method = RequestMethod.POST) @ResponseBody public void generateHistoryFile(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) { String foldername = request.getParameter("foldername"); String reqstate = request.getParameter("reqstate"); if (reqstate.equalsIgnoreCase("success")) { JSONArray ja = JSONArray.fromObject(request.getParameter("testresultitemcollectionjson")); for (int i = 0; i < ja.length(); i++) { TestResultItem tri = new TestResultItem(); try { JSONObject itemobj = ja.getJSONObject(i); String result = itemobj.getString("result"); tri.setResult(result); if (!result.equals(TestStatus.exception)) { Set<CheckPointItem> cps = new HashSet<CheckPointItem>(); tri.setTime(itemobj.getString("time")); tri.setRequestInfo(itemobj.getString("requestInfo")); tri.setResponseInfo(itemobj.getString("responseInfo")); tri.setDuration(itemobj.getString("duration")); Object[] callbackarr = JSONArray.fromObject(itemobj.get("callback")).toArray(); tri.setCallback(new HashSet(Arrays.asList(callbackarr))); JSONArray jsonarr = JSONArray.fromObject(itemobj.get("checkPoint")); for (int j = 0; j < jsonarr.length(); j++) { CheckPointItem item = (CheckPointItem) JSONObject.toBean(jsonarr.getJSONObject(j), CheckPointItem.class); cps.add(item); } tri.setCheckPoint(cps); } else tri.setComment(itemobj.getString("comment")); } catch (Exception e) { tri.setDuration(""); tri.setResult(TestStatus.exception); tri.setComment(e.getClass().toString() + ": " + e.getMessage()); } finally { testExecuteService.generateHistoryFile(foldername, tri); } } } else { TestResultItem tri = new TestResultItem(); tri.setDuration(""); tri.setResult(TestStatus.exception); String comment = ""; String json = request.getParameter("obj"); if (json.startsWith("{") && json.endsWith("}")) comment = JSONObject.fromObject(json).get("comment").toString(); else if (json.startsWith("[") && json.endsWith("]")) comment = JSONArray.fromObject(json).getJSONObject(0).get("comment").toString(); tri.setComment(comment); testExecuteService.generateHistoryFile(foldername, tri); } }
/** * Private method helps to generate the viewport of the given JSONObject * * @param data the JSONObject * @return the viewport for parsing the bound, null if the parsing fails. */ private static JSONObject getViewport(JSONObject data) { try { JSONArray results = data.getJSONArray("results"); JSONObject address = results.getJSONObject(0); JSONObject geometry = (JSONObject) address.get("geometry"); JSONObject viewport = (JSONObject) geometry.get("viewport"); return viewport; } catch (NullPointerException npe) { npe.printStackTrace(); } return null; }
/** * Private method helps to generate the location of the given JSONObject * * @param data the JSONObject * @return the viewport for parsing the bound, null if the parsing fails. */ private static JSONObject getLocationObj(JSONObject data) { try { JSONArray results = data.getJSONArray("results"); JSONObject address = results.getJSONObject(0); JSONObject geometry = (JSONObject) address.get("geometry"); JSONObject location = (JSONObject) geometry.get("location"); return location; } catch (NullPointerException npe) { npe.printStackTrace(); } return null; }
public Response(WS.HttpResponse response) { this.httpResponse = response; JSONObject queryJson = JSONObject.fromObject(response.getString()); if (queryJson != null) { this.accessToken = queryJson.get("access_token").toString(); this.uid = queryJson.get("uid").toString(); this.error = null; } else { this.accessToken = null; this.uid = null; this.error = Error.oauth2(response); } }
@Test public void testPutAsJSON() throws Exception { String inputJson = "{'settings':{'workspace':{'name':'sf'}," + "'contact':{'addressCity':'Cairo','addressCountry':'Egypt','addressType':'Work'," + "'contactEmail':'*****@*****.**','contactOrganization':'The ancient geographes INC'," + "'contactPerson':'Claudius Ptolomaeus','contactPosition':'Chief geographer'}," + "'charset':'UTF-8','numDecimals':8,'onlineResource':''," + "'proxyBaseUrl':'http://proxy2.url','verbose':true,'verboseExceptions':'true'}}"; MockHttpServletResponse response = putAsServletResponse("/rest/workspaces/sf/settings", inputJson, "text/json"); assertEquals(200, response.getStatusCode()); JSON jsonMod = getAsJSON("/rest/workspaces/sf/settings.json"); JSONObject jsonObject = (JSONObject) jsonMod; assertNotNull(jsonObject); JSONObject settings = jsonObject.getJSONObject("settings"); assertNotNull(settings); JSONObject workspace = settings.getJSONObject("workspace"); assertNotNull(workspace); assertEquals("sf", workspace.get("name")); assertEquals("8", settings.get("numDecimals").toString().trim()); assertEquals("", settings.get("onlineResource")); assertEquals("http://proxy2.url", settings.get("proxyBaseUrl")); assertEquals("true", settings.get("verbose").toString().trim()); assertEquals("true", settings.get("verboseExceptions").toString().trim()); JSONObject contact = settings.getJSONObject("contact"); assertNotNull(contact); assertEquals("Claudius Ptolomaeus", contact.get("contactPerson")); assertEquals("Cairo", contact.get("addressCity")); }
@Test public void testCreateAsJSON() throws Exception { GeoServer geoServer = getGeoServer(); geoServer.remove(geoServer.getSettings(geoServer.getCatalog().getWorkspaceByName("sf"))); String json = "{'settings':{'workspace':{'name':'sf'}," + "'contact':{'addressCity':'Alexandria','addressCountry':'Egypt','addressType':'Work'," + "'contactEmail':'*****@*****.**','contactOrganization':'The ancient geographes INC'," + "'contactPerson':'Claudius Ptolomaeus','contactPosition':'Chief geographer'}," + "'charset':'UTF-8','numDecimals':10,'onlineResource':''," + "'proxyBaseUrl':'http://proxy.url','verbose':false,'verboseExceptions':'true'}}"; MockHttpServletResponse response = putAsServletResponse("/rest/workspaces/sf/settings", json, "text/json"); assertEquals(200, response.getStatusCode()); JSON jsonMod = getAsJSON("/rest/workspaces/sf/settings.json"); JSONObject jsonObject = (JSONObject) jsonMod; assertNotNull(jsonObject); JSONObject settings = jsonObject.getJSONObject("settings"); assertNotNull(settings); JSONObject workspace = settings.getJSONObject("workspace"); assertNotNull(workspace); assertEquals("sf", workspace.get("name")); assertEquals("10", settings.get("numDecimals").toString().trim()); assertEquals("", settings.get("onlineResource")); assertEquals("http://proxy.url", settings.get("proxyBaseUrl")); JSONObject contact = settings.getJSONObject("contact"); assertEquals("Claudius Ptolomaeus", contact.get("contactPerson")); assertEquals("The ancient geographes INC", contact.get("contactOrganization")); assertEquals("Work", contact.get("addressType")); assertEquals("*****@*****.**", contact.get("contactEmail")); }
/** @author 目录排序 */ @ResponseBody @RequestMapping(value = "/sort.json", method = RequestMethod.POST) public JsonVo<String> delete(@RequestParam(value = "sortJson") String sortJson) { JsonVo<String> json = new JsonVo<String>(); JSONArray array = JSONArray.fromObject(sortJson); for (int i = 0; i < array.size(); i++) { JSONObject folder = array.getJSONObject(i); String folderId = folder.get("folderId").toString(); String sort = folder.get("sort").toString(); folderService.updateSort(Long.parseLong(folderId), Integer.parseInt(sort)); } json.setResult(true); return json; }
LayerInfo layer(JSONObject json) throws IOException { CatalogFactory f = importer.getCatalog().getFactory(); if (json.has("layer")) { json = json.getJSONObject("layer"); } ResourceInfo r = f.createFeatureType(); if (json.has("name")) { r.setName(json.getString("name")); } if (json.has("nativeName")) { r.setNativeName(json.getString("nativeName")); } if (json.has("srs")) { r.setSRS(json.getString("srs")); try { r.setNativeCRS(CRS.decode(json.getString("srs"))); } catch (Exception e) { // should fail later } } if (json.has("bbox")) { r.setNativeBoundingBox(bbox(json.getJSONObject("bbox"))); } LayerInfo l = f.createLayer(); l.setResource(r); // l.setName(); don't need to this, just forwards to name of underlying resource if (json.has("style")) { JSONObject sobj = new JSONObject(); sobj.put("defaultStyle", json.get("style")); JSONObject lobj = new JSONObject(); lobj.put("layer", sobj); LayerInfo tmp = fromJSON(lobj, LayerInfo.class); if (tmp.getDefaultStyle() != null) { l.setDefaultStyle(tmp.getDefaultStyle()); } else { sobj = new JSONObject(); sobj.put("style", json.get("style")); l.setDefaultStyle(fromJSON(sobj, StyleInfo.class)); } } return l; }
/** * Get the northeast bound of the given address. If the JSONObject is not the given format, the * method would probably throw a NullPointerException. * * @param data the JSONObject * @return the Double array of northeast bound. null if the parsing fails */ public static double[] getNorthEast(JSONObject data) { try { double[] northeastresult = new double[2]; JSONObject viewport = getViewport(data); JSONObject northeast = (JSONObject) viewport.get("northeast"); Double lat = (double) northeast.get("lat"); Double lng = (double) northeast.get("lng"); northeastresult[0] = lat; northeastresult[1] = lng; return northeastresult; } catch (NullPointerException npe) { npe.printStackTrace(); } return null; }
@Override public HygieiaPublisher newInstance(StaplerRequest sr, JSONObject json) { HygieiaBuild hygieiaBuild = sr.bindJSON(HygieiaBuild.class, (JSONObject) json.get("hygieiaBuild")); HygieiaArtifact hygieiaArtifact = sr.bindJSON(HygieiaArtifact.class, (JSONObject) json.get("hygieiaArtifact")); HygieiaTest hygieiaTest = sr.bindJSON(HygieiaTest.class, (JSONObject) json.get("hygieiaTest")); HygieiaSonar hygieiaSonar = sr.bindJSON(HygieiaSonar.class, (JSONObject) json.get("hygieiaSonar")); HygieiaDeploy hygieiaDeploy = sr.bindJSON(HygieiaDeploy.class, (JSONObject) json.get("hygieiaDeploy")); return new HygieiaPublisher( hygieiaBuild, hygieiaTest, hygieiaArtifact, hygieiaSonar, hygieiaDeploy); }
/** Web method to handle the approval action submitted by the user. */ public void doApprove( StaplerRequest req, StaplerResponse rsp, @AncestorInPath PromotionProcess promotionProcess, @AncestorInPath AbstractBuild<?, ?> build) throws IOException, ServletException { JSONObject formData = req.getSubmittedForm(); if (canApprove(promotionProcess, build)) { List<ParameterValue> paramValues = new ArrayList<ParameterValue>(); if (parameterDefinitions != null && !parameterDefinitions.isEmpty()) { JSONArray a = JSONArray.fromObject(formData.get("parameter")); for (Object o : a) { JSONObject jo = (JSONObject) o; String name = jo.getString("name"); ParameterDefinition d = getParameterDefinition(name); if (d == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("No such parameter definition: " + name); paramValues.add(d.createValue(req, jo)); } } approve(build, promotionProcess, paramValues); } rsp.sendRedirect2("../../../.."); }
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public String decorate(TableContext context, Integer index, FilterData filterData, DataItem item) throws Exception { Div div = new Div(); JSONObject obj = this.getJsonValues(parameters); if (obj != null) { Iterator iterator = obj.keys(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { Object key =; Object value = obj.get(key); Input radio = new Input(); radio.setName("filterData.items[" + index + "].value"); radio.setType("radio"); radio.setTagText(this.getText(context, value.toString())); radio.setValue(key.toString()); radio.setChecked(this.isSelected(filterData, item, key)); div.addElement(radio); } } return this.addHiddenValues(index, item) + div.toString(); }
@Override public Builder newInstance(StaplerRequest req, JSONObject formData) throws FormException { String execDefIds = formData.getString("execDefIds"); // $NON-NLS-1$ int projectId = formData.getInt("projectId"); // $NON-NLS-1$ int delay = getOptionalIntValue(formData.getString("delay"), 0); // $NON-NLS-1$ boolean contOnErr = formData.getBoolean("continueOnError"); // $NON-NLS-1$ boolean collectResults = formData.getBoolean("collectResults"); // $NON-NLS-1$ boolean ignoreSetupCleanup = formData.getBoolean("ignoreSetupCleanup"); // $NON-NLS-1$ String jobName = ""; // $NON-NLS-1$ JSONObject buildNumberUsageOption = (JSONObject) formData.get("buildNumberUsageOption"); // $NON-NLS-1$ int optValue; if (buildNumberUsageOption == null) optValue = SCTMExecutor.OPT_NO_BUILD_NUMBER; else optValue = buildNumberUsageOption.getInt("value"); // $NON-NLS-1$ String version = null; switch (optValue) { case SCTMExecutor.OPT_USE_SPECIFICJOB_BUILDNUMBER: jobName = buildNumberUsageOption.getString("jobName"); // $NON-NLS-1$ case SCTMExecutor.OPT_USE_LATEST_SCTM_BUILDNUMBER: case SCTMExecutor.OPT_USE_THIS_BUILD_NUMBER: version = buildNumberUsageOption.getString("productVersion"); // $NON-NLS-1$ } return new SCTMExecutor( projectId, execDefIds, delay, optValue, jobName, contOnErr, collectResults, ignoreSetupCleanup, version); }
@Override protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, { String code = request.getParameter("code"); String Token = (String) request.getSession().getAttribute("accessToken"); System.out.println("accessToken" + Token); String requestUrl = "" + client_ID + "&redirect_uri=" + client_SECRET + "&code=" + code; String result = httpClientPost(requestUrl); System.out.println("[HomeServlet : doPost]" + result); try { JSONObject json = JSONObject.fromString(result); String sessionKey = (String) json.get("access_token"); System.out.println("[HomeServlet : doPost]: " + "renrenSessionKey: " + sessionKey); request.setAttribute("sessionkeyfromrenren", sessionKey); System.out.println("[HomeServlet : doPost]: " + "renrenSessionKey" + sessionKey); ApiInitListener.feedstub.addFeedUser(sessionKey, Token); } catch (Exception err) { err.printStackTrace(); System.out.println("[HomeServlet : doPost] json串问题"); } RequestDispatcher welcomeDispatcher = request.getRequestDispatcher("/views/home.jsp"); welcomeDispatcher.forward(request, response); }
/** * Get the southwest bound of the given address. If the JSONObject is not the given format, the * method would probably throw a NullPointerException. * * @param data the JSONObject * @return the Double array of southwest bound. null if the parsing fails */ public static double[] getSouthWest(JSONObject data) { try { double[] southwestresult = new double[2]; JSONObject viewport = getViewport(data); JSONObject southwest = (JSONObject) viewport.get("southwest"); Double lat = (double) southwest.get("lat"); Double lng = (double) southwest.get("lng"); southwestresult[0] = lat; southwestresult[1] = lng; return southwestresult; } catch (NullPointerException npe) { npe.printStackTrace(); } return null; }
/** * Saves the form to the configuration and disk. * * @param req StaplerRequest * @param rsp StaplerResponse * @throws ServletException if something unfortunate happens. * @throws IOException if something unfortunate happens. * @throws InterruptedException if something unfortunate happens. */ public void doConfigSubmit(StaplerRequest req, StaplerResponse rsp) throws ServletException, IOException, InterruptedException { getProject().checkPermission(AbstractProject.BUILD); if (isRebuildAvailable()) { if (!req.getMethod().equals("POST")) { // show the parameter entry form. req.getView(this, "index.jelly").forward(req, rsp); return; } build = req.findAncestorObject(AbstractBuild.class); ParametersDefinitionProperty paramDefProp = build.getProject().getProperty(ParametersDefinitionProperty.class); List<ParameterValue> values = new ArrayList<ParameterValue>(); ParametersAction paramAction = build.getAction(ParametersAction.class); JSONObject formData = req.getSubmittedForm(); if (!formData.isEmpty()) { JSONArray a = JSONArray.fromObject(formData.get("parameter")); for (Object o : a) { JSONObject jo = (JSONObject) o; String name = jo.getString("name"); ParameterValue parameterValue = getParameterValue(paramDefProp, name, paramAction, req, jo); if (parameterValue != null) { values.add(parameterValue); } } } CauseAction cause = new CauseAction(new RebuildCause(build)); Hudson.getInstance() .getQueue() .schedule(build.getProject(), 0, new ParametersAction(values), cause); rsp.sendRedirect("../../"); } }
/** * Generates base64 representation of JWT token sign using "RS256" algorithm * * <p>getHeader().toBase64UrlEncode() + "." + getClaim().toBase64UrlEncode() + "." + sign * * @return base64 representation of JWT token */ public String sign() { for (JwtTokenDecorator decorator : JwtTokenDecorator.all()) { decorator.decorate(this); } /** * kid might have been set already by using {@link #header} or {@link JwtTokenDecorator}, if * present use it otherwise use the default kid */ String keyId = (String) header.get(HeaderParameterNames.KEY_ID); if (keyId == null) { keyId = DEFAULT_KEY_ID; } JwtRsaDigitalSignatureKey rsaDigitalSignatureConfidentialKey = new JwtRsaDigitalSignatureKey(keyId); try { return rsaDigitalSignatureConfidentialKey.sign(claim); } catch (JoseException e) { String msg = "Failed to sign JWT token: " + e.getMessage(); logger.error(msg); throw new ServiceException.UnexpectedErrorException(msg, e); } }
@Override public boolean configure(final StaplerRequest req, final JSONObject json) throws FormException { JSONObject selectedJson = json.getJSONObject("searchBackend"); if (selectedJson.containsKey(SOLR_URL)) { String solrUrl = selectedJson.getString(SOLR_URL); ensureNotError(doCheckSolrUrl(solrUrl), SOLR_URL); try { setSolrUrl(makeSolrUrl(solrUrl)); } catch (IOException e) { // Really shouldn't be possible, but this is the correct action, should it ever happen throw new FormException("Incorrect freetext config", SOLR_URL); } } if (selectedJson.containsKey(SOLR_COLLECTION)) { String solrCollection = selectedJson.getString(SOLR_COLLECTION); ensureNotError(doCheckSolrCollection(solrCollection, getSolrUrl()), SOLR_COLLECTION); setSolrCollection(solrCollection); } if (selectedJson.containsKey(LUCENE_PATH)) { String lucenePath = selectedJson.getString(LUCENE_PATH); ensureNotError(doCheckLucenePath(lucenePath), LUCENE_PATH); setLucenePath(new File(lucenePath)); } if (json.containsKey(USE_SECURITY)) { setUseSecurity(json.getBoolean(USE_SECURITY)); } setSearchBackend(SearchBackendEngine.valueOf(json.get("").toString())); reconfigure(); return super.configure(req, json); }
public static Map getRecursiveMapFromJson(String jsonString) { setDataFormat2JAVA(); JSONObject jsonObject = JSONObject.fromObject(jsonString); Map map = new HashMap(); String key = "", value = ""; Map subMap = null; for (Iterator iter = jsonObject.keys(); iter.hasNext(); ) { key = (String); value = jsonObject.get(key) + ""; if (isJson(value)) { if (SSO.tioe(value)) { continue; } value = value.trim(); if (value.startsWith("[") && value.endsWith("]")) { value = value.substring(1, value.length() - 1); } subMap = getRecursiveMapFromJson(value); map.put(key, subMap); } else { map.put(key, value); } } return map; }