MainTableColumn buildFileColumn() { return new MainTableColumn( FieldName.FILE, Collections.singletonList(FieldName.FILE), new JLabel(IconTheme.JabRefIcon.FILE.getSmallIcon())) { @Override public Object getColumnValue(BibEntry entry) { // We use a FileListTableModel to parse the field content: FileListTableModel fileList = new FileListTableModel(); entry.getField(FieldName.FILE).ifPresent(fileList::setContent); if (fileList.getRowCount() > 1) { return new JLabel(IconTheme.JabRefIcon.FILE_MULTIPLE.getSmallIcon()); } else if (fileList.getRowCount() == 1) { Optional<ExternalFileType> type = fileList.getEntry(0).type; if (type.isPresent()) { return type.get().getIconLabel(); } else { return new JLabel(IconTheme.JabRefIcon.FILE.getSmallIcon()); } } return null; } }; }
private Icon getFileIconForSelectedEntry() { if (panel.getMainTable().getSelectedRowCount() == 1) { BibEntry entry = panel.getMainTable().getSelected().get(0); if (entry.hasField(FieldName.FILE)) { JLabel label = FileListTableModel.getFirstLabel(entry.getFieldOptional(FieldName.FILE).get()); if (label != null) { return label.getIcon(); } } } return IconTheme.JabRefIcon.FILE.getSmallIcon(); }
public UnknownExternalFileType(String name) { super(name, "", "", "", "unknown", IconTheme.JabRefIcon.FILE.getSmallIcon()); }
@Override public void run() { if (!goOn) { panel.output( Localization.lang("This operation requires one or more entries to be selected.")); return; } entriesChangedCount = 0; panel.frame().setProgressBarValue(0); panel.frame().setProgressBarVisible(true); int weightAutoSet = 10; // autoSet takes 10 (?) times longer than checkExisting int progressBarMax = (autoSet ? weightAutoSet * sel.size() : 0) + (checkExisting ? sel.size() : 0); panel.frame().setProgressBarMaximum(progressBarMax); int progress = 0; final NamedCompound ce = new NamedCompound(Localization.lang("Automatically set file links")); Set<BibEntry> changedEntries = new HashSet<>(); // First we try to autoset fields if (autoSet) { Collection<BibEntry> entries = new ArrayList<>(sel); // Start the automatically setting process: Runnable r = AutoSetLinks.autoSetLinks( entries, ce, changedEntries, null, panel.getBibDatabaseContext(), null, null); JabRefExecutorService.INSTANCE.executeAndWait(r); } progress += sel.size() * weightAutoSet; panel.frame().setProgressBarValue(progress); // The following loop checks all external links that are already set. if (checkExisting) { boolean removeAllBroken = false; mainLoop: for (BibEntry aSel : sel) { panel.frame().setProgressBarValue(progress++); final String old = aSel.getField(Globals.FILE_FIELD); // Check if a extension is set: if ((old != null) && !(old.isEmpty())) { FileListTableModel tableModel = new FileListTableModel(); tableModel.setContentDontGuessTypes(old); // We need to specify which directories to search in for Util.expandFilename: List<String> dirsS = panel.getBibDatabaseContext().getFileDirectory(); List<File> dirs = new ArrayList<>(); for (String dirs1 : dirsS) { dirs.add(new File(dirs1)); } for (int j = 0; j < tableModel.getRowCount(); j++) { FileListEntry flEntry = tableModel.getEntry(j); // See if the link looks like an URL: boolean httpLink ="http"); if (httpLink) { continue; // Don't check the remote file. // TODO: should there be an option to check remote links? } // A variable to keep track of whether this link gets deleted: boolean deleted = false; // Get an absolute path representation: Optional<File> file = FileUtil.expandFilename(, dirsS); if ((!file.isPresent()) || !file.get().exists()) { int answer; if (removeAllBroken) { answer = 2; // We should delete this link. } else { answer = JOptionPane.showOptionDialog( panel.frame(), Localization.lang( "<HTML>Could not find file '%0'<BR>linked from entry '%1'</HTML>",, aSel.getCiteKey()), Localization.lang("Broken link"), JOptionPane.YES_NO_CANCEL_OPTION, JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE, null, brokenLinkOptions, brokenLinkOptions[0]); } switch (answer) { case 1: // Assign new file. FileListEntryEditor flEditor = new FileListEntryEditor( panel.frame(), flEntry, false, true, panel.getBibDatabaseContext()); flEditor.setVisible(true, true); break; case 2: // Clear field: tableModel.removeEntry(j); deleted = true; // Make sure we don't investigate this link further. j--; // Step back in the iteration, because we removed an entry. break; case 3: // Clear field: tableModel.removeEntry(j); deleted = true; // Make sure we don't investigate this link further. j--; // Step back in the iteration, because we removed an entry. removeAllBroken = true; // Notify for further cases. break; default: // Cancel break mainLoop; } } // Unless we deleted this link, see if its file type is recognized: if (!deleted && flEntry.type.isPresent() && (flEntry.type.get() instanceof UnknownExternalFileType)) { String[] options = new String[] { Localization.lang("Define '%0'", flEntry.type.get().getName()), Localization.lang("Change file type"), Localization.lang("Cancel") }; String defOption = options[0]; int answer = JOptionPane.showOptionDialog( panel.frame(), Localization.lang( "One or more file links are of the type '%0', which is undefined. What do you want to do?", flEntry.type.get().getName()), Localization.lang("Undefined file type"), JOptionPane.YES_NO_CANCEL_OPTION, JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE, null, options, defOption); if (answer == JOptionPane.CANCEL_OPTION) { // User doesn't want to handle this unknown link type. } else if (answer == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) { // User wants to define the new file type. Show the dialog: ExternalFileType newType = new ExternalFileType( flEntry.type.get().getName(), "", "", "", "new", IconTheme.JabRefIcon.FILE.getSmallIcon()); ExternalFileTypeEntryEditor editor = new ExternalFileTypeEntryEditor(panel.frame(), newType); editor.setVisible(true); if (editor.okPressed()) { // Get the old list of types, add this one, and update the list in prefs: List<ExternalFileType> fileTypes = new ArrayList<>( ExternalFileTypes.getInstance().getExternalFileTypeSelection()); fileTypes.add(newType); Collections.sort(fileTypes); ExternalFileTypes.getInstance().setExternalFileTypes(fileTypes); panel.getMainTable().repaint(); } } else { // User wants to change the type of this link. // First get a model of all file links for this entry: FileListEntryEditor editor = new FileListEntryEditor( panel.frame(), flEntry, false, true, panel.getBibDatabaseContext()); editor.setVisible(true, false); } } } if (!tableModel.getStringRepresentation().equals(old)) { // The table has been modified. Store the change: String toSet = tableModel.getStringRepresentation(); if (toSet.isEmpty()) { ce.addEdit(new UndoableFieldChange(aSel, Globals.FILE_FIELD, old, null)); aSel.clearField(Globals.FILE_FIELD); } else { ce.addEdit(new UndoableFieldChange(aSel, Globals.FILE_FIELD, old, toSet)); aSel.setField(Globals.FILE_FIELD, toSet); } changedEntries.add(aSel); } } } } if (!changedEntries.isEmpty()) { // Add the undo edit: ce.end(); panel.getUndoManager().addEdit(ce); panel.markBaseChanged(); entriesChangedCount = changedEntries.size(); } }
private void init() { ok.addActionListener( e -> { storeSettings(); dispose(); }); Action cancelAction = new AbstractAction() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { dispose(); } }; cancel.addActionListener(cancelAction); // The toDefaults resets the entire list to its default values. toDefaults.addActionListener( e -> { /*int reply = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(ExternalFileTypeEditor.this, Globals.lang("All custom file types will be lost. Proceed?"), Globals.lang("Reset file type definitions"), JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION, JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE);*/ // if (reply == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) { List<ExternalFileType> list = ExternalFileTypes.getDefaultExternalFileTypes(); fileTypes.clear(); fileTypes.addAll(list); Collections.sort(fileTypes); // Globals.prefs.resetExternalFileTypesToDefault(); // setValues(); tableModel.fireTableDataChanged(); // } }); add.addActionListener( e -> { // Generate a new file type: ExternalFileType type = new ExternalFileType("", "", "", "", "new", IconTheme.JabRefIcon.FILE.getSmallIcon()); // Show the file type editor: getEditor(type).setVisible(true); if (entryEditor.okPressed()) { // Ok was pressed. Add the new file type and update the table: fileTypes.add(type); tableModel.fireTableDataChanged(); } }); remove.addActionListener( e -> { int[] rows = table.getSelectedRows(); if (rows.length == 0) { return; } for (int i = rows.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { fileTypes.remove(rows[i]); } tableModel.fireTableDataChanged(); if (!fileTypes.isEmpty()) { int row = Math.min(rows[0], fileTypes.size() - 1); table.setRowSelectionInterval(row, row); } }); edit.addActionListener(editListener); fileTypes = new ArrayList<>(); setValues(); tableModel = new FileTypeTableModel(); table = new JTable(tableModel); table.setDefaultRenderer(ImageIcon.class, new IconRenderer()); table.addMouseListener(new TableClickListener()); table.getColumnModel().getColumn(0).setMaxWidth(24); table.getColumnModel().getColumn(0).setMinWidth(24); table.getColumnModel().getColumn(1).setMinWidth(170); table.getColumnModel().getColumn(2).setMinWidth(60); table.getColumnModel().getColumn(3).setMinWidth(100); table.getColumnModel().getColumn(0).setResizable(false); GUIUtil.correctRowHeight(table); JScrollPane sp = new JScrollPane(table); JPanel upper = new JPanel(); upper.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); upper.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(5, 5, 5, 5)); upper.add(sp, BorderLayout.CENTER); getContentPane().add(upper, BorderLayout.CENTER); ButtonStackBuilder bs = new ButtonStackBuilder(); bs.addButton(add); bs.addButton(remove); bs.addButton(edit); bs.addRelatedGap(); bs.addButton(toDefaults); upper.add(bs.getPanel(), BorderLayout.EAST); ButtonBarBuilder bb = new ButtonBarBuilder(); bb.addGlue(); bb.addButton(ok); bb.addButton(cancel); bb.addGlue(); bb.getPanel().setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(5, 5, 5, 5)); getContentPane().add(bb.getPanel(), BorderLayout.SOUTH); pack(); // Key bindings: ActionMap am = upper.getActionMap(); InputMap im = upper.getInputMap(JComponent.WHEN_IN_FOCUSED_WINDOW); im.put(Globals.getKeyPrefs().getKey(KeyBinding.CLOSE_DIALOG), "close"); am.put("close", cancelAction); am = bb.getPanel().getActionMap(); im = bb.getPanel().getInputMap(JComponent.WHEN_IN_FOCUSED_WINDOW); im.put(Globals.getKeyPrefs().getKey(KeyBinding.CLOSE_DIALOG), "close"); am.put("close", cancelAction); if (frame == null) { setLocationRelativeTo(dialog); } else { setLocationRelativeTo(frame); } }