/** * Retrieves the hyperlink target name for the element. * * <p>The actual hyperlink target name is determined by {@link #getLinkTarget() getLinkTarget()}. * This method is used to determine whether the hyperlink target name is one of the built-in names * or a custom one. When hyperlink target has a custom name, {@link HyperlinkTargetEnum#CUSTOM * CUSTOM} is returned. * * @return one of the hyperlink target name constants * @see #getLinkTarget() */ public HyperlinkTargetEnum getHyperlinkTargetValue() { return JRHyperlinkHelper.getHyperlinkTargetValue(getLinkTarget()); }
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { in.defaultReadObject(); if (PSEUDO_SERIAL_VERSION_UID < JRConstants.PSEUDO_SERIAL_VERSION_UID_3_7_2) { horizontalAlignmentValue = HorizontalAlignEnum.getByValue(horizontalAlignment); verticalAlignmentValue = VerticalAlignEnum.getByValue(verticalAlignment); rotationValue = RotationEnum.getByValue(rotation); lineSpacingValue = LineSpacingEnum.getByValue(lineSpacing); horizontalAlignment = null; verticalAlignment = null; rotation = null; lineSpacing = null; } if (lineBox == null) { lineBox = new JRBaseLineBox(this); JRBoxUtil.setToBox( border, topBorder, leftBorder, bottomBorder, rightBorder, borderColor, topBorderColor, leftBorderColor, bottomBorderColor, rightBorderColor, padding, topPadding, leftPadding, bottomPadding, rightPadding, lineBox); border = null; topBorder = null; leftBorder = null; bottomBorder = null; rightBorder = null; borderColor = null; topBorderColor = null; leftBorderColor = null; bottomBorderColor = null; rightBorderColor = null; padding = null; topPadding = null; leftPadding = null; bottomPadding = null; rightPadding = null; } if (isStyledText != null) { markup = isStyledText.booleanValue() ? JRCommonText.MARKUP_STYLED_TEXT : JRCommonText.MARKUP_NONE; isStyledText = null; } if (linkType == null) { linkType = JRHyperlinkHelper.getLinkType(HyperlinkTypeEnum.getByValue(hyperlinkType)); } if (linkTarget == null) { linkTarget = JRHyperlinkHelper.getLinkTarget(HyperlinkTargetEnum.getByValue(hyperlinkTarget)); } }
/** * Retrieves the hyperlink type for the element. * * <p>The actual hyperlink type is determined by {@link #getLinkType() getLinkType()}. This method * can is used to determine whether the hyperlink type is one of the built-in types or a custom * type. O * When hyperlink is of custom type, {@link HyperlinkTypeEnum#CUSTOM CUSTOM} is * returned. * * @return one of the hyperlink type constants * @see #getLinkType() */ public HyperlinkTypeEnum getHyperlinkTypeValue() { return JRHyperlinkHelper.getHyperlinkTypeValue(getLinkType()); }
protected void normalizeLinkType() { if (linkType == null) { linkType = JRHyperlinkHelper.getLinkType(hyperlinkType); } hyperlinkType = JRHyperlink.HYPERLINK_TYPE_NULL; }
public byte getHyperlinkType() { return JRHyperlinkHelper.getHyperlinkType(this); }
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { in.defaultReadObject(); if (lineBox == null) { lineBox = new JRBaseLineBox(this); JRBoxUtil.setToBox( border, topBorder, leftBorder, bottomBorder, rightBorder, borderColor, topBorderColor, leftBorderColor, bottomBorderColor, rightBorderColor, padding, topPadding, leftPadding, bottomPadding, rightPadding, lineBox); border = null; topBorder = null; leftBorder = null; bottomBorder = null; rightBorder = null; borderColor = null; topBorderColor = null; leftBorderColor = null; bottomBorderColor = null; rightBorderColor = null; padding = null; topPadding = null; leftPadding = null; bottomPadding = null; rightPadding = null; } if (linkType == null) { linkType = JRHyperlinkHelper.getLinkType(HyperlinkTypeEnum.getByValue(hyperlinkType)); } if (linkTarget == null) { linkTarget = JRHyperlinkHelper.getLinkTarget(HyperlinkTargetEnum.getByValue(hyperlinkTarget)); } if (PSEUDO_SERIAL_VERSION_UID < JRConstants.PSEUDO_SERIAL_VERSION_UID_3_7_2) { evaluationTimeValue = EvaluationTimeEnum.getByValue(evaluationTime); if (PSEUDO_SERIAL_VERSION_UID < JRConstants.PSEUDO_SERIAL_VERSION_UID_3_1_3) { legendPositionValue = EdgeEnum.getByValue(legendPosition); titlePositionValue = EdgeEnum.getByValue(titlePosition); showLegend = Boolean.valueOf(isShowLegend); } else { legendPositionValue = EdgeEnum.getByValue(legendPositionByte); titlePositionValue = EdgeEnum.getByValue(titlePositionByte); legendPositionByte = null; titlePositionByte = null; } } }
public byte getHyperlinkTarget() { return JRHyperlinkHelper.getHyperlinkTarget(this); }
public HyperlinkTypeEnum getHyperlinkTypeValue() { return JRHyperlinkHelper.getHyperlinkTypeValue(this); }